Home Assistant

I run Home Assistant on a Banana Pi SBC


Home Assistant, community (forum), tuya-convert, freebsd-homeassiant-core, Mill heaters, Github millheat,


github EasySensors/ButtonSizeNode2, on Tindie Button Sized RFM69 Wireless Node Ver 2,

local links

Banana Pi, rtl_433, Netgear WNR3500L, Sonoff RF Bridge 433 MHz

back to home automation page.


2024-03-26: sensor - the "Bad" sensor (Nexus-TH-1-183) hadn't reported anything since yesterday, so I used the reset button. Now it is Nexush-TH-1-166. Battery level is 100% let me see if that works. Sensors list updated

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ cat ~/home-assistant-sensors.txt
new sensors, all via mqtt, from rtl_433 on host rtl433.local, using rtl_433_mqtt_hass.py to add discovery info
kitchen     WT450-TH-1-1 (prev: tellstick id 11) - temp (humidity always shows zero on this sensor)
kitchen gulv    Fineoffset-WH2-167 - temp + humidity (note: no battery reporting)
freezer     WT450-TH-1-2 (prev: tellstick id 21) - temp + humidity
fridge      Fineoffset-WH2-186 (prev: tellstick id 186) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
kjellerbod  Fineoffset-WH2-159 (prev: tellstick id 159) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
Soverom     Prologue-9-2-76 (was: Prologue-9-2-74, prev: mqtt, 74) - temp
Datarom     Prologue-9-1-80 (was: Prologue-9-1-82, Prologue-9-1-86, prev: mqtt, 86) - temp
Datarom gulv    Fineoffset-WH2-151 - temp + humidity (no battery reporting)
Bad         Nexus-TH-1-166 (was: Nexus-TH-1-183, Nexus-TH-1-120, Nexus-TH-1-180, Nexus-TH-1-98, prev: mqtt, 98) - temp + humidity
Badegulv    Fineoffset-WH2-135 - temp + humidity (no battery reporting)
Bak ute     Nexus-TH-2-115 (prev: mqtt, 115) - temp + humidity
Stue        Nexus-TH-1-217 (prev: mqtt, 217) - temp + humidity
Soverom gulv    Bresser-3CH-1-219 (was: Bresser-3CH-1-80, was: Bresser-3CH-1-69, was: Bresser-3CH-1-94, was: Bresser-3CH-1-204) - temp + humidity
Foran ute   Nexus-TH-1-24 - temp + humidity + battery level.
--[ eof ]--

2024-01-27: sensors - the "Bad" (Nexus TH-1-120) sensor hadn't reported anything since yesterday, so I replaced batteries. Now it is Nexus-TH-1-183. sensors list updated

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ cat ~/home-assistant-sensors.txt
new sensors, all via mqtt, from rtl_433 on host rtl433.local, using rtl_433_mqtt_hass.py to add discovery info
kitchen     WT450-TH-1-1 (prev: tellstick id 11) - temp (humidity always shows zero on this sensor)
kitchen gulv    Fineoffset-WH2-167 - temp + humidity (note: no battery reporting)
freezer     WT450-TH-1-2 (prev: tellstick id 21) - temp + humidity
fridge      Fineoffset-WH2-186 (prev: tellstick id 186) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
kjellerbod  Fineoffset-WH2-159 (prev: tellstick id 159) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
Soverom     Prologue-9-2-76 (was: Prologue-9-2-74, prev: mqtt, 74) - temp
Datarom     Prologue-9-1-80 (was: Prologue-9-1-82, Prologue-9-1-86, prev: mqtt, 86) - temp
Datarom gulv    Fineoffset-WH2-151 - temp + humidity (no battery reporting)
Bad     Nexus-TH-1-183 (was: Nexus-TH-1-120, Nexus-TH-1-180, Nexus-TH-1-98, prev: mqtt, 98) - temp + humidity
Badegulv    Fineoffset-WH2-135 - temp + humidity (no battery reporting)
Bak ute     Nexus-TH-2-115 (prev: mqtt, 115) - temp + humidity
Stue        Nexus-TH-1-217 (prev: mqtt, 217) - temp + humidity
Soverom gulv    Bresser-3CH-1-219 (was: Bresser-3CH-1-80, was: Bresser-3CH-1-69, was: Bresser-3CH-1-94, was: Bresser-3CH-1-204) - temp + humidity
Foran ute   Nexus-TH-1-24 - temp + humidity + battery level.
--[ eof ]--

2024-01-14: Mill - today both the "Day Heating" and "Night Heating" automations worked. Nice!

2024-01-13: Mill - the "Night Heating" automation didn't fire, but I could change the temperature manually with the dial in Home Assistant. Small favors. I've also saved the automation (just change a parameter, save, change it back, save again), we shall see if that works tomorrow night.

2024-01-13: Mill - this morning the "Day Heating" automation worked, and the Mill heater started heating. Tonight I will see if the "Night Heating" automation works.

2024-01-12: Mill - after more testing, it looks like I must turn off the heater, adjust the temperature dial and then turn it on again if I want to control it from Home Assistant. Not ideal.

2024-01-11: sensor "freezer" (WT450-TH-1-2) reports battery ok, but as soon as I put it in the freezer, it stops reporting. So I will replace the batteries. After replacing batteries, the sensor defaults to id 1, I had to press the buttons (SET and C/F) to change it back to 2. We shall see if the battery change works.

2024-01-11: Home Assistant upgraded to version 2024.1.2, that took last evening and most of the night.

2024-01-10: I upgraded the Mill app, which migrated something, now I can't control the Mill heaters from Home Assistant. Time to upgrade, perhaps?

2023-10-06: sensor "Stue" (Nexus-TH-1-217) - I replaced the batteries, the sensor had been silent for 18 hours. Now battery level is at 100% again.

2023-09-26: sensor "fridge" (Fineoffset-WH2-186) - I replaced the batteries, since the sensor had been silent for a few hours.

2023-08-06: sensors - the "Bak ute" (Nexus-TH-2-115) sensor fell off about 15 hours ago, so I replaced the batteries (2 x AAA). It came right back up again, no fuss with changing id / name. Cool.

2023-07-18: sensors - impulse buy today an Aanonsen 48-30155 wireless inside / outside thermometer normal price is NOK 299.- but it was on sale in a local shop, so I got it for NOK 239.20. It doesn't say anywhere on the product, the packaging or in the (brief) instructions about the radio specifications for the wireless sensor. Only one thing to do put in 2 x AA batteries and start mqtt logging. Turs out the sensor shows up as Nexus-TH-1-24, reports temperature, humidity and battery level. Nice surprise there (the display unit only shows temperature). sensors list updated

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ cat ~/home-assistant-sensors.txt
new sensors, all via mqtt, from rtl_433 on host rtl433.local, using rtl_433_mqtt_hass.py to add discovery info
kitchen     WT450-TH-1-1 (prev: tellstick id 11) - temp (humidity always shows zero on this sensor)
kitchen gulv    Fineoffset-WH2-167 - temp + humidity (note: no battery reporting)
freezer     WT450-TH-1-2 (prev: tellstick id 21) - temp + humidity
fridge      Fineoffset-WH2-186 (prev: tellstick id 186) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
kjellerbod  Fineoffset-WH2-159 (prev: tellstick id 159) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
Soverom     Prologue-9-2-76 (was: Prologue-9-2-74, prev: mqtt, 74) - temp
Datarom     Prologue-9-1-80 (was: Prologue-9-1-82, Prologue-9-1-86, prev: mqtt, 86) - temp
Datarom gulv    Fineoffset-WH2-151 - temp + humidity (no battery reporting)
Bad     Nexus-TH-1-120 (was: Nexus-TH-1-180, Nexus-TH-1-98, prev: mqtt, 98) - temp + humidity
Badegulv    Fineoffset-WH2-135 - temp + humidity (no battery reporting)
Bak ute     Nexus-TH-2-115 (prev: mqtt, 115) - temp + humidity
Stue        Nexus-TH-1-217 (prev: mqtt, 217) - temp + humidity
Soverom gulv    Bresser-3CH-1-219 (was: Bresser-3CH-1-80, was: Bresser-3CH-1-69, was: Bresser-3CH-1-94, was: Bresser-3CH-1-204) - temp + humidity
Foran ute   Nexus-TH-1-24 - temp + humidity + battery level.
--[ eof ]--

I installed the wireless sensor outside the Stue window, it will be directly in the sun most of the day.

2023-07-12: Home Assistant upgraded to version 2023.7.1 (after upgrade to Debian 12.0 on bpi, the armbian machine).

2023-07-05: sensors - the "Soverom" sensor (Prologue-9-2-74) fell off about a week ago. This evening I replaced batteries (2 x AAA) and now it is back as Prologue-9-2-76. The sensor button is handy; it will report when it is pushed

{"time":"2023-07-05 20:29:30","model":"Prologue-TH","subtype":9,"id":76,"channel":2,"battery_ok":0,"temperature_C":24.7,"button":1}

sensors list updated

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ cat ~/home-assistant-sensors.txt
new sensors, all via mqtt, from rtl_433 on host rtl433.local, using rtl_433_mqtt_hass.py to add discovery info
kitchen     WT450-TH-1-1 (prev: tellstick id 11) - temp (humidity always shows zero on this sensor)
kitchen gulv    Fineoffset-WH2-167 - temp + humidity (note: no battery reporting)
freezer     WT450-TH-1-2 (prev: tellstick id 21) - temp + humidity
fridge      Fineoffset-WH2-186 (prev: tellstick id 186) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
kjellerbod  Fineoffset-WH2-159 (prev: tellstick id 159) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
Soverom     Prologue-9-2-76 (was: Prologue-9-2-74, prev: mqtt, 74) - temp
Datarom     Prologue-9-1-80 (was: Prologue-9-1-82, Prologue-9-1-86, prev: mqtt, 86) - temp
Datarom gulv    Fineoffset-WH2-151 - temp + humidity (no battery reporting)
Bad     Nexus-TH-1-120 (was: Nexus-TH-1-180, Nexus-TH-1-98, prev: mqtt, 98) - temp + humidity
Badegulv    Fineoffset-WH2-135 - temp + humidity (no battery reporting)
Bak ute     Nexus-TH-2-115 (prev: mqtt, 115) - temp + humidity
Stue        Nexus-TH-1-217 (prev: mqtt, 217) - temp + humidity
Soverom gulv    Bresser-3CH-1-219 (was: Bresser-3CH-1-80, was: Bresser-3CH-1-69, was: Bresser-3CH-1-94, was: Bresser-3CH-1-204) - temp + humidity
--[ eof ]--

2023-05-10: sensors - the "Soverom gulv" sensor (Bresser-3CH-1-80) has been offline for around 12 hours now. Are the batteries dead so soon? No, the LED on the sensor still lits up now and then, but no entry in the mqtt table. Took out one battery and put it in aqain (reset) and now the sensor is back, as Bresser-3CH-1-219. Sensors list updated

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ cat ~/home-assistant-sensors.txt
new sensors, all via mqtt, from rtl_433 on host rtl433.local, using rtl_433_mqtt_hass.py to add discovery info
kitchen     WT450-TH-1-1 (prev: tellstick id 11) - temp (humidity always shows zero on this sensor)
kitchen gulv    Fineoffset-WH2-167 - temp + humidity (note: no battery reporting)
freezer     WT450-TH-1-2 (prev: tellstick id 21) - temp + humidity
fridge      Fineoffset-WH2-186 (prev: tellstick id 186) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
kjellerbod  Fineoffset-WH2-159 (prev: tellstick id 159) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
Soverom     Prologue-9-2-74 (prev: mqtt, 74) - temp
Datarom     Prologue-9-1-80 (was: Prologue-9-1-82, Prologue-9-1-86, prev: mqtt, 86) - temp
Datarom gulv    Fineoffset-WH2-151 - temp + humidity (no battery reporting)
Bad     Nexus-TH-1-120 (was: Nexus-TH-1-180, Nexus-TH-1-98, prev: mqtt, 98) - temp + humidity
Badegulv    Fineoffset-WH2-135 - temp + humidity (no battery reporting)
Bak ute     Nexus-TH-2-115 (prev: mqtt, 115) - temp + humidity
Stue        Nexus-TH-1-217 (prev: mqtt, 217) - temp + humidity
Soverom gulv    Bresser-3CH-1-219 (was: Bresser-3CH-1-80, was: Bresser-3CH-1-69, was: Bresser-3CH-1-94, was: Bresser-3CH-1-204) - temp + humidity
--[ eof ]--

2023-04-29: Mill heater - kitchen - it was offline (most likely because of the internet connection outage), fixed by power off and on.

2023-04-29: Mill heater - bedroom - it was offline (most likely because of the internet connection outage), fixed by power off and on.

2023-04-20: sensors - the "Soverom gulv" sensor (Bresser-3CH-1-69) fell off a few days ago. Replaced batteries (2 x AAA), the new id is Bresser-3CH-1-80. Updated sensors list:

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ cat ~/home-assistant-sensors.txt
new sensors, all via mqtt, from rtl_433 on host rtl433.local, using rtl_433_mqtt_hass.py to add discovery info
kitchen     WT450-TH-1-1 (prev: tellstick id 11) - temp (humidity always shows zero on this sensor)
kitchen gulv    Fineoffset-WH2-167 - temp + humidity (note: no battery reporting)
freezer     WT450-TH-1-2 (prev: tellstick id 21) - temp + humidity
fridge      Fineoffset-WH2-186 (prev: tellstick id 186) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
kjellerbod  Fineoffset-WH2-159 (prev: tellstick id 159) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
Soverom     Prologue-9-2-74 (prev: mqtt, 74) - temp
Datarom     Prologue-9-1-80 (was: Prologue-9-1-82, Prologue-9-1-86, prev: mqtt, 86) - temp
Datarom gulv    Fineoffset-WH2-151 - temp + humidity (no battery reporting)
Bad     Nexus-TH-1-120 (was: Nexus-TH-1-180, Nexus-TH-1-98, prev: mqtt, 98) - temp + humidity
Badegulv    Fineoffset-WH2-135 - temp + humidity (no battery reporting)
Bak ute     Nexus-TH-2-115 (prev: mqtt, 115) - temp + humidity
Stue        Nexus-TH-1-217 (prev: mqtt, 217) - temp + humidity
Soverom gulv    Bresser-3CH-1-80 (was: Bresser-3CH-1-69, was: Bresser-3CH-1-94, was: Bresser-3CH-1-204) - temp + humidity
--[ eof ]--

2023-03-23: Mill heaters - the internet connection was down (I got a new gateway from the ISP) most of the day while I was at work. Fixed it after I came home. In the evening I noticed that both Mill heaters (which use a local connection) were offline in Home Assistant. Simple fix - turn them off and on again (power reset). So much for "local connection".

2023-03-04: automation - day heating has been working nicely, but today it failed to engage the heater again. Relevant lines from the log:

2023-02-27 13:04:09.505 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"description":"dial tcp connect: connection refused","error":"http error","errorCode":3017}
2023-03-02 11:15:10.964 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"errorCode":3012,"error":"request timeout","timeIdentification":0}

only that last one. Using the button in Home Assistant to turn it on manually worked.

2023-02-28: automation - day heating tiggered, but failed to engange the heater today. I had to do it manually with the button in Home Assistant. No new lines in the log.

2023-02-27: automation - day heating failed to engage today. Relevant lines from the log

2023-02-22 13:26:41.272 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mill] Timeout fetching mill data
2023-02-22 16:22:15.609 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"description":"EOF","error":"http error","errorCode":3017}
2023-02-24 02:54:57.492 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"error":"service not exist","errorCode":3009}
2023-02-24 02:55:27.451 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"error":"service not exist","errorCode":3009}
2023-02-24 02:55:57.462 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"error":"service not exist","errorCode":3009}
2023-02-24 02:56:27.452 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"error":"service not exist","errorCode":3009}
2023-02-24 02:56:57.450 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"error":"service not exist","errorCode":3009}
2023-02-24 02:57:27.449 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"error":"service not exist","errorCode":3009}
2023-02-26 13:08:43.179 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mill] Timeout fetching mill data
2023-02-26 18:42:58.458 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"description":"dial tcp connect: connection refused","error":"http error","errorCode":3017}
2023-02-27 13:04:09.505 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"description":"dial tcp connect: connection refused","error":"http error","errorCode":3017}

somewhat relevant anyway. The heater itself indicates that it is online (WiFi icon is green), and the AP works. I will not rectify this, we shall see tonight and tomorrow iif it works.

2023-02-05: automation - day heating failed today as well. Relevant lines from the log

2023-02-04 14:00:00.253 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.script] Error in 'condition' evaluation:
In 'template' condition: UndefinedError: 'None' has no attribute 'attributes'
2023-02-05 11:20:10.060 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"errorCode":3012,"error":"request timeout","timeIdentification":0}

I turned on the heater with the button, it worked.

2023-02-04: Home Assistant - restarted it after armbian upgrade and reboot.

2023-02-04: automation - day heating failed to set the temperature on the Mill heater this morning. Relevant entries from log file

2023-02-03 00:27:24.188 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mill] Timeout fetching mill data
2023-02-03 07:27:34.188 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mill] Timeout fetching mill data

I used the button to turn on the Mill heater, and that worked.

2023-02-02: mill - I can't explain these entries in the log file

2023-02-02 00:52:22.316 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"description":"dial tcp connect: connection refused","error":"http error","errorCode":3017}
2023-02-02 02:51:09.309 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"error":"service not exist","errorCode":3009}
2023-02-02 02:51:39.345 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"error":"service not exist","errorCode":3009}
2023-02-02 02:52:09.302 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"error":"service not exist","errorCode":3009}
2023-02-02 19:55:00.433 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"description":"dial tcp connect: connection refused","error":"http error","errorCode":3017}

2023-02-01: after an electrical inspection today (power was cut), I had to power off and on both Mill heaters before they came online.

2023-01-29: button - I changed the code on the "Mill on" button to this:

show_name: true
show_icon: true
type: button
  action: call-service
  service: climate.set_temperature
    temperature: 18
    entity_id: climate.mill_panel
entity: climate.mill_panel

and now I can turn the heater on using that button. Oh well.

2023-01-29: automation - day heating failed to set the temperature on the Mill heater this morning. Relevant entries from log file

2023-01-23 06:42:54.241 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mill] Timeout fetching mill data
2023-01-23 06:43:07.378 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mill] Timeout fetching mill data
2023-01-27 07:41:18.242 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mill] Timeout fetching mill data
2023-01-28 07:47:33.242 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mill] Timeout fetching mill data
2023-01-28 07:47:48.166 WARNING (MainThread) [aioesphomeapi.reconnect_logic] Can't connect to ESPHome API for sensor-stuegulv @ Hello 
timed out
2023-01-28 08:01:13.823 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"description":"EOF","error":"http error","errorCode":3017}
2023-01-28 18:25:07.276 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"errorCode":3012,"error":"request timeout","timeIdentification":0}
2023-01-28 20:15:04.964 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"errorCode":3012,"error":"request timeout","timeIdentification":0}
2023-01-29 01:25:05.939 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"errorCode":3012,"error":"request timeout","timeIdentification":0}

could it be that the WiFi accesspoint (WNR3500L) needs a restart? Hmm, I checked it, and it appears to be working.

2023-01-15: Home Assistant upgraded to 2023.1.4.
Added country: "NO" to configuration.yaml and restarted Home Assistant.

2022-12-28: The first Mill heater (GL1000WIFI3) was showing low power levels when on, so I checked in the Mill app. It was set to 900W not 1000W. Changed that, and now it is using more power (and hopefully generating more heat).

2022-12-25: I added another Mill heater - a Mill WiFi 1200W (CO1200WIFI3), located in the bedroom. Set up as before, setting it up in the app, get the ip address from my dhcp server, and add it to Home Assistant with a local connection. I named it Heater_bedroom.

2022-12-13: Mill heater - discovery: pressing the "Heat" button on the Thermostat card for the Mill heater results in a popup message "failed to call service climate/set_hvac_mode". Also, in the log file, I get this

2022-12-13 19:44:27.964 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [2933329296] 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/tingo/.venv/homeassistant/lib/python3.9/site-packages/homeassistant/components/websocket_api/commands.py", line 200, in handle_call_service
    await hass.services.async_call(
  File "/home/tingo/.venv/homeassistant/lib/python3.9/site-packages/homeassistant/core.py", line 1744, in async_call
  File "/home/tingo/.venv/homeassistant/lib/python3.9/site-packages/homeassistant/core.py", line 1781, in _execute_service
    await cast(Callable[[ServiceCall], Awaitable[None]], handler.job.target)(
  File "/home/tingo/.venv/homeassistant/lib/python3.9/site-packages/homeassistant/helpers/entity_component.py", line 208, in handle_service
    await service.entity_service_call(
  File "/home/tingo/.venv/homeassistant/lib/python3.9/site-packages/homeassistant/helpers/service.py", line 678, in entity_service_call
    future.result()  # pop exception if have
  File "/home/tingo/.venv/homeassistant/lib/python3.9/site-packages/homeassistant/helpers/entity.py", line 943, in async_request_call
    await coro
  File "/home/tingo/.venv/homeassistant/lib/python3.9/site-packages/homeassistant/helpers/service.py", line 715, in _handle_entity_call
    await result
  File "/home/tingo/.venv/homeassistant/lib/python3.9/site-packages/homeassistant/components/climate/__init__.py", line 497, in async_set_hvac_mode
    await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self.set_hvac_mode, hvac_mode)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/concurrent/futures/thread.py", line 52, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/home/tingo/.venv/homeassistant/lib/python3.9/site-packages/homeassistant/components/climate/__init__.py", line 493, in set_hvac_mode
    raise NotImplementedError()

I was able to get the Mill to start heating by running this service from Developer Tools, Services

service: climate.set_temperature
  temperature: 18
  entity_id: climate.mill_panel

looks like I will need a manual button or something.

2022-12-13: Mill heater - this evening I discovered that the Mill heater in the kitchen hadn't turned on. According to Home assistant logs, the "Day Heating" automation had run as normal, at 08:00 this morning. Don't know why the Mill didn't turn on.

2022-12-04: Home Assistant upgraded to version 2022.11.5.

2022-11-20: sensors - I set up the third of the FT007H sensors as channel 3, put in batteries. It shows up as Fineoffset-WH2-167.I put it as my kitchen gulv sensor. Updated sensors list:

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ cat ~/home-assistant-sensors.txt
new sensors, all via mqtt, from rtl_433 on host rtl433.local, using rtl_433_mqtt_hass.py to add discovery info
kitchen         WT450-TH-1-1 (prev: tellstick id 11) - temp (humidity always shows zero on this sensor)
kitchen gulv    Fineoffset-WH2-167 - temp + humidity (note: no battery reporting)
freezer         WT450-TH-1-2 (prev: tellstick id 21) - temp + humidity
fridge          Fineoffset-WH2-186 (prev: tellstick id 186) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
kjellerbod      Fineoffset-WH2-159 (prev: tellstick id 159) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
Soverom         Prologue-9-2-74 (prev: mqtt, 74) - temp
Datarom         Prologue-9-1-80 (was: Prologue-9-1-82, Prologue-9-1-86, prev: mqtt, 86) - temp
Datarom gulv    Fineoffset-WH2-151 - temp + humidity (no battery reporting)
Bad             Nexus-TH-1-120 (was: Nexus-TH-1-180, Nexus-TH-1-98, prev: mqtt, 98) - temp + humidity
Badegulv        Fineoffset-WH2-135 - temp + humidity (no battery reporting)
Bak ute         Nexus-TH-2-115 (prev: mqtt, 115) - temp + humidity
Stue            Nexus-TH-1-217 (prev: mqtt, 217) - temp + humidity
Soverom gulv    Bresser-3CH-1-69 (was: Bresser-3CH-1-94, was: Bresser-3CH-1-204) - temp + humidity
--[ eof ]--

2022-11-16: sensors - the "Bad" sensor (Nexus-TH-1-180) has not reported in since yesterday. the LED blinks from time but no reports. Pressing the RESET button makes the LED light up while it is pressed, but still no data from the sensor. Replaced the batteries, it now shows up as Nexus-TH-1-120 and battery is at 100%. Sensor list updated:

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ cat ~/home-assistant-sensors.txt
new sensors, all via mqtt, from rtl_433 on host rtl433.local, using rtl_433_mqtt_hass.py to add discovery info
kitchen     WT450-TH-1-1 (prev: tellstick id 11) - temp (humidity always shows zero on this sensor)
freezer     WT450-TH-1-2 (prev: tellstick id 21) - temp + humidity
fridge      Fineoffset-WH2-186 (prev: tellstick id 186) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
kjellerbod  Fineoffset-WH2-159 (prev: tellstick id 159) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
Soverom     Prologue-9-2-74 (prev: mqtt, 74) - temp
Datarom     Prologue-9-1-80 (was: Prologue-9-1-82, Prologue-9-1-86, prev: mqtt, 86) - temp
Datrom gulv Fineoffset-WH2-151 - temp + humidity (no battery reporting)
Bad     Nexus-TH-1-120 (was: Nexus-TH-1-180, Nexus-TH-1-98, prev: mqtt, 98) - temp + humidity
Badegulv    Fineoffset-WH2-135 - temp + humidity (no battery reporting)
Bak ute     Nexus-TH-2-115 (prev: mqtt, 115) - temp + humidity
Stue        Nexus-TH-1-217 (prev: mqtt, 217) - temp + humidity
Soverom gulv    Bresser-3CH-1-69 (was: Bresser-3CH-1-94, was: Bresser-3CH-1-204) - temp + humidity
--[ eof ]--

2022-11-08: Mill heater - I set up the heater from scratch in Home Assistant, as local (you need to get the ip address), hopefully this will avoid any future problems with Mill infrastructure outages or changes. The local variant is missing "day consumption" and "year consumption" sensors. It has sensors: Control signal, current powerand uncalibrated temperature (but the last one is disabled).

2022-11-08: Mill heater (GL1000WIFI3) - I found out through a forum that Mill had some trouble. As a consequence, all Gen3 heaters had to be reset, and then set up again with the app. Reset: turn heater off and on, press settings (gear) button for 2 secs (until display shows "Fr.") wait until reset is over and then add it to the app again. It shows up "automagically" in Home Assistant after that.

2022-11-06: sensors - the Stue sensor (Nexus-TH-1-217) was showing low battery in Home Assistant, so I replaced them. Now battery level is at 100% again.

2022-11-06: sensors - the Datarom sensor went offline, so I checked the batteries. Yes - depleted (even if the battery sensor said 100% - the battery sensors in these aren't very good). Replaced batteries, now it shows up as Prologue-9-1-80. Sensor list updated

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ cat ~/home-assistant-sensors.txt
new sensors, all via mqtt, from rtl_433 on host rtl433.local, using rtl_433_mqtt_hass.py to add discovery info
kitchen     WT450-TH-1-1 (prev: tellstick id 11) - temp (humidity always shows zero on this sensor)
freezer     WT450-TH-1-2 (prev: tellstick id 21) - temp + humidity
fridge      Fineoffset-WH2-186 (prev: tellstick id 186) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
kjellerbod  Fineoffset-WH2-159 (prev: tellstick id 159) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
Soverom     Prologue-9-2-74 (prev: mqtt, 74) - temp
Datarom     Prologue-9-1-80 (was: Prologue-9-1-82, Prologue-9-1-86, prev: mqtt, 86) - temp
Datrom gulv Fineoffset-WH2-151 - temp + humidity (no battery reporting)
Bad     Nexus-TH-1-180 (was: Nexus-TH-1-98, prev: mqtt, 98) - temp + humidity
Badegulv    Fineoffset-WH2-135 - temp + humidity (no battery reporting)
Bak ute     Nexus-TH-2-115 (prev: mqtt, 115) - temp + humidity
Stue        Nexus-TH-1-217 (prev: mqtt, 217) - temp + humidity
Soverom gulv    Bresser-3CH-1-69 (was: Bresser-3CH-1-94, was: Bresser-3CH-1-204) - temp + humidity
--[ eof ]--

2022-10-29: the stuegulv sensor was offline. I tried restarting it but it was still offline. Then I noticed that the access point for the SSID that this sensor connects to was dark - as in without power. Seems like the power supply for the Netgear WNR3500L gave up. I replaced that and now the stuegulv sensor is back up again.

tingo@kg-core2:/zt/t2/work/home_assistant/esphome/20211229_sensor_nodemcu $ ping sensor-stuegulv.local
ping: Unknown host
tingo@kg-core2:/zt/t2/work/home_assistant/esphome/20211229_sensor_nodemcu $ ping sensor-stuegulv.local
PING sensor-stuegulv.local ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=101.382 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=1.722 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=5.603 ms

2022-10-11: sensors - I set another of the FT007TH sensors as channel 2, put in batteries, it shows up as Fineoffset-WH2-151. I set that one as my datarom gulv sensor. Updated sensor list:

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ cat ~/home-assistant-sensors.txt
new sensors, all via mqtt, from rtl_433 on host rtl433.local, using rtl_433_mqtt_hass.py to add discovery info
kitchen     WT450-TH-1-1 (prev: tellstick id 11) - temp (humidity always shows zero on this sensor)
freezer     WT450-TH-1-2 (prev: tellstick id 21) - temp + humidity
fridge      Fineoffset-WH2-186 (prev: tellstick id 186) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
kjellerbod  Fineoffset-WH2-159 (prev: tellstick id 159) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
Soverom     Prologue-9-2-74 (prev: mqtt, 74) - temp
Datarom     Prologue-9-1-82 (was: Prologue-9-1-86, prev: mqtt, 86) - temp
Datrom gulv Fineoffset-WH2-151 - temp + humidity (no battery reporting)
Bad     Nexus-TH-1-180 (was: Nexus-TH-1-98, prev: mqtt, 98) - temp + humidity
Badegulv    Fineoffset-WH2-135 - temp + humidity (no battery reporting)
Bak ute     Nexus-TH-2-115 (prev: mqtt, 115) - temp + humidity
Stue        Nexus-TH-1-217 (prev: mqtt, 217) - temp + humidity
Soverom gulv    Bresser-3CH-1-69 (was: Bresser-3CH-1-94, was: Bresser-3CH-1-204) - temp + humidity
--[ eof ]--

2022-10-11: sensors - updated sensors list

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ cat ~/home-assistant-sensors.txt
new sensors, all via mqtt, from rtl_433 on host rtl433.local, using rtl_433_mqtt_hass.py to add discovery info
kitchen     WT450-TH-1-1 (prev: tellstick id 11) - temp (humidity always shows zero on this sensor)
freezer     WT450-TH-1-2 (prev: tellstick id 21) - temp + humidity
fridge      Fineoffset-WH2-186 (prev: tellstick id 186) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
kjellerbod  Fineoffset-WH2-159 (prev: tellstick id 159) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
Soverom     Prologue-9-2-74 (prev: mqtt, 74) - temp
Datarom     Prologue-9-1-82 (was: Prologue-9-1-86, prev: mqtt, 86) - temp
Bad     Nexus-TH-1-180 (was: Nexus-TH-1-98, prev: mqtt, 98) - temp + humidity
Badegulv    Fineoffset-WH2-135 - temp + humidity (no battery reporting)
Bak ute     Nexus-TH-2-115 (prev: mqtt, 115) - temp + humidity
Stue        Nexus-TH-1-217 (prev: mqtt, 217) - temp + humidity
Soverom gulv    Bresser-3CH-1-69 (was: Bresser-3CH-1-94, was: Bresser-3CH-1-204) - temp + humidity
--[ eof ]--

I also moved the old sensors list to another file

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ cat ~/home-assistant_old-sensors.txt
old sensors
 11 kitchen (from Clas Ohlson (36-2953), it says "W. H. Mandolyn International" and "Typ.: WT450")
 21 freezer (from Clas Ohlson (36-2953), it says "W. H. Mandolyn International" and "Typ.: WT450")
186 fridge (Viking Remote Thermo Sensor (340661) - Viking art nr: 02811)
159 kjellerbod (old id: 206)

 74 Soverom - temperatur (was 82)
 86 Datarom - temperatur
 98 Bad - temperatur + fuktighet (was 112)
115 Bak ute - temperatur + fuktighet
217 Stue - temperatur + fuktighet

2022-10-11: sensors - yesterday's sensors are labeled "Climate sensor Thermo/hygro" and "Item: 313160" on the packaging. The sensor itself has the additional "Type: FT007TH" and "2 x 1.5V AAA battery" on the back (battery cover, which is secured with one philips screw). The sensor uses dip switches to set the channel (1-8), and also a dip switch to select Celsius / Fahrenheit. I took one sensor, verified that it was set to channel 1 and Celsus, and put batteries in it. It shows up as "Fineoffset-WH2" with id 135 in rtl433, and shows both temperature and humidity. Downside: no battery level reporting. Relevant info: Telldus forum thread More than 8 climate sensors?, rtl433 issue #1561.

2022-10-10: sensors - at Kjell, I bought 51428 Telldus Termometer og hygrometer for Tellstick 3-pk for NOK 369.-

2022-10-09: Home Assistant upgraded to version 2022.10.1.

2022-08-30: sensors - the "Ute" sensor (Nexus-TH-2-115) showed that the battery level changed to 1% last week, so I replaced the batteries (2 x AAA). Now battery level is back to 100%. the "Soverom gulv" sensor (Bresser-3CH-1-94) changed battery level from 100% to 1% 2 days ago, so I replaced the batteries (2 x AAA). As usual, the sensor changed id (even if I changed batteries one by one), new id is Bresser-3CH-1-69. And battery level is at 100% again. Updated sensors list:

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ cat ~/home-assistant-sensors.txt 
new sensors, all via mqtt, from rtl_433 on host rtl433.local, using rtl_433_mqtt_hass.py to add discovery info
kitchen     WT450-TH-1-1 (prev: tellstick id 11) - temp (humidity always shows zero on this sensor)
freezer     WT450-TH-1-2 (prev: tellstick id 21) - temp + humidity
fridge      Fineoffset-WH2-186 (prev: tellstick id 186) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
kjellerbod  Fineoffset-WH2-159 (prev: tellstick id 159) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
Soverom     Prologue-9-2-74 (prev: mqtt, 74) - temp
Datarom     Prologue-9-1-82 (was: Prologue-9-1-86, prev: mqtt, 86) - temp
Bad     Nexus-TH-1-180 (was: Nexus-TH-1-98, prev: mqtt, 98) - temp + humidity
Bak ute     Nexus-TH-2-115 (prev: mqtt, 115) - temp + humidity
Stue        Nexus-TH-1-217 (prev: mqtt, 217) - temp + humidity
Soverom gulv    Bresser-3CH-1-69 (was: Bresser-3CH-1-94, was: Bresser-3CH-1-204) - temp + humidity

old sensors
 11 kitchen (from Clas Ohlson (36-2953), it says "W. H. Mandolyn International" and "Typ.: WT450")
 21 freezer (from Clas Ohlson (36-2953), it says "W. H. Mandolyn International" and "Typ.: WT450")
186 fridge (Viking Remote Thermo Sensor (340661) - Viking art nr: 02811)
159 kjellerbod (old id: 206)

 74 Soverom - temperatur (was 82)
 86 Datarom - temperatur
 98 Bad - temperatur + fuktighet (was 112)
115 Bak ute - temperatur + fuktighet
217 Stue - temperatur + fuktighet

2022-05-28: Home Assistant upgraded to version 2022.5.5.

2022-04-10: Home Assistant upgraded to version 2022.4.1.

2022-03-30: the moisture sensor still doesn't behave right - 14 hours since last data. This time I try to restart Home Assistant. Restarting from within makes so that the hass --open-ui script ends, so just restart that. We shall see if the moisture sensor improves now.

2022-03-29: the moisture sensor misbehaves; it hadn't reported data in 14 hours, so I powered it off and on again. Better now.

2022-03-12: Home Assistant upgraded to version 2022.3.4.

2022-03-12: it seems like the battery_alert package needs another fix. From Home Assistant log

2022-03-12 13:46:31 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.media_player] The squeezebox platform for the media_player integration does not support platform setup. Please remove it from your config.
2022-03-12 13:46:40 WARNING (SyncWorker_1) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Unable to open the Home Assistant UI in a browser. Open it yourself at
2022-03-12 13:47:00 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.automation.update_battery_status_group_members] update_battery_status_group_members: Error executing script. Invalid data for call_service at pos 1: Entity ID  is an invalid entity ID for dictionary value @ data['entities']
2022-03-12 13:47:00 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.automation.update_battery_status_group_members] Error while executing automation automation.update_battery_status_group_members: Entity ID  is an invalid entity ID for dictionary value @ data['entities']
2022-03-12 13:48:00 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.automation.update_battery_status_group_members] update_battery_status_group_members: Error executing script. Invalid data for call_service at pos 1: Entity ID  is an invalid entity ID for dictionary value @ data['entities']
2022-03-12 13:48:00 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.automation.update_battery_status_group_members] Error while executing automation automation.update_battery_status_group_members: Entity ID  is an invalid entity ID for dictionary value @ data['entities']

2022-03-12: Home Assistant installed - version 2022.3.3.

2022-03-11: many sensors have stale data, restarting Home Assistant to see if that fixes things. Hmm, restarting it from within doesn't work; it just ends with the hass --open-ui ending without any messages. Starting hass --open-ui again works.

2022-03-11: from the log of Home Assistant

2022-03-02 03:00:34 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"description":"dial tcp connect: connection refused","error":"http error","errorCode":3017}
2022-03-03 09:55:36 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"errorCode":3012,"error":"request timeout"}
2022-03-03 09:57:19 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Timed out sending command to Mill: getIndependentDevices2020
2022-03-03 09:58:27 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"error":"service not available","errorCode":3011}
2022-03-03 09:59:37 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Timed out sending command to Mill: selectHomeList
2022-03-03 10:00:47 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Timed out sending command to Mill: selectHomeList
2022-03-03 10:01:57 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Timed out sending command to Mill: selectHomeList
2022-03-03 10:03:07 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Timed out sending command to Mill: selectHomeList
2022-03-03 10:04:17 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Timed out sending command to Mill: selectHomeList
2022-03-03 10:05:27 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Timed out sending command to Mill: selectHomeList
2022-03-03 10:06:37 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Timed out sending command to Mill: selectHomeList
2022-03-03 10:07:47 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Timed out sending command to Mill: selectHomeList
2022-03-03 10:08:57 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Timed out sending command to Mill: selectHomeList
2022-03-03 10:10:07 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Timed out sending command to Mill: selectHomeList
2022-03-03 10:11:17 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Timed out sending command to Mill: selectHomeList
2022-03-03 10:12:27 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Timed out sending command to Mill: selectHomeList
2022-03-03 10:13:37 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Timed out sending command to Mill: selectHomeList
2022-03-03 10:14:47 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Timed out sending command to Mill: selectHomeList
2022-03-03 10:15:57 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Timed out sending command to Mill: selectHomeList
2022-03-03 10:17:07 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Timed out sending command to Mill: selectHomeList
2022-03-03 10:18:17 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Timed out sending command to Mill: selectHomeList
2022-03-03 10:19:27 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Timed out sending command to Mill: selectHomeList
2022-03-04 02:18:00 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"description":"dial tcp connect: connection refused","error":"http error","errorCode":3017}
2022-03-05 15:44:28 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.media_player] Error retrieving proxied image from http://xxxx:xxxxxxxx@m3.kg4.no:9000/music/3e40d4b1/cover.jpg
2022-03-06 10:30:32 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"description":"dial tcp connect: connection refused","error":"http error","errorCode":3017}
2022-03-08 21:02:02 WARNING (MainThread) [aioesphomeapi.reconnect_logic] Can't connect to ESPHome API for sensor-stuegulv @ Timeout waiting for response for <class 'api_pb2.ConnectRequest'>2022-03-11 01:09:01 ERROR (MainThread) [mill] Failed to send request, {"description":"dial tcp
: connect: connection refused","error":"http error","errorCode":3017}

some of those lines are interesting.

2022-03-01: upgraded the battery_alert package. Here is a diff

tingo@kg-bpi:~/work/battery_alert$ diff -u battery_alert_1.3.1.yaml battery_alert_1.3.2.yaml
--- battery_alert_1.3.1.yaml    2021-11-27 16:44:42.290935362 +0100
+++ battery_alert_1.3.2.yaml    2022-03-01 20:15:53.059721495 +0100
@@ -199,6 +199,10 @@
 ##    Changed
 ##    - update_battery_status_group_members refactored for readability
+## 1.3.2 (2022-03-01)
+##    Fixed
+##    - added int(default=0) and float(default=0) many places to avoid template warnings

@@ -508,11 +512,11 @@
                 states(entity_id) is number
-                or states(entity_id) | length == states(entity_id)| int | string | length
-                or states(entity_id) | length == states(entity_id)| float | string | length
+                or states(entity_id) | length == states(entity_id)| int(default=0) | string | length
+                or states(entity_id) | length == states(entity_id)| float(default=0) | string | length
-              and states(entity_id) | int < states.input_number.battery_alert_threshold_max.state | int
-              and states(entity_id) | int > states.input_number.battery_alert_threshold_min.state | int
+              and states(entity_id) | int < states.input_number.battery_alert_threshold_max.state | int(default=0)
+              and states(entity_id) | int > states.input_number.battery_alert_threshold_min.state | int(default=0)
             or states(entity_id) | lower == 'low'
             or states(entity_id) | lower == 'unknown'
@@ -542,11 +546,11 @@
                   states(entity_id) is number
-                  or states(entity_id) | length == states(entity_id)| int | string | length
-                  or states(entity_id) | length == states(entity_id)| float | string | length
+                  or states(entity_id) | length == states(entity_id)| int(default=0) | string | length
+                  or states(entity_id) | length == states(entity_id)| float(default=0) | string | length
-                and states(entity_id) | int < states.input_number.battery_alert_threshold_max.state | int
-                and states(entity_id) | int > states.input_number.battery_alert_threshold_min.state | int
+                and states(entity_id) | int < states.input_number.battery_alert_threshold_max.state | int(default=0)
+                and states(entity_id) | int > states.input_number.battery_alert_threshold_min.state | int(default=0)
               or states(entity_id) | lower == 'low'
               or states(entity_id) | lower == 'unknown'
@@ -582,11 +586,11 @@
                 states(entity_id) is number
-                or states(entity_id) | length == states(entity_id)| int | string | length
-                or states(entity_id) | length == states(entity_id)| float | string | length
+                or states(entity_id) | length == states(entity_id)| int(default=0) | string | length
+                or states(entity_id) | length == states(entity_id)| float(default=0) | string | length
-              and states(entity_id) | int < states.input_number.battery_alert_threshold_max.state | int
-              and states(entity_id) | int > states.input_number.battery_alert_threshold_min.state | int
+              and states(entity_id) | int < states.input_number.battery_alert_threshold_max.state | int(default=0)
+              and states(entity_id) | int > states.input_number.battery_alert_threshold_min.state | int(default=0)
             or states(entity_id) | lower == 'low'
             or states(entity_id) | lower == 'unknown'
@@ -722,7 +726,7 @@
               {%- set attribval = trigger.event.data.new_state.attributes.battery -%}
               {%- set attribname = 'battery' -%}
             {%- elif trigger.event.data.new_state.attributes['Battery numeric'] is defined -%}
-              {%- set attribval = (trigger.event.data.new_state.attributes['Battery numeric'] | int + 1) * 10 -%}
+              {%- set attribval = (trigger.event.data.new_state.attributes['Battery numeric'] | int(default=0) + 1) * 10 -%}
               {%- set attribname = 'Battery numeric' -%}
             {% elif trigger.event.data.new_state.attributes.battery_critical is defined -%}
               {%- set attribval = trigger.event.data.new_state.attributes.battery_critical -%}
@@ -742,7 +746,7 @@
             "icon": "mdi:battery",
             {% else -%}
             "value_template": "{{ "{{" }} value_json.value | int {{ "}}" }}",
-            {% if attribval | int == attribval or attribval | float == attribval or attribval | length == attribval | float | string | length or attribval | length == attribval | int | string | length -%}
+            {% if attribval | int(default=0) == attribval or attribval | float(default=0) == attribval or attribval | length == attribval | float(default=0) | string | length or attribval | length == attribval | int(default=0) | string | length -%}
             "unit_of_measurement": "%",
             "device_class": "battery",
             {%- elif attribval == "High" or attribval == "Full" -%}
@@ -769,18 +773,18 @@
             {%- elif trigger.event.data.new_state.attributes.battery is defined -%}
               {%- set attribval = trigger.event.data.new_state.attributes.battery -%}
             {%- elif trigger.event.data.new_state.attributes['Battery numeric'] is defined -%}
-              {%- set attribval = (trigger.event.data.new_state.attributes['Battery numeric'] | int + 1) * 10 -%}
+              {%- set attribval = (trigger.event.data.new_state.attributes['Battery numeric'] | int(default=0) + 1) * 10 -%}
             {%- elif trigger.event.data.new_state.attributes.battery_critical is defined -%}
               {%- set attribval = trigger.event.data.new_state.attributes.battery_critical -%}
             {%- endif -%}
             "value": {% if attribval | int == attribval -%}
-              {{ attribval | int }}
-            {%- elif attribval | float == attribval -%}
-              {{ attribval | float }}
-            {%- elif attribval | length == attribval | float | string | length -%}
-              {{ attribval | float }}
-            {%- elif attribval | length == attribval | int | string | length -%}
-              {{ attribval | int }}
+              {{ attribval | int(default=0) }}
+            {%- elif attribval | float(default=0) == attribval -%}
+              {{ attribval | float(default=0) }}
+            {%- elif attribval | length == attribval | float(default=0) | string | length -%}
+              {{ attribval | float(default=0) }}
+            {%- elif attribval | length == attribval | int(default=0) | string | length -%}
+              {{ attribval | int(default=0) }}
             {%- else -%}
               "{{ attribval }}"
             {%- endif %}
@@ -798,7 +802,7 @@
               {%- set attribval = trigger.event.data.new_state.attributes.battery -%}
               {%- set attribname = 'battery' -%}
             {%- elif trigger.event.data.new_state.attributes['Battery numeric'] is defined -%}
-              {%- set attribval = (trigger.event.data.new_state.attributes['Battery numeric'] | int + 1) * 10 -%}
+              {%- set attribval = (trigger.event.data.new_state.attributes['Battery numeric'] | int(default=0) + 1) * 10 -%}
               {%- set attribname = 'Battery numeric' -%}
             {%- elif trigger.event.data.new_state.attributes.battery_critical is defined -%}
               {%- set attribval = trigger.event.data.new_state.attributes.battery_critical -%}

with the upgraded package, both the warnings and the errors disappeared.

2022-02-27: the battery_alert package reports a couple of errors, and a couple of template warnings in the log

2022-02-27 17:58:00 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.automation.update_battery_status_group_members] update_battery_status_group_members: Error executing script. Invalid data for call_service at pos 1: Entity ID  is an invalid entity ID for dictionary value @ data['entities']
2022-02-27 17:58:00 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.automation.update_battery_status_group_members] Error while executing automation automation.update_battery_status_group_members: Entity ID  is an invalid entity ID for dictionary value @ data['entities']
2022-02-27 18:00:00 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.template] Template warning: 'int' got invalid input 'unknown' when rendering template '{% macro battery_level() %} {% for entity_id in states.group.battery_status.attributes.entity_id if (
  not (
        is_state_attr(entity_id, 'battery_alert_disabled', true)
        or is_state_attr(entity_id, 'restored', true)
  and states(entity_id) is not none
  and (
        states(entity_id) is number
        or states(entity_id) | length == states(entity_id)| int | string | length
        or states(entity_id) | length == states(entity_id)| float | string | length
      and states(entity_id) | int < states.input_number.battery_alert_threshold_max.state | int
      and states(entity_id) | int > states.input_number.battery_alert_threshold_min.state | int
    or states(entity_id) | lower == 'low'
    or states(entity_id) | lower == 'unknown'
    or states(entity_id) | lower == 'unavailable'
) -%}
  {{ state_attr(entity_id, "friendly_name") }} ({{ states(entity_id) }})
{% endfor -%} {% endmacro %} {{ battery_level() }}' but no default was specified. Currently 'int' will return '0', however this template will fail to render in Home Assistant core 2022.1
2022-02-27 18:00:00 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.template] Template warning: 'float' got invalid input 'unknown' when rendering template '{% macro battery_level() %} {% for entity_id in states.group.battery_status.attributes.entity_id if (
  not (
        is_state_attr(entity_id, 'battery_alert_disabled', true)
        or is_state_attr(entity_id, 'restored', true)
  and states(entity_id) is not none
  and (
        states(entity_id) is number
        or states(entity_id) | length == states(entity_id)| int | string | length
        or states(entity_id) | length == states(entity_id)| float | string | length
      and states(entity_id) | int < states.input_number.battery_alert_threshold_max.state | int
      and states(entity_id) | int > states.input_number.battery_alert_threshold_min.state | int
    or states(entity_id) | lower == 'low'
    or states(entity_id) | lower == 'unknown'
    or states(entity_id) | lower == 'unavailable'
) -%}
  {{ state_attr(entity_id, "friendly_name") }} ({{ states(entity_id) }})
{% endfor -%} {% endmacro %} {{ battery_level() }}' but no default was specified. Currently 'float' will return '0', however this template will fail to render in Home Assistant core 2022.1

reported as issue #37 on the github repository.

2022-02-27: Home Assistant got upgraded to version 2022.2.9.

2022-02-16: sensors - battery - this evening the Stue sensor (Nexus-TH-1-217) reported low battery in Home Assistant, and the last reported temperature measurement was an hour ago. I replaced batteries (2 x AAA, replacen on then the other) and now it is back - battery at 100%.

2022-02-02: Home Assistant got upgraded to version 2022.2.0.

2022-02-02: this evening the "Bresser-3CH-1-204" sensor showed not reporting data to Home Assistant for 10 hours. Restarting rtl433 had no effect, restarting the rtl_433_mqtt_hass.py script had no effect. The sensor itself blinked the LED from time to time. Restarted Home Assistant - that doesn't help either. Hm. Finally, I took out the batteries and put them back in - that reset the sensor (and changed it to Bresser-3CH-1-94). All back to normal now. Updated sensors list:

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ cat ~/home-assistant-sensors.txt 
new sensors, all via mqtt, from rtl_433 on host rtl433.local, using rtl_433_mqtt_hass.py to add discovery info
kitchen     WT450-TH-1-1 (prev: tellstick id 11) - temp (humidity always shows zero on this sensor)
freezer     WT450-TH-1-2 (prev: tellstick id 21) - temp + humidity
fridge      Fineoffset-WH2-186 (prev: tellstick id 186) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
kjellerbod  Fineoffset-WH2-159 (prev: tellstick id 159) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
Soverom     Prologue-9-2-74 (prev: mqtt, 74) - temp
Datarom     Prologue-9-1-82 (was: Prologue-9-1-86, prev: mqtt, 86) - temp
Bad         Nexus-TH-1-180 (was: Nexus-TH-1-98, prev: mqtt, 98) - temp + humidity
Bak ute     Nexus-TH-2-115 (prev: mqtt, 115) - temp + humidity
Stue        Nexus-TH-1-217 (prev: mqtt, 217) - temp + humidity
Soverom gulv Bresser-3CH-1-94 (was: Bresser-3CH-1-204) - temp + humidity

old sensors
 11 kitchen (from Clas Ohlson (36-2953), it says "W. H. Mandolyn International" and "Typ.: WT450")
 21 freezer (from Clas Ohlson (36-2953), it says "W. H. Mandolyn International" and "Typ.: WT450")
186 fridge (Viking Remote Thermo Sensor (340661) - Viking art nr: 02811)
159 kjellerbod (old id: 206)

 74 Soverom - temperatur (was 82)
 86 Datarom - temperatur
 98 Bad - temperatur + fuktighet (was 112)
115 Bak ute - temperatur + fuktighet
217 Stue - temperatur + fuktighet

2021-01-15: Home Assistant got upgraded to version 2021.12.9.

2021-12-30: added another sensor: this time a NodeMCU board running ESPHome firmware, and with a BME280 sensor connected. Gives me temperature, humidity and pressure for the Living room floor. The sensor shows up automatically in Home Assistant as a discovered device - nice!

2021-12-20: automations - configured a couple of simple automations to adjust temperature

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ more ~/.homeassistant/automations.yaml 
- id: '1640040011542'
  alias: Day heating
  description: Heats up to specific temperature during the day
  - platform: time
    at: 08:00
  condition: []
  - service: climate.set_temperature
      entity_id: climate.heater_kitchen
      temperature: 16.2
  mode: single
- id: '1640040121143'
  alias: Night heating
  description: Lowers the temperature at night
  - platform: time
    at: '23:30'
  condition: []
  - service: climate.set_temperature
      entity_id: climate.heater_kitchen
      temperature: 11
  mode: single

2021-12-19: after upgrading Home Assistant to 2021.12.3, the Mill heater shows up as generation 3, and with correct temperature. Nice.

2021-12-19: Mill heater - the new Mill heater (GL1000WIFI3) shows up as "generation 2" in Home Assistant. And Home Assistant shows wrong temperature.

2021-12-16: moisture sensor - now it behaves normally, giving data every minute.

2021-12-15: the moisture sensor still misbehaves; it is now 3 hours since it has reported data, and that looks to be the only data point since yesterday. Time for drastic measures; I will power it off and on again. We shall see if that improves things.

2021-12-15: I flashed ESPHome to the Sonoff RF Bridge - Home Assistant discovers it. Nice!

2021-12-14: the moisture sensor (via serial, from an Arduino) hasn't reported data for two days now. The sensor.serial_sensor reports data, as does the sensor.stueplante_raw. Only the sensor.stueplante_fuktighet is stale. Don't know any other solution - a restart of Home Assistant is in order. Afterwards, the stueplate_fuktighet sensor is back.

2021-12-06: sensor list updated

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ cat ~/home-assistant-sensors.txt 
new sensors, all via mqtt, from rtl_433 on host rtl433.local, using rtl_433_mqtt_hass.py to add discovery info
kitchen     WT450-TH-1-1 (prev: tellstick id 11) - temp (humidity always shows zero on this sensor)
freezer     WT450-TH-1-2 (prev: tellstick id 21) - temp + humidity
fridge      Fineoffset-WH2-186 (prev: tellstick id 186) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
kjellerbod  Fineoffset-WH2-159 (prev: tellstick id 159) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
Soverom     Prologue-9-2-74 (prev: mqtt, 74) - temp
Datarom     Prologue-9-1-82 (was: Prologue-9-1-86, prev: mqtt, 86) - temp
Bad     Nexus-TH-1-180 (was: Nexus-TH-1-98, prev: mqtt, 98) - temp + humidity
Bak ute     Nexus-TH-2-115 (prev: mqtt, 115) - temp + humidity
Stue        Nexus-TH-1-217 (prev: mqtt, 217) - temp + humidity
Soverom gulv    Bresser-3CH-1-204 - temp + humidity

old sensors
 11 kitchen (from Clas Ohlson (36-2953), it says "W. H. Mandolyn International" and "Typ.: WT450")
 21 freezer (from Clas Ohlson (36-2953), it says "W. H. Mandolyn International" and "Typ.: WT450")
186 fridge (Viking Remote Thermo Sensor (340661) - Viking art nr: 02811)
159 kjellerbod (old id: 206)

 74 Soverom - temperatur (was 82)
 86 Datarom - temperatur
 98 Bad - temperatur + fuktighet (was 112)
115 Bak ute - temperatur + fuktighet
217 Stue - temperatur + fuktighet

2021-12-06: sensors - for some reason, the Bad sensor (Nexus-TH-1-98) had stopped transmitting eight hours ago. When I checked the sensor, the red light on it still blinked from time to time, but no readings showed up in mqtt. Tried replacing the batteries - that worked, but the sensoir changed to Nexus-TH-1-180. Changed back, and the sensor still works with the old batteries. Oh well.

2021-12-01: sensors list corrected, some info added

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ cat home-assistant-sensors.txt 
new sensors, all via mqtt, from rtl_433 on host rtl433.local, using rtl_433_mqtt_hass.py to add discovery info
kitchen     WT450-TH-1-1 (prev: tellstick id 11) - temp (humidity always shows zero on this sensor)
freezer     WT450-TH-1-2 (prev: tellstick id 21) - temp + humidity
fridge      Fineoffset-WH2-186 (prev: tellstick id 186) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
kjellerbod  Fineoffset-WH2-159 (prev: tellstick id 159) - temp (note: no battery reporting)
Soverom     Prologue-9-2-74 (prev: mqtt, 74) - temp
Datarom     Prologue-9-1-82 (was: Prologue-9-1-86, prev: mqtt, 86) - temp
Bad     Nexus-TH-1-98 (prev: mqtt, 98) - temp + humidity
Bak ute     Nexus-TH-2-115 (prev: mqtt, 115) - temp + humidity
Stue        Nexus-TH-1-217 (prev: mqtt, 217) - temp + humidity
Soverom gulv    Bresser-3CH-1-204 - temp + humidity

old sensors
 11 kitchen (from Clas Ohlson (36-2953), it says "W. H. Mandolyn International" and "Typ.: WT450")
 21 freezer (from Clas Ohlson (36-2953), it says "W. H. Mandolyn International" and "Typ.: WT450")
186 fridge (Viking Remote Thermo Sensor (340661) - Viking art nr: 02811)
159 kjellerbod (old id: 206)

 74 Soverom - temperatur (was 82)
 86 Datarom - temperatur
 98 Bad - temperatur + fuktighet (was 112)
115 Bak ute - temperatur + fuktighet
217 Stue - temperatur + fuktighet

2021-11-27: I updated the battery_alert package to version 1.3.1 per pull request 33, and restarted Home Assistant.

2021-11-21: sensors list updated

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ cat home-assistant-sensors.txt 
new sensors, all via mqtt, from rtl_433 on host rtl433.local, using rtl_433_mqtt_hass.py to add discovery info
kitchen     WT540-TH-1-1 (prev: tellstick id 11) - temp (humidity always shows zero on this sensor)
freezer     WT450-TH-1-2 (prev: tellstick id 21) - temp + humidity
fridge      Fineoffset-WH2-186 (prev: tellstick id 186) - temp
kjellerbod  Fineoffset-WH2-159 (prev: tellstick id 159) - temp
Soverom     Prologue-9-2-74 (prev: mqtt, 74) - temp
Datarom     Prologue-9-1-82 (was: Prologue-9-1-86, prev: mqtt, 86) - temp
Bad     Nexus-TH-1-98 (prev: mqtt, 98) - temp + humidity
Bak ute     Nexus-TH-2-115 (prev: mqtt, 115) - temp + humidity
Stue        Nexus-TH-1-217 (prev: mqtt, 217) - temp + humidity
Soverom gulv    Bresser-3CH-1-204 - temp + humidity

old sensors
 11 kitchen (from Clas Ohlson (36-2953), it says "W. H. Mandolyn International" and "Typ.: WT540")
 21 freezer (from Clas Ohlson (36-2953), it says "W. H. Mandolyn International" and "Typ.: WT540")
186 fridge (Viking Remote Thermo Sensor (340661) - Viking art nr: 02811)
159 kjellerbod (old id: 206)

 74 Soverom - temperatur (was 82)
 86 Datarom - temperatur
 98 Bad - temperatur + fuktighet (was 112)
115 Bak ute - temperatur + fuktighet
217 Stue - temperatur + fuktighet

2021-11-21: sensors - interesting, the Datarom sensor (Prologue-9-1-86) dropped off about 4 days ago (las readin is Nov 17 at 14:08:13 according tom home Assistant). I wonder if I overlooked a battery warning on it? I replaced the batteries, now the sensor show up as Prologue-TH-9-1-82.

2021-11-14: I upgraded the machine to Debian (armbian?) 11, and that gave me Python 3.9, so when I re-installed Home Assistant, I got the latest version, which is Home Assistant 2021.11.3 according to info in the gui.

2021-10-24: added more info to the sensors list:

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ cat home-assistant-sensors.txt 
new sensors, all via mqtt, from rtl_433 on host rtl433.local, using rtl_433_mqtt_hass.py to add discovery info
kitchen     WT540-TH-1-1 (prev: tellstick id 11) - temp (humidity always shows zero on this sensor)
freezer     WT450-TH-1-2 (prev: tellstick id 21) - temp + humidity
fridge      Fineoffset-WH2-186 (prev: tellstick id 186) - temp
kjellerbod  Fineoffset-WH2-159 (prev: tellstick id 159) - temp
Soverom     Prologue-9-2-74 (prev: mqtt, 74) - temp
Datarom     Prologue-9-1-86 (prev: mqtt, 86) - temp
Bad     Nexus-TH-1-98 (prev: mqtt, 98) - temp + humidity
Bak ute     Nexus-TH-2-115 (prev: mqtt, 115) - temp + humidity
Stue        Nexus-TH-1-217 (prev: mqtt, 217) - temp + humidity
Soverom gulv    Bresser-3CH-1-204 - temp + humidity

old sensors
 11 kitchen (from Clas Ohlson (36-2953), it says "W. H. Mandolyn International" and "Typ.: WT540")
 21 freezer (from Clas Ohlson (36-2953), it says "W. H. Mandolyn International" and "Typ.: WT540")
186 fridge (Viking Remote Thermo Sensor (340661) - Viking art nr: 02811)
159 kjellerbod (old id: 206)

 74 Soverom - temperatur (was 82)
 86 Datarom - temperatur
 98 Bad - temperatur + fuktighet (was 112)
115 Bak ute - temperatur + fuktighet
217 Stue - temperatur + fuktighet

2021-10-20: I removed the mqtt sensor definitions from the configuration.yaml file, since I now have them via the UI instead.

2021-10-15: added the "Soverom gulv" sensor. Updated sensors list:

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ head -12 home-assistant-sensors.txt 
new sensors, all via mqtt, from rtl_433 on host rtl433.local, using rtl_433_mqtt_hass.py to add discovery info
kitchen         WT540-TH-1-1 (prev: tellstick id 11)
freezer         WT450-TH-1-2 (prev: tellstick id 21)
fridge          Fineoffset-WH2-186 (prev: tellstick id 186)
kjellerbod      Fineoffset-WH2-159 (prev: tellstick id 159)
Soverom         Prologue-9-2-74 (prev: mqtt, 74)
Datarom         Prologue-9-1-86 (prev: mqtt, 86)
Bad             Nexus-TH-1-98 (prev: mqtt, 98)
Bak ute         Nexus-TH-2-115 (prev: mqtt, 115)
Stue            Nexus-TH-1-217 (prev: mqtt, 217)
Soverom gulv    Bresser-3CH-1-204

the new sensor reports temperature, humidity and battery status.

2021-10-14: with the new setup, I run rtl_433 differently (it publishes directly to mqtt server) and run rtl_433_mqtt_hass.py to provide discovery info. They both run on the rtl433 host. This means that my sensors now show up automatically in Home Assistant, and they are named differently. Like this:

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ head -11 home-assistant-sensors.txt
new sensors, all via mqtt, from rtl_433 on host rtl433.local, using rtl_433_mqtt_hass.py to add discovery info
kitchen     WT540-TH-1-1 (prev: tellstick id 11)
freezer     WT450-TH-1-2 (prev: tellstick id 21)
fridge      Fineoffset-WH2-186 (prev: tellstick id 186)
kjellerbod  Fineoffset-WH2-159 (prev: tellstick id 159)
Soverom     Prologue-9-2-74 (prev: mqtt, 74)
Datarom     Prologue-9-1-86 (prev: mqtt, 86)
Bad     Nexus-TH-1-98 (prev: mqtt, 98)
Bak ute     Nexus-TH-2-115 (prev: mqtt, 115)
Stue        Nexus-TH-1-217 (prev: mqtt, 217)

Bonus: now all sensors (except the Fineoffset-WH2's) show battery info. Battery info for the Soverom sensor is suspect.

2021-10-13: added more info to the sensors list:

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ cat home-assistant-sensors.txt 
 11 kitchen (from Clas Ohlson (36-2953), it says "W. H. Mandolyn International" and "Typ.: WT540")
 21 freezer (from Clas Ohlson (36-2953), it says "W. H. Mandolyn International" and "Typ.: WT540")
186 fridge (Viking Remote Thermo Sensor (340661) - Viking art nr: 02811)
159 kjellerbod (old id: 206)

 74 Soverom - temperatur (was 82)
 86 Datarom - temperatur
 98 Bad - temperatur + fuktighet (was 112)
115 Bak ute - temperatur + fuktighet
217 Stue - temperatur + fuktighet

perhaps I should move all sensor from the tellstick to rtl433? I might gett battery info from them that way. Tested, see the rtl433 page.

2021-10-13: the Soverom (mqtt, id 74) sensor reported low batteries, so I replaced them (AAA x 2). It still reports low battery - hmm. The old batteries measure 1.49 V, so this is probably a problem with the Prologue sensor itself (reports as Prologue-TH, subtype 9 in rtl433).

2021-10-12: the Bak ute (mqtt, id 115) sensor reported low battery, so I changed them (AAA x 2). Immediately it went to good battery - nice. The old batteries still measures 1.2 V, so maybe it is the low temperature causing it.

2021-10-11: I configured battery sensors for my mqtt sensors (by using the battery_alert package). Took a bit of time to figure it out; I have to create battery sensors in configuration.yaml for each of the battery-powered sensors.

2021-09-21: starting Home Assistant again (after the mess that my failed 'apt upgrade' made), a couple of tellstick sensors was missing , so I restarted Home Assistant again from the gui. Now it is only the freezer sensor that is missing, and it will hopefully show up withing a few hours.

2021-09-18: the Soverom (mqtt, id 82) sensor has been offline for about a week, I replaced batteries (AAA x 2), it got a new id (74), configuration.yaml had to be updated, and Home Assistant restarted from the gui. New sensors list:

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ cat ~/home-assistant-sensors.txt 
 11 kitchen
 21 freezer
186 fridge
159 kjellerbod (old: 206)

 74 Soverom - temperatur (was 82)
 86 Datarom - temperatur
 98 Bad - temperatur + fuktighet (was 112)
115 Bak ute - temperatur + fuktighet
217 Stue - temperatur + fuktighet

2021-08-29: some of the tellstick sensors are not present in Home Assistant (21 freezer, 186 fridge) now while others work fine (11 kitchen, 159 kjellerbod). But they work fine with tellcore_tool

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ tellcore_tool --list-sensors
Number of sensors: 4

PROTOCOL        MODEL           ID    TEMP     HUMIDITY RAIN               WIND                 LAST UPDATED
mandolyn        temperaturehumidity 11    24.0 C   0 %                                              2021-08-29 12:19:14
fineoffset      temperature     159   18.9 C                                                    2021-08-29 12:16:44
fineoffset      temperature     186   6.1 C                                                     2021-08-29 12:19:43
mandolyn        temperaturehumidity 21    -21.5 C  52 %                                             2021-08-29 12:06:48

let me try to restart Home Assistant. Yes, that fixed it.

2021-08-13: the freezer sensor (tellstick, id 21) has been offline for a few days, so I restarted Home Assistant (killed by sending Ctrl-C, then do hass --open-ui again) that seems to have fixed it.

2021-08-12: I re-created this page on my self-hosted web server.

2021-06-27: the Bad (mqtt, id 112) sensor was offline, I replaced batteries (AAA x 2), it got a new id 98 (was 112) so I updated the Home Assistant config (configuration.yaml) and restarted HA (from the web ui). The sensors list now look like this:

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ more home-assistant-sensors.txt
 11 kitchen
 21 freezer
186 fridge
159 kjellerbod (old: 206)

 82 Soverom - temperatur
 86 Datarom - temperatur
 98 Bad - temperatur + fuktighet (was 112)
115 Bak ute - temperatur + fuktighet
217 Stue - temperatur + fuktighet


2021-05-25: the Stue sensor (mqtt, id 217) was offline, I replaced the batteries (AAA x 2) and now it is online again.

2021-02-12: the kjellerbod sensors has gone offline

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ tellcore_tool --list-sensors
Number of sensors: 3

PROTOCOL        MODEL           ID    TEMP     HUMIDITY RAIN               WIND                 LAST UPDATED
mandolyn        temperaturehumidity 11    19.7 C   0 %                                              2021-02-12 11:06:05
mandolyn        temperaturehumidity 21    -21.5 C  50 %                                             2021-02-12 11:04:20
fineoffset      temperature     186   5.7 C                                                     2021-02-12 11:04:13

sensors on tellstick are

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ head -5 ~/home-assistant-sensors.txt
 11 kitchen
 21 freezer
186 fridge
206 kjellerbod

must check. Replaced batteries (AAA x 2) in the Viking sensor, the sensor got a new id: 159

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ tellcore_tool --list-sensors
Number of sensors: 5

PROTOCOL        MODEL           ID    TEMP     HUMIDITY RAIN               WIND                 LAST UPDATED
mandolyn        temperaturehumidity 11    19.7 C   0 %                                              2021-02-12 11:39:05
mandolyn        temperaturehumidity 21    -21.8 C  49 %                                             2021-02-12 11:36:20
fineoffset      temperature     186   5.0 C                                                     2021-02-12 11:32:13
fineoffset      temperature     206   8.9 C                                                     2021-02-12 11:21:50
fineoffset      temperature     159   12.2 C                                                    2021-02-12 11:38:59

(the 206 is just the old ghost from before changing batteries). Home Assistant configuration updated, back to normal.

2020-11-07: Home Assistant upgraded to version 0.117.5 (last version supported by Python 3.7). I had to manually install a few packages (apt, pip3) see the Banana Pi page for details. HA - I had to update the configuration a bit, bot in configuration.yaml and in the frontend, to get things like mqtt to work.

2020-11-07: mqtt - sensors - battery - the "bak ute" sensor had disappeared (last sensor reading 2020-11-04 07:40), so I replaced batteries (AAA x 2) in it, and it came back with correct id (115). All good.

2020-04-11: sensors - with the new version of rtl_433, the prologue sensors have changed from ".rid" to ".id", so fix that in configuration.yaml:

  - platform: mqtt
    state_topic: 'home/rtl_433'
    name: 'Datarom temperatur'
    unit_of_measurement: 'C'
    value_template: '{% if value_json is defined and value_json.id == 86 %} {{ value_json.temperature_C }} {% else %} {{ states("sensor.datarom_temperatur") }} {%
 endif %}'
  - platform: mqtt
    state_topic: 'home/rtl_433'
    name: 'Soverom temperatur'
    unit_of_measurement: 'C'
    value_template: '{% if value_json is defined and value_json.id == 82 %} {{ value_json.temperature_C }} {% else %} {{ states("sensor.soverom_temperatur") }} {%
 endif %}'

and restart home assistant.

2020-04-10: sensors - I made a new sensor list

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ cat ~/home-assistant-sensors.txt
 11 kitchen
 21 freezer
186 fridge
206 kjellerbod

 82 Soverom - temperatur
 86 Datarom - temperatur
112 Bad - temperatur + fuktighet
115 Bak ute - temperatur + fuktighet
217 Stue - temperatur + fuktighet

that's all for now

2020-04-10: mqtt - sensors - battery - the stue sensor reports low battery again

{"time" : "2020-04-10 11:07:23", "model" : "Nexus Temperature/Humidity", "id" : 217, "battery" : "LOW", "channel" : 1, "temperature_C" : 22.100, "humidity" : 18}
replaced the batteries (2 x AAA) and now the sensor reports
{"time" : "2020-04-10 11:14:21", "model" : "Nexus Temperature/Humidity", "id" : 217, "battery" : "OK", "channel" : 1, "temperature_C" : 24.500, "humidity" : 17}


2020-02-18: sensors: I set up a few new sensors in configuration.yaml

- platform: mqtt
    state_topic: 'home/rtl_433'
    name: 'Datarom temperatur'
    unit_of_measurement: 'C'
    value_template: '{% if value_json is defined and value_json.rid == 86 %} {{ value_json.temperature_C }} {% else %} {{ states("sensor.datarom_temperatur") }} {% endif %}'
  - platform: mqtt
    state_topic: 'home/rtl_433'
    name: 'Soverom temperatur'
    unit_of_measurement: 'C'
    value_template: '{% if value_json is defined and value_json.rid == 82 %} {{ value_json.temperature_C }} {% else %} {{ states("sensor.soverom_temperatur") }} {% endif %}'
  - platform: mqtt
    state_topic: 'home/rtl_433'
    name: 'Bad temperatur'
    unit_of_measurement: 'C'
    value_template: '{% if value_json is defined and value_json.id == 112 %} {{ value_json.temperature_C }} {% else %} {{ states("sensor.bad_temperatur") }} {% endif %}'
  - platform: mqtt
    state_topic: 'home/rtl_433'
    name: 'Bad fuktighet'
    unit_of_measurement: '%'
    value_template: '{% if value_json is defined and value_json.id == 112 %} {{ value_json.humidity }} {% else %} {{ states("sensor.bad_fuktighet") }} {% endif %}'

I also fixed the old ones; it turns out that my states("") had wrong sensor names in them.

2020-02-02: the rtl_433 example rtl_433_mqtt_hass.py is interesting.

2019-07-02: mqtt sensors - both reported "low battery" via mqtt, so I replaced batteries there. Now batteries are good

tingo@raspberrypi:~ $ mosquitto_sub -V mqttv311 -h bpi -u homeassistant -P password -t home/rtl_433
{"time" : "2019-07-02 18:31:36", "model" : "Nexus Temperature/Humidity", "id" : 217, "battery" : "OK", "channel" : 1, "temperature_C" : 24.500, "humidity" : 16}
{"time" : "2019-07-02 18:32:09", "model" : "Nexus Temperature", "id" : 115, "battery" : "OK", "channel" : 2, "temperature_C" : 21.100}


2019-07-02: mqtt sensors are

 115 bak ute (temp, humidity)
 217 stue (temp, humidity)

2019-07-02: sensors now:

    11: kitchen
    21: freezer
    186: fridge
    206: kjellerbod

and sensors seen

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ tellcore_tool --list-sensors
Number of sensors: 15

PROTOCOL        MODEL           ID    TEMP     HUMIDITY RAIN               WIND                 LAST UPDATED
mandolyn        temperaturehumidity 11    22.9 C   0 %                                              2019-07-02 20:05:04
mandolyn        temperaturehumidity 12    -21.6 C  52 %                                             2019-04-21 08:44:10
fineoffset      temperature     206   18.7 C                                                    2019-07-02 18:20:14
fineoffset      temperature     186   6.2 C                                                     2019-07-02 19:49:14
fineoffset      temperaturehumidity 135   26.4 C   43 %                                             2019-07-02 16:32:53
fineoffset      temperature     116   12.5 C                                                    2019-06-20 11:20:47
fineoffset      temperaturehumidity 0     0.0 C    0 %                                              2019-06-29 20:53:27
fineoffset      temperature     156   35.3 C                                                    2019-06-24 04:00:04
fineoffset      temperaturehumidity 14    50.4 C   89 %                                             2019-05-02 18:59:56
fineoffset      temperature     253   -203.9 C                                                  2019-04-01 00:04:59
fineoffset      temperature     231   -204.7 C                                                  2019-06-27 23:45:13
fineoffset      temperature     112   -204.7 C                                                  2019-04-12 05:05:13
oregon          EA4C            58    2.4 C                                                     2019-04-15 08:28:30
mandolyn        temperaturehumidity 44    -39.0 C  105 %                                            2019-06-22 12:10:21
mandolyn        temperaturehumidity 21    -13.0 C  14 %                                             2019-07-02 20:05:26


2019-07-02: ok, freezer sensor changed id from 12 to 21 when it got fresh batteries and a new start:

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ tellcore_tool --list-sensors | grep mandolyn
mandolyn        temperaturehumidity 11    23.1 C   0 %                                              2019-07-02 19:51:04
mandolyn        temperaturehumidity 12    -21.6 C  52 %                                             2019-04-21 08:44:10
mandolyn        temperaturehumidity 44    -39.0 C  105 %                                            2019-06-22 12:10:21
mandolyn        temperaturehumidity 21    1.5 C    26 %                                             2019-07-02 19:50:26

better update Home Assistant configuration. Before:

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ grep freezer ~/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml
    12: freezer


tingo@kg-bpi:~$ grep freezer ~/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml
    21: freezer

and then I had to restart Home Assistant again.

2019-07-02: the freezer temp sensor apparently went offline ten weeks ago. Battery empty, it turns out. I have replaced 2 x AA batteries, now waiting for the sensor to show up again.

2018-10-28: the TellStick and telldusd sees all sensors:

tingo@kg-bpi:~$ tdtool --list-sensors
type=sensor    protocol=fineoffset    model=temperature    id=186    temperature=5.5    time=2018-10-28 12:35:35    age=57
type=sensor    protocol=mandolyn    model=temperaturehumidity    id=11    temperature=21.4    humidity=0    time=2018-10-28 12:35:57    age=35
type=sensor    protocol=mandolyn    model=temperaturehumidity    id=12    temperature=-21.2    humidity=53    time=2018-10-28 12:36:26    age=6
type=sensor    protocol=fineoffset    model=temperaturehumidity    id=0    temperature=0.0    humidity=0    time=2018-10-20 22:52:51    age=657821
type=sensor    protocol=fineoffset    model=temperature    id=206    temperature=11.3    time=2018-10-28 04:13:25    age=30187
type=sensor    protocol=fineoffset    model=temperature    id=156    temperature=32.1    time=2018-10-14 03:57:55    age=1244317
type=sensor    protocol=fineoffset    model=temperature    id=116    temperature=10.7    time=2018-10-26 02:25:06    age=213086

I have the following sensors

    11: kitchen
    12: freezer
    186: fridge
    206: kjellerbod

but Home Assistant doesn't see the kjellerbod sensor (206). So I restarted Home Assistant (and rtl_433).

2018-09-22: the TellStick had fallen off the usb bus again; and changing usb ports didn't help, so I upgraded the machine (apt upgrade) before rebooting it. all back to normal now.

2018-07-07: Home Assistant had stopped reading some of the TellStick sensors, so I restarted it.

2018-07-07: fridge sensor - the batteries ran out, so I replaced them (2 x AAA).

2018-04-08: I created this page.

2018-01-24: armbian 5.37 is now in

2017-12-10: upgrade to armbian 5.36 and install Home Assistant again, then re-created the configuration

2017-09-17: I switched to armbian, tested by installing armbian 5.31 on a new SD card on my second BananaPi.

2017-05-16: the final version of Bananian is 16.04, time to move to another distro.

2015-03-16: I set up Home Assistant under Bananian Linux on the Banana Pi.