Tandberg TDV 2200 terminal
[Tandberg]s(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tandberg_Data) TDV 2200 computer terminal was common where I worked in the 1980s - 1990s.
Graphics functions in Basic (for Sintran III): PDF document (comments in Norwegian).
Tandberg TDV 2215 control sequences, character sets (in Norwegian, PDF).
Documents: TDV 2200 Hardware Manual (PDF).
back to my computing history, Norsk Data page.
Links: Deskthority wiki, Terminals wiki, Github Supermagnum/Tandberg - more ROM dumps,
other links: GNUSim8085, Github ForNextSoftwareDevelopment/8085,
local links: Tandberg TDV 2200 keyboard,
2021-03-30: ND320 - TDV 2200/9 S - dumped the EPROMs:
U63 - character gen
tingo@kg-core2$ ./minipro -p 27128A@DIP28 -r ~/doc/Tandberg/TDV2200/EPROMs/tdv2200s_U63_D27128A.bin Found TL866CS 03.2.86 (0x256) Chip ID OK: 0x8989 Reading Code... 0.38Sec OK
U32 - primitives?
tingo@kg-core2$ ./minipro -p MBM2764@DIP28 -r ~/doc/Tandberg/TDV2200/EPROMs/tdv2200s_U32_D2764D.bin Found TL866CS 03.2.86 (0x256) Reading Code... 0.21Sec OK
U93 - emulator?
tingo@kg-core2$ ./minipro -p 27128A@DIP28 -r ~/doc/Tandberg/TDV2200/EPROMs/tdv2200s_U93_D27128A.bin Found TL866CS 03.2.86 (0x256) Chip ID OK: 0x8989 Reading Code... 0.38Sec OK
not sure about the two last one, it could be the other way too.
2021-03-22: the ND 320 - TDV 2200/9 S has these other labels: back - "ND 320", "ND 147 5701", "85 03 30", "Model: TDV 2200 S". Bottom: Basic Unit "TDV 2200/9 S", firmware "TDV 2200/9 S", "965090", "Rev.: 22", Char. Gen. "965115", "Rev.: 1, Current Loop Adapter "961145", "Rev.: 14".
2021-03-18: ND 246 / TDV2200/9 - tried dumping U31 as AT28HC64
tingo@kg-core2$ ./minipro -p AT28HC64 -r ~/doc/Tandberg/TDV2200/EPROMs/TDV2200_U31_Mostek_MK37013P.bin Found TL866CS 03.2.86 (0x256) Reading Code... 0.14Sec OK tingo@kg-core2$ ./minipro -p AT28HC64B -r ~/doc/Tandberg/TDV2200/EPROMs/TDV2200_U31_Mostek_MK37013P_2-2.bin Found TL866CS 03.2.86 (0x256) Reading Code... 0.15Sec OK tingo@kg-core2$ ./minipro -p AT28HC64BF -r ~/doc/Tandberg/TDV2200/EPROMs/TDV2200_U31_Mostek_MK37013P_2-3.bin Found TL866CS 03.2.86 (0x256) Reading Code... 0.15Sec OK tingo@kg-core2$ ./minipro -p AT28HC64L -r ~/doc/Tandberg/TDV2200/EPROMs/TDV2200_U31_Mostek_MK37013P_2-4.bin Found TL866CS 03.2.86 (0x256) Reading Code... 0.15Sec OK but the contents is all FF's again tingo@kg-core2$ hd TDV2200_U31_Mostek_MK37013P_2-4.bin 00000000 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff |................| * 00002000
no good. Tried using the DUMP key in the Dataman S4, but I get inconsistent results every time I try, perhaps the chip is bad?
2021-03-16: ND 246 / TDV2200/9 - reading the EPROMs with minipro: U63 - 2732A - character generator
tingo@kg-core2$ ./minipro -p 2732A@DIP24 -r ~/doc/Tandberg/TDV2200/EPROMs/TDV2200_U63_961825_rev_0.bin Found TL866CS 03.2.86 (0x256) Reading Code... 0.14Sec OK
U33 - NEC D2716D - "emulator"
tingo@kg-core2$ ./minipro -p M2716@DIP24 -r ~/doc/Tandberg/TDV2200/EPROMs/TDV2200_U33_49153-10_rev_3.bin Found TL866CS 03.2.86 (0x256) Reading Code... 0.10Sec OK
U32 - AM2764 - "Primitives II"
tingo@kg-core2$ ./minipro -p AM2764A@DIP28 -r ~/doc/Tandberg/TDV2200/EPROMs/TDV2200_U32_49153-10_rev_2.bin Found TL866CS 03.2.86 (0x256) Invalid Chip ID: expected 0x0108, got 0xA7C2 (unknown) (use '-y' to continue anyway at your own risk) tingo@kg-core2$ ./minipro -p AM2764A@DIP28 -y -r ~/doc/Tandberg/TDV2200/EPROMs/TDV2200_U32_49153-10_rev_2.bin Found TL866CS 03.2.86 (0x256) WARNING: Chip ID mismatch: expected 0x0108, got 0xA7C2 (unknown) Reading Code... 0.21Sec OK
U31 - Mostek MK37013P (PROM?) - "Primitives I" - I can't read this chip no matter what I try, neither the MiniPro not the Dataman S4 wants to read it.
2018-04-18: disassemblers - under CP/M you have ZZSource and Resource, in Debian (and probably other you have the "d52" package, which is a disassembler for 8052, 8048 / 8041, z80 / 8080 / 8085. Simulator: GNUSim8085 looks nice.
2017-07-06: the ND246 (non-working) is a TDV 2200/9, serial number 314816. It has the following ROM / EPROM. U31 - Mostek MK37013P, U32 - AM2764-45DC, U33 - Nec D2716D.
2017-06-29: NF6X's dismantler - An extensible 8080/8085 disassembler with semiautomatic code recognition could be useful if I decide to dump all the ROMs in a TDV22xx terminal some day.
2016-03-24: information from the TDV 2200 Service Manual (Partno. 961326, Publ. no. 5214), Mainboard (Partno. 391522, Publ. no. 5224, January 1982, Revision no. 1), Chapter 3, Block Diagram Description, 3.11 Keyboard Interface: "Converts serial data from the Keyboard (RxKB) to parallel data clocked by KBCLK (2400 baud) and generates in interrupt request (KBINT) for each keyboard entry. Converts parallel data from the CPU to serial data (TxRB) to be transmitted to the Keyboard clocked by LACLK (2400 baud). Furthermore the CPU can read status signals from the Keyboard or send commands to it when the chip enable signal CKBPR is true.". I wonder if this information is correct. A MC6850 ACIA (asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter) that is used as the converter to / from serial. Facts: LACLK is connected to pin 4 (Tx clk) and KBCLK to pin 3 (Rx clk) on the MC6850, so that part seems correct. CKBPR (bar) is connected to pin 9 on the MC6850, which is CS2 (bar). Note: the MC6850 transmits and receives serial data with LSB first.
2013-05-09: Today I used pdftk to create a PDF copy out of the PDF files from a scan of the TDV 2200 Hardware Manual (Part no: 393541, Revision 0, October 1980) I had scanned some time earlier. It is listed under "Documents" above. It was a few hours work, but overall, pdftk is easy to work with.
2013-04-22: I used a scanner at work to scan the TDV 2200 Hardware Manual. The manual has many pages in A3 format (schematics), and I don't have a A3 scanner at home. I scanned each section separate, and intend to combine them later. The machine used is a large MFP, using it gives me minimal control of the PDF generated, but it is better than nothing.
2013-03-16: I opened up the ND246 keyboard. It has a NEC D8035LC microcontroller (ROMless) and a NEC D2716 EPROM.
2013-03-10: a PS/2 connector is also a serial connector. It has this pinout:
1 - +DATA data 2 - not connectied (or mouse data for splitter cable) 3 - GND 4 - Vcc +5V DC at 275 mA 5 - +CLK clock 6 - not connected (or mouse clock for splitter cable)
The data signal is "Serial data at 10 to 16 kHz with 1 stop bit, 1 start bit, 1 parity bit (odd)". More ps/2 info here. About scan codes here. Daryl's AVR PC Keyboard device uses an ATTiny26 to convert from PS/2 scancodes to ascii characters on a 8-bit data bus. Others: RETRO Innovations PS/2 Encoder,
2013-03-10: the keyboard uses V.11 / RS-422 to at 2400 baud communicate with the terminal. The external keyboard connector (E1) is a 9 pin connector. Pinout is
1 - protective ground CHGND 2 - transmit to keyb. TXKB (bar) 3 - +5V 4 - receive from keyb.RXKB (bar) 5 - 6 - GND 7 - transmit to keyboard TXKB 8 - 9 - receive from keyboard RXKB
The keyboard uses a 26LS31 line driver (U10) and a 26LS32 line receiver (U9) which converts TTL to RS-422 signals. The mainboard uses the same circuits.
2011-04-02: Today I tested the spare ND 320 keyboard on the ND 320 terminal. (just a quick test), and it is working. Even the caps lock key (without the key cap) is working. I also tested the ND 246 keyboard (connected it to the ND 320 terminal) and it is working.
2010-10-27: I disassembled the ND 246 terminal and had a quick look inside. The fuses F1 and F3 (where's F2?) on the power/deflection 1 board are ok, but still the terminal doesn't power up. This requires more fault finding.
2010-10-22: as part of a ND machine pickup, I got two Tandberg TVD 2200 terminals; one labeled ND 246, and one labeled ND 320, plus a spare keyboard for the ND 320 (it is missing the Caps Lock keycap, but the key itself is there). The ND 246 terminal doesn't power up at all, but the ND 320 one works (I can navigate the menus and so on). Both terminals have an optional interface installed: current loop, connected to channel A.
2009-07-15: Tandberg TDV 2200 troubleshooting hints from 1984.(in english, PDF), retyped by me.