Macintosh SE/30 - system 7.x
Hardware info on main page.
Links: LowEndMac: Applications compatible with 68000-based Macs,
Work log
2011-10-21: Ah, FileTypes, I had forgot about them. I found FileType, downloaded it onto my Mac mini, set the filetype of stuffit-expander.sea to "APPL" (had to set the Creator code too, so I used "----"), put it onto a floppy and got it over to the SE/30. I got the error message "Program "stuffit-expander.sea" kunne ikke åpnes fordi det oppsto en feil av typen -39." when double-clicking on the file. I tried a few other programs as well, but got the same error message.
2011-10-21: I now have "stuffit-expander.sea", "Disk_Copy_6.3.3.smi.bin" and "Disk_Copy_4.2.sea.bin" on my SE/30. But they won't expand when double-clicked.
2011-10-20: Using a Mac mini running OS X 10.4 and a usb floppy drive, I have now found a way to transfer files to the SE/30. The Mac mini can format floppies in "Mac OS Standard" (aka HFS) format, using Disk Utility (look for "Erase").
2011-09-21: The machine came with System 7.5 Norwegian (Systemprogramvare H1-7.5) installed.