Orange Pi Zero 2W - Debian

Hardware info on main page.



2023-11-07: mmcblk1p1 - finally I can ssh into the machine

tingo@kg-core2:~ $ ssh
  ___  ____ ___   _____             ______        __
 / _ \|  _ \_ _| |__  /___ _ __ ___|___ \ \      / /
| | | | |_) | |    / // _ \ '__/ _ \ __) \ \ /\ / / 
| |_| |  __/| |   / /|  __/ | | (_) / __/ \ V  V /  
 \___/|_|  |___| /____\___|_|  \___/_____| \_/\_/   

Welcome to Orange Pi 1.0.0 Bookworm with Linux 6.1.31-sun50iw9

System load:   28%              Up time:       1:20 Local users:   2                
Memory usage:  4% of 3.84G      IP:
CPU temp:      54°C             Usage of /:    14% of 15G       

[ 0 security updates available, 1 updates total: apt upgrade ]
Last check: 2023-09-13 04:20

[ General system configuration (beta): orangepi-config ]

Last login: Tue Nov  7 22:14:48 2023 from

2023-11-07: mmcblk1p1 - users - I changed the default passwords for the orangepi and the root account, then I created my own user and added it to the same groups as the orangepi user.

2023-11-07: mmcblk1p1 - wireless connection. Using nmcli d wifi connect <SSID> password <password> I can connect to my wireless network. afterwards,

nmcli c shows that wifi wlan0 is connected, and ip a shows that I have an ip address.

2023-11-07: mmcblk1p1 - first bootup. The machine autologins as the orangepi user, which has sudo rights.

nmcli cshow that the wired and lo interfaces are enabled, but obviously I don't have a connection for the ethernet.

nmcli r wifisays that the wifi radio is enabled.

nmcli d status shows that wlan0 is disconnected, and p2p-dev-wlan0 is disconnected, and end0 (ethernet) is unavailable.

nmcli d wifi lists available networks

2023-11-07: I created this page.