Toshiba Satellite Z30-B-10W - Fedora - 2018-1 archive

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2018-1 archive.

2018-03-27: sda5 - F27 - dnf - install simh

[tingo@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf install simh
Last metadata expiration check: 2:11:30 ago on Tue 27 Mar 2018 06:41:54 PM CEST.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                     Arch                          Version                               Repository                     Size
 simh                        x86_64                        3.9.0-8.fc27                          fedora                        1.7 M

Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package

Total download size: 1.7 M
Installed size: 6.4 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  simh.x86_64 3.9.0-8.fc27                                                                                                           



2018-03-19: sda5 - F27 - reboot, new kernel.

[tingo@localhost ~]$ uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 4.15.9-300.fc27.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Mar 12 17:07:55 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


2018-03-19: sda5 - F27 - dnf - upgrade

[tingo@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade
Last metadata expiration check: 2:09:10 ago on Mon 19 Mar 2018 07:00:23 PM CET.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                     Arch        Version                                   Repository                   Size
 kernel                                      x86_64      4.15.9-300.fc27                           updates                      81 k
 kernel-core                                 x86_64      4.15.9-300.fc27                           updates                      23 M
 kernel-devel                                x86_64      4.15.9-300.fc27                           updates                      12 M
 kernel-modules                              x86_64      4.15.9-300.fc27                           updates                      27 M
 kernel-modules-extra                        x86_64      4.15.9-300.fc27                           updates                     2.2 M
 CGAL                                        x86_64      4.11.1-1.fc27                             updates                     441 k
 ImageMagick                                 x86_64      1:                         updates                     186 k
 ImageMagick-djvu                            x86_64      1:                         updates                      45 k
 ImageMagick-libs                            x86_64      1:                         updates                     2.3 M
 ImageMagick-perl                            x86_64      1:                         updates                     169 k
 abrt                                        x86_64      2.10.7-1.fc27                             updates                     525 k
 abrt-addon-ccpp                             x86_64      2.10.7-1.fc27                             updates                     130 k
 abrt-addon-coredump-helper                  x86_64      2.10.7-1.fc27                             updates                      40 k
 abrt-addon-kerneloops                       x86_64      2.10.7-1.fc27                             updates                      54 k
 abrt-addon-pstoreoops                       x86_64      2.10.7-1.fc27                             updates                      32 k
 abrt-addon-vmcore                           x86_64      2.10.7-1.fc27                             updates                      44 k
 abrt-addon-xorg                             x86_64      2.10.7-1.fc27                             updates                      46 k
 abrt-cli                                    x86_64      2.10.7-1.fc27                             updates                      23 k
 abrt-dbus                                   x86_64      2.10.7-1.fc27                             updates                      89 k
 abrt-desktop                                x86_64      2.10.7-1.fc27                             updates                      23 k
 abrt-gui                                    x86_64      2.10.7-1.fc27                             updates                     122 k
 abrt-gui-libs                               x86_64      2.10.7-1.fc27                             updates                      33 k
 abrt-libs                                   x86_64      2.10.7-1.fc27                             updates                      52 k
 abrt-plugin-bodhi                           x86_64      2.10.7-1.fc27                             updates                      37 k
 abrt-retrace-client                         x86_64      2.10.7-1.fc27                             updates                      60 k
 abrt-tui                                    x86_64      2.10.7-1.fc27                             updates                      36 k
 android-tools                               x86_64      20170311gite7195be7725a-5.fc27            updates                     443 k
 atomic-registries                           x86_64      1.22.1-1.fc27                             updates                      39 k
 audit                                       x86_64      2.8.3-1.fc27                              updates                     255 k
 audit-libs                                  i686        2.8.3-1.fc27                              updates                     117 k
 audit-libs                                  x86_64      2.8.3-1.fc27                              updates                     112 k
 audit-libs-python3                          x86_64      2.8.3-1.fc27                              updates                      82 k
 binutils                                    x86_64      2.29-13.fc27                              updates                     5.9 M
 blas                                        x86_64      3.8.0-7.fc27                              updates                     427 k
 boost-atomic                                x86_64      1.64.0-5.fc27                             updates                      51 k
 boost-chrono                                x86_64      1.64.0-5.fc27                             updates                      54 k
 boost-context                               x86_64      1.64.0-5.fc27                             updates                      52 k
 boost-date-time                             x86_64      1.64.0-5.fc27                             updates                      64 k
 boost-filesystem                            x86_64      1.64.0-5.fc27                             updates                      80 k
 boost-iostreams                             x86_64      1.64.0-5.fc27                             updates                      74 k
 boost-locale                                x86_64      1.64.0-5.fc27                             updates                     283 k
 boost-program-options                       x86_64      1.64.0-5.fc27                             updates                     172 k
 boost-python                                x86_64      1.64.0-5.fc27                             updates                     129 k
 boost-random                                x86_64      1.64.0-5.fc27                             updates                      57 k
 boost-regex                                 x86_64      1.64.0-5.fc27                             updates                     302 k
 boost-signals                               x86_64      1.64.0-5.fc27                             updates                      75 k
 boost-system                                x86_64      1.64.0-5.fc27                             updates                      54 k
 boost-thread                                x86_64      1.64.0-5.fc27                             updates                      93 k
 cldr-emoji-annotation                       noarch      32.90.0_1-1.fc27                          updates                     3.8 M
 cpp                                         x86_64      7.3.1-5.fc27                              updates                     9.4 M
 dhcp-client                                 x86_64      12:4.3.6-9.fc27                           updates                     310 k
 dhcp-common                                 noarch      12:4.3.6-9.fc27                           updates                     202 k
 dhcp-libs                                   x86_64      12:4.3.6-9.fc27                           updates                     142 k
 fedora-gpg-keys                             noarch      27-2                                      updates                      96 k
 fedora-repos                                noarch      27-2                                      updates                     8.6 k
 freerdp-libs                                x86_64      2:2.0.0-39.20180314gitf8baeb7.fc27        updates                     905 k
 freexl                                      x86_64      1.0.5-1.fc27                              updates                      37 k
 gcc                                         x86_64      7.3.1-5.fc27                              updates                      21 M
 gcc-c++                                     x86_64      7.3.1-5.fc27                              updates                      11 M
 gcc-gdb-plugin                              x86_64      7.3.1-5.fc27                              updates                     137 k
 geany                                       x86_64      1.33-1.fc27                               updates                     2.1 M
 geany-libgeany                              x86_64      1.33-1.fc27                               updates                     1.0 M
 glade-libs                                  x86_64      3.20.4-1.fc27                             updates                     688 k
 glibc                                       i686        2.26-27.fc27                              updates                     4.3 M
 glibc                                       x86_64      2.26-27.fc27                              updates                     3.4 M
 glibc-common                                x86_64      2.26-27.fc27                              updates                     789 k
 glibc-devel                                 x86_64      2.26-27.fc27                              updates                     989 k
 glibc-headers                               x86_64      2.26-27.fc27                              updates                     504 k
 glibc-langpack-en                           x86_64      2.26-27.fc27                              updates                     278 k
 gnupg2                                      x86_64      2.2.5-1.fc27                              updates                     2.3 M
 gnupg2-smime                                x86_64      2.2.5-1.fc27                              updates                     277 k
 go-srpm-macros                              noarch      2-16.fc27                                 updates                      13 k
 google-chrome-stable                        x86_64      65.0.3325.162-1                           google-chrome                50 M
 google-noto-emoji-color-fonts               noarch      20180307-1.fc27                           updates                     6.4 M
 google-noto-emoji-fonts                     noarch      20180307-1.fc27                           updates                     295 k
 groff-base                                  x86_64      1.22.3-14.fc27                            updates                     1.0 M
 gvfs                                        x86_64                           updates                     375 k
 gvfs-archive                                x86_64                           updates                      52 k
 gvfs-client                                 x86_64                           updates                     805 k
 hwdata                                      noarch      0.310-1.fc27                              updates                     1.5 M
 ibus-typing-booster                         noarch      1.5.35-1.fc27                             updates                     566 k
 ima-evm-utils                               x86_64      1.1-2.fc27                                updates                      52 k
 kernel-headers                              x86_64      4.15.9-300.fc27                           updates                     1.2 M
 lapack                                      x86_64      3.8.0-7.fc27                              updates                     8.6 M
 ldns                                        x86_64      1.7.0-11.fc27                             updates                     160 k
 leptonica                                   x86_64      1.74.4-5.fc27                             updates                     1.0 M
 libXcursor                                  i686        1.1.15-1.fc27                             updates                      36 k
 libXcursor                                  x86_64      1.1.15-1.fc27                             updates                      34 k
 libXfont                                    x86_64      1.5.4-1.fc27                              updates                     157 k
 libXfont2                                   x86_64      2.0.3-1.fc27                              updates                     147 k
 libatomic                                   i686        7.3.1-5.fc27                              updates                      45 k
 libatomic                                   x86_64      7.3.1-5.fc27                              updates                      46 k
 libblkid                                    i686        2.30.2-2.fc27                             updates                     212 k
 libblkid                                    x86_64      2.30.2-2.fc27                             updates                     196 k
 libcdio                                     x86_64      0.94-5.fc27                               updates                     250 k
 libcrypt-nss                                i686        2.26-27.fc27                              updates                      40 k
 libcrypt-nss                                x86_64      2.26-27.fc27                              updates                      40 k
 libdrm                                      i686        2.4.90-2.fc27                             updates                     175 k
 libdrm                                      x86_64      2.4.90-2.fc27                             updates                     162 k
 libdvbpsi                                   x86_64      1.3.2-1.fc27                              updates                     104 k
 libfdisk                                    x86_64      2.30.2-2.fc27                             updates                     244 k
 libgcc                                      i686        7.3.1-5.fc27                              updates                     108 k
 libgcc                                      x86_64      7.3.1-5.fc27                              updates                     100 k
 libgfortran                                 x86_64      7.3.1-5.fc27                              updates                     551 k
 libgomp                                     x86_64      7.3.1-5.fc27                              updates                     211 k
 libinput                                    x86_64      1.10.2-4.fc27                             updates                     153 k
 libipa_hbac                                 x86_64      1.16.0-8.fc27                             updates                      83 k
 libldb                                      x86_64      1.3.2-1.fc27                              updates                     153 k
 libmount                                    i686        2.30.2-2.fc27                             updates                     232 k
 libmount                                    x86_64      2.30.2-2.fc27                             updates                     219 k
 libmspub                                    x86_64      0.1.4-1.fc27                              updates                     166 k
 libquadmath                                 x86_64      7.3.1-5.fc27                              updates                     191 k
 librados2                                   x86_64      1:12.2.4-1.fc27                           updates                     2.9 M
 libreport                                   x86_64      2.9.3-2.fc27                              updates                     489 k
 libreport-anaconda                          x86_64      2.9.3-2.fc27                              updates                      26 k
 libreport-cli                               x86_64      2.9.3-2.fc27                              updates                      30 k
 libreport-fedora                            x86_64      2.9.3-2.fc27                              updates                      23 k
 libreport-filesystem                        x86_64      2.9.3-2.fc27                              updates                      16 k
 libreport-gtk                               x86_64      2.9.3-2.fc27                              updates                      84 k
 libreport-plugin-bugzilla                   x86_64      2.9.3-2.fc27                              updates                      64 k
 libreport-plugin-kerneloops                 x86_64      2.9.3-2.fc27                              updates                      28 k
 libreport-plugin-logger                     x86_64      2.9.3-2.fc27                              updates                      33 k
 libreport-plugin-reportuploader             x86_64      2.9.3-2.fc27                              updates                      42 k
 libreport-plugin-systemd-journal            x86_64      2.9.3-2.fc27                              updates                      25 k
 libreport-plugin-ureport                    x86_64      2.9.3-2.fc27                              updates                      37 k
 libreport-web                               x86_64      2.9.3-2.fc27                              updates                      34 k
 libsmartcols                                x86_64      2.30.2-2.fc27                             updates                     160 k
 libsmbclient                                x86_64      2:4.7.6-0.fc27                            updates                     132 k
 libsolv                                     x86_64      0.6.33-1.fc27                             updates                     373 k
 libsss_autofs                               x86_64      1.16.0-8.fc27                             updates                      85 k
 libsss_certmap                              x86_64      1.16.0-8.fc27                             updates                     113 k
 libsss_idmap                                x86_64      1.16.0-8.fc27                             updates                      88 k
 libsss_nss_idmap                            x86_64      1.16.0-8.fc27                             updates                      94 k
 libsss_sudo                                 x86_64      1.16.0-8.fc27                             updates                      84 k
 libstdc++                                   i686        7.3.1-5.fc27                              updates                     517 k
 libstdc++                                   x86_64      7.3.1-5.fc27                              updates                     482 k
 libstdc++-devel                             x86_64      7.3.1-5.fc27                              updates                     1.9 M
 libunistring                                i686        0.9.9-1.fc27                              updates                     427 k
 libunistring                                x86_64      0.9.9-1.fc27                              updates                     417 k
 libuuid                                     i686        2.30.2-2.fc27                             updates                      84 k
 libuuid                                     x86_64      2.30.2-2.fc27                             updates                      82 k
 libwbclient                                 x86_64      2:4.7.6-0.fc27                            updates                     107 k
 libwebp                                     i686        0.6.1-8.fc27                              updates                     283 k
 libwebp                                     x86_64      0.6.1-8.fc27                              updates                     265 k
 libwinpr                                    x86_64      2:2.0.0-39.20180314gitf8baeb7.fc27        updates                     327 k
 lightdm-gtk                                 x86_64      2.0.4-1.fc27                              updates                     137 k
 llvm-libs                                   i686        5.0.1-4.fc27                              updates                      16 M
 llvm-libs                                   x86_64      5.0.1-4.fc27                              updates                      14 M
 mariadb-common                              x86_64      3:10.2.13-2.fc27                          updates                      64 k
 mariadb-config                              x86_64      3:10.2.13-2.fc27                          updates                      39 k
 mariadb-libs                                x86_64      3:10.2.13-2.fc27                          updates                     154 k
 mesa-dri-drivers                            i686        17.3.6-1.fc27                             updates                      13 M
 mesa-dri-drivers                            x86_64      17.3.6-1.fc27                             updates                      13 M
 mesa-filesystem                             i686        17.3.6-1.fc27                             updates                      29 k
 mesa-filesystem                             x86_64      17.3.6-1.fc27                             updates                      29 k
 mesa-libEGL                                 i686        17.3.6-1.fc27                             updates                     121 k
 mesa-libEGL                                 x86_64      17.3.6-1.fc27                             updates                     115 k
 mesa-libGL                                  i686        17.3.6-1.fc27                             updates                     196 k
 mesa-libGL                                  x86_64      17.3.6-1.fc27                             updates                     174 k
 mesa-libGLES                                x86_64      17.3.6-1.fc27                             updates                      26 k
 mesa-libOSMesa                              i686        17.3.6-1.fc27                             updates                     2.2 M
 mesa-libOSMesa                              x86_64      17.3.6-1.fc27                             updates                     2.1 M
 mesa-libOpenCL                              x86_64      17.3.6-1.fc27                             updates                     612 k
 mesa-libgbm                                 i686        17.3.6-1.fc27                             updates                      52 k
 mesa-libgbm                                 x86_64      17.3.6-1.fc27                             updates                      51 k
 mesa-libglapi                               i686        17.3.6-1.fc27                             updates                      68 k
 mesa-libglapi                               x86_64      17.3.6-1.fc27                             updates                      56 k
 mesa-libwayland-egl                         x86_64      17.3.6-1.fc27                             updates                      30 k
 mesa-libxatracker                           x86_64      17.3.6-1.fc27                             updates                     1.2 M
 mpfr                                        x86_64      3.1.6-1.fc27                              updates                     218 k
 openal-soft                                 i686        1.18.2-5.fc27                             updates                     399 k
 openal-soft                                 x86_64      1.18.2-5.fc27                             updates                     392 k
 openblas                                    x86_64      0.2.20-8.fc27                             updates                     4.4 M
 openblas-openmp                             x86_64      0.2.20-8.fc27                             updates                     4.5 M
 openblas-threads                            x86_64      0.2.20-8.fc27                             updates                     4.5 M
 openblas-threads64_                         x86_64      0.2.20-8.fc27                             updates                     4.4 M
 openvpn                                     x86_64      2.4.5-1.fc27                              updates                     530 k
 p11-kit                                     i686        0.23.10-1.fc27                            updates                     259 k
 p11-kit                                     x86_64      0.23.10-1.fc27                            updates                     263 k
 p11-kit-trust                               x86_64      0.23.10-1.fc27                            updates                     135 k
 pcre                                        i686        8.41-6.fc27                               updates                     206 k
 pcre                                        x86_64      8.41-6.fc27                               updates                     205 k
 pcre-cpp                                    x86_64      8.41-6.fc27                               updates                      42 k
 pcre-devel                                  x86_64      8.41-6.fc27                               updates                     549 k
 pcre-utf16                                  x86_64      8.41-6.fc27                               updates                     191 k
 pcre-utf32                                  x86_64      8.41-6.fc27                               updates                     182 k
 pcsc-lite-ccid                              x86_64      1.4.29-1.fc27                             updates                     312 k
 perl-Locale-Codes                           noarch      3.56-1.fc27                               updates                     303 k
 perl-Mojolicious                            noarch      7.67-1.fc27                               updates                     903 k
 perl-PathTools                              x86_64      3.74-1.fc27                               updates                      88 k
 perl-Test-Harness                           noarch      1:3.41-1.fc27                             updates                     277 k
 perl-libwww-perl                            noarch      6.33-1.fc27                               updates                     211 k
 policycoreutils                             x86_64      2.7-5.fc27                                updates                     706 k
 policycoreutils-python-utils                x86_64      2.7-5.fc27                                updates                     225 k
 policycoreutils-python3                     x86_64      2.7-5.fc27                                updates                     1.8 M
 postgresql-libs                             x86_64      9.6.8-1.fc27                              updates                     257 k
 publicsuffix-list-dafsa                     noarch      20180223-1.fc27                           updates                      46 k
 pulseaudio                                  x86_64      11.1-15.fc27                              updates                     985 k
 pulseaudio-libs                             i686        11.1-15.fc27                              updates                     677 k
 pulseaudio-libs                             x86_64      11.1-15.fc27                              updates                     668 k
 pulseaudio-libs-glib2                       x86_64      11.1-15.fc27                              updates                      28 k
 pulseaudio-module-x11                       x86_64      11.1-15.fc27                              updates                      40 k
 pulseaudio-utils                            x86_64      11.1-15.fc27                              updates                      79 k
 python2                                     x86_64      2.7.14-8.fc27                             updates                     100 k
 python2-libs                                x86_64      2.7.14-8.fc27                             updates                     6.3 M
 python2-tkinter                             x86_64      2.7.14-8.fc27                             updates                     400 k
 python3                                     x86_64      3.6.4-9.fc27                              updates                      69 k
 python3-abrt                                x86_64      2.10.7-1.fc27                             updates                      48 k
 python3-abrt-addon                          x86_64      2.10.7-1.fc27                             updates                      32 k
 python3-devel                               x86_64      3.6.4-9.fc27                              updates                     867 k
 python3-libreport                           x86_64      2.9.3-2.fc27                              updates                      53 k
 python3-libs                                x86_64      3.6.4-9.fc27                              updates                     8.6 M
 python3-sssdconfig                          noarch      1.16.0-8.fc27                             updates                     109 k
 redhat-rpm-config                           noarch      77-1.fc27                                 updates                      67 k
 samba-client                                x86_64      2:4.7.6-0.fc27                            updates                     612 k
 samba-client-libs                           x86_64      2:4.7.6-0.fc27                            updates                     4.9 M
 samba-common                                noarch      2:4.7.6-0.fc27                            updates                     202 k
 samba-common-libs                           x86_64      2:4.7.6-0.fc27                            updates                     163 k
 samba-common-tools                          x86_64      2:4.7.6-0.fc27                            updates                     466 k
 samba-libs                                  x86_64      2:4.7.6-0.fc27                            updates                     285 k
 samba-winbind                               x86_64      2:4.7.6-0.fc27                            updates                     534 k
 samba-winbind-clients                       x86_64      2:4.7.6-0.fc27                            updates                     132 k
 samba-winbind-modules                       x86_64      2:4.7.6-0.fc27                            updates                     114 k
 sane-backends                               x86_64      1.0.27-15.fc27                            updates                     791 k
 sane-backends-daemon                        x86_64      1.0.27-15.fc27                            updates                      59 k
 sane-backends-drivers-cameras               i686        1.0.27-15.fc27                            updates                      57 k
 sane-backends-drivers-cameras               x86_64      1.0.27-15.fc27                            updates                      55 k
 sane-backends-drivers-scanners              i686        1.0.27-15.fc27                            updates                     2.5 M
 sane-backends-drivers-scanners              x86_64      1.0.27-15.fc27                            updates                     2.4 M
 sane-backends-libs                          i686        1.0.27-15.fc27                            updates                     111 k
 sane-backends-libs                          x86_64      1.0.27-15.fc27                            updates                     106 k
 soxr                                        x86_64      0.1.3-1.fc27                              updates                      96 k
 sssd                                        x86_64      1.16.0-8.fc27                             updates                      75 k
 sssd-ad                                     x86_64      1.16.0-8.fc27                             updates                     201 k
 sssd-client                                 x86_64      1.16.0-8.fc27                             updates                     143 k
 sssd-common                                 x86_64      1.16.0-8.fc27                             updates                     1.3 M
 sssd-common-pac                             x86_64      1.16.0-8.fc27                             updates                     143 k
 sssd-ipa                                    x86_64      1.16.0-8.fc27                             updates                     294 k
 sssd-krb5                                   x86_64      1.16.0-8.fc27                             updates                     117 k
 sssd-krb5-common                            x86_64      1.16.0-8.fc27                             updates                     152 k
 sssd-ldap                                   x86_64      1.16.0-8.fc27                             updates                     186 k
 sssd-nfs-idmap                              x86_64      1.16.0-8.fc27                             updates                      81 k
 sssd-proxy                                  x86_64      1.16.0-8.fc27                             updates                     111 k
 stunnel                                     x86_64      5.44-5.fc27                               updates                     153 k
 subscription-manager-rhsm-certificates      x86_64      1.21.2-3.fc27                             updates                     205 k
 systemtap-sdt-devel                         x86_64      3.2-3.fc27                                updates                      72 k
 unzip                                       x86_64      6.0-37.fc27                               updates                     189 k
 util-linux                                  x86_64      2.30.2-2.fc27                             updates                     2.4 M
 util-linux-user                             x86_64      2.30.2-2.fc27                             updates                      92 k
 vim-minimal                                 x86_64      2:8.0.1573-1.fc27                         updates                     559 k
 vlc                                         x86_64      3.0.1-1.fc27                              rpmfusion-free-updates      2.0 M
 vlc-core                                    x86_64      3.0.1-1.fc27                              rpmfusion-free-updates       10 M
 wine                                        x86_64      3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      58 k
 wine-alsa                                   i686        3.3-2.fc27                                updates                     107 k
 wine-alsa                                   x86_64      3.3-2.fc27                                updates                     109 k
 wine-capi                                   i686        3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      63 k
 wine-capi                                   x86_64      3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      63 k
 wine-cms                                    i686        3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      77 k
 wine-cms                                    x86_64      3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      78 k
 wine-common                                 noarch      3.3-2.fc27                                updates                     111 k
 wine-core                                   i686        3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      23 M
 wine-core                                   x86_64      3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      23 M
 wine-courier-fonts                          noarch      3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      70 k
 wine-desktop                                noarch      3.3-2.fc27                                updates                     160 k
 wine-filesystem                             noarch      3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      88 k
 wine-fixedsys-fonts                         noarch      3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      70 k
 wine-fonts                                  noarch      3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      57 k
 wine-ldap                                   i686        3.3-2.fc27                                updates                     127 k
 wine-ldap                                   x86_64      3.3-2.fc27                                updates                     130 k
 wine-marlett-fonts                          noarch      3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      69 k
 wine-ms-sans-serif-fonts                    noarch      3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      83 k
 wine-openal                                 i686        3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      70 k
 wine-openal                                 x86_64      3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      71 k
 wine-opencl                                 i686        3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      69 k
 wine-opencl                                 x86_64      3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      70 k
 wine-pulseaudio                             i686        3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      95 k
 wine-pulseaudio                             x86_64      3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      96 k
 wine-small-fonts                            noarch      3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      72 k
 wine-symbol-fonts                           noarch      3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      83 k
 wine-system-fonts                           noarch      3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      76 k
 wine-systemd                                noarch      3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      58 k
 wine-tahoma-fonts                           noarch      3.3-2.fc27                                updates                     161 k
 wine-twain                                  i686        3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      89 k
 wine-twain                                  x86_64      3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      91 k
 wine-wingdings-fonts                        noarch      3.3-2.fc27                                updates                      69 k
 xdg-utils                                   noarch      1.1.2-4.fc27                              updates                      83 k
 xfce4-notifyd                               x86_64      0.4.2-2.fc27                              updates                     218 k
 xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin                     x86_64      0.3.5-1.fc27                              updates                     110 k
 xfce4-terminal                              x86_64                            updates                     570 k
 xfsprogs                                    x86_64      4.15.1-1.fc27                             updates                     1.1 M
Installing dependencies:
 SDL2                                        i686        2.0.7-2.fc27                              updates                     414 k
 libmicrodns                                 x86_64      0.0.8-1.fc27                              updates                      28 k
 libplacebo                                  x86_64      0.4.0-1.fc27                              updates                     123 k
 spirv-tools-libs                            i686        2018.1-0.2.20180205.git9e19fc0.fc27       updates                     617 k
 spirv-tools-libs                            x86_64      2018.1-0.2.20180205.git9e19fc0.fc27       updates                     573 k
 vulkan                                      i686                           updates                     1.0 M
 vulkan                                      x86_64                           updates                     1.1 M
 vulkan-filesystem                           noarch                           updates                      12 k
Installing weak dependencies:
 mesa-vulkan-drivers                         x86_64      17.3.6-1.fc27                             updates                     1.6 M
 kernel                                      x86_64      4.15.3-300.fc27                           @updates                      0  
 kernel-core                                 x86_64      4.15.3-300.fc27                           @updates                     58 M
 kernel-devel                                x86_64      4.15.3-300.fc27                           @updates                     44 M
 kernel-modules                              x86_64      4.15.3-300.fc27                           @updates                     26 M
 kernel-modules-extra                        x86_64      4.15.3-300.fc27                           @updates                    2.1 M

Transaction Summary
Install   14 Packages
Upgrade  285 Packages
Remove     5 Packages

Total download size: 425 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  kernel.x86_64 4.15.3-300.fc27             kernel-core.x86_64 4.15.3-300.fc27              kernel-devel.x86_64 4.15.3-300.fc27    
  kernel-modules.x86_64 4.15.3-300.fc27     kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.15.3-300.fc27    

  kernel.x86_64 4.15.9-300.fc27                                      kernel-core.x86_64 4.15.9-300.fc27                              
  kernel-devel.x86_64 4.15.9-300.fc27                                kernel-modules.x86_64 4.15.9-300.fc27                           
  kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.15.9-300.fc27                        mesa-vulkan-drivers.x86_64 17.3.6-1.fc27                        
  SDL2.i686 2.0.7-2.fc27                                             libmicrodns.x86_64 0.0.8-1.fc27                                 
  libplacebo.x86_64 0.4.0-1.fc27                                     spirv-tools-libs.i686 2018.1-0.2.20180205.git9e19fc0.fc27       
  spirv-tools-libs.x86_64 2018.1-0.2.20180205.git9e19fc0.fc27        vulkan.i686                                     
  vulkan.x86_64                                      vulkan-filesystem.noarch                        

  CGAL.x86_64 4.11.1-1.fc27                                      ImageMagick.x86_64 1:                               
  ImageMagick-djvu.x86_64 1:                      ImageMagick-libs.x86_64 1:                          
  ImageMagick-perl.x86_64 1:                      abrt.x86_64 2.10.7-1.fc27                                          
  abrt-addon-ccpp.x86_64 2.10.7-1.fc27                           abrt-addon-coredump-helper.x86_64 2.10.7-1.fc27                    
  abrt-addon-kerneloops.x86_64 2.10.7-1.fc27                     abrt-addon-pstoreoops.x86_64 2.10.7-1.fc27                         
  abrt-addon-vmcore.x86_64 2.10.7-1.fc27                         abrt-addon-xorg.x86_64 2.10.7-1.fc27                               
  abrt-cli.x86_64 2.10.7-1.fc27                                  abrt-dbus.x86_64 2.10.7-1.fc27                                     
  abrt-desktop.x86_64 2.10.7-1.fc27                              abrt-gui.x86_64 2.10.7-1.fc27                                      
  abrt-gui-libs.x86_64 2.10.7-1.fc27                             abrt-libs.x86_64 2.10.7-1.fc27                                     
  abrt-plugin-bodhi.x86_64 2.10.7-1.fc27                         abrt-retrace-client.x86_64 2.10.7-1.fc27                           
  abrt-tui.x86_64 2.10.7-1.fc27                                  android-tools.x86_64 20170311gite7195be7725a-5.fc27                
  atomic-registries.x86_64 1.22.1-1.fc27                         audit.x86_64 2.8.3-1.fc27                                          
  audit-libs.i686 2.8.3-1.fc27                                   audit-libs.x86_64 2.8.3-1.fc27                                     
  audit-libs-python3.x86_64 2.8.3-1.fc27                         binutils.x86_64 2.29-13.fc27                                       
  blas.x86_64 3.8.0-7.fc27                                       boost-atomic.x86_64 1.64.0-5.fc27                                  
  boost-chrono.x86_64 1.64.0-5.fc27                              boost-context.x86_64 1.64.0-5.fc27                                 
  boost-date-time.x86_64 1.64.0-5.fc27                           boost-filesystem.x86_64 1.64.0-5.fc27                              
  boost-iostreams.x86_64 1.64.0-5.fc27                           boost-locale.x86_64 1.64.0-5.fc27                                  
  boost-program-options.x86_64 1.64.0-5.fc27                     boost-python.x86_64 1.64.0-5.fc27                                  
  boost-random.x86_64 1.64.0-5.fc27                              boost-regex.x86_64 1.64.0-5.fc27                                   
  boost-signals.x86_64 1.64.0-5.fc27                             boost-system.x86_64 1.64.0-5.fc27                                  
  boost-thread.x86_64 1.64.0-5.fc27                              cldr-emoji-annotation.noarch 32.90.0_1-1.fc27                      
  cpp.x86_64 7.3.1-5.fc27                                        dhcp-client.x86_64 12:4.3.6-9.fc27                                 
  dhcp-common.noarch 12:4.3.6-9.fc27                             dhcp-libs.x86_64 12:4.3.6-9.fc27                                   
  fedora-gpg-keys.noarch 27-2                                    fedora-repos.noarch 27-2                                           
  freerdp-libs.x86_64 2:2.0.0-39.20180314gitf8baeb7.fc27         freexl.x86_64 1.0.5-1.fc27                                         
  gcc.x86_64 7.3.1-5.fc27                                        gcc-c++.x86_64 7.3.1-5.fc27                                        
  gcc-gdb-plugin.x86_64 7.3.1-5.fc27                             geany.x86_64 1.33-1.fc27                                           
  geany-libgeany.x86_64 1.33-1.fc27                              glade-libs.x86_64 3.20.4-1.fc27                                    
  glibc.i686 2.26-27.fc27                                        glibc.x86_64 2.26-27.fc27                                          
  glibc-common.x86_64 2.26-27.fc27                               glibc-devel.x86_64 2.26-27.fc27                                    
  glibc-headers.x86_64 2.26-27.fc27                              glibc-langpack-en.x86_64 2.26-27.fc27                              
  gnupg2.x86_64 2.2.5-1.fc27                                     gnupg2-smime.x86_64 2.2.5-1.fc27                                   
  go-srpm-macros.noarch 2-16.fc27                                google-chrome-stable.x86_64 65.0.3325.162-1                        
  google-noto-emoji-color-fonts.noarch 20180307-1.fc27           google-noto-emoji-fonts.noarch 20180307-1.fc27                     
  groff-base.x86_64 1.22.3-14.fc27                               gvfs.x86_64                                        
  gvfs-archive.x86_64                            gvfs-client.x86_64                                 
  hwdata.noarch 0.310-1.fc27                                     ibus-typing-booster.noarch 1.5.35-1.fc27                           
  ima-evm-utils.x86_64 1.1-2.fc27                                kernel-headers.x86_64 4.15.9-300.fc27                              
  lapack.x86_64 3.8.0-7.fc27                                     ldns.x86_64 1.7.0-11.fc27                                          
  leptonica.x86_64 1.74.4-5.fc27                                 libXcursor.i686 1.1.15-1.fc27                                      
  libXcursor.x86_64 1.1.15-1.fc27                                libXfont.x86_64 1.5.4-1.fc27                                       
  libXfont2.x86_64 2.0.3-1.fc27                                  libatomic.i686 7.3.1-5.fc27                                        
  libatomic.x86_64 7.3.1-5.fc27                                  libblkid.i686 2.30.2-2.fc27                                        
  libblkid.x86_64 2.30.2-2.fc27                                  libcdio.x86_64 0.94-5.fc27                                         
  libcrypt-nss.i686 2.26-27.fc27                                 libcrypt-nss.x86_64 2.26-27.fc27                                   
  libdrm.i686 2.4.90-2.fc27                                      libdrm.x86_64 2.4.90-2.fc27                                        
  libdvbpsi.x86_64 1.3.2-1.fc27                                  libfdisk.x86_64 2.30.2-2.fc27                                      
  libgcc.i686 7.3.1-5.fc27                                       libgcc.x86_64 7.3.1-5.fc27                                         
  libgfortran.x86_64 7.3.1-5.fc27                                libgomp.x86_64 7.3.1-5.fc27                                        
  libinput.x86_64 1.10.2-4.fc27                                  libipa_hbac.x86_64 1.16.0-8.fc27                                   
  libldb.x86_64 1.3.2-1.fc27                                     libmount.i686 2.30.2-2.fc27                                        
  libmount.x86_64 2.30.2-2.fc27                                  libmspub.x86_64 0.1.4-1.fc27                                       
  libquadmath.x86_64 7.3.1-5.fc27                                librados2.x86_64 1:12.2.4-1.fc27                                   
  libreport.x86_64 2.9.3-2.fc27                                  libreport-anaconda.x86_64 2.9.3-2.fc27                             
  libreport-cli.x86_64 2.9.3-2.fc27                              libreport-fedora.x86_64 2.9.3-2.fc27                               
  libreport-filesystem.x86_64 2.9.3-2.fc27                       libreport-gtk.x86_64 2.9.3-2.fc27                                  
  libreport-plugin-bugzilla.x86_64 2.9.3-2.fc27                  libreport-plugin-kerneloops.x86_64 2.9.3-2.fc27                    
  libreport-plugin-logger.x86_64 2.9.3-2.fc27                    libreport-plugin-reportuploader.x86_64 2.9.3-2.fc27                
  libreport-plugin-systemd-journal.x86_64 2.9.3-2.fc27           libreport-plugin-ureport.x86_64 2.9.3-2.fc27                       
  libreport-web.x86_64 2.9.3-2.fc27                              libsmartcols.x86_64 2.30.2-2.fc27                                  
  libsmbclient.x86_64 2:4.7.6-0.fc27                             libsolv.x86_64 0.6.33-1.fc27                                       
  libsss_autofs.x86_64 1.16.0-8.fc27                             libsss_certmap.x86_64 1.16.0-8.fc27                                
  libsss_idmap.x86_64 1.16.0-8.fc27                              libsss_nss_idmap.x86_64 1.16.0-8.fc27                              
  libsss_sudo.x86_64 1.16.0-8.fc27                               libstdc++.i686 7.3.1-5.fc27                                        
  libstdc++.x86_64 7.3.1-5.fc27                                  libstdc++-devel.x86_64 7.3.1-5.fc27                                
  libunistring.i686 0.9.9-1.fc27                                 libunistring.x86_64 0.9.9-1.fc27                                   
  libuuid.i686 2.30.2-2.fc27                                     libuuid.x86_64 2.30.2-2.fc27                                       
  libwbclient.x86_64 2:4.7.6-0.fc27                              libwebp.i686 0.6.1-8.fc27                                          
  libwebp.x86_64 0.6.1-8.fc27                                    libwinpr.x86_64 2:2.0.0-39.20180314gitf8baeb7.fc27                 
  lightdm-gtk.x86_64 2.0.4-1.fc27                                llvm-libs.i686 5.0.1-4.fc27                                        
  llvm-libs.x86_64 5.0.1-4.fc27                                  mariadb-common.x86_64 3:10.2.13-2.fc27                             
  mariadb-config.x86_64 3:10.2.13-2.fc27                         mariadb-libs.x86_64 3:10.2.13-2.fc27                               
  mesa-dri-drivers.i686 17.3.6-1.fc27                            mesa-dri-drivers.x86_64 17.3.6-1.fc27                              
  mesa-filesystem.i686 17.3.6-1.fc27                             mesa-filesystem.x86_64 17.3.6-1.fc27                               
  mesa-libEGL.i686 17.3.6-1.fc27                                 mesa-libEGL.x86_64 17.3.6-1.fc27                                   
  mesa-libGL.i686 17.3.6-1.fc27                                  mesa-libGL.x86_64 17.3.6-1.fc27                                    
  mesa-libGLES.x86_64 17.3.6-1.fc27                              mesa-libOSMesa.i686 17.3.6-1.fc27                                  
  mesa-libOSMesa.x86_64 17.3.6-1.fc27                            mesa-libOpenCL.x86_64 17.3.6-1.fc27                                
  mesa-libgbm.i686 17.3.6-1.fc27                                 mesa-libgbm.x86_64 17.3.6-1.fc27                                   
  mesa-libglapi.i686 17.3.6-1.fc27                               mesa-libglapi.x86_64 17.3.6-1.fc27                                 
  mesa-libwayland-egl.x86_64 17.3.6-1.fc27                       mesa-libxatracker.x86_64 17.3.6-1.fc27                             
  mpfr.x86_64 3.1.6-1.fc27                                       openal-soft.i686 1.18.2-5.fc27                                     
  openal-soft.x86_64 1.18.2-5.fc27                               openblas.x86_64 0.2.20-8.fc27                                      
  openblas-openmp.x86_64 0.2.20-8.fc27                           openblas-threads.x86_64 0.2.20-8.fc27                              
  openblas-threads64_.x86_64 0.2.20-8.fc27                       openvpn.x86_64 2.4.5-1.fc27                                        
  p11-kit.i686 0.23.10-1.fc27                                    p11-kit.x86_64 0.23.10-1.fc27                                      
  p11-kit-trust.x86_64 0.23.10-1.fc27                            pcre.i686 8.41-6.fc27                                              
  pcre.x86_64 8.41-6.fc27                                        pcre-cpp.x86_64 8.41-6.fc27                                        
  pcre-devel.x86_64 8.41-6.fc27                                  pcre-utf16.x86_64 8.41-6.fc27                                      
  pcre-utf32.x86_64 8.41-6.fc27                                  pcsc-lite-ccid.x86_64 1.4.29-1.fc27                                
  perl-Locale-Codes.noarch 3.56-1.fc27                           perl-Mojolicious.noarch 7.67-1.fc27                                
  perl-PathTools.x86_64 3.74-1.fc27                              perl-Test-Harness.noarch 1:3.41-1.fc27                             
  perl-libwww-perl.noarch 6.33-1.fc27                            policycoreutils.x86_64 2.7-5.fc27                                  
  policycoreutils-python-utils.x86_64 2.7-5.fc27                 policycoreutils-python3.x86_64 2.7-5.fc27                          
  postgresql-libs.x86_64 9.6.8-1.fc27                            publicsuffix-list-dafsa.noarch 20180223-1.fc27                     
  pulseaudio.x86_64 11.1-15.fc27                                 pulseaudio-libs.i686 11.1-15.fc27                                  
  pulseaudio-libs.x86_64 11.1-15.fc27                            pulseaudio-libs-glib2.x86_64 11.1-15.fc27                          
  pulseaudio-module-x11.x86_64 11.1-15.fc27                      pulseaudio-utils.x86_64 11.1-15.fc27                               
  python2.x86_64 2.7.14-8.fc27                                   python2-libs.x86_64 2.7.14-8.fc27                                  
  python2-tkinter.x86_64 2.7.14-8.fc27                           python3.x86_64 3.6.4-9.fc27                                        
  python3-abrt.x86_64 2.10.7-1.fc27                              python3-abrt-addon.x86_64 2.10.7-1.fc27                            
  python3-devel.x86_64 3.6.4-9.fc27                              python3-libreport.x86_64 2.9.3-2.fc27                              
  python3-libs.x86_64 3.6.4-9.fc27                               python3-sssdconfig.noarch 1.16.0-8.fc27                            
  redhat-rpm-config.noarch 77-1.fc27                             samba-client.x86_64 2:4.7.6-0.fc27                                 
  samba-client-libs.x86_64 2:4.7.6-0.fc27                        samba-common.noarch 2:4.7.6-0.fc27                                 
  samba-common-libs.x86_64 2:4.7.6-0.fc27                        samba-common-tools.x86_64 2:4.7.6-0.fc27                           
  samba-libs.x86_64 2:4.7.6-0.fc27                               samba-winbind.x86_64 2:4.7.6-0.fc27                                
  samba-winbind-clients.x86_64 2:4.7.6-0.fc27                    samba-winbind-modules.x86_64 2:4.7.6-0.fc27                        
  sane-backends.x86_64 1.0.27-15.fc27                            sane-backends-daemon.x86_64 1.0.27-15.fc27                         
  sane-backends-drivers-cameras.i686 1.0.27-15.fc27              sane-backends-drivers-cameras.x86_64 1.0.27-15.fc27                
  sane-backends-drivers-scanners.i686 1.0.27-15.fc27             sane-backends-drivers-scanners.x86_64 1.0.27-15.fc27               
  sane-backends-libs.i686 1.0.27-15.fc27                         sane-backends-libs.x86_64 1.0.27-15.fc27                           
  soxr.x86_64 0.1.3-1.fc27                                       sssd.x86_64 1.16.0-8.fc27                                          
  sssd-ad.x86_64 1.16.0-8.fc27                                   sssd-client.x86_64 1.16.0-8.fc27                                   
  sssd-common.x86_64 1.16.0-8.fc27                               sssd-common-pac.x86_64 1.16.0-8.fc27                               
  sssd-ipa.x86_64 1.16.0-8.fc27                                  sssd-krb5.x86_64 1.16.0-8.fc27                                     
  sssd-krb5-common.x86_64 1.16.0-8.fc27                          sssd-ldap.x86_64 1.16.0-8.fc27                                     
  sssd-nfs-idmap.x86_64 1.16.0-8.fc27                            sssd-proxy.x86_64 1.16.0-8.fc27                                    
  stunnel.x86_64 5.44-5.fc27                                     subscription-manager-rhsm-certificates.x86_64 1.21.2-3.fc27        
  systemtap-sdt-devel.x86_64 3.2-3.fc27                          unzip.x86_64 6.0-37.fc27                                           
  util-linux.x86_64 2.30.2-2.fc27                                util-linux-user.x86_64 2.30.2-2.fc27                               
  vim-minimal.x86_64 2:8.0.1573-1.fc27                           vlc.x86_64 3.0.1-1.fc27                                            
  vlc-core.x86_64 3.0.1-1.fc27                                   wine.x86_64 3.3-2.fc27                                             
  wine-alsa.i686 3.3-2.fc27                                      wine-alsa.x86_64 3.3-2.fc27                                        
  wine-capi.i686 3.3-2.fc27                                      wine-capi.x86_64 3.3-2.fc27                                        
  wine-cms.i686 3.3-2.fc27                                       wine-cms.x86_64 3.3-2.fc27                                         
  wine-common.noarch 3.3-2.fc27                                  wine-core.i686 3.3-2.fc27                                          
  wine-core.x86_64 3.3-2.fc27                                    wine-courier-fonts.noarch 3.3-2.fc27                               
  wine-desktop.noarch 3.3-2.fc27                                 wine-filesystem.noarch 3.3-2.fc27                                  
  wine-fixedsys-fonts.noarch 3.3-2.fc27                          wine-fonts.noarch 3.3-2.fc27                                       
  wine-ldap.i686 3.3-2.fc27                                      wine-ldap.x86_64 3.3-2.fc27                                        
  wine-marlett-fonts.noarch 3.3-2.fc27                           wine-ms-sans-serif-fonts.noarch 3.3-2.fc27                         
  wine-openal.i686 3.3-2.fc27                                    wine-openal.x86_64 3.3-2.fc27                                      
  wine-opencl.i686 3.3-2.fc27                                    wine-opencl.x86_64 3.3-2.fc27                                      
  wine-pulseaudio.i686 3.3-2.fc27                                wine-pulseaudio.x86_64 3.3-2.fc27                                  
  wine-small-fonts.noarch 3.3-2.fc27                             wine-symbol-fonts.noarch 3.3-2.fc27                                
  wine-system-fonts.noarch 3.3-2.fc27                            wine-systemd.noarch 3.3-2.fc27                                     
  wine-tahoma-fonts.noarch 3.3-2.fc27                            wine-twain.i686 3.3-2.fc27                                         
  wine-twain.x86_64 3.3-2.fc27                                   wine-wingdings-fonts.noarch 3.3-2.fc27                             
  xdg-utils.noarch 1.1.2-4.fc27                                  xfce4-notifyd.x86_64 0.4.2-2.fc27                                  
  xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin.x86_64 0.3.5-1.fc27                    xfce4-terminal.x86_64                               
  xfsprogs.x86_64 4.15.1-1.fc27                                 



2018-03-17: sda5 - F27 - install python module vt102

[tingo@localhost ~]$ sudo pip install vt102
WARNING: Running pip install with root privileges is generally not a good idea. Try `pip install --user` instead.
Collecting vt102
  Downloading vt102-0.5.tar.gz
Installing collected packages: vt102
  Running install for vt102 ... done
Successfully installed vt102-0.5
You are using pip version 9.0.1, however version 9.0.2 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.


2018-03-17: sda5 - F27 - dnf - install pyELFtools

[tingo@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf install python-pyelftools.noarch
Last metadata expiration check: 1:15:06 ago on Sat 17 Mar 2018 09:50:51 PM CET.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                         Arch                 Version                                             Repository            Size
 python-pyelftools               noarch               0.22-0.13.git20130619.a1d9681.fc27                  fedora               126 k
Installing dependencies:
 python-construct                noarch               2.5.1-11.fc27                                       fedora               131 k

Transaction Summary
Install  2 Packages

Total download size: 257 k
Installed size: 1.0 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
(1/2): python-construct-2.5.1-11.fc27.noarch.rpm                                                     168 kB/s | 131 kB     00:00    
(2/2): python-pyelftools-0.22-0.13.git20130619.a1d9681.fc27.noarch.rpm                               161 kB/s | 126 kB     00:00    
Total                                                                                                216 kB/s | 257 kB     00:01     
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
  Preparing        :                                                                                                             1/1 
  Installing       : python-construct-2.5.1-11.fc27.noarch                                                                       1/2 
  Installing       : python-pyelftools-0.22-0.13.git20130619.a1d9681.fc27.noarch                                                 2/2 
  Verifying        : python-pyelftools-0.22-0.13.git20130619.a1d9681.fc27.noarch                                                 1/2 
  Verifying        : python-construct-2.5.1-11.fc27.noarch                                                                       2/2 

  python-pyelftools.noarch 0.22-0.13.git20130619.a1d9681.fc27                  python-construct.noarch 2.5.1-11.fc27                 



2018-03-08: sda5 - F27 - dnf - install avahi-tools

[tingo@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf install avahi-tools
  avahi-tools.x86_64 0.7-3.fc27                                                                                                      



2018-03-07: sda5 - F27 - wireless - performance wlp2s0 info

[tingo@localhost ~]$ sudo iw wlp2s0 info
Interface wlp2s0
 ifindex 3
 wdev 0x1
 addr e4:f8:9c:50:6f:2c
 ssid kg5
 type managed
 wiphy 0
 channel 13 (2472 MHz), width: 40 MHz, center1: 2462 MHz
 txpower 20.00 dBm
[tingo@localhost ~]$ sudo iw wlp2s0 link
Connected to e0:cb:4e:86:81:0b (on wlp2s0)
 SSID: kg5
 freq: 2472
 RX: 187581025 bytes (165713 packets)
 TX: 22397063 bytes (101416 packets)
 signal: -53 dBm
 tx bitrate: 90.0 MBit/s MCS 4 40MHz short GI

 bss flags: short-slot-time
 dtim period: 1
 beacon int: 100


[tingo@localhost ~]$ speedtest --simple
Ping: 24.111 ms
Download: 36.13 Mbit/s
Upload: 11.07 Mbit/s
[tingo@localhost ~]$ speedtest --simple
Ping: 22.478 ms
Download: 19.16 Mbit/s
Upload: 12.42 Mbit/s
[tingo@localhost ~]$ speedtest --simple
Ping: 18.981 ms
Download: 23.01 Mbit/s
Upload: 7.43 Mbit/s

which is ok, good enough.

2018-03-07: sda5 - F27 - dnf - install speedtest-cli

[tingo@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf search speedtest
Last metadata expiration check: 0:03:39 ago on Wed 07 Mar 2018 06:33:34 PM CET.
================================================= Name & Summary Matched: speedtest =================================================
python2-speedtest-cli.noarch : Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using
python3-speedtest-cli.noarch : Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using
====================================================== Name Matched: speedtest ======================================================
speedtest-cli.noarch : Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth
[tingo@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf install python3-speedtest-cli.noarch
Last metadata expiration check: 0:04:04 ago on Wed 07 Mar 2018 06:33:34 PM CET.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                  Arch                      Version                          Repository                 Size
 python3-speedtest-cli                    noarch                    1.0.2-2.fc27                     fedora                     43 k

Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package

Total download size: 43 k
Installed size: 146 k
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
python3-speedtest-cli-1.0.2-2.fc27.noarch.rpm                                                         71 kB/s |  43 kB     00:00    
Total                                                                                                 29 kB/s |  43 kB     00:01     
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
  Preparing        :                                                                                                             1/1 
  Installing       : python3-speedtest-cli-1.0.2-2.fc27.noarch                                                                   1/1 
  Running scriptlet: python3-speedtest-cli-1.0.2-2.fc27.noarch                                                                   1/1 
Running as unit: run-r572dcbfde575492c825f449e61cf1a14.service
  Verifying        : python3-speedtest-cli-1.0.2-2.fc27.noarch                                                                   1/1 

  python3-speedtest-cli.noarch 1.0.2-2.fc27                                                                                          



2018-03-05: sda5 - F27 - reboot, new kernel

[tingo@localhost ~]$ uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 4.15.6-300.fc27.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Feb 26 18:43:03 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


2018-03-05: sda5 - F27 - dnf - upgrade

[tingo@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade
Last metadata expiration check: 0:37:43 ago on Mon 05 Mar 2018 08:25:41 PM CET.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                               Arch                    Version                               Repository                 Size
 kernel                                x86_64                  4.15.6-300.fc27                       updates                    80 k
 kernel-core                           x86_64                  4.15.6-300.fc27                       updates                    23 M
 kernel-devel                          x86_64                  4.15.6-300.fc27                       updates                    12 M
 kernel-modules                        x86_64                  4.15.6-300.fc27                       updates                    27 M
 kernel-modules-extra                  x86_64                  4.15.6-300.fc27                       updates                   2.2 M
 kernel-headers                        x86_64                  4.15.6-300.fc27                       updates                   1.2 M
 libtevent                             x86_64                  0.9.36-1.fc27                         updates                    41 k
 vim-minimal                           x86_64                  2:8.0.1553-1.fc27                     updates                   540 k
 kernel                                x86_64                  4.14.16-300.fc27                      @updates                    0  
 kernel-core                           x86_64                  4.14.16-300.fc27                      @updates                   57 M
 kernel-devel                          x86_64                  4.14.16-300.fc27                      @updates                   44 M
 kernel-modules                        x86_64                  4.14.16-300.fc27                      @updates                   26 M
 kernel-modules-extra                  x86_64                  4.14.16-300.fc27                      @updates                  2.1 M

Transaction Summary
Install  5 Packages
Upgrade  3 Packages
Remove   5 Packages

Total download size: 66 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  kernel.x86_64 4.14.16-300.fc27            kernel-core.x86_64 4.14.16-300.fc27             kernel-devel.x86_64 4.14.16-300.fc27   
  kernel-modules.x86_64 4.14.16-300.fc27    kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.14.16-300.fc27   

  kernel.x86_64 4.15.6-300.fc27             kernel-core.x86_64 4.15.6-300.fc27              kernel-devel.x86_64 4.15.6-300.fc27    
  kernel-modules.x86_64 4.15.6-300.fc27     kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.15.6-300.fc27    

  kernel-headers.x86_64 4.15.6-300.fc27         libtevent.x86_64 0.9.36-1.fc27         vim-minimal.x86_64 2:8.0.1553-1.fc27        



2018-02-28: sda5 - F27 - reboot, new kernel

[tingo@localhost ~]$ uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 4.15.4-300.fc27.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Feb 19 23:31:15 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


2018-02-28: sda5 - F27 - dnf - upgrade

[tingo@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade
Last metadata expiration check: 0:56:26 ago on Wed 28 Feb 2018 10:35:35 AM CET.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                             Arch             Version                          Repository               Size
 kernel                                              x86_64           4.15.4-300.fc27                  updates                  80 k
 kernel-core                                         x86_64           4.15.4-300.fc27                  updates                  23 M
 kernel-devel                                        x86_64           4.15.4-300.fc27                  updates                  12 M
 kernel-modules                                      x86_64           4.15.4-300.fc27                  updates                  27 M
 kernel-modules-extra                                x86_64           4.15.4-300.fc27                  updates                 2.2 M
 OCE-foundation                                      x86_64           0.18.3-1.fc27                    updates                 2.9 M
 OCE-modeling                                        x86_64           0.18.3-1.fc27                    updates                  13 M
 OCE-ocaf                                            x86_64           0.18.3-1.fc27                    updates                 1.5 M
 OCE-visualization                                   x86_64           0.18.3-1.fc27                    updates                 1.5 M
 Thunar                                              x86_64           1.6.14-1.fc27                    updates                 1.4 M
 abrt                                                x86_64           2.10.6-2.fc27                    updates                 525 k
 abrt-addon-ccpp                                     x86_64           2.10.6-2.fc27                    updates                 130 k
 abrt-addon-coredump-helper                          x86_64           2.10.6-2.fc27                    updates                  40 k
 abrt-addon-kerneloops                               x86_64           2.10.6-2.fc27                    updates                  54 k
 abrt-addon-pstoreoops                               x86_64           2.10.6-2.fc27                    updates                  32 k
 abrt-addon-vmcore                                   x86_64           2.10.6-2.fc27                    updates                  44 k
 abrt-addon-xorg                                     x86_64           2.10.6-2.fc27                    updates                  46 k
 abrt-cli                                            x86_64           2.10.6-2.fc27                    updates                  23 k
 abrt-dbus                                           x86_64           2.10.6-2.fc27                    updates                  89 k
 abrt-desktop                                        x86_64           2.10.6-2.fc27                    updates                  23 k
 abrt-gui                                            x86_64           2.10.6-2.fc27                    updates                 122 k
 abrt-gui-libs                                       x86_64           2.10.6-2.fc27                    updates                  33 k
 abrt-libs                                           x86_64           2.10.6-2.fc27                    updates                  52 k
 abrt-plugin-bodhi                                   x86_64           2.10.6-2.fc27                    updates                  37 k
 abrt-retrace-client                                 x86_64           2.10.6-2.fc27                    updates                  59 k
 abrt-tui                                            x86_64           2.10.6-2.fc27                    updates                  36 k
 bash                                                x86_64           4.4.19-1.fc27                    updates                 1.5 M
 bluez                                               x86_64           5.48-3.fc27                      updates                 1.3 M
 bluez-cups                                          x86_64           5.48-3.fc27                      updates                  90 k
 bluez-libs                                          x86_64           5.48-3.fc27                      updates                  88 k
 bridge-utils                                        x86_64           1.6-1.fc27                       updates                  38 k
 catfish                                             noarch           1.4.4-2.fc27                     updates                 105 k
 catfish-common                                      noarch           1.4.4-2.fc27                     updates                 112 k
 clang                                               x86_64           5.0.1-3.fc27                     updates                 546 k
 clang-libs                                          x86_64           5.0.1-3.fc27                     updates                  13 M
 container-selinux                                   noarch           2:2.48-1.fc27                    updates                  38 k
 coreutils                                           x86_64           8.27-20.fc27                     updates                 1.2 M
 coreutils-common                                    x86_64           8.27-20.fc27                     updates                 1.9 M
 djvulibre                                           x86_64           3.5.27-5.fc27                    updates                 495 k
 djvulibre-libs                                      x86_64           3.5.27-5.fc27                    updates                 619 k
 dnsmasq                                             x86_64           2.78-6.fc27                      updates                 308 k
 ethtool                                             x86_64           2:4.15-1.fc27                    updates                 140 k
 f27-backgrounds-base                                noarch           27.0.1-3.fc27                    updates                  20 M
 f27-backgrounds-gnome                               noarch           27.0.1-3.fc27                    updates                 7.7 k
 findutils                                           x86_64           1:4.6.0-16.fc27                  updates                 523 k
 freetype                                            i686             2.8-8.fc27                       updates                 391 k
 freetype                                            x86_64           2.8-8.fc27                       updates                 380 k
 git                                                 x86_64           2.14.3-3.fc27                    updates                 1.1 M
 git-core                                            x86_64           2.14.3-3.fc27                    updates                 4.1 M
 git-core-doc                                        x86_64           2.14.3-3.fc27                    updates                 2.2 M
 gjs                                                 x86_64           1.50.4-2.fc27                    updates                 345 k
 gnutls                                              i686             3.5.18-2.fc27                    updates                 764 k
 gnutls                                              x86_64           3.5.18-2.fc27                    updates                 762 k
 google-chrome-stable                                x86_64           64.0.3282.186-1                  google-chrome            49 M
 greybird-gtk2-theme                                 noarch           3.22.6-1.fc27                    updates                  37 k
 greybird-gtk3-theme                                 noarch           3.22.6-1.fc27                    updates                 102 k
 greybird-xfce4-notifyd-theme                        noarch           3.22.6-1.fc27                    updates                  25 k
 greybird-xfwm4-theme                                noarch           3.22.6-1.fc27                    updates                  90 k
 ibus-libzhuyin                                      x86_64           1.8.3-1.fc27                     updates                 7.3 M
 ima-evm-utils                                       x86_64           1.1-1.fc27                       updates                  59 k
 iproute                                             x86_64           4.15.0-1.fc27                    updates                 534 k
 iproute-tc                                          x86_64           4.15.0-1.fc27                    updates                 389 k
 jack-audio-connection-kit                           x86_64           1.9.12-1.fc27                    updates                 509 k
 jack-audio-connection-kit-example-clients           x86_64           1.9.12-1.fc27                    updates                 184 k
 kernel-headers                                      x86_64           4.15.4-300.fc27                  updates                 1.2 M
 krb5-libs                                           i686             1.15.2-7.fc27                    updates                 846 k
 krb5-libs                                           x86_64           1.15.2-7.fc27                    updates                 810 k
 libdrm                                              i686             2.4.90-1.fc27                    updates                 175 k
 libdrm                                              x86_64           2.4.90-1.fc27                    updates                 162 k
 libidn2                                             i686             2.0.4-3.fc27                     updates                 100 k
 libidn2                                             x86_64           2.0.4-3.fc27                     updates                  99 k
 librados2                                           x86_64           1:12.2.3-1.fc27                  updates                 2.9 M
 libsamplerate                                       x86_64           0.1.9-1.fc27                     updates                 1.0 M
 libwacom                                            x86_64           0.28-3.fc27                      updates                  38 k
 libwacom-data                                       noarch           0.28-3.fc27                      updates                  72 k
 libwebp                                             i686             0.6.1-5.fc27                     updates                 282 k
 libwebp                                             x86_64           0.6.1-5.fc27                     updates                 265 k
 mailx                                               x86_64           12.5-25.fc27                     updates                 258 k
 mesa-dri-drivers                                    i686             17.3.5-1.fc27                    updates                  13 M
 mesa-dri-drivers                                    x86_64           17.3.5-1.fc27                    updates                  13 M
 mesa-filesystem                                     i686             17.3.5-1.fc27                    updates                  28 k
 mesa-filesystem                                     x86_64           17.3.5-1.fc27                    updates                  28 k
 mesa-libEGL                                         i686             17.3.5-1.fc27                    updates                 121 k
 mesa-libEGL                                         x86_64           17.3.5-1.fc27                    updates                 115 k
 mesa-libGL                                          i686             17.3.5-1.fc27                    updates                 196 k
 mesa-libGL                                          x86_64           17.3.5-1.fc27                    updates                 174 k
 mesa-libGLES                                        x86_64           17.3.5-1.fc27                    updates                  26 k
 mesa-libOSMesa                                      i686             17.3.5-1.fc27                    updates                 2.2 M
 mesa-libOSMesa                                      x86_64           17.3.5-1.fc27                    updates                 2.1 M
 mesa-libOpenCL                                      x86_64           17.3.5-1.fc27                    updates                 612 k
 mesa-libgbm                                         i686             17.3.5-1.fc27                    updates                  52 k
 mesa-libgbm                                         x86_64           17.3.5-1.fc27                    updates                  50 k
 mesa-libglapi                                       i686             17.3.5-1.fc27                    updates                  68 k
 mesa-libglapi                                       x86_64           17.3.5-1.fc27                    updates                  56 k
 mesa-libwayland-egl                                 x86_64           17.3.5-1.fc27                    updates                  30 k
 mesa-libxatracker                                   x86_64           17.3.5-1.fc27                    updates                 1.2 M
 nspr                                                i686             4.18.0-1.fc27                    updates                 145 k
 nspr                                                x86_64           4.18.0-1.fc27                    updates                 138 k
 nss                                                 i686             3.35.0-1.1.fc27                  updates                 882 k
 nss                                                 x86_64           3.35.0-1.1.fc27                  updates                 846 k
 nss-softokn                                         i686             3.35.0-1.0.fc27                  updates                 416 k
 nss-softokn                                         x86_64           3.35.0-1.0.fc27                  updates                 391 k
 nss-softokn-freebl                                  i686             3.35.0-1.0.fc27                  updates                 233 k
 nss-softokn-freebl                                  x86_64           3.35.0-1.0.fc27                  updates                 230 k
 nss-sysinit                                         x86_64           3.35.0-1.1.fc27                  updates                  63 k
 nss-tools                                           x86_64           3.35.0-1.1.fc27                  updates                 521 k
 nss-util                                            i686             3.35.0-1.0.fc27                  updates                  91 k
 nss-util                                            x86_64           3.35.0-1.0.fc27                  updates                  89 k
 patch                                               x86_64           2.7.6-3.fc27                     updates                 133 k
 pcre2                                               i686             10.31-1.fc27                     updates                 239 k
 pcre2                                               x86_64           10.31-1.fc27                     updates                 235 k
 pcre2-utf16                                         x86_64           10.31-1.fc27                     updates                 219 k
 perl                                                x86_64           4:5.26.1-403.fc27                updates                  69 k
 perl-Attribute-Handlers                             noarch           0.99-403.fc27                    updates                  85 k
 perl-Devel-Peek                                     x86_64           1.26-403.fc27                    updates                  89 k
 perl-Devel-SelfStubber                              noarch           1.06-403.fc27                    updates                  72 k
 perl-Errno                                          x86_64           1.28-403.fc27                    updates                  72 k
 perl-ExtUtils-Embed                                 noarch           1.34-403.fc27                    updates                  75 k
 perl-ExtUtils-Miniperl                              noarch           1.06-403.fc27                    updates                  72 k
 perl-Git                                            noarch           2.14.3-3.fc27                    updates                  68 k
 perl-IO                                             x86_64           1.38-403.fc27                    updates                 138 k
 perl-IO-Zlib                                        noarch           1:1.10-403.fc27                  updates                  76 k
 perl-Locale-Maketext-Simple                         noarch           1:0.21-403.fc27                  updates                  75 k
 perl-Math-Complex                                   noarch           1.59-403.fc27                    updates                 105 k
 perl-Memoize                                        noarch           1.03-403.fc27                    updates                 114 k
 perl-Module-Loaded                                  noarch           1:0.08-403.fc27                  updates                  71 k
 perl-Net-Ping                                       noarch           2.55-403.fc27                    updates                  98 k
 perl-Pod-Html                                       noarch           1.22.02-403.fc27                 updates                  84 k
 perl-SelfLoader                                     noarch           1.23-403.fc27                    updates                  79 k
 perl-Test                                           noarch           1.30-403.fc27                    updates                  86 k
 perl-Time-Piece                                     x86_64           1.31-403.fc27                    updates                  94 k
 perl-devel                                          x86_64           4:5.26.1-403.fc27                updates                 595 k
 perl-interpreter                                    x86_64           4:5.26.1-403.fc27                updates                 6.2 M
 perl-libnetcfg                                      noarch           4:5.26.1-403.fc27                updates                  74 k
 perl-libs                                           x86_64           4:5.26.1-403.fc27                updates                 1.5 M
 perl-libwww-perl                                    noarch           6.32-1.fc27                      updates                 211 k
 perl-macros                                         x86_64           4:5.26.1-403.fc27                updates                  68 k
 perl-open                                           noarch           1.11-403.fc27                    updates                  73 k
 perl-utils                                          noarch           5.26.1-403.fc27                  updates                 125 k
 python2                                             x86_64           2.7.14-7.fc27                    updates                 100 k
 python2-crypto                                      x86_64           2.6.1-22.fc27                    updates                 487 k
 python2-libs                                        x86_64           2.7.14-7.fc27                    updates                 6.3 M
 python2-tkinter                                     x86_64           2.7.14-7.fc27                    updates                 400 k
 python3                                             x86_64           3.6.4-8.fc27                     updates                  69 k
 python3-abrt                                        x86_64           2.10.6-2.fc27                    updates                  48 k
 python3-abrt-addon                                  x86_64           2.10.6-2.fc27                    updates                  32 k
 python3-devel                                       x86_64           3.6.4-8.fc27                     updates                 867 k
 python3-libs                                        x86_64           3.6.4-8.fc27                     updates                 8.6 M
 qt5-qtbase                                          x86_64           5.9.4-4.fc27                     updates                 3.4 M
 qt5-qtbase-common                                   noarch           5.9.4-4.fc27                     updates                  36 k
 qt5-qtbase-gui                                      x86_64           5.9.4-4.fc27                     updates                 5.2 M
 qt5-qtwayland                                       x86_64           5.9.4-2.fc27                     updates                 721 k
 redhat-rpm-config                                   noarch           75-1.fc27                        updates                  63 k
 selinux-policy                                      noarch           3.13.1-283.26.fc27               updates                 532 k
 selinux-policy-targeted                             noarch           3.13.1-283.26.fc27               updates                  10 M
 systemd                                             x86_64           234-10.git5f8984e.fc27           updates                 3.5 M
 systemd-container                                   x86_64           234-10.git5f8984e.fc27           updates                 425 k
 systemd-devel                                       x86_64           234-10.git5f8984e.fc27           updates                 312 k
 systemd-libs                                        i686             234-10.git5f8984e.fc27           updates                 499 k
 systemd-libs                                        x86_64           234-10.git5f8984e.fc27           updates                 466 k
 systemd-pam                                         x86_64           234-10.git5f8984e.fc27           updates                 181 k
 systemd-udev                                        x86_64           234-10.git5f8984e.fc27           updates                 1.3 M
 unbound-libs                                        x86_64           1.6.8-6.fc27                     updates                 414 k
 unixODBC                                            i686             2.3.5-2.fc27                     updates                 462 k
 unixODBC                                            x86_64           2.3.5-2.fc27                     updates                 447 k
 uriparser                                           x86_64           0.8.5-1.fc27                     updates                  57 k
 urw-base35-bookman-fonts                            noarch           20170801-5.fc27                  updates                 855 k
 urw-base35-c059-fonts                               noarch           20170801-5.fc27                  updates                 882 k
 urw-base35-d050000l-fonts                           noarch           20170801-5.fc27                  updates                  78 k
 urw-base35-fonts                                    noarch           20170801-5.fc27                  updates                  11 k
 urw-base35-fonts-common                             noarch           20170801-5.fc27                  updates                  22 k
 urw-base35-gothic-fonts                             noarch           20170801-5.fc27                  updates                 653 k
 urw-base35-nimbus-mono-ps-fonts                     noarch           20170801-5.fc27                  updates                 799 k
 urw-base35-nimbus-roman-fonts                       noarch           20170801-5.fc27                  updates                 863 k
 urw-base35-nimbus-sans-fonts                        noarch           20170801-5.fc27                  updates                 1.3 M
 urw-base35-p052-fonts                               noarch           20170801-5.fc27                  updates                 981 k
 urw-base35-standard-symbols-ps-fonts                noarch           20170801-5.fc27                  updates                  43 k
 urw-base35-z003-fonts                               noarch           20170801-5.fc27                  updates                 278 k
 usermode                                            x86_64           1.112-1.fc27                     updates                 199 k
 vim-minimal                                         x86_64           2:8.0.1527-1.fc27                updates                 539 k
 wavpack                                             x86_64           5.1.0-7.fc27                     updates                 188 k
 wine                                                x86_64           3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  58 k
 wine-alsa                                           i686             3.2-2.fc27                       updates                 107 k
 wine-alsa                                           x86_64           3.2-2.fc27                       updates                 109 k
 wine-capi                                           i686             3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  63 k
 wine-capi                                           x86_64           3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  63 k
 wine-cms                                            i686             3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  77 k
 wine-cms                                            x86_64           3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  78 k
 wine-common                                         noarch           3.2-2.fc27                       updates                 111 k
 wine-core                                           i686             3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  23 M
 wine-core                                           x86_64           3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  23 M
 wine-courier-fonts                                  noarch           3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  70 k
 wine-desktop                                        noarch           3.2-2.fc27                       updates                 160 k
 wine-filesystem                                     noarch           3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  88 k
 wine-fixedsys-fonts                                 noarch           3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  70 k
 wine-fonts                                          noarch           3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  57 k
 wine-ldap                                           i686             3.2-2.fc27                       updates                 127 k
 wine-ldap                                           x86_64           3.2-2.fc27                       updates                 130 k
 wine-marlett-fonts                                  noarch           3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  69 k
 wine-ms-sans-serif-fonts                            noarch           3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  83 k
 wine-openal                                         i686             3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  70 k
 wine-openal                                         x86_64           3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  71 k
 wine-opencl                                         i686             3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  68 k
 wine-opencl                                         x86_64           3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  70 k
 wine-pulseaudio                                     i686             3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  95 k
 wine-pulseaudio                                     x86_64           3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  96 k
 wine-small-fonts                                    noarch           3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  72 k
 wine-symbol-fonts                                   noarch           3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  82 k
 wine-system-fonts                                   noarch           3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  76 k
 wine-systemd                                        noarch           3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  57 k
 wine-tahoma-fonts                                   noarch           3.2-2.fc27                       updates                 161 k
 wine-twain                                          i686             3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  89 k
 wine-twain                                          x86_64           3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  91 k
 wine-wingdings-fonts                                noarch           3.2-2.fc27                       updates                  69 k
 xorg-x11-server-Xorg                                x86_64           1.19.6-5.fc27                    updates                 1.5 M
 xorg-x11-server-common                              x86_64           1.19.6-5.fc27                    updates                  50 k
Installing dependencies:
 python2-gssapi                                      x86_64           1.3.0-1.fc27                     updates                 437 k
     replacing  python-gssapi.x86_64 1.2.0-7.fc27
 kernel                                              x86_64           4.14.14-300.fc27                 @updates                  0  
 kernel-core                                         x86_64           4.14.14-300.fc27                 @updates                 57 M
 kernel-devel                                        x86_64           4.14.14-300.fc27                 @updates                 44 M
 kernel-modules                                      x86_64           4.14.14-300.fc27                 @updates                 26 M
 kernel-modules-extra                                x86_64           4.14.14-300.fc27                 @updates                2.1 M

Transaction Summary
Install    6 Packages
Upgrade  211 Packages
Remove     5 Packages

Total download size: 356 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  kernel.x86_64 4.14.14-300.fc27            kernel-core.x86_64 4.14.14-300.fc27             kernel-devel.x86_64 4.14.14-300.fc27   
  kernel-modules.x86_64 4.14.14-300.fc27    kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.14.14-300.fc27   

  kernel.x86_64 4.15.4-300.fc27             kernel-core.x86_64 4.15.4-300.fc27              kernel-devel.x86_64 4.15.4-300.fc27    
  kernel-modules.x86_64 4.15.4-300.fc27     kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.15.4-300.fc27     python2-gssapi.x86_64 1.3.0-1.fc27     

  OCE-foundation.x86_64 0.18.3-1.fc27                                OCE-modeling.x86_64 0.18.3-1.fc27                              
  OCE-ocaf.x86_64 0.18.3-1.fc27                                      OCE-visualization.x86_64 0.18.3-1.fc27                         
  Thunar.x86_64 1.6.14-1.fc27                                        abrt.x86_64 2.10.6-2.fc27                                      
  abrt-addon-ccpp.x86_64 2.10.6-2.fc27                               abrt-addon-coredump-helper.x86_64 2.10.6-2.fc27                
  abrt-addon-kerneloops.x86_64 2.10.6-2.fc27                         abrt-addon-pstoreoops.x86_64 2.10.6-2.fc27                     
  abrt-addon-vmcore.x86_64 2.10.6-2.fc27                             abrt-addon-xorg.x86_64 2.10.6-2.fc27                           
  abrt-cli.x86_64 2.10.6-2.fc27                                      abrt-dbus.x86_64 2.10.6-2.fc27                                 
  abrt-desktop.x86_64 2.10.6-2.fc27                                  abrt-gui.x86_64 2.10.6-2.fc27                                  
  abrt-gui-libs.x86_64 2.10.6-2.fc27                                 abrt-libs.x86_64 2.10.6-2.fc27                                 
  abrt-plugin-bodhi.x86_64 2.10.6-2.fc27                             abrt-retrace-client.x86_64 2.10.6-2.fc27                       
  abrt-tui.x86_64 2.10.6-2.fc27                                      bash.x86_64 4.4.19-1.fc27                                      
  bluez.x86_64 5.48-3.fc27                                           bluez-cups.x86_64 5.48-3.fc27                                  
  bluez-libs.x86_64 5.48-3.fc27                                      bridge-utils.x86_64 1.6-1.fc27                                 
  catfish.noarch 1.4.4-2.fc27                                        catfish-common.noarch 1.4.4-2.fc27                             
  clang.x86_64 5.0.1-3.fc27                                          clang-libs.x86_64 5.0.1-3.fc27                                 
  container-selinux.noarch 2:2.48-1.fc27                             coreutils.x86_64 8.27-20.fc27                                  
  coreutils-common.x86_64 8.27-20.fc27                               djvulibre.x86_64 3.5.27-5.fc27                                 
  djvulibre-libs.x86_64 3.5.27-5.fc27                                dnsmasq.x86_64 2.78-6.fc27                                     
  ethtool.x86_64 2:4.15-1.fc27                                       f27-backgrounds-base.noarch 27.0.1-3.fc27                      
  f27-backgrounds-gnome.noarch 27.0.1-3.fc27                         findutils.x86_64 1:4.6.0-16.fc27                               
  freetype.i686 2.8-8.fc27                                           freetype.x86_64 2.8-8.fc27                                     
  git.x86_64 2.14.3-3.fc27                                           git-core.x86_64 2.14.3-3.fc27                                  
  git-core-doc.x86_64 2.14.3-3.fc27                                  gjs.x86_64 1.50.4-2.fc27                                       
  gnutls.i686 3.5.18-2.fc27                                          gnutls.x86_64 3.5.18-2.fc27                                    
  google-chrome-stable.x86_64 64.0.3282.186-1                        greybird-gtk2-theme.noarch 3.22.6-1.fc27                       
  greybird-gtk3-theme.noarch 3.22.6-1.fc27                           greybird-xfce4-notifyd-theme.noarch 3.22.6-1.fc27              
  greybird-xfwm4-theme.noarch 3.22.6-1.fc27                          ibus-libzhuyin.x86_64 1.8.3-1.fc27                             
  ima-evm-utils.x86_64 1.1-1.fc27                                    iproute.x86_64 4.15.0-1.fc27                                   
  iproute-tc.x86_64 4.15.0-1.fc27                                    jack-audio-connection-kit.x86_64 1.9.12-1.fc27                 
  jack-audio-connection-kit-example-clients.x86_64 1.9.12-1.fc27     kernel-headers.x86_64 4.15.4-300.fc27                          
  krb5-libs.i686 1.15.2-7.fc27                                       krb5-libs.x86_64 1.15.2-7.fc27                                 
  libdrm.i686 2.4.90-1.fc27                                          libdrm.x86_64 2.4.90-1.fc27                                    
  libidn2.i686 2.0.4-3.fc27                                          libidn2.x86_64 2.0.4-3.fc27                                    
  librados2.x86_64 1:12.2.3-1.fc27                                   libsamplerate.x86_64 0.1.9-1.fc27                              
  libwacom.x86_64 0.28-3.fc27                                        libwacom-data.noarch 0.28-3.fc27                               
  libwebp.i686 0.6.1-5.fc27                                          libwebp.x86_64 0.6.1-5.fc27                                    
  mailx.x86_64 12.5-25.fc27                                          mesa-dri-drivers.i686 17.3.5-1.fc27                            
  mesa-dri-drivers.x86_64 17.3.5-1.fc27                              mesa-filesystem.i686 17.3.5-1.fc27                             
  mesa-filesystem.x86_64 17.3.5-1.fc27                               mesa-libEGL.i686 17.3.5-1.fc27                                 
  mesa-libEGL.x86_64 17.3.5-1.fc27                                   mesa-libGL.i686 17.3.5-1.fc27                                  
  mesa-libGL.x86_64 17.3.5-1.fc27                                    mesa-libGLES.x86_64 17.3.5-1.fc27                              
  mesa-libOSMesa.i686 17.3.5-1.fc27                                  mesa-libOSMesa.x86_64 17.3.5-1.fc27                            
  mesa-libOpenCL.x86_64 17.3.5-1.fc27                                mesa-libgbm.i686 17.3.5-1.fc27                                 
  mesa-libgbm.x86_64 17.3.5-1.fc27                                   mesa-libglapi.i686 17.3.5-1.fc27                               
  mesa-libglapi.x86_64 17.3.5-1.fc27                                 mesa-libwayland-egl.x86_64 17.3.5-1.fc27                       
  mesa-libxatracker.x86_64 17.3.5-1.fc27                             nspr.i686 4.18.0-1.fc27                                        
  nspr.x86_64 4.18.0-1.fc27                                          nss.i686 3.35.0-1.1.fc27                                       
  nss.x86_64 3.35.0-1.1.fc27                                         nss-softokn.i686 3.35.0-1.0.fc27                               
  nss-softokn.x86_64 3.35.0-1.0.fc27                                 nss-softokn-freebl.i686 3.35.0-1.0.fc27                        
  nss-softokn-freebl.x86_64 3.35.0-1.0.fc27                          nss-sysinit.x86_64 3.35.0-1.1.fc27                             
  nss-tools.x86_64 3.35.0-1.1.fc27                                   nss-util.i686 3.35.0-1.0.fc27                                  
  nss-util.x86_64 3.35.0-1.0.fc27                                    patch.x86_64 2.7.6-3.fc27                                      
  pcre2.i686 10.31-1.fc27                                            pcre2.x86_64 10.31-1.fc27                                      
  pcre2-utf16.x86_64 10.31-1.fc27                                    perl.x86_64 4:5.26.1-403.fc27                                  
  perl-Attribute-Handlers.noarch 0.99-403.fc27                       perl-Devel-Peek.x86_64 1.26-403.fc27                           
  perl-Devel-SelfStubber.noarch 1.06-403.fc27                        perl-Errno.x86_64 1.28-403.fc27                                
  perl-ExtUtils-Embed.noarch 1.34-403.fc27                           perl-ExtUtils-Miniperl.noarch 1.06-403.fc27                    
  perl-Git.noarch 2.14.3-3.fc27                                      perl-IO.x86_64 1.38-403.fc27                                   
  perl-IO-Zlib.noarch 1:1.10-403.fc27                                perl-Locale-Maketext-Simple.noarch 1:0.21-403.fc27             
  perl-Math-Complex.noarch 1.59-403.fc27                             perl-Memoize.noarch 1.03-403.fc27                              
  perl-Module-Loaded.noarch 1:0.08-403.fc27                          perl-Net-Ping.noarch 2.55-403.fc27                             
  perl-Pod-Html.noarch 1.22.02-403.fc27                              perl-SelfLoader.noarch 1.23-403.fc27                           
  perl-Test.noarch 1.30-403.fc27                                     perl-Time-Piece.x86_64 1.31-403.fc27                           
  perl-devel.x86_64 4:5.26.1-403.fc27                                perl-interpreter.x86_64 4:5.26.1-403.fc27                      
  perl-libnetcfg.noarch 4:5.26.1-403.fc27                            perl-libs.x86_64 4:5.26.1-403.fc27                             
  perl-libwww-perl.noarch 6.32-1.fc27                                perl-macros.x86_64 4:5.26.1-403.fc27                           
  perl-open.noarch 1.11-403.fc27                                     perl-utils.noarch 5.26.1-403.fc27                              
  python2.x86_64 2.7.14-7.fc27                                       python2-crypto.x86_64 2.6.1-22.fc27                            
  python2-libs.x86_64 2.7.14-7.fc27                                  python2-tkinter.x86_64 2.7.14-7.fc27                           
  python3.x86_64 3.6.4-8.fc27                                        python3-abrt.x86_64 2.10.6-2.fc27                              
  python3-abrt-addon.x86_64 2.10.6-2.fc27                            python3-devel.x86_64 3.6.4-8.fc27                              
  python3-libs.x86_64 3.6.4-8.fc27                                   qt5-qtbase.x86_64 5.9.4-4.fc27                                 
  qt5-qtbase-common.noarch 5.9.4-4.fc27                              qt5-qtbase-gui.x86_64 5.9.4-4.fc27                             
  qt5-qtwayland.x86_64 5.9.4-2.fc27                                  redhat-rpm-config.noarch 75-1.fc27                             
  selinux-policy.noarch 3.13.1-283.26.fc27                           selinux-policy-targeted.noarch 3.13.1-283.26.fc27              
  systemd.x86_64 234-10.git5f8984e.fc27                              systemd-container.x86_64 234-10.git5f8984e.fc27                
  systemd-devel.x86_64 234-10.git5f8984e.fc27                        systemd-libs.i686 234-10.git5f8984e.fc27                       
  systemd-libs.x86_64 234-10.git5f8984e.fc27                         systemd-pam.x86_64 234-10.git5f8984e.fc27                      
  systemd-udev.x86_64 234-10.git5f8984e.fc27                         unbound-libs.x86_64 1.6.8-6.fc27                               
  unixODBC.i686 2.3.5-2.fc27                                         unixODBC.x86_64 2.3.5-2.fc27                                   
  uriparser.x86_64 0.8.5-1.fc27                                      urw-base35-bookman-fonts.noarch 20170801-5.fc27                
  urw-base35-c059-fonts.noarch 20170801-5.fc27                       urw-base35-d050000l-fonts.noarch 20170801-5.fc27               
  urw-base35-fonts.noarch 20170801-5.fc27                            urw-base35-fonts-common.noarch 20170801-5.fc27                 
  urw-base35-gothic-fonts.noarch 20170801-5.fc27                     urw-base35-nimbus-mono-ps-fonts.noarch 20170801-5.fc27         
  urw-base35-nimbus-roman-fonts.noarch 20170801-5.fc27               urw-base35-nimbus-sans-fonts.noarch 20170801-5.fc27            
  urw-base35-p052-fonts.noarch 20170801-5.fc27                       urw-base35-standard-symbols-ps-fonts.noarch 20170801-5.fc27    
  urw-base35-z003-fonts.noarch 20170801-5.fc27                       usermode.x86_64 1.112-1.fc27                                   
  vim-minimal.x86_64 2:8.0.1527-1.fc27                               wavpack.x86_64 5.1.0-7.fc27                                    
  wine.x86_64 3.2-2.fc27                                             wine-alsa.i686 3.2-2.fc27                                      
  wine-alsa.x86_64 3.2-2.fc27                                        wine-capi.i686 3.2-2.fc27                                      
  wine-capi.x86_64 3.2-2.fc27                                        wine-cms.i686 3.2-2.fc27                                       
  wine-cms.x86_64 3.2-2.fc27                                         wine-common.noarch 3.2-2.fc27                                  
  wine-core.i686 3.2-2.fc27                                          wine-core.x86_64 3.2-2.fc27                                    
  wine-courier-fonts.noarch 3.2-2.fc27                               wine-desktop.noarch 3.2-2.fc27                                 
  wine-filesystem.noarch 3.2-2.fc27                                  wine-fixedsys-fonts.noarch 3.2-2.fc27                          
  wine-fonts.noarch 3.2-2.fc27                                       wine-ldap.i686 3.2-2.fc27                                      
  wine-ldap.x86_64 3.2-2.fc27                                        wine-marlett-fonts.noarch 3.2-2.fc27                           
  wine-ms-sans-serif-fonts.noarch 3.2-2.fc27                         wine-openal.i686 3.2-2.fc27                                    
  wine-openal.x86_64 3.2-2.fc27                                      wine-opencl.i686 3.2-2.fc27                                    
  wine-opencl.x86_64 3.2-2.fc27                                      wine-pulseaudio.i686 3.2-2.fc27                                
  wine-pulseaudio.x86_64 3.2-2.fc27                                  wine-small-fonts.noarch 3.2-2.fc27                             
  wine-symbol-fonts.noarch 3.2-2.fc27                                wine-system-fonts.noarch 3.2-2.fc27                            
  wine-systemd.noarch 3.2-2.fc27                                     wine-tahoma-fonts.noarch 3.2-2.fc27                            
  wine-twain.i686 3.2-2.fc27                                         wine-twain.x86_64 3.2-2.fc27                                   
  wine-wingdings-fonts.noarch 3.2-2.fc27                             xorg-x11-server-Xorg.x86_64 1.19.6-5.fc27                      
  xorg-x11-server-common.x86_64 1.19.6-5.fc27                       



2018-02-24: sda5 - F27 - wireless - from dmesg

[tingo@localhost ~]$ dmesg | egrep iwl\|wifi\|wlp2
[    4.653530] iwlwifi 0000:02:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0002)
[    4.659114] iwlwifi 0000:02:00.0: loaded firmware version 17.608620.0 op_mode iwlmvm
[    4.812146] iwlwifi 0000:02:00.0: Detected Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless AC 3160, REV=0x164
[    4.845328] iwlwifi 0000:02:00.0: base HW address: e4:f8:9c:50:6f:2c
[    4.975488] ieee80211 phy0: Selected rate control algorithm 'iwl-mvm-rs'
[    4.981926] iwlwifi 0000:02:00.0 wlp2s0: renamed from wlan0
[    6.672126] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlp2s0: link is not ready
[    6.838037] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlp2s0: link is not ready
[    7.020797] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlp2s0: link is not ready
[    7.094247] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlp2s0: link is not ready
[   18.056805] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlp2s0: link is not ready
[   20.602353] wlp2s0: authenticate with e0:cb:4e:86:81:0b
[   20.608276] wlp2s0: send auth to e0:cb:4e:86:81:0b (try 1/3)
[   20.697228] wlp2s0: authenticated
[   20.697871] wlp2s0: associate with e0:cb:4e:86:81:0b (try 1/3)
[   20.745481] wlp2s0: RX AssocResp from e0:cb:4e:86:81:0b (capab=0x411 status=0 aid=11)
[   20.750426] wlp2s0: associated
[   21.839353] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlp2s0: link becomes ready


2018-02-24: sda5 - F27 - wireless - channels supported

[tingo@localhost ~]$  iwlist wlp2s0 channel
wlp2s0    32 channels in total; available frequencies :
          Channel 01 : 2.412 GHz
          Channel 02 : 2.417 GHz
          Channel 03 : 2.422 GHz
          Channel 04 : 2.427 GHz
          Channel 05 : 2.432 GHz
          Channel 06 : 2.437 GHz
          Channel 07 : 2.442 GHz
          Channel 08 : 2.447 GHz
          Channel 09 : 2.452 GHz
          Channel 10 : 2.457 GHz
          Channel 11 : 2.462 GHz
          Channel 12 : 2.467 GHz
          Channel 13 : 2.472 GHz
          Channel 36 : 5.18 GHz
          Channel 40 : 5.2 GHz
          Channel 44 : 5.22 GHz
          Channel 48 : 5.24 GHz
          Channel 52 : 5.26 GHz
          Channel 56 : 5.28 GHz
          Channel 60 : 5.3 GHz
          Channel 64 : 5.32 GHz
          Channel 100 : 5.5 GHz
          Channel 104 : 5.52 GHz
          Channel 108 : 5.54 GHz
          Channel 112 : 5.56 GHz
          Channel 116 : 5.58 GHz
          Channel 120 : 5.6 GHz
          Channel 124 : 5.62 GHz
          Channel 128 : 5.64 GHz
          Channel 132 : 5.66 GHz
          Channel 136 : 5.68 GHz
          Channel 140 : 5.7 GHz
          Current Frequency:2.472 GHz (Channel 13)


2018-02-20: sda5 - F27 - vuln status

[tingo@localhost ~]$ grep . /sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/*
/sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/meltdown:Mitigation: PTI
/sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/spectre_v1:Mitigation: __user pointer sanitization
/sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/spectre_v2:Mitigation: Full generic retpoline


2018-02-20: sda5 - F27 - reboot, a new kernel

[tingo@localhost ~]$ uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 4.15.3-300.fc27.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Feb 13 17:02:01 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


2018-02-20: sda5 - F27 - dnf - upgrade

[tingo@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade
Last metadata expiration check: 1:05:03 ago on Tue 20 Feb 2018 08:10:48 PM CET.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                 Arch            Version                               Repository                       Size
 kernel                                  x86_64          4.15.3-300.fc27                       updates                          80 k
 kernel-core                             x86_64          4.15.3-300.fc27                       updates                          23 M
 kernel-devel                            x86_64          4.15.3-300.fc27                       updates                          12 M
 kernel-modules                          x86_64          4.15.3-300.fc27                       updates                          27 M
 kernel-modules-extra                    x86_64          4.15.3-300.fc27                       updates                         2.2 M
 ansible                                 noarch                        updates                         7.6 M
 arduino                                 noarch          1:1.8.5-1.fc27                        updates                         2.1 M
 arduino-core                            noarch          1:1.8.5-1.fc27                        updates                         9.7 M
 arduino-doc                             noarch          1:1.8.5-1.fc27                        updates                          24 k
 atomic-registries                       x86_64          1.21.1-1.fc27                         updates                          39 k
 augeas-libs                             x86_64          1.10.1-1.fc27                         updates                         386 k
 autocorr-en                             noarch          1:                      updates                         206 k
 avr-gcc                                 x86_64          1:7.2.0-1.fc27                        updates                          15 M
 avr-gcc-c++                             x86_64          1:7.2.0-1.fc27                        updates                         6.2 M
 blas                                    x86_64          3.8.0-4.fc27                          updates                         427 k
 bluez                                   x86_64          5.48-2.fc27                           updates                         1.3 M
 bluez-cups                              x86_64          5.48-2.fc27                           updates                          90 k
 bluez-libs                              x86_64          5.48-2.fc27                           updates                          88 k
 ca-certificates                         noarch          2018.2.22-1.0.fc27                    updates                         397 k
 clang                                   x86_64          5.0.1-2.fc27                          updates                         545 k
 clang-libs                              x86_64          5.0.1-2.fc27                          updates                          13 M
 container-selinux                       noarch          2:2.44-1.fc27                         updates                          37 k
 cpp                                     x86_64          7.3.1-2.fc27                          updates                         9.4 M
 criu                                    x86_64          3.7-3.fc27                            updates                         460 k
 dnf-plugins-core                        noarch          2.1.5-4.fc27                          updates                          51 k
 gcc                                     x86_64          7.3.1-2.fc27                          updates                          21 M
 gcc-c++                                 x86_64          7.3.1-2.fc27                          updates                          11 M
 gcc-gdb-plugin                          x86_64          7.3.1-2.fc27                          updates                         135 k
 gdb                                     x86_64          8.0.1-36.fc27                         updates                         284 k
 gdb-headless                            x86_64          8.0.1-36.fc27                         updates                         3.3 M
 gdouros-symbola-fonts                   noarch          10.24-1.fc27                          updates                         2.4 M
 gjs                                     x86_64          1.50.4-1.fc27                         updates                         344 k
 gnupg2                                  x86_64          2.2.4-1.fc27                          updates                         2.3 M
 gnupg2-smime                            x86_64          2.2.4-1.fc27                          updates                         276 k
 google-chrome-stable                    x86_64          64.0.3282.167-1                       google-chrome                    49 M
 google-noto-emoji-color-fonts           noarch          20170928-3.fc27                       updates                         6.4 M
 google-noto-emoji-fonts                 noarch          20170928-3.fc27                       updates                         295 k
 grub2-common                            noarch          1:2.02-22.fc27                        updates                         867 k
 grub2-efi-x64                           x86_64          1:2.02-22.fc27                        updates                         1.1 M
 grub2-pc                                x86_64          1:2.02-22.fc27                        updates                          26 k
 grub2-pc-modules                        noarch          1:2.02-22.fc27                        updates                         850 k
 grub2-tools                             x86_64          1:2.02-22.fc27                        updates                         1.7 M
 grub2-tools-efi                         x86_64          1:2.02-22.fc27                        updates                         418 k
 grub2-tools-extra                       x86_64          1:2.02-22.fc27                        updates                         989 k
 grub2-tools-minimal                     x86_64          1:2.02-22.fc27                        updates                         174 k
 gvfs                                    x86_64          1.34.2-1.fc27                         updates                         375 k
 gvfs-archive                            x86_64          1.34.2-1.fc27                         updates                          51 k
 gvfs-client                             x86_64          1.34.2-1.fc27                         updates                         805 k
 hwdata                                  noarch          0.309-1.fc27                          updates                         1.5 M
 ibus                                    x86_64          1.5.17-6.fc27                         updates                         4.8 M
 ibus-gtk2                               x86_64          1.5.17-6.fc27                         updates                          56 k
 ibus-gtk3                               x86_64          1.5.17-6.fc27                         updates                          56 k
 ibus-libpinyin                          x86_64          1.9.3-1.fc27                          updates                         834 k
 ibus-libs                               x86_64          1.5.17-6.fc27                         updates                         242 k
 ibus-setup                              noarch          1.5.17-6.fc27                         updates                          91 k
 ibus-wayland                            x86_64          1.5.17-6.fc27                         updates                          52 k
 jackson-databind                        noarch          2.7.6-8.fc27                          updates                         1.1 M
 java-1.8.0-openjdk                      x86_64          1:                updates                         240 k
 java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless             x86_64          1:                updates                          32 M
 kernel-headers                          x86_64          4.15.3-300.fc27                       updates                         1.2 M
 lapack                                  x86_64          3.8.0-4.fc27                          updates                         8.6 M
 libatomic                               i686            7.3.1-2.fc27                          updates                          43 k
 libatomic                               x86_64          7.3.1-2.fc27                          updates                          44 k
 libblockdev                             x86_64          2.16-1.fc27                           updates                         117 k
 libblockdev-btrfs                       x86_64          2.16-1.fc27                           updates                          62 k
 libblockdev-crypto                      x86_64          2.16-1.fc27                           updates                          63 k
 libblockdev-dm                          x86_64          2.16-1.fc27                           updates                          61 k
 libblockdev-fs                          x86_64          2.16-1.fc27                           updates                          73 k
 libblockdev-kbd                         x86_64          2.16-1.fc27                           updates                          65 k
 libblockdev-loop                        x86_64          2.16-1.fc27                           updates                          58 k
 libblockdev-lvm                         x86_64          2.16-1.fc27                           updates                          69 k
 libblockdev-mdraid                      x86_64          2.16-1.fc27                           updates                          64 k
 libblockdev-mpath                       x86_64          2.16-1.fc27                           updates                          60 k
 libblockdev-part                        x86_64          2.16-1.fc27                           updates                          67 k
 libblockdev-plugins-all                 x86_64          2.16-1.fc27                           updates                          52 k
 libblockdev-swap                        x86_64          2.16-1.fc27                           updates                          59 k
 libblockdev-utils                       x86_64          2.16-1.fc27                           updates                          66 k
 libgcc                                  i686            7.3.1-2.fc27                          updates                         106 k
 libgcc                                  x86_64          7.3.1-2.fc27                          updates                          98 k
 libgfortran                             x86_64          7.3.1-2.fc27                          updates                         549 k
 libgomp                                 x86_64          7.3.1-2.fc27                          updates                         209 k
 libical                                 x86_64          2.0.0-13.fc27                         updates                         217 k
 libinput                                x86_64          1.10.0-2.fc27                         updates                         152 k
 libipa_hbac                             x86_64          1.16.0-6.fc27                         updates                          83 k
 libnice                                 x86_64          0.1.14-1.fc27                         updates                         174 k
 libnice-gstreamer1                      x86_64          0.1.14-1.fc27                         updates                          22 k
 libquadmath                             x86_64          7.3.1-2.fc27                          updates                         189 k
 libreoffice                             x86_64          1:                      updates                          77 k
 libreoffice-base                        x86_64          1:                      updates                         2.2 M
 libreoffice-calc                        x86_64          1:                      updates                         8.1 M
 libreoffice-core                        x86_64          1:                      updates                          69 M
 libreoffice-data                        noarch          1:                      updates                         3.4 M
 libreoffice-draw                        x86_64          1:                      updates                          90 k
 libreoffice-emailmerge                  x86_64          1:                      updates                          91 k
 libreoffice-graphicfilter               x86_64          1:                      updates                         480 k
 libreoffice-gtk2                        x86_64          1:                      updates                         304 k
 libreoffice-gtk3                        x86_64          1:                      updates                         322 k
 libreoffice-help-en                     x86_64          1:                      updates                         4.9 M
 libreoffice-impress                     x86_64          1:                      updates                         635 k
 libreoffice-langpack-en                 x86_64          1:                      updates                         321 k
 libreoffice-math                        x86_64          1:                      updates                         514 k
 libreoffice-opensymbol-fonts            noarch          1:                      updates                         252 k
 libreoffice-pdfimport                   x86_64          1:                      updates                         288 k
 libreoffice-pyuno                       x86_64          1:                      updates                         421 k
 libreoffice-ure                         x86_64          1:                      updates                         2.2 M
 libreoffice-ure-common                  noarch          1:                      updates                         513 k
 libreoffice-writer                      x86_64          1:                      updates                         3.7 M
 libreoffice-x11                         x86_64          1:                      updates                         305 k
 libsmbclient                            x86_64          2:4.7.5-2.fc27                        updates                         132 k
 libsolv                                 x86_64          0.6.31-1.fc27                         updates                         372 k
 libssh                                  x86_64          0.7.5-6.fc27                          updates                         201 k
 libsss_autofs                           x86_64          1.16.0-6.fc27                         updates                          85 k
 libsss_certmap                          x86_64          1.16.0-6.fc27                         updates                         112 k
 libsss_idmap                            x86_64          1.16.0-6.fc27                         updates                          87 k
 libsss_nss_idmap                        x86_64          1.16.0-6.fc27                         updates                          94 k
 libsss_sudo                             x86_64          1.16.0-6.fc27                         updates                          83 k
 libstdc++                               i686            7.3.1-2.fc27                          updates                         515 k
 libstdc++                               x86_64          7.3.1-2.fc27                          updates                         480 k
 libstdc++-devel                         x86_64          7.3.1-2.fc27                          updates                         1.9 M
 libudisks2                              x86_64          2.7.6-1.fc27                          updates                         129 k
 libwbclient                             x86_64          2:4.7.5-2.fc27                        updates                         106 k
 llvm-libs                               i686            5.0.1-3.fc27                          updates                          16 M
 llvm-libs                               x86_64          5.0.1-3.fc27                          updates                          14 M
 mesa-dri-drivers                        i686            17.3.4-1.fc27                         updates                          13 M
 mesa-dri-drivers                        x86_64          17.3.4-1.fc27                         updates                          13 M
 mesa-filesystem                         i686            17.3.4-1.fc27                         updates                          28 k
 mesa-filesystem                         x86_64          17.3.4-1.fc27                         updates                          28 k
 mesa-libEGL                             i686            17.3.4-1.fc27                         updates                         120 k
 mesa-libEGL                             x86_64          17.3.4-1.fc27                         updates                         115 k
 mesa-libGL                              i686            17.3.4-1.fc27                         updates                         196 k
 mesa-libGL                              x86_64          17.3.4-1.fc27                         updates                         174 k
 mesa-libGLES                            x86_64          17.3.4-1.fc27                         updates                          26 k
 mesa-libOSMesa                          i686            17.3.4-1.fc27                         updates                         2.2 M
 mesa-libOSMesa                          x86_64          17.3.4-1.fc27                         updates                         2.1 M
 mesa-libOpenCL                          x86_64          17.3.4-1.fc27                         updates                         612 k
 mesa-libgbm                             i686            17.3.4-1.fc27                         updates                          52 k
 mesa-libgbm                             x86_64          17.3.4-1.fc27                         updates                          50 k
 mesa-libglapi                           i686            17.3.4-1.fc27                         updates                          67 k
 mesa-libglapi                           x86_64          17.3.4-1.fc27                         updates                          56 k
 mesa-libwayland-egl                     x86_64          17.3.4-1.fc27                         updates                          30 k
 mesa-libxatracker                       x86_64          17.3.4-1.fc27                         updates                         1.2 M
 net-tools                               x86_64          2.0-0.46.20160912git.fc27             updates                         317 k
 netpbm                                  x86_64          10.81.00-1.fc27                       updates                         202 k
 netpbm-progs                            x86_64          10.81.00-1.fc27                       updates                         2.0 M
 oci-register-machine                    x86_64          0-6.1.git66fa845.fc27                 updates                         1.1 M
 oci-umount                              x86_64          2:2.3.3-1.gite3c9055.fc27             updates                          35 k
 openssh                                 x86_64          7.6p1-5.fc27                          updates                         501 k
 openssh-askpass                         x86_64          7.6p1-5.fc27                          updates                          86 k
 openssh-clients                         x86_64          7.6p1-5.fc27                          updates                         671 k
 openssh-server                          x86_64          7.6p1-5.fc27                          updates                         470 k
 pcre                                    i686            8.41-5.fc27                           updates                         206 k
 pcre                                    x86_64          8.41-5.fc27                           updates                         205 k
 pcre-cpp                                x86_64          8.41-5.fc27                           updates                          42 k
 pcre-devel                              x86_64          8.41-5.fc27                           updates                         549 k
 pcre-utf16                              x86_64          8.41-5.fc27                           updates                         191 k
 pcre-utf32                              x86_64          8.41-5.fc27                           updates                         182 k
 pcre2                                   i686            10.30-6.fc27                          updates                         238 k
 pcre2                                   x86_64          10.30-6.fc27                          updates                         234 k
 pcre2-utf16                             x86_64          10.30-6.fc27                          updates                         217 k
 perl-bignum                             noarch          0.49-1.fc27                           updates                          42 k
 perl-threads                            x86_64          1:2.21-1.fc27                         updates                          60 k
 perl-threads-shared                     x86_64          1.58-1.fc27                           updates                          46 k
 postgresql-libs                         x86_64          9.6.7-1.fc27                          updates                         257 k
 python-qt5-rpm-macros                   noarch          5.9.1-2.fc27                          updates                          15 k
 python2-blockdev                        x86_64          2.16-1.fc27                           updates                          66 k
 python2-qgis                            x86_64          2.18.16-1.fc27                        updates                         8.9 M
 python2-rpm                             x86_64          4.14.1-1.fc27                         updates                         117 k
 python3-blockdev                        x86_64          2.16-1.fc27                           updates                          66 k
 python3-dnf-plugins-core                noarch          2.1.5-4.fc27                          updates                         141 k
 python3-qt5                             x86_64          5.9.1-2.fc27                          updates                         1.2 M
 python3-qt5-base                        x86_64          5.9.1-2.fc27                          updates                         2.9 M
 python3-rpm                             x86_64          4.14.1-1.fc27                         updates                         117 k
 python3-sssdconfig                      noarch          1.16.0-6.fc27                         updates                         108 k
 qgis                                    x86_64          2.18.16-1.fc27                        updates                          40 M
 qgis-grass                              x86_64          2.18.16-1.fc27                        updates                         1.4 M
 qgis-server                             x86_64          2.18.16-1.fc27                        updates                         811 k
 qt5-qtbase                              x86_64          5.9.4-1.fc27                          updates                         3.4 M
 qt5-qtbase-common                       noarch          5.9.4-1.fc27                          updates                          36 k
 qt5-qtbase-gui                          x86_64          5.9.4-1.fc27                          updates                         5.2 M
 qt5-qtconnectivity                      x86_64          5.9.4-1.fc27                          updates                         474 k
 qt5-qtdeclarative                       x86_64          5.9.4-1.fc27                          updates                         3.2 M
 qt5-qtenginio                           x86_64          1:1.6.2-12.fc27                       updates                         175 k
 qt5-qtlocation                          x86_64          5.9.4-1.fc27                          updates                         2.6 M
 qt5-qtmultimedia                        x86_64          5.9.4-1.fc27                          updates                         815 k
 qt5-qtquickcontrols                     x86_64          5.9.4-1.fc27                          updates                         1.1 M
 qt5-qtsensors                           x86_64          5.9.4-1.fc27                          updates                         216 k
 qt5-qtserialport                        x86_64          5.9.4-1.fc27                          updates                          74 k
 qt5-qtsvg                               x86_64          5.9.4-1.fc27                          updates                         161 k
 qt5-qttools-common                      noarch          5.9.4-1.fc27                          updates                          19 k
 qt5-qttools-libs-designer               x86_64          5.9.4-1.fc27                          updates                         2.7 M
 qt5-qttools-libs-help                   x86_64          5.9.4-1.fc27                          updates                         155 k
 qt5-qtwayland                           x86_64          5.9.4-1.fc27                          updates                         720 k
 qt5-qtwebchannel                        x86_64          5.9.4-2.fc27                          updates                          82 k
 qt5-qtwebsockets                        x86_64          5.9.4-1.fc27                          updates                          76 k
 qt5-qtx11extras                         x86_64          5.9.4-1.fc27                          updates                          31 k
 qt5-qtxmlpatterns                       x86_64          5.9.4-1.fc27                          updates                         1.1 M
 qt5-srpm-macros                         noarch          5.9.4-2.fc27                          updates                         9.1 k
 rpm                                     x86_64          4.14.1-1.fc27                         updates                         530 k
 rpm-build-libs                          x86_64          4.14.1-1.fc27                         updates                         144 k
 rpm-libs                                x86_64          4.14.1-1.fc27                         updates                         325 k
 rpm-plugin-selinux                      x86_64          4.14.1-1.fc27                         updates                          66 k
 rpm-plugin-systemd-inhibit              x86_64          4.14.1-1.fc27                         updates                          67 k
 rsync                                   x86_64          3.1.3-2.fc27                          updates                         400 k
 samba-client                            x86_64          2:4.7.5-2.fc27                        updates                         612 k
 samba-client-libs                       x86_64          2:4.7.5-2.fc27                        updates                         4.9 M
 samba-common                            noarch          2:4.7.5-2.fc27                        updates                         201 k
 samba-common-libs                       x86_64          2:4.7.5-2.fc27                        updates                         163 k
 samba-common-tools                      x86_64          2:4.7.5-2.fc27                        updates                         465 k
 samba-libs                              x86_64          2:4.7.5-2.fc27                        updates                         285 k
 samba-winbind                           x86_64          2:4.7.5-2.fc27                        updates                         534 k
 samba-winbind-clients                   x86_64          2:4.7.5-2.fc27                        updates                         131 k
 samba-winbind-modules                   x86_64          2:4.7.5-2.fc27                        updates                         114 k
 sane-backends                           x86_64          1.0.27-12.fc27                        updates                         790 k
 sane-backends-daemon                    x86_64          1.0.27-12.fc27                        updates                          58 k
 sane-backends-drivers-cameras           i686            1.0.27-12.fc27                        updates                          56 k
 sane-backends-drivers-cameras           x86_64          1.0.27-12.fc27                        updates                          55 k
 sane-backends-drivers-scanners          i686            1.0.27-12.fc27                        updates                         2.5 M
 sane-backends-drivers-scanners          x86_64          1.0.27-12.fc27                        updates                         2.4 M
 sane-backends-libs                      i686            1.0.27-12.fc27                        updates                         108 k
 sane-backends-libs                      x86_64          1.0.27-12.fc27                        updates                         106 k
 selinux-policy                          noarch          3.13.1-283.24.fc27                    updates                         529 k
 selinux-policy-targeted                 noarch          3.13.1-283.24.fc27                    updates                          10 M
 skopeo-containers                       x86_64          0.1.28-1.git0270e56.fc27              updates                          17 k
 sssd                                    x86_64          1.16.0-6.fc27                         updates                          74 k
 sssd-ad                                 x86_64          1.16.0-6.fc27                         updates                         201 k
 sssd-client                             x86_64          1.16.0-6.fc27                         updates                         143 k
 sssd-common                             x86_64          1.16.0-6.fc27                         updates                         1.3 M
 sssd-common-pac                         x86_64          1.16.0-6.fc27                         updates                         143 k
 sssd-ipa                                x86_64          1.16.0-6.fc27                         updates                         292 k
 sssd-krb5                               x86_64          1.16.0-6.fc27                         updates                         116 k
 sssd-krb5-common                        x86_64          1.16.0-6.fc27                         updates                         151 k
 sssd-ldap                               x86_64          1.16.0-6.fc27                         updates                         186 k
 sssd-nfs-idmap                          x86_64          1.16.0-6.fc27                         updates                          81 k
 sssd-proxy                              x86_64          1.16.0-6.fc27                         updates                         110 k
 tzdata                                  noarch          2018c-1.fc27                          updates                         455 k
 tzdata-java                             noarch          2018c-1.fc27                          updates                         185 k
 udisks2                                 x86_64          2.7.6-1.fc27                          updates                         417 k
 vim-minimal                             x86_64          2:8.0.1505-1.fc27                     updates                         539 k
 vlc                                     x86_64          3.0.0-1.fc27                          rpmfusion-free-updates          2.0 M
 vlc-core                                x86_64          3.0.0-1.fc27                          rpmfusion-free-updates           10 M
 wine                                    x86_64          3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          57 k
 wine-alsa                               i686            3.1-2.fc27                            updates                         106 k
 wine-alsa                               x86_64          3.1-2.fc27                            updates                         108 k
 wine-capi                               i686            3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          63 k
 wine-capi                               x86_64          3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          63 k
 wine-cms                                i686            3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          77 k
 wine-cms                                x86_64          3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          78 k
 wine-common                             noarch          3.1-2.fc27                            updates                         111 k
 wine-core                               i686            3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          23 M
 wine-core                               x86_64          3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          23 M
 wine-courier-fonts                      noarch          3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          70 k
 wine-desktop                            noarch          3.1-2.fc27                            updates                         160 k
 wine-filesystem                         noarch          3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          88 k
 wine-fixedsys-fonts                     noarch          3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          69 k
 wine-fonts                              noarch          3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          57 k
     replacing  wine-arial-fonts.noarch 2.20-1.fc27
     replacing  wine-times-new-roman-fonts.noarch 2.20-1.fc27
 wine-ldap                               i686            3.1-2.fc27                            updates                         127 k
 wine-ldap                               x86_64          3.1-2.fc27                            updates                         130 k
 wine-marlett-fonts                      noarch          3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          69 k
 wine-ms-sans-serif-fonts                noarch          3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          83 k
 wine-openal                             i686            3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          70 k
 wine-openal                             x86_64          3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          71 k
 wine-opencl                             i686            3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          68 k
 wine-opencl                             x86_64          3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          69 k
 wine-pulseaudio                         i686            3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          95 k
 wine-pulseaudio                         x86_64          3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          96 k
 wine-small-fonts                        noarch          3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          71 k
 wine-symbol-fonts                       noarch          3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          82 k
 wine-system-fonts                       noarch          3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          75 k
 wine-systemd                            noarch          3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          57 k
 wine-tahoma-fonts                       noarch          3.1-2.fc27                            updates                         161 k
 wine-twain                              i686            3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          89 k
 wine-twain                              x86_64          3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          91 k
 wine-wingdings-fonts                    noarch          3.1-2.fc27                            updates                          69 k
 winetricks                              noarch          20171222-1.fc27                       updates                         170 k
 xorg-x11-server-Xorg                    x86_64          1.19.6-3.fc27                         updates                         1.5 M
 xorg-x11-server-common                  x86_64          1.19.6-3.fc27                         updates                          49 k
 kernel                                  x86_64          4.14.13-300.fc27                      @updates                          0  
 kernel-core                             x86_64          4.14.13-300.fc27                      @updates                         55 M
 kernel-devel                            x86_64          4.14.13-300.fc27                      @updates                         44 M
 kernel-modules                          x86_64          4.14.13-300.fc27                      @updates                         24 M
 kernel-modules-extra                    x86_64          4.14.13-300.fc27                      @updates                        2.0 M

Transaction Summary
Install    5 Packages
Upgrade  271 Packages
Remove     5 Packages

Total download size: 633 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  kernel.x86_64 4.14.13-300.fc27            kernel-core.x86_64 4.14.13-300.fc27             kernel-devel.x86_64 4.14.13-300.fc27   
  kernel-modules.x86_64 4.14.13-300.fc27    kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.14.13-300.fc27   

  kernel.x86_64 4.15.3-300.fc27             kernel-core.x86_64 4.15.3-300.fc27              kernel-devel.x86_64 4.15.3-300.fc27    
  kernel-modules.x86_64 4.15.3-300.fc27     kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.15.3-300.fc27    

  ansible.noarch                                  arduino.noarch 1:1.8.5-1.fc27                                      
  arduino-core.noarch 1:1.8.5-1.fc27                             arduino-doc.noarch 1:1.8.5-1.fc27                                  
  atomic-registries.x86_64 1.21.1-1.fc27                         augeas-libs.x86_64 1.10.1-1.fc27                                   
  autocorr-en.noarch 1:                            avr-gcc.x86_64 1:7.2.0-1.fc27                                      
  avr-gcc-c++.x86_64 1:7.2.0-1.fc27                              blas.x86_64 3.8.0-4.fc27                                           
  bluez.x86_64 5.48-2.fc27                                       bluez-cups.x86_64 5.48-2.fc27                                      
  bluez-libs.x86_64 5.48-2.fc27                                  ca-certificates.noarch 2018.2.22-1.0.fc27                          
  clang.x86_64 5.0.1-2.fc27                                      clang-libs.x86_64 5.0.1-2.fc27                                     
  container-selinux.noarch 2:2.44-1.fc27                         cpp.x86_64 7.3.1-2.fc27                                            
  criu.x86_64 3.7-3.fc27                                         dnf-plugins-core.noarch 2.1.5-4.fc27                               
  gcc.x86_64 7.3.1-2.fc27                                        gcc-c++.x86_64 7.3.1-2.fc27                                        
  gcc-gdb-plugin.x86_64 7.3.1-2.fc27                             gdb.x86_64 8.0.1-36.fc27                                           
  gdb-headless.x86_64 8.0.1-36.fc27                              gdouros-symbola-fonts.noarch 10.24-1.fc27                          
  gjs.x86_64 1.50.4-1.fc27                                       gnupg2.x86_64 2.2.4-1.fc27                                         
  gnupg2-smime.x86_64 2.2.4-1.fc27                               google-chrome-stable.x86_64 64.0.3282.167-1                        
  google-noto-emoji-color-fonts.noarch 20170928-3.fc27           google-noto-emoji-fonts.noarch 20170928-3.fc27                     
  grub2-common.noarch 1:2.02-22.fc27                             grub2-efi-x64.x86_64 1:2.02-22.fc27                                
  grub2-pc.x86_64 1:2.02-22.fc27                                 grub2-pc-modules.noarch 1:2.02-22.fc27                             
  grub2-tools.x86_64 1:2.02-22.fc27                              grub2-tools-efi.x86_64 1:2.02-22.fc27                              
  grub2-tools-extra.x86_64 1:2.02-22.fc27                        grub2-tools-minimal.x86_64 1:2.02-22.fc27                          
  gvfs.x86_64 1.34.2-1.fc27                                      gvfs-archive.x86_64 1.34.2-1.fc27                                  
  gvfs-client.x86_64 1.34.2-1.fc27                               hwdata.noarch 0.309-1.fc27                                         
  ibus.x86_64 1.5.17-6.fc27                                      ibus-gtk2.x86_64 1.5.17-6.fc27                                     
  ibus-gtk3.x86_64 1.5.17-6.fc27                                 ibus-libpinyin.x86_64 1.9.3-1.fc27                                 
  ibus-libs.x86_64 1.5.17-6.fc27                                 ibus-setup.noarch 1.5.17-6.fc27                                    
  ibus-wayland.x86_64 1.5.17-6.fc27                              jackson-databind.noarch 2.7.6-8.fc27                               
  java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64 1:               java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless.x86_64 1:          
  kernel-headers.x86_64 4.15.3-300.fc27                          lapack.x86_64 3.8.0-4.fc27                                         
  libatomic.i686 7.3.1-2.fc27                                    libatomic.x86_64 7.3.1-2.fc27                                      
  libblockdev.x86_64 2.16-1.fc27                                 libblockdev-btrfs.x86_64 2.16-1.fc27                               
  libblockdev-crypto.x86_64 2.16-1.fc27                          libblockdev-dm.x86_64 2.16-1.fc27                                  
  libblockdev-fs.x86_64 2.16-1.fc27                              libblockdev-kbd.x86_64 2.16-1.fc27                                 
  libblockdev-loop.x86_64 2.16-1.fc27                            libblockdev-lvm.x86_64 2.16-1.fc27                                 
  libblockdev-mdraid.x86_64 2.16-1.fc27                          libblockdev-mpath.x86_64 2.16-1.fc27                               
  libblockdev-part.x86_64 2.16-1.fc27                            libblockdev-plugins-all.x86_64 2.16-1.fc27                         
  libblockdev-swap.x86_64 2.16-1.fc27                            libblockdev-utils.x86_64 2.16-1.fc27                               
  libgcc.i686 7.3.1-2.fc27                                       libgcc.x86_64 7.3.1-2.fc27                                         
  libgfortran.x86_64 7.3.1-2.fc27                                libgomp.x86_64 7.3.1-2.fc27                                        
  libical.x86_64 2.0.0-13.fc27                                   libinput.x86_64 1.10.0-2.fc27                                      
  libipa_hbac.x86_64 1.16.0-6.fc27                               libnice.x86_64 0.1.14-1.fc27                                       
  libnice-gstreamer1.x86_64 0.1.14-1.fc27                        libquadmath.x86_64 7.3.1-2.fc27                                    
  libreoffice.x86_64 1:                            libreoffice-base.x86_64 1:                           
  libreoffice-calc.x86_64 1:                       libreoffice-core.x86_64 1:                           
  libreoffice-data.noarch 1:                       libreoffice-draw.x86_64 1:                           
  libreoffice-emailmerge.x86_64 1:                 libreoffice-graphicfilter.x86_64 1:                  
  libreoffice-gtk2.x86_64 1:                       libreoffice-gtk3.x86_64 1:                           
  libreoffice-help-en.x86_64 1:                    libreoffice-impress.x86_64 1:                        
  libreoffice-langpack-en.x86_64 1:                libreoffice-math.x86_64 1:                           
  libreoffice-opensymbol-fonts.noarch 1:           libreoffice-pdfimport.x86_64 1:                      
  libreoffice-pyuno.x86_64 1:                      libreoffice-ure.x86_64 1:                            
  libreoffice-ure-common.noarch 1:                 libreoffice-writer.x86_64 1:                         
  libreoffice-x11.x86_64 1:                        libsmbclient.x86_64 2:4.7.5-2.fc27                                 
  libsolv.x86_64 0.6.31-1.fc27                                   libssh.x86_64 0.7.5-6.fc27                                         
  libsss_autofs.x86_64 1.16.0-6.fc27                             libsss_certmap.x86_64 1.16.0-6.fc27                                
  libsss_idmap.x86_64 1.16.0-6.fc27                              libsss_nss_idmap.x86_64 1.16.0-6.fc27                              
  libsss_sudo.x86_64 1.16.0-6.fc27                               libstdc++.i686 7.3.1-2.fc27                                        
  libstdc++.x86_64 7.3.1-2.fc27                                  libstdc++-devel.x86_64 7.3.1-2.fc27                                
  libudisks2.x86_64 2.7.6-1.fc27                                 libwbclient.x86_64 2:4.7.5-2.fc27                                  
  llvm-libs.i686 5.0.1-3.fc27                                    llvm-libs.x86_64 5.0.1-3.fc27                                      
  mesa-dri-drivers.i686 17.3.4-1.fc27                            mesa-dri-drivers.x86_64 17.3.4-1.fc27                              
  mesa-filesystem.i686 17.3.4-1.fc27                             mesa-filesystem.x86_64 17.3.4-1.fc27                               
  mesa-libEGL.i686 17.3.4-1.fc27                                 mesa-libEGL.x86_64 17.3.4-1.fc27                                   
  mesa-libGL.i686 17.3.4-1.fc27                                  mesa-libGL.x86_64 17.3.4-1.fc27                                    
  mesa-libGLES.x86_64 17.3.4-1.fc27                              mesa-libOSMesa.i686 17.3.4-1.fc27                                  
  mesa-libOSMesa.x86_64 17.3.4-1.fc27                            mesa-libOpenCL.x86_64 17.3.4-1.fc27                                
  mesa-libgbm.i686 17.3.4-1.fc27                                 mesa-libgbm.x86_64 17.3.4-1.fc27                                   
  mesa-libglapi.i686 17.3.4-1.fc27                               mesa-libglapi.x86_64 17.3.4-1.fc27                                 
  mesa-libwayland-egl.x86_64 17.3.4-1.fc27                       mesa-libxatracker.x86_64 17.3.4-1.fc27                             
  net-tools.x86_64 2.0-0.46.20160912git.fc27                     netpbm.x86_64 10.81.00-1.fc27                                      
  netpbm-progs.x86_64 10.81.00-1.fc27                            oci-register-machine.x86_64 0-6.1.git66fa845.fc27                  
  oci-umount.x86_64 2:2.3.3-1.gite3c9055.fc27                    openssh.x86_64 7.6p1-5.fc27                                        
  openssh-askpass.x86_64 7.6p1-5.fc27                            openssh-clients.x86_64 7.6p1-5.fc27                                
  openssh-server.x86_64 7.6p1-5.fc27                             pcre.i686 8.41-5.fc27                                              
  pcre.x86_64 8.41-5.fc27                                        pcre-cpp.x86_64 8.41-5.fc27                                        
  pcre-devel.x86_64 8.41-5.fc27                                  pcre-utf16.x86_64 8.41-5.fc27                                      
  pcre-utf32.x86_64 8.41-5.fc27                                  pcre2.i686 10.30-6.fc27                                            
  pcre2.x86_64 10.30-6.fc27                                      pcre2-utf16.x86_64 10.30-6.fc27                                    
  perl-bignum.noarch 0.49-1.fc27                                 perl-threads.x86_64 1:2.21-1.fc27                                  
  perl-threads-shared.x86_64 1.58-1.fc27                         postgresql-libs.x86_64 9.6.7-1.fc27                                
  python-qt5-rpm-macros.noarch 5.9.1-2.fc27                      python2-blockdev.x86_64 2.16-1.fc27                                
  python2-qgis.x86_64 2.18.16-1.fc27                             python2-rpm.x86_64 4.14.1-1.fc27                                   
  python3-blockdev.x86_64 2.16-1.fc27                            python3-dnf-plugins-core.noarch 2.1.5-4.fc27                       
  python3-qt5.x86_64 5.9.1-2.fc27                                python3-qt5-base.x86_64 5.9.1-2.fc27                               
  python3-rpm.x86_64 4.14.1-1.fc27                               python3-sssdconfig.noarch 1.16.0-6.fc27                            
  qgis.x86_64 2.18.16-1.fc27                                     qgis-grass.x86_64 2.18.16-1.fc27                                   
  qgis-server.x86_64 2.18.16-1.fc27                              qt5-qtbase.x86_64 5.9.4-1.fc27                                     
  qt5-qtbase-common.noarch 5.9.4-1.fc27                          qt5-qtbase-gui.x86_64 5.9.4-1.fc27                                 
  qt5-qtconnectivity.x86_64 5.9.4-1.fc27                         qt5-qtdeclarative.x86_64 5.9.4-1.fc27                              
  qt5-qtenginio.x86_64 1:1.6.2-12.fc27                           qt5-qtlocation.x86_64 5.9.4-1.fc27                                 
  qt5-qtmultimedia.x86_64 5.9.4-1.fc27                           qt5-qtquickcontrols.x86_64 5.9.4-1.fc27                            
  qt5-qtsensors.x86_64 5.9.4-1.fc27                              qt5-qtserialport.x86_64 5.9.4-1.fc27                               
  qt5-qtsvg.x86_64 5.9.4-1.fc27                                  qt5-qttools-common.noarch 5.9.4-1.fc27                             
  qt5-qttools-libs-designer.x86_64 5.9.4-1.fc27                  qt5-qttools-libs-help.x86_64 5.9.4-1.fc27                          
  qt5-qtwayland.x86_64 5.9.4-1.fc27                              qt5-qtwebchannel.x86_64 5.9.4-2.fc27                               
  qt5-qtwebsockets.x86_64 5.9.4-1.fc27                           qt5-qtx11extras.x86_64 5.9.4-1.fc27                                
  qt5-qtxmlpatterns.x86_64 5.9.4-1.fc27                          qt5-srpm-macros.noarch 5.9.4-2.fc27                                
  rpm.x86_64 4.14.1-1.fc27                                       rpm-build-libs.x86_64 4.14.1-1.fc27                                
  rpm-libs.x86_64 4.14.1-1.fc27                                  rpm-plugin-selinux.x86_64 4.14.1-1.fc27                            
  rpm-plugin-systemd-inhibit.x86_64 4.14.1-1.fc27                rsync.x86_64 3.1.3-2.fc27                                          
  samba-client.x86_64 2:4.7.5-2.fc27                             samba-client-libs.x86_64 2:4.7.5-2.fc27                            
  samba-common.noarch 2:4.7.5-2.fc27                             samba-common-libs.x86_64 2:4.7.5-2.fc27                            
  samba-common-tools.x86_64 2:4.7.5-2.fc27                       samba-libs.x86_64 2:4.7.5-2.fc27                                   
  samba-winbind.x86_64 2:4.7.5-2.fc27                            samba-winbind-clients.x86_64 2:4.7.5-2.fc27                        
  samba-winbind-modules.x86_64 2:4.7.5-2.fc27                    sane-backends.x86_64 1.0.27-12.fc27                                
  sane-backends-daemon.x86_64 1.0.27-12.fc27                     sane-backends-drivers-cameras.i686 1.0.27-12.fc27                  
  sane-backends-drivers-cameras.x86_64 1.0.27-12.fc27            sane-backends-drivers-scanners.i686 1.0.27-12.fc27                 
  sane-backends-drivers-scanners.x86_64 1.0.27-12.fc27           sane-backends-libs.i686 1.0.27-12.fc27                             
  sane-backends-libs.x86_64 1.0.27-12.fc27                       selinux-policy.noarch 3.13.1-283.24.fc27                           
  selinux-policy-targeted.noarch 3.13.1-283.24.fc27              skopeo-containers.x86_64 0.1.28-1.git0270e56.fc27                  
  sssd.x86_64 1.16.0-6.fc27                                      sssd-ad.x86_64 1.16.0-6.fc27                                       
  sssd-client.x86_64 1.16.0-6.fc27                               sssd-common.x86_64 1.16.0-6.fc27                                   
  sssd-common-pac.x86_64 1.16.0-6.fc27                           sssd-ipa.x86_64 1.16.0-6.fc27                                      
  sssd-krb5.x86_64 1.16.0-6.fc27                                 sssd-krb5-common.x86_64 1.16.0-6.fc27                              
  sssd-ldap.x86_64 1.16.0-6.fc27                                 sssd-nfs-idmap.x86_64 1.16.0-6.fc27                                
  sssd-proxy.x86_64 1.16.0-6.fc27                                tzdata.noarch 2018c-1.fc27                                         
  tzdata-java.noarch 2018c-1.fc27                                udisks2.x86_64 2.7.6-1.fc27                                        
  vim-minimal.x86_64 2:8.0.1505-1.fc27                           vlc.x86_64 3.0.0-1.fc27                                            
  vlc-core.x86_64 3.0.0-1.fc27                                   wine.x86_64 3.1-2.fc27                                             
  wine-alsa.i686 3.1-2.fc27                                      wine-alsa.x86_64 3.1-2.fc27                                        
  wine-capi.i686 3.1-2.fc27                                      wine-capi.x86_64 3.1-2.fc27                                        
  wine-cms.i686 3.1-2.fc27                                       wine-cms.x86_64 3.1-2.fc27                                         
  wine-common.noarch 3.1-2.fc27                                  wine-core.i686 3.1-2.fc27                                          
  wine-core.x86_64 3.1-2.fc27                                    wine-courier-fonts.noarch 3.1-2.fc27                               
  wine-desktop.noarch 3.1-2.fc27                                 wine-filesystem.noarch 3.1-2.fc27                                  
  wine-fixedsys-fonts.noarch 3.1-2.fc27                          wine-fonts.noarch 3.1-2.fc27                                       
  wine-ldap.i686 3.1-2.fc27                                      wine-ldap.x86_64 3.1-2.fc27                                        
  wine-marlett-fonts.noarch 3.1-2.fc27                           wine-ms-sans-serif-fonts.noarch 3.1-2.fc27                         
  wine-openal.i686 3.1-2.fc27                                    wine-openal.x86_64 3.1-2.fc27                                      
  wine-opencl.i686 3.1-2.fc27                                    wine-opencl.x86_64 3.1-2.fc27                                      
  wine-pulseaudio.i686 3.1-2.fc27                                wine-pulseaudio.x86_64 3.1-2.fc27                                  
  wine-small-fonts.noarch 3.1-2.fc27                             wine-symbol-fonts.noarch 3.1-2.fc27                                
  wine-system-fonts.noarch 3.1-2.fc27                            wine-systemd.noarch 3.1-2.fc27                                     
  wine-tahoma-fonts.noarch 3.1-2.fc27                            wine-twain.i686 3.1-2.fc27                                         
  wine-twain.x86_64 3.1-2.fc27                                   wine-wingdings-fonts.noarch 3.1-2.fc27                             
  winetricks.noarch 20171222-1.fc27                              xorg-x11-server-Xorg.x86_64 1.19.6-3.fc27                          
  xorg-x11-server-common.x86_64 1.19.6-3.fc27                   



2018-02-05: sda5 - F27 - vuln status

[tingo@localhost ~]$ grep . /sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/*
/sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/meltdown:Mitigation: PTI
/sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/spectre_v2:Mitigation: Full generic retpoline


2018-02-05: sda5 - F27 - reboot, a new kernel

[tingo@localhost ~]$ uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 4.14.16-300.fc27.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jan 31 19:24:27 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


2018-02-05: sda5 - F27 - dnf - upgrade

[tingo@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade
Last metadata expiration check: 1:19:54 ago on Mon 05 Feb 2018 04:58:56 PM CET.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                   Arch                Version                              Repository                  Size
 kernel                                    x86_64              4.14.16-300.fc27                     updates                     79 k
 kernel-core                               x86_64              4.14.16-300.fc27                     updates                     23 M
 kernel-devel                              x86_64              4.14.16-300.fc27                     updates                     12 M
 kernel-modules                            x86_64              4.14.16-300.fc27                     updates                     26 M
 kernel-modules-extra                      x86_64              4.14.16-300.fc27                     updates                    2.3 M
 GraphicsMagick                            x86_64              1.3.28-1.fc27                        updates                    1.5 M
 autocorr-en                               noarch              1:                     updates                    206 k
 coreutils                                 x86_64              8.27-19.fc27                         updates                    1.2 M
 coreutils-common                          x86_64              8.27-19.fc27                         updates                    1.9 M
 curl                                      x86_64              7.55.1-9.fc27                        updates                    312 k
 dnsmasq                                   x86_64              2.78-2.fc27                          updates                    307 k
 dtc                                       x86_64              1.4.6-1.fc27                         updates                    102 k
 gdb                                       x86_64              8.0.1-35.fc27                        updates                    284 k
 gdb-headless                              x86_64              8.0.1-35.fc27                        updates                    3.3 M
 geany                                     x86_64              1.32-3.fc27                          updates                    2.5 M
 geany-libgeany                            x86_64              1.32-3.fc27                          updates                    1.0 M
 google-chrome-stable                      x86_64              64.0.3282.140-1                      google-chrome               49 M
 gstreamer1-plugins-ugly-free              x86_64              1.12.4-2.fc27                        updates                    112 k
 imsettings                                x86_64              1.7.3-2.fc27                         updates                    223 k
 imsettings-libs                           x86_64              1.7.3-2.fc27                         updates                    123 k
 imsettings-xfce                           x86_64              1.7.3-2.fc27                         updates                    113 k
 inxi                                      noarch              2.3.56-1.fc27                        updates                    216 k
 java-1.8.0-openjdk                        x86_64              1:               updates                    240 k
 java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless               x86_64              1:               updates                     32 M
 kernel-headers                            x86_64              4.14.16-300.fc27                     updates                    1.2 M
 libcurl                                   x86_64              7.55.1-9.fc27                        updates                    273 k
 libreoffice                               x86_64              1:                     updates                     77 k
 libreoffice-base                          x86_64              1:                     updates                    2.2 M
 libreoffice-calc                          x86_64              1:                     updates                    8.1 M
 libreoffice-core                          x86_64              1:                     updates                     69 M
 libreoffice-data                          noarch              1:                     updates                    3.4 M
 libreoffice-draw                          x86_64              1:                     updates                     90 k
 libreoffice-emailmerge                    x86_64              1:                     updates                     91 k
 libreoffice-graphicfilter                 x86_64              1:                     updates                    479 k
 libreoffice-gtk2                          x86_64              1:                     updates                    304 k
 libreoffice-gtk3                          x86_64              1:                     updates                    322 k
 libreoffice-help-en                       x86_64              1:                     updates                    4.9 M
 libreoffice-impress                       x86_64              1:                     updates                    635 k
 libreoffice-langpack-en                   x86_64              1:                     updates                    321 k
 libreoffice-math                          x86_64              1:                     updates                    514 k
 libreoffice-opensymbol-fonts              noarch              1:                     updates                    251 k
 libreoffice-pdfimport                     x86_64              1:                     updates                    287 k
 libreoffice-pyuno                         x86_64              1:                     updates                    420 k
 libreoffice-ure                           x86_64              1:                     updates                    2.2 M
 libreoffice-ure-common                    noarch              1:                     updates                    513 k
 libreoffice-writer                        x86_64              1:                     updates                    3.7 M
 libreoffice-x11                           x86_64              1:                     updates                    305 k
 libreswan                                 x86_64              3.23-1.fc27                          updates                    1.3 M
 libva                                     i686                1.8.3-5.fc27                         updates                     93 k
 libva                                     x86_64              1.8.3-5.fc27                         updates                     90 k
 libxml2                                   i686                2.9.7-1.fc27                         updates                    713 k
 libxml2                                   x86_64              2.9.7-1.fc27                         updates                    692 k
 lirc-libs                                 x86_64              0.10.0-6.fc27                        updates                    135 k
 mariadb-common                            x86_64              3:10.2.12-5.fc27                     updates                     64 k
 mariadb-config                            x86_64              3:10.2.12-5.fc27                     updates                     38 k
 mariadb-libs                              x86_64              3:10.2.12-5.fc27                     updates                    154 k
 mozjs52                                   x86_64              52.6.0-1.fc27                        updates                    6.6 M
 perl-Module-CoreList                      noarch              1:5.20180120-1.fc27                  updates                     83 k
 perl-Module-CoreList-tools                noarch              1:5.20180120-1.fc27                  updates                     20 k
 python3                                   x86_64              3.6.4-7.fc27                         updates                     69 k
 python3-devel                             x86_64              3.6.4-7.fc27                         updates                    867 k
 python3-libs                              x86_64              3.6.4-7.fc27                         updates                    8.6 M
 python3-libxml2                           x86_64              2.9.7-1.fc27                         updates                    233 k
 redhat-rpm-config                         noarch              70-1.fc27                            updates                     62 k
 satyr                                     x86_64              0.25-1.fc27                          updates                    117 k
 stunnel                                   x86_64              5.44-2.fc27                          updates                    153 k
 transmission                              x86_64              2.92-12.fc27                         updates                     23 k
 transmission-cli                          x86_64              2.92-12.fc27                         updates                    273 k
 transmission-common                       x86_64              2.92-12.fc27                         updates                    785 k
 transmission-gtk                          x86_64              2.92-12.fc27                         updates                    837 k
 unbound-libs                              x86_64              1.6.8-1.fc27                         updates                    414 k
 vim-minimal                               x86_64              2:8.0.1451-1.fc27                    updates                    538 k
 wget                                      x86_64              1.19.4-1.fc27                        updates                    726 k
 kernel                                    x86_64              4.14.13-200.fc26                     @updates                     0  
 kernel-core                               x86_64              4.14.13-200.fc26                     @updates                    55 M
 kernel-devel                              x86_64              4.14.13-200.fc26                     @updates                    44 M
 kernel-modules                            x86_64              4.14.13-200.fc26                     @updates                    24 M
 kernel-modules-extra                      x86_64              4.14.13-200.fc26                     @updates                   2.0 M

Transaction Summary
Install   5 Packages
Upgrade  68 Packages
Remove    5 Packages

Total download size: 281 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  kernel.x86_64 4.14.13-200.fc26            kernel-core.x86_64 4.14.13-200.fc26             kernel-devel.x86_64 4.14.13-200.fc26   
  kernel-modules.x86_64 4.14.13-200.fc26    kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.14.13-200.fc26   

  kernel.x86_64 4.14.16-300.fc27            kernel-core.x86_64 4.14.16-300.fc27             kernel-devel.x86_64 4.14.16-300.fc27   
  kernel-modules.x86_64 4.14.16-300.fc27    kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.14.16-300.fc27   

  GraphicsMagick.x86_64 1.3.28-1.fc27                                 autocorr-en.noarch 1:                            
  coreutils.x86_64 8.27-19.fc27                                       coreutils-common.x86_64 8.27-19.fc27                           
  curl.x86_64 7.55.1-9.fc27                                           dnsmasq.x86_64 2.78-2.fc27                                     
  dtc.x86_64 1.4.6-1.fc27                                             gdb.x86_64 8.0.1-35.fc27                                       
  gdb-headless.x86_64 8.0.1-35.fc27                                   geany.x86_64 1.32-3.fc27                                       
  geany-libgeany.x86_64 1.32-3.fc27                                   google-chrome-stable.x86_64 64.0.3282.140-1                    
  gstreamer1-plugins-ugly-free.x86_64 1.12.4-2.fc27                   imsettings.x86_64 1.7.3-2.fc27                                 
  imsettings-libs.x86_64 1.7.3-2.fc27                                 imsettings-xfce.x86_64 1.7.3-2.fc27                            
  inxi.noarch 2.3.56-1.fc27                                           java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64 1:               
  java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless.x86_64 1:           kernel-headers.x86_64 4.14.16-300.fc27                         
  libcurl.x86_64 7.55.1-9.fc27                                        libreoffice.x86_64 1:                            
  libreoffice-base.x86_64 1:                            libreoffice-calc.x86_64 1:                       
  libreoffice-core.x86_64 1:                            libreoffice-data.noarch 1:                       
  libreoffice-draw.x86_64 1:                            libreoffice-emailmerge.x86_64 1:                 
  libreoffice-graphicfilter.x86_64 1:                   libreoffice-gtk2.x86_64 1:                       
  libreoffice-gtk3.x86_64 1:                            libreoffice-help-en.x86_64 1:                    
  libreoffice-impress.x86_64 1:                         libreoffice-langpack-en.x86_64 1:                
  libreoffice-math.x86_64 1:                            libreoffice-opensymbol-fonts.noarch 1:           
  libreoffice-pdfimport.x86_64 1:                       libreoffice-pyuno.x86_64 1:                      
  libreoffice-ure.x86_64 1:                             libreoffice-ure-common.noarch 1:                 
  libreoffice-writer.x86_64 1:                          libreoffice-x11.x86_64 1:                        
  libreswan.x86_64 3.23-1.fc27                                        libva.i686 1.8.3-5.fc27                                        
  libva.x86_64 1.8.3-5.fc27                                           libxml2.i686 2.9.7-1.fc27                                      
  libxml2.x86_64 2.9.7-1.fc27                                         lirc-libs.x86_64 0.10.0-6.fc27                                 
  mariadb-common.x86_64 3:10.2.12-5.fc27                              mariadb-config.x86_64 3:10.2.12-5.fc27                         
  mariadb-libs.x86_64 3:10.2.12-5.fc27                                mozjs52.x86_64 52.6.0-1.fc27                                   
  perl-Module-CoreList.noarch 1:5.20180120-1.fc27                     perl-Module-CoreList-tools.noarch 1:5.20180120-1.fc27          
  python3.x86_64 3.6.4-7.fc27                                         python3-devel.x86_64 3.6.4-7.fc27                              
  python3-libs.x86_64 3.6.4-7.fc27                                    python3-libxml2.x86_64 2.9.7-1.fc27                            
  redhat-rpm-config.noarch 70-1.fc27                                  satyr.x86_64 0.25-1.fc27                                       
  stunnel.x86_64 5.44-2.fc27                                          transmission.x86_64 2.92-12.fc27                               
  transmission-cli.x86_64 2.92-12.fc27                                transmission-common.x86_64 2.92-12.fc27                        
  transmission-gtk.x86_64 2.92-12.fc27                                unbound-libs.x86_64 1.6.8-1.fc27                               
  vim-minimal.x86_64 2:8.0.1451-1.fc27                                wget.x86_64 1.19.4-1.fc27                                      



2018-02-03: sda5 - F27 - vuln status

[tingo@localhost ~]$ grep . /sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/*
/sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/meltdown:Mitigation: PTI
/sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/spectre_v2:Mitigation: Full generic retpoline

still running kernel

[tingo@localhost ~]$ uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 4.14.14-300.fc27.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Jan 19 13:19:54 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


2018-01-30: sda5 - F27 - reboot, a new kernel

[tingo@localhost ~]$ uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 4.14.14-300.fc27.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Jan 19 13:19:54 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


2018-01-30: sda5 - F27 - dnf - upgrade

[tingo@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade
Last metadata expiration check: 2:36:06 ago on Tue 30 Jan 2018 06:26:30 PM CET.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                    Arch       Version                                   Repository                     Size
 kernel                                     x86_64     4.14.14-300.fc27                          updates                        78 k
 kernel-core                                x86_64     4.14.14-300.fc27                          updates                        23 M
 kernel-devel                               x86_64     4.14.14-300.fc27                          updates                        12 M
 kernel-modules                             x86_64     4.14.14-300.fc27                          updates                        26 M
 kernel-modules-extra                       x86_64     4.14.14-300.fc27                          updates                       2.3 M
 NetworkManager                             x86_64     1:1.8.6-1.fc27                            updates                       1.6 M
 NetworkManager-adsl                        x86_64     1:1.8.6-1.fc27                            updates                       127 k
 NetworkManager-bluetooth                   x86_64     1:1.8.6-1.fc27                            updates                       145 k
 NetworkManager-glib                        x86_64     1:1.8.6-1.fc27                            updates                       1.1 M
 NetworkManager-libnm                       x86_64     1:1.8.6-1.fc27                            updates                       1.2 M
 NetworkManager-ppp                         x86_64     1:1.8.6-1.fc27                            updates                       131 k
 NetworkManager-team                        x86_64     1:1.8.6-1.fc27                            updates                       129 k
 NetworkManager-wifi                        x86_64     1:1.8.6-1.fc27                            updates                       158 k
 NetworkManager-wwan                        x86_64     1:1.8.6-1.fc27                            updates                       150 k
 autocorr-en                                noarch     1:                          updates                       206 k
 bind-libs                                  x86_64     32:9.11.2-1.P1.fc27                       updates                       158 k
 bind-libs-lite                             x86_64     32:9.11.2-1.P1.fc27                       updates                       1.1 M
 bind-license                               noarch     32:9.11.2-1.P1.fc27                       updates                        92 k
 bind-utils                                 x86_64     32:9.11.2-1.P1.fc27                       updates                       420 k
 clang                                      x86_64     5.0.1-1.fc27                              updates                       546 k
 clang-libs                                 x86_64     5.0.1-1.fc27                              updates                        13 M
 compiler-rt                                x86_64     5.0.1-2.fc27                              updates                       1.7 M
 container-selinux                          noarch     2:2.42-1.fc27                             updates                        37 k
 freerdp-libs                               x86_64     2:2.0.0-36.20180115git8f52c7e.fc27        updates                       889 k
 gjs                                        x86_64     1.50.3-1.fc27                             updates                       344 k
 glib2                                      i686       2.54.3-2.fc27                             updates                       2.5 M
 glib2                                      x86_64     2.54.3-2.fc27                             updates                       2.4 M
 glib2-devel                                x86_64     2.54.3-2.fc27                             updates                       453 k
 glibc                                      i686       2.26-24.fc27                              updates                       4.5 M
 glibc                                      x86_64     2.26-24.fc27                              updates                       3.6 M
 glibc-common                               x86_64     2.26-24.fc27                              updates                       845 k
 glibc-devel                                x86_64     2.26-24.fc27                              updates                       988 k
 glibc-headers                              x86_64     2.26-24.fc27                              updates                       503 k
 glibc-langpack-en                          x86_64     2.26-24.fc27                              updates                       277 k
 gnutls                                     i686       3.5.17-1.fc27                             updates                       763 k
 gnutls                                     x86_64     3.5.17-1.fc27                             updates                       761 k
 google-chrome-stable                       x86_64     64.0.3282.119-1                           google-chrome                  49 M
 gstreamer1-plugins-ugly                    x86_64     1.12.4-3.fc27                             rpmfusion-free-updates        194 k
 ibus                                       x86_64     1.5.17-5.fc27                             updates                       4.8 M
 ibus-gtk2                                  x86_64     1.5.17-5.fc27                             updates                        56 k
 ibus-gtk3                                  x86_64     1.5.17-5.fc27                             updates                        56 k
 ibus-libs                                  x86_64     1.5.17-5.fc27                             updates                       242 k
 ibus-setup                                 noarch     1.5.17-5.fc27                             updates                        91 k
 ibus-wayland                               x86_64     1.5.17-5.fc27                             updates                        52 k
 kernel-headers                             x86_64     4.14.14-300.fc27                          updates                       1.2 M
 libassuan                                  x86_64     2.5.1-1.fc27                              updates                        81 k
 libcrypt-nss                               i686       2.26-24.fc27                              updates                        39 k
 libcrypt-nss                               x86_64     2.26-24.fc27                              updates                        39 k
 libfastjson                                x86_64     0.99.8-1.fc27                             updates                        35 k
 libgcrypt                                  i686       1.8.2-1.fc27                              updates                       431 k
 libgcrypt                                  x86_64     1.8.2-1.fc27                              updates                       453 k
 libimagequant                              x86_64     2.11.7-1.fc27                             updates                        61 k
 libimobiledevice                           x86_64     1.2.0-13.fc27                             updates                        77 k
 libldb                                     x86_64     1.3.1-1.fc27                              updates                       152 k
 libnfsidmap                                x86_64     1:2.2.1-4.rc2.fc27                        updates                       105 k
 libpinyin                                  x86_64     2.1.91-1.fc27                             updates                       338 k
 libpinyin-data                             x86_64     2.1.91-1.fc27                             updates                       9.3 M
 libreoffice                                x86_64     1:                          updates                        77 k
 libreoffice-base                           x86_64     1:                          updates                       2.2 M
 libreoffice-calc                           x86_64     1:                          updates                       8.1 M
 libreoffice-core                           x86_64     1:                          updates                        69 M
 libreoffice-data                           noarch     1:                          updates                       3.4 M
 libreoffice-draw                           x86_64     1:                          updates                        90 k
 libreoffice-emailmerge                     x86_64     1:                          updates                        90 k
 libreoffice-graphicfilter                  x86_64     1:                          updates                       479 k
 libreoffice-gtk2                           x86_64     1:                          updates                       304 k
 libreoffice-gtk3                           x86_64     1:                          updates                       322 k
 libreoffice-help-en                        x86_64     1:                          updates                       4.9 M
 libreoffice-impress                        x86_64     1:                          updates                       635 k
 libreoffice-langpack-en                    x86_64     1:                          updates                       321 k
 libreoffice-math                           x86_64     1:                          updates                       514 k
 libreoffice-opensymbol-fonts               noarch     1:                          updates                       251 k
 libreoffice-pdfimport                      x86_64     1:                          updates                       287 k
 libreoffice-pyuno                          x86_64     1:                          updates                       420 k
 libreoffice-ure                            x86_64     1:                          updates                       2.2 M
 libreoffice-ure-common                     noarch     1:                          updates                       513 k
 libreoffice-writer                         x86_64     1:                          updates                       3.7 M
 libreoffice-x11                            x86_64     1:                          updates                       305 k
 libsmbclient                               x86_64     2:4.7.4-2.fc27                            updates                       132 k
 libtalloc                                  x86_64     2.1.11-1.fc27                             updates                        48 k
 libtasn1                                   i686       4.13-1.fc27                               updates                        77 k
 libtasn1                                   x86_64     4.13-1.fc27                               updates                        74 k
 libtevent                                  x86_64     0.9.35-1.fc27                             updates                        41 k
 libvpx                                     x86_64     1.6.1-5.fc27                              updates                       764 k
 libwbclient                                x86_64     2:4.7.4-2.fc27                            updates                       106 k
 libwinpr                                   x86_64     2:2.0.0-36.20180115git8f52c7e.fc27        updates                       327 k
 libzhuyin                                  x86_64     2.1.91-1.fc27                             updates                       321 k
 lightdm                                    x86_64     1.25.1-5.fc27                             updates                       226 k
 lightdm-gobject                            x86_64     1.25.1-5.fc27                             updates                        73 k
 llvm-libs                                  i686       5.0.1-1.fc27                              updates                        16 M
 llvm-libs                                  x86_64     5.0.1-1.fc27                              updates                        14 M
 man-db                                     x86_64                           updates                       881 k
 mariadb-common                             x86_64     3:10.2.10-2.fc27                          updates                        62 k
 mariadb-config                             x86_64     3:10.2.10-2.fc27                          updates                        37 k
 mariadb-libs                               x86_64     3:10.2.10-2.fc27                          updates                       152 k
 nfs-utils                                  x86_64     1:2.2.1-4.rc2.fc27                        updates                       418 k
 perl-Socket                                x86_64     4:2.027-1.fc27                            updates                        57 k
 poppler                                    x86_64     0.57.0-8.fc27                             updates                       834 k
 poppler-glib                               x86_64     0.57.0-8.fc27                             updates                       149 k
 poppler-utils                              x86_64     0.57.0-8.fc27                             updates                       198 k
 python-rpm-macros                          noarch     3-24.fc27                                 updates                        10 k
 python-srpm-macros                         noarch     3-24.fc27                                 updates                       9.8 k
 python2-talloc                             x86_64     2.1.11-1.fc27                             updates                        23 k
 python3                                    x86_64     3.6.4-6.fc27                              updates                        68 k
 python3-bind                               noarch     32:9.11.2-1.P1.fc27                       updates                       138 k
 python3-devel                              x86_64     3.6.4-6.fc27                              updates                       867 k
 python3-libs                               x86_64     3.6.4-6.fc27                              updates                       8.6 M
 python3-rpm-macros                         noarch     3-24.fc27                                 updates                       9.6 k
 qt5-qtdeclarative                          x86_64     5.9.2-3.fc27                              updates                       3.2 M
 rsyslog                                    x86_64     8.32.0-1.fc27                             updates                       662 k
 samba-client                               x86_64     2:4.7.4-2.fc27                            updates                       612 k
 samba-client-libs                          x86_64     2:4.7.4-2.fc27                            updates                       4.9 M
 samba-common                               noarch     2:4.7.4-2.fc27                            updates                       201 k
 samba-common-libs                          x86_64     2:4.7.4-2.fc27                            updates                       163 k
 samba-common-tools                         x86_64     2:4.7.4-2.fc27                            updates                       466 k
 samba-libs                                 x86_64     2:4.7.4-2.fc27                            updates                       285 k
 samba-winbind                              x86_64     2:4.7.4-2.fc27                            updates                       534 k
 samba-winbind-clients                      x86_64     2:4.7.4-2.fc27                            updates                       131 k
 samba-winbind-modules                      x86_64     2:4.7.4-2.fc27                            updates                       114 k
 sed                                        x86_64     4.4-4.fc27                                updates                       288 k
 timedatex                                  x86_64     0.5-2.fc27                                updates                        31 k
 unrar                                      x86_64     5.5.8-1.fc27                              rpmfusion-nonfree-updates     155 k
 vim-minimal                                x86_64     2:8.0.1428-3.fc27                         updates                       537 k
 vlc                                        x86_64     3.0.0-0.48.git20180109.rc5.fc27           rpmfusion-free-updates        1.9 M
 vlc-core                                   x86_64     3.0.0-0.48.git20180109.rc5.fc27           rpmfusion-free-updates        9.8 M
 webkitgtk4                                 x86_64     2.18.6-1.fc27                             updates                        13 M
 webkitgtk4-jsc                             x86_64     2.18.6-1.fc27                             updates                       4.4 M
 webkitgtk4-plugin-process-gtk2             x86_64     2.18.6-1.fc27                             updates                       9.7 M
 wpa_supplicant                             x86_64     1:2.6-13.fc27                             updates                       1.7 M
Installing dependencies:
 subscription-manager-rhsm-certificates     x86_64     1.21.1-1.fc27                             updates                       203 k
     replacing  python-rhsm-certificates.x86_64 1.20.1-3.fc27
Installing weak dependencies:
 libomp                                     x86_64     5.0.1-1.fc27                              updates                       259 k
 kernel                                     x86_64     4.14.11-200.fc26                          @updates                        0  
 kernel-core                                x86_64     4.14.11-200.fc26                          @updates                       57 M
 kernel-devel                               x86_64     4.14.11-200.fc26                          @updates                       44 M
 kernel-modules                             x86_64     4.14.11-200.fc26                          @updates                       26 M
 kernel-modules-extra                       x86_64     4.14.11-200.fc26                          @updates                      2.1 M

Transaction Summary
Install    7 Packages
Upgrade  124 Packages
Remove     5 Packages

Total download size: 368 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  kernel.x86_64 4.14.11-200.fc26            kernel-core.x86_64 4.14.11-200.fc26             kernel-devel.x86_64 4.14.11-200.fc26   
  kernel-modules.x86_64 4.14.11-200.fc26    kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.14.11-200.fc26   

  kernel.x86_64 4.14.14-300.fc27                                              kernel-core.x86_64 4.14.14-300.fc27                   
  kernel-devel.x86_64 4.14.14-300.fc27                                        kernel-modules.x86_64 4.14.14-300.fc27                
  kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.14.14-300.fc27                                libomp.x86_64 5.0.1-1.fc27                            
  subscription-manager-rhsm-certificates.x86_64 1.21.1-1.fc27                

  NetworkManager.x86_64 1:1.8.6-1.fc27                                NetworkManager-adsl.x86_64 1:1.8.6-1.fc27                     
  NetworkManager-bluetooth.x86_64 1:1.8.6-1.fc27                      NetworkManager-glib.x86_64 1:1.8.6-1.fc27                     
  NetworkManager-libnm.x86_64 1:1.8.6-1.fc27                          NetworkManager-ppp.x86_64 1:1.8.6-1.fc27                      
  NetworkManager-team.x86_64 1:1.8.6-1.fc27                           NetworkManager-wifi.x86_64 1:1.8.6-1.fc27                     
  NetworkManager-wwan.x86_64 1:1.8.6-1.fc27                           autocorr-en.noarch 1:                           
  bind-libs.x86_64 32:9.11.2-1.P1.fc27                                bind-libs-lite.x86_64 32:9.11.2-1.P1.fc27                     
  bind-license.noarch 32:9.11.2-1.P1.fc27                             bind-utils.x86_64 32:9.11.2-1.P1.fc27                         
  clang.x86_64 5.0.1-1.fc27                                           clang-libs.x86_64 5.0.1-1.fc27                                
  compiler-rt.x86_64 5.0.1-2.fc27                                     container-selinux.noarch 2:2.42-1.fc27                        
  freerdp-libs.x86_64 2:2.0.0-36.20180115git8f52c7e.fc27              gjs.x86_64 1.50.3-1.fc27                                      
  glib2.i686 2.54.3-2.fc27                                            glib2.x86_64 2.54.3-2.fc27                                    
  glib2-devel.x86_64 2.54.3-2.fc27                                    glibc.i686 2.26-24.fc27                                       
  glibc.x86_64 2.26-24.fc27                                           glibc-common.x86_64 2.26-24.fc27                              
  glibc-devel.x86_64 2.26-24.fc27                                     glibc-headers.x86_64 2.26-24.fc27                             
  glibc-langpack-en.x86_64 2.26-24.fc27                               gnutls.i686 3.5.17-1.fc27                                     
  gnutls.x86_64 3.5.17-1.fc27                                         google-chrome-stable.x86_64 64.0.3282.119-1                   
  gstreamer1-plugins-ugly.x86_64 1.12.4-3.fc27                        ibus.x86_64 1.5.17-5.fc27                                     
  ibus-gtk2.x86_64 1.5.17-5.fc27                                      ibus-gtk3.x86_64 1.5.17-5.fc27                                
  ibus-libs.x86_64 1.5.17-5.fc27                                      ibus-setup.noarch 1.5.17-5.fc27                               
  ibus-wayland.x86_64 1.5.17-5.fc27                                   kernel-headers.x86_64 4.14.14-300.fc27                        
  libassuan.x86_64 2.5.1-1.fc27                                       libcrypt-nss.i686 2.26-24.fc27                                
  libcrypt-nss.x86_64 2.26-24.fc27                                    libfastjson.x86_64 0.99.8-1.fc27                              
  libgcrypt.i686 1.8.2-1.fc27                                         libgcrypt.x86_64 1.8.2-1.fc27                                 
  libimagequant.x86_64 2.11.7-1.fc27                                  libimobiledevice.x86_64 1.2.0-13.fc27                         
  libldb.x86_64 1.3.1-1.fc27                                          libnfsidmap.x86_64 1:2.2.1-4.rc2.fc27                         
  libpinyin.x86_64 2.1.91-1.fc27                                      libpinyin-data.x86_64 2.1.91-1.fc27                           
  libreoffice.x86_64 1:                                 libreoffice-base.x86_64 1:                      
  libreoffice-calc.x86_64 1:                            libreoffice-core.x86_64 1:                      
  libreoffice-data.noarch 1:                            libreoffice-draw.x86_64 1:                      
  libreoffice-emailmerge.x86_64 1:                      libreoffice-graphicfilter.x86_64 1:             
  libreoffice-gtk2.x86_64 1:                            libreoffice-gtk3.x86_64 1:                      
  libreoffice-help-en.x86_64 1:                         libreoffice-impress.x86_64 1:                   
  libreoffice-langpack-en.x86_64 1:                     libreoffice-math.x86_64 1:                      
  libreoffice-opensymbol-fonts.noarch 1:                libreoffice-pdfimport.x86_64 1:                 
  libreoffice-pyuno.x86_64 1:                           libreoffice-ure.x86_64 1:                       
  libreoffice-ure-common.noarch 1:                      libreoffice-writer.x86_64 1:                    
  libreoffice-x11.x86_64 1:                             libsmbclient.x86_64 2:4.7.4-2.fc27                            
  libtalloc.x86_64 2.1.11-1.fc27                                      libtasn1.i686 4.13-1.fc27                                     
  libtasn1.x86_64 4.13-1.fc27                                         libtevent.x86_64 0.9.35-1.fc27                                
  libvpx.x86_64 1.6.1-5.fc27                                          libwbclient.x86_64 2:4.7.4-2.fc27                             
  libwinpr.x86_64 2:2.0.0-36.20180115git8f52c7e.fc27                  libzhuyin.x86_64 2.1.91-1.fc27                                
  lightdm.x86_64 1.25.1-5.fc27                                        lightdm-gobject.x86_64 1.25.1-5.fc27                          
  llvm-libs.i686 5.0.1-1.fc27                                         llvm-libs.x86_64 5.0.1-1.fc27                                 
  man-db.x86_64                                       mariadb-common.x86_64 3:10.2.10-2.fc27                        
  mariadb-config.x86_64 3:10.2.10-2.fc27                              mariadb-libs.x86_64 3:10.2.10-2.fc27                          
  nfs-utils.x86_64 1:2.2.1-4.rc2.fc27                                 perl-Socket.x86_64 4:2.027-1.fc27                             
  poppler.x86_64 0.57.0-8.fc27                                        poppler-glib.x86_64 0.57.0-8.fc27                             
  poppler-utils.x86_64 0.57.0-8.fc27                                  python-rpm-macros.noarch 3-24.fc27                            
  python-srpm-macros.noarch 3-24.fc27                                 python2-talloc.x86_64 2.1.11-1.fc27                           
  python3.x86_64 3.6.4-6.fc27                                         python3-bind.noarch 32:9.11.2-1.P1.fc27                       
  python3-devel.x86_64 3.6.4-6.fc27                                   python3-libs.x86_64 3.6.4-6.fc27                              
  python3-rpm-macros.noarch 3-24.fc27                                 qt5-qtdeclarative.x86_64 5.9.2-3.fc27                         
  rsyslog.x86_64 8.32.0-1.fc27                                        samba-client.x86_64 2:4.7.4-2.fc27                            
  samba-client-libs.x86_64 2:4.7.4-2.fc27                             samba-common.noarch 2:4.7.4-2.fc27                            
  samba-common-libs.x86_64 2:4.7.4-2.fc27                             samba-common-tools.x86_64 2:4.7.4-2.fc27                      
  samba-libs.x86_64 2:4.7.4-2.fc27                                    samba-winbind.x86_64 2:4.7.4-2.fc27                           
  samba-winbind-clients.x86_64 2:4.7.4-2.fc27                         samba-winbind-modules.x86_64 2:4.7.4-2.fc27                   
  sed.x86_64 4.4-4.fc27                                               timedatex.x86_64 0.5-2.fc27                                   
  unrar.x86_64 5.5.8-1.fc27                                           vim-minimal.x86_64 2:8.0.1428-3.fc27                          
  vlc.x86_64 3.0.0-0.48.git20180109.rc5.fc27                          vlc-core.x86_64 3.0.0-0.48.git20180109.rc5.fc27               
  webkitgtk4.x86_64 2.18.6-1.fc27                                     webkitgtk4-jsc.x86_64 2.18.6-1.fc27                           
  webkitgtk4-plugin-process-gtk2.x86_64 2.18.6-1.fc27                 wpa_supplicant.x86_64 1:2.6-13.fc27                           



2018-01-22: sda5 - F27 - after a reboot, Fedora 27 is in:

[tingo@localhost ~]$ cat /etc/fedora-release
Fedora release 27 (Twenty Seven)
[tingo@localhost ~]$ uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 4.14.13-300.fc27.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Jan 11 04:00:01 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


2018-01-22: sda5 - start F27 upgrade

[tingo@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot


2018-01-22: sda5 - download F27 upgrade

[tingo@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=27
Before you continue ensure that your system is fully upgraded by running "dnf --refresh upgrade". Do you want to continue [y/N]: y
Transaction Summary
Install     156 Packages
Upgrade    2358 Packages
Remove        5 Packages
Downgrade     1 Package

Total download size: 2.4 G
DNF will only download packages, install gpg keys, and check the transaction.
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Total                                                                                                1.1 MB/s | 2.4 GB     36:00     
warning: /var/lib/dnf/system-upgrade/fedora-cba4cf65782eccda/packages/python-rhsm-certificates-1.20.1-3.fc27.x86_64.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID f5282ee4: NOKEY
Importing GPG key 0xF5282EE4:
 Userid     : "Fedora 27 (27) <>"
 Fingerprint: 860E 19B0 AFA8 00A1 7518 81A6 F55E 7430 F528 2EE4
 From       : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-27-x86_64
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Key imported successfully
warning: /var/lib/dnf/system-upgrade/rpmfusion-nonfree-49a1ebaeea63d875/packages/amrnb- Header V4 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID b9c13282: NOKEY
Importing GPG key 0xB9C13282:
 Userid     : "RPM Fusion nonfree repository for Fedora (27) <>"
 Fingerprint: C1D5 D345 7F31 7578 802E E337 8704 7784 B9C1 3282
 From       : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-rpmfusion-nonfree-fedora-27
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Key imported successfully
warning: /var/lib/dnf/system-upgrade/rpmfusion-free-bb633ef348ecd3c8/packages/faad2-2.8.1-2.fc27.x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 7d838377: NOKEY
Importing GPG key 0x7D838377:
 Userid     : "RPM Fusion free repository for Fedora (27) <>"
 Fingerprint: 38FF 4B07 9890 0DAF 5E67 D7D1 1DBD E605 7D83 8377
 From       : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-rpmfusion-free-fedora-27
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Download complete! Use 'dnf system-upgrade reboot' to start the upgrade.
To remove cached metadata and transaction use 'dnf system-upgrade clean'
The downloaded packages were saved in cache until the next successful transaction.
You can remove cached packages by executing 'dnf clean packages'.


2018-01-22: sda5 - F26 - prepare for upgrade to F27 .

[tingo@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade
Last metadata expiration check: 0:01:51 ago on Mon 22 Jan 2018 09:06:10 PM CET.
Package python3-dnf-plugin-system-upgrade-2.0.5-1.fc26.noarch is already installed, skipping.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.


2018-01-21: sda5 - F26 - dnf - let me disable that fedora-HandBrake repo before

[tingo@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade
Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'fedora-HandBrake', disabling.
Last metadata expiration check: 2:50:10 ago on Sun 21 Jan 2018 08:05:36 PM CET.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.

disable it

[tingo@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf config-manager --set-disabled fedora-HandBrake


[tingo@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade
Last metadata expiration check: 2:50:31 ago on Sun 21 Jan 2018 08:05:36 PM CET.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.


2018-01-21: sda5 - F26 - dnf - upgrade

[tingo@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade
Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'fedora-HandBrake', disabling.
Last metadata expiration check: 2:39:44 ago on Sun 21 Jan 2018 08:05:36 PM CET.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                   Arch              Version                         Repository                         Size
 GeoIP-GeoLite-data                        noarch            2018.01-1.fc26                  updates                           465 k
 bind-libs                                 x86_64            32:9.11.1-5.P3.fc26             updates                           155 k
 bind-libs-lite                            x86_64            32:9.11.1-5.P3.fc26             updates                           1.1 M
 bind-license                              noarch            32:9.11.1-5.P3.fc26             updates                            91 k
 bind-utils                                x86_64            32:9.11.1-5.P3.fc26             updates                           403 k
 cups                                      x86_64            1:2.2.2-8.fc26                  updates                           1.3 M
 cups-client                               x86_64            1:2.2.2-8.fc26                  updates                           157 k
 cups-filesystem                           noarch            1:2.2.2-8.fc26                  updates                           102 k
 cups-libs                                 i686              1:2.2.2-8.fc26                  updates                           429 k
 cups-libs                                 x86_64            1:2.2.2-8.fc26                  updates                           415 k
 ffmpeg-libs                               x86_64            3.3.6-1.fc26                    rpmfusion-free-updates            6.3 M
 libavdevice                               x86_64            3.3.6-1.fc26                    rpmfusion-free-updates             85 k
 microcode_ctl                             x86_64            2:2.1-20.fc26                   updates                           1.1 M
 perl-Data-Dumper                          x86_64            2.161-4.fc26                    updates                            55 k
 perl-Digest-SHA                           x86_64            1:6.01-1.fc26                   updates                            63 k
 perl-podlators                            noarch            4.09-3.fc26                     updates                           114 k
 pigz                                      x86_64            2.4-1.fc26                      updates                            76 k
 python3-bind                              noarch            32:9.11.1-5.P3.fc26             updates                           138 k
 sane-backends                             x86_64            1.0.27-9.fc26                   updates                           788 k
 sane-backends-daemon                      x86_64            1.0.27-9.fc26                   updates                            57 k
 sane-backends-drivers-cameras             i686              1.0.27-9.fc26                   updates                            54 k
 sane-backends-drivers-cameras             x86_64            1.0.27-9.fc26                   updates                            53 k
 sane-backends-drivers-scanners            i686              1.0.27-9.fc26                   updates                           2.4 M
 sane-backends-drivers-scanners            x86_64            1.0.27-9.fc26                   updates                           2.4 M
 sane-backends-libs                        i686              1.0.27-9.fc26                   updates                           107 k
 sane-backends-libs                        x86_64            1.0.27-9.fc26                   updates                           104 k
 webkitgtk4                                x86_64            2.18.5-1.fc26                   updates                            13 M
 webkitgtk4-jsc                            x86_64            2.18.5-1.fc26                   updates                           4.4 M
 webkitgtk4-plugin-process-gtk2            x86_64            2.18.5-1.fc26                   updates                           9.7 M

Transaction Summary
Upgrade  29 Packages

Total download size: 46 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  GeoIP-GeoLite-data.noarch 2018.01-1.fc26                          bind-libs.x86_64 32:9.11.1-5.P3.fc26                             
  bind-libs-lite.x86_64 32:9.11.1-5.P3.fc26                         bind-license.noarch 32:9.11.1-5.P3.fc26                          
  bind-utils.x86_64 32:9.11.1-5.P3.fc26                             cups.x86_64 1:2.2.2-8.fc26                                       
  cups-client.x86_64 1:2.2.2-8.fc26                                 cups-filesystem.noarch 1:2.2.2-8.fc26                            
  cups-libs.i686 1:2.2.2-8.fc26                                     cups-libs.x86_64 1:2.2.2-8.fc26                                  
  ffmpeg-libs.x86_64 3.3.6-1.fc26                                   libavdevice.x86_64 3.3.6-1.fc26                                  
  microcode_ctl.x86_64 2:2.1-20.fc26                                perl-Data-Dumper.x86_64 2.161-4.fc26                             
  perl-Digest-SHA.x86_64 1:6.01-1.fc26                              perl-podlators.noarch 4.09-3.fc26                                
  pigz.x86_64 2.4-1.fc26                                            python3-bind.noarch 32:9.11.1-5.P3.fc26                          
  sane-backends.x86_64 1.0.27-9.fc26                                sane-backends-daemon.x86_64 1.0.27-9.fc26                        
  sane-backends-drivers-cameras.i686 1.0.27-9.fc26                  sane-backends-drivers-cameras.x86_64 1.0.27-9.fc26               
  sane-backends-drivers-scanners.i686 1.0.27-9.fc26                 sane-backends-drivers-scanners.x86_64 1.0.27-9.fc26              
  sane-backends-libs.i686 1.0.27-9.fc26                             sane-backends-libs.x86_64 1.0.27-9.fc26                          
  webkitgtk4.x86_64 2.18.5-1.fc26                                   webkitgtk4-jsc.x86_64 2.18.5-1.fc26                              
  webkitgtk4-plugin-process-gtk2.x86_64 2.18.5-1.fc26              



2018-01-14: sda5 - F26 - reboot and a new kernel is in

[tingo@localhost ~]$ uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 4.14.13-200.fc26.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Jan 11 05:43:34 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


2018-01-14: sda5 - F26 - dnf - upgrade

[tingo@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade
Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'fedora-HandBrake', disabling.
Last metadata expiration check: 2:03:52 ago on Sun 14 Jan 2018 12:29:59 PM CET.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                     Arch             Version                                       Repository          Size
 kernel                                      x86_64           4.14.13-200.fc26                              updates             68 k
 kernel-core                                 x86_64           4.14.13-200.fc26                              updates             21 M
 kernel-devel                                x86_64           4.14.13-200.fc26                              updates             12 M
 kernel-modules                              x86_64           4.14.13-200.fc26                              updates             24 M
 kernel-modules-extra                        x86_64           4.14.13-200.fc26                              updates            2.1 M
 ImageMagick                                 x86_64                                updates            182 k
 ImageMagick-djvu                            x86_64                                updates             44 k
 ImageMagick-libs                            x86_64                                updates            2.2 M
 ImageMagick-perl                            x86_64                                updates            164 k
 audit                                       x86_64           2.8.2-1.fc26                                  updates            248 k
 audit-libs                                  i686             2.8.2-1.fc26                                  updates            114 k
 audit-libs                                  x86_64           2.8.2-1.fc26                                  updates            110 k
 audit-libs-python3                          x86_64           2.8.2-1.fc26                                  updates             79 k
 dracut                                      x86_64           046-8.git20180105.fc26                        updates            345 k
 dracut-config-rescue                        x86_64           046-8.git20180105.fc26                        updates             46 k
 dracut-live                                 x86_64           046-8.git20180105.fc26                        updates             56 k
 dracut-network                              x86_64           046-8.git20180105.fc26                        updates             89 k
 fedora-repos                                noarch           26-2                                          updates             95 k
 freerdp-libs                                x86_64           2:2.0.0-35.20171220gitbfe8359.fc26            updates            871 k
 gnumeric                                    x86_64           1:1.12.38-1.fc26                              updates             14 M
 goffice                                     x86_64           0.10.38-1.fc26                                updates            1.9 M
 gtk-update-icon-cache                       x86_64           3.22.21-3.fc26                                updates             32 k
 gtk3                                        x86_64           3.22.21-3.fc26                                updates            4.4 M
 gtk3-immodule-xim                           x86_64           3.22.21-3.fc26                                updates             20 k
 hwdata                                      noarch           0.308-1.fc26                                  updates            1.4 M
 iwl100-firmware                             noarch                              updates            159 k
 iwl1000-firmware                            noarch           1:                           updates            222 k
 iwl105-firmware                             noarch                             updates            243 k
 iwl135-firmware                             noarch                             updates            252 k
 iwl2000-firmware                            noarch                             updates            246 k
 iwl2030-firmware                            noarch                             updates            255 k
 iwl3160-firmware                            noarch           1:                          updates            1.7 M
 iwl3945-firmware                            noarch                              updates             97 k
 iwl4965-firmware                            noarch                            updates            110 k
 iwl5000-firmware                            noarch                             updates            303 k
 iwl5150-firmware                            noarch                               updates            156 k
 iwl6000-firmware                            noarch                              updates            176 k
 iwl6000g2a-firmware                         noarch                             updates            319 k
 iwl6000g2b-firmware                         noarch                             updates            319 k
 iwl6050-firmware                            noarch                              updates            252 k
 iwl7260-firmware                            noarch           1:                          updates            6.5 M
 kernel-headers                              x86_64           4.14.13-200.fc26                              updates            1.2 M
 libabw                                      x86_64           0.1.2-1.fc26                                  updates            119 k
 libe-book                                   x86_64           0.1.3-1.fc26                                  updates            187 k
 libertas-usb8388-firmware                   noarch           2:20171215-82.git2451bb22.fc26                updates            122 k
 libexif                                     i686             0.6.21-14.fc26                                updates            350 k
 libexif                                     x86_64           0.6.21-14.fc26                                updates            351 k
 libmspub                                    x86_64           0.1.3-1.fc26                                  updates            164 k
 libnfsidmap                                 x86_64           1:2.2.1-3.rc2.fc26                            updates            103 k
 libpkgconf                                  x86_64           1.3.12-2.fc26                                 updates             30 k
 libwinpr                                    x86_64           2:2.0.0-35.20171220gitbfe8359.fc26            updates            327 k
 link-grammar                                x86_64           5.4.3-1.fc26                                  updates            2.0 M
 linux-firmware                              noarch           20171215-82.git2451bb22.fc26                  updates             61 M
 nfs-utils                                   x86_64           1:2.2.1-3.rc2.fc26                            updates            415 k
 ntfs-3g                                     x86_64           2:2017.3.23-4.fc26                            updates            274 k
 ntfsprogs                                   x86_64           2:2017.3.23-4.fc26                            updates            381 k
 os-prober                                   x86_64           1.74-4.fc26                                   updates             48 k
 pcre2                                       x86_64           10.23-12.fc26                                 updates            214 k
 pcre2-utf16                                 x86_64           10.23-12.fc26                                 updates            199 k
 perl-Module-CoreList                        noarch           1:5.20171220-1.fc26                           updates             83 k
 perl-Time-HiRes                             x86_64           1.9749-1.fc26                                 updates             55 k
 pkgconf                                     x86_64           1.3.12-2.fc26                                 updates             30 k
 pkgconf-m4                                  noarch           1.3.12-2.fc26                                 updates             13 k
 pkgconf-pkg-config                          x86_64           1.3.12-2.fc26                                 updates             13 k
 poppler                                     x86_64           0.52.0-11.fc26                                updates            831 k
 poppler-glib                                x86_64           0.52.0-11.fc26                                updates            145 k
 poppler-utils                               x86_64           0.52.0-11.fc26                                updates            190 k
 python3-dnf-plugin-system-upgrade           noarch           2.0.5-1.fc26                                  updates             34 k
 python3-dnf-plugins-extras-common           noarch           2.0.5-1.fc26                                  updates             59 k
 rsyslog                                     x86_64           8.31.0-2.fc26                                 updates            638 k
 tigervnc-license                            noarch           1.8.0-5.fc26                                  updates             34 k
 tigervnc-server-minimal                     x86_64           1.8.0-5.fc26                                  updates            1.1 M
 webkitgtk4                                  x86_64           2.18.4-1.fc26                                 updates             13 M
 webkitgtk4-jsc                              x86_64           2.18.4-1.fc26                                 updates            4.4 M
 webkitgtk4-plugin-process-gtk2              x86_64           2.18.4-1.fc26                                 updates            9.7 M
 kernel                                      x86_64           4.13.16-202.fc26                              @updates             0  
 kernel-core                                 x86_64           4.13.16-202.fc26                              @updates            55 M
 kernel-devel                                x86_64           4.13.16-202.fc26                              @updates            43 M
 kernel-modules                              x86_64           4.13.16-202.fc26                              @updates            24 M
 kernel-modules-extra                        x86_64           4.13.16-202.fc26                              @updates           2.0 M

Transaction Summary
Install   5 Packages
Upgrade  70 Packages
Remove    5 Packages

Total download size: 195 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  kernel.x86_64 4.13.16-202.fc26            kernel-core.x86_64 4.13.16-202.fc26             kernel-devel.x86_64 4.13.16-202.fc26   
  kernel-modules.x86_64 4.13.16-202.fc26    kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.13.16-202.fc26   

  kernel.x86_64 4.14.13-200.fc26            kernel-core.x86_64 4.14.13-200.fc26             kernel-devel.x86_64 4.14.13-200.fc26   
  kernel-modules.x86_64 4.14.13-200.fc26    kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.14.13-200.fc26   

  ImageMagick.x86_64                           ImageMagick-djvu.x86_64                               
  ImageMagick-libs.x86_64                      ImageMagick-perl.x86_64                               
  audit.x86_64 2.8.2-1.fc26                                    audit-libs.i686 2.8.2-1.fc26                                          
  audit-libs.x86_64 2.8.2-1.fc26                               audit-libs-python3.x86_64 2.8.2-1.fc26                                
  dracut.x86_64 046-8.git20180105.fc26                         dracut-config-rescue.x86_64 046-8.git20180105.fc26                    
  dracut-live.x86_64 046-8.git20180105.fc26                    dracut-network.x86_64 046-8.git20180105.fc26                          
  fedora-repos.noarch 26-2                                     freerdp-libs.x86_64 2:2.0.0-35.20171220gitbfe8359.fc26                
  gnumeric.x86_64 1:1.12.38-1.fc26                             goffice.x86_64 0.10.38-1.fc26                                         
  gtk-update-icon-cache.x86_64 3.22.21-3.fc26                  gtk3.x86_64 3.22.21-3.fc26                                            
  gtk3-immodule-xim.x86_64 3.22.21-3.fc26                      hwdata.noarch 0.308-1.fc26                                            
  iwl100-firmware.noarch                     iwl1000-firmware.noarch 1:                           
  iwl105-firmware.noarch                    iwl135-firmware.noarch                             
  iwl2000-firmware.noarch                   iwl2030-firmware.noarch                            
  iwl3160-firmware.noarch 1:                 iwl3945-firmware.noarch                             
  iwl4965-firmware.noarch                  iwl5000-firmware.noarch                            
  iwl5150-firmware.noarch                     iwl6000-firmware.noarch                             
  iwl6000g2a-firmware.noarch                iwl6000g2b-firmware.noarch                         
  iwl6050-firmware.noarch                    iwl7260-firmware.noarch 1:                          
  kernel-headers.x86_64 4.14.13-200.fc26                       libabw.x86_64 0.1.2-1.fc26                                            
  libe-book.x86_64 0.1.3-1.fc26                                libertas-usb8388-firmware.noarch 2:20171215-82.git2451bb22.fc26       
  libexif.i686 0.6.21-14.fc26                                  libexif.x86_64 0.6.21-14.fc26                                         
  libmspub.x86_64 0.1.3-1.fc26                                 libnfsidmap.x86_64 1:2.2.1-3.rc2.fc26                                 
  libpkgconf.x86_64 1.3.12-2.fc26                              libwinpr.x86_64 2:2.0.0-35.20171220gitbfe8359.fc26                    
  link-grammar.x86_64 5.4.3-1.fc26                             linux-firmware.noarch 20171215-82.git2451bb22.fc26                    
  nfs-utils.x86_64 1:2.2.1-3.rc2.fc26                          ntfs-3g.x86_64 2:2017.3.23-4.fc26                                     
  ntfsprogs.x86_64 2:2017.3.23-4.fc26                          os-prober.x86_64 1.74-4.fc26                                          
  pcre2.x86_64 10.23-12.fc26                                   pcre2-utf16.x86_64 10.23-12.fc26                                      
  perl-Module-CoreList.noarch 1:5.20171220-1.fc26              perl-Time-HiRes.x86_64 1.9749-1.fc26                                  
  pkgconf.x86_64 1.3.12-2.fc26                                 pkgconf-m4.noarch 1.3.12-2.fc26                                       
  pkgconf-pkg-config.x86_64 1.3.12-2.fc26                      poppler.x86_64 0.52.0-11.fc26                                         
  poppler-glib.x86_64 0.52.0-11.fc26                           poppler-utils.x86_64 0.52.0-11.fc26                                   
  python3-dnf-plugin-system-upgrade.noarch 2.0.5-1.fc26        python3-dnf-plugins-extras-common.noarch 2.0.5-1.fc26                 
  rsyslog.x86_64 8.31.0-2.fc26                                 tigervnc-license.noarch 1.8.0-5.fc26                                  
  tigervnc-server-minimal.x86_64 1.8.0-5.fc26                  webkitgtk4.x86_64 2.18.4-1.fc26                                       
  webkitgtk4-jsc.x86_64 2.18.4-1.fc26                          webkitgtk4-plugin-process-gtk2.x86_64 2.18.4-1.fc26                   



2018-01-05: sda5 - F26 - dnf - other upgrades

[tingo@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade
Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'fedora-HandBrake', disabling.
Last metadata expiration check: 0:06:37 ago on Fri 05 Jan 2018 08:37:53 PM CET.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                              Arch                   Version                             Repository                     Size
 kernel-devel                         x86_64                 4.14.11-200.fc26                    updates                        12 M
 google-chrome-stable                 x86_64                 63.0.3239.132-1                     google-chrome                  47 M
 icedtea-web                          x86_64                 1.7.1-1.fc26                        updates                       1.7 M
 kernel-headers                       x86_64                 4.14.11-200.fc26                    updates                       1.2 M
 vim-minimal                          x86_64                 2:8.0.1427-1.fc26                   updates                       535 k
 xfce4-notifyd                        x86_64                 0.4.1-1.fc26                        updates                       206 k
 xfce4-power-manager                  x86_64                 1.6.1-1.fc26                        updates                       796 k
Installing dependencies:
 kernel-modules-extra                 x86_64                 4.14.11-200.fc26                    updates                       2.3 M
 kernel-devel                         x86_64                 4.13.15-200.fc26                    @updates                       43 M

Transaction Summary
Install  2 Packages
Upgrade  6 Packages
Remove   1 Package

Total download size: 65 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  kernel-devel.x86_64 4.13.15-200.fc26                                                                                               

  kernel-devel.x86_64 4.14.11-200.fc26                          kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.14.11-200.fc26                         

  google-chrome-stable.x86_64 63.0.3239.132-1     icedtea-web.x86_64 1.7.1-1.fc26       kernel-headers.x86_64 4.14.11-200.fc26     
  vim-minimal.x86_64 2:8.0.1427-1.fc26            xfce4-notifyd.x86_64 0.4.1-1.fc26     xfce4-power-manager.x86_64 1.6.1-1.fc26    



2018-01-05: sda5 - F26 - dnf - Meltdown patching

[tingo@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf --refresh update kernel
Fedora 26 - x86_64 - Updates                                                                         5.0 MB/s |  19 MB     00:03    
google-chrome                                                                                         47 kB/s | 3.7 kB     00:00    
Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'fedora-HandBrake', disabling.
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:00 ago on Fri 05 Jan 2018 08:37:53 PM CET.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                Arch                     Version                            Repository                  Size
 kernel                                 x86_64                   4.14.11-200.fc26                   updates                     68 k
 kernel-core                            x86_64                   4.14.11-200.fc26                   updates                     23 M
 kernel-modules                         x86_64                   4.14.11-200.fc26                   updates                     26 M
 kernel                                 x86_64                   4.13.15-200.fc26                   @updates                     0  
 kernel-core                            x86_64                   4.13.15-200.fc26                   @updates                    55 M
 kernel-modules                         x86_64                   4.13.15-200.fc26                   @updates                    24 M
Removing dependent packages:
 kernel-modules-extra                   x86_64                   4.13.15-200.fc26                   @updates                   2.0 M

Transaction Summary
Install  3 Packages
Remove   4 Packages

Total download size: 49 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  kernel.x86_64 4.13.15-200.fc26                   kernel-core.x86_64 4.13.15-200.fc26     kernel-modules.x86_64 4.13.15-200.fc26    
  kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.13.15-200.fc26    

  kernel.x86_64 4.14.11-200.fc26         kernel-core.x86_64 4.14.11-200.fc26         kernel-modules.x86_64 4.14.11-200.fc26        



2018-01-03: sda5 - F26 - dnf - reboot and a new kernel is in

[tingo@localhost ~]$ uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 4.14.8-200.fc26.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Dec 20 19:05:23 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


2018-01-03: sda5 - F26 - dnf - upgrade

[tingo@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade
Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'fedora-HandBrake', disabling.
Last metadata expiration check: 1:00:47 ago on Wed 03 Jan 2018 03:42:26 PM CET.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                Arch           Version                                  Repository                      Size
 kernel                                 x86_64         4.14.8-200.fc26                          updates                         67 k
 kernel-core                            x86_64         4.14.8-200.fc26                          updates                         21 M
 kernel-devel                           x86_64         4.14.8-200.fc26                          updates                         12 M
 kernel-modules                         x86_64         4.14.8-200.fc26                          updates                         24 M
 kernel-modules-extra                   x86_64         4.14.8-200.fc26                          updates                        2.1 M
 NetworkManager                         x86_64         1:1.8.2-4.fc26                           updates                        1.6 M
 NetworkManager-adsl                    x86_64         1:1.8.2-4.fc26                           updates                        124 k
 NetworkManager-bluetooth               x86_64         1:1.8.2-4.fc26                           updates                        142 k
 NetworkManager-glib                    x86_64         1:1.8.2-4.fc26                           updates                        1.1 M
 NetworkManager-libnm                   x86_64         1:1.8.2-4.fc26                           updates                        1.2 M
 NetworkManager-ppp                     x86_64         1:1.8.2-4.fc26                           updates                        128 k
 NetworkManager-team                    x86_64         1:1.8.2-4.fc26                           updates                        126 k
 NetworkManager-wifi                    x86_64         1:1.8.2-4.fc26                           updates                        155 k
 NetworkManager-wwan                    x86_64         1:1.8.2-4.fc26                           updates                        146 k
 Thunar                                 x86_64         1.6.13-1.fc26                            updates                        1.4 M
 ansible                                noarch                           updates                        7.6 M
 atomic-registries                      x86_64         1.20.1-9.fc26                            updates                         39 k
 augeas-libs                            x86_64         1.9.0-1.fc26                             updates                        380 k
 autocorr-en                            noarch         1:                         updates                        207 k
 babl                                   x86_64         0.1.38-1.fc26                            updates                        292 k
 bind-libs                              x86_64         32:9.11.1-4.P3.fc26                      updates                        155 k
 bind-libs-lite                         x86_64         32:9.11.1-4.P3.fc26                      updates                        1.1 M
 bind-license                           noarch         32:9.11.1-4.P3.fc26                      updates                         91 k
 bind-utils                             x86_64         32:9.11.1-4.P3.fc26                      updates                        403 k
 boost-atomic                           x86_64         1.63.0-10.fc26                           updates                         49 k
 boost-chrono                           x86_64         1.63.0-10.fc26                           updates                         52 k
 boost-context                          x86_64         1.63.0-10.fc26                           updates                         50 k
 boost-date-time                        x86_64         1.63.0-10.fc26                           updates                         62 k
 boost-filesystem                       x86_64         1.63.0-10.fc26                           updates                         78 k
 boost-iostreams                        x86_64         1.63.0-10.fc26                           updates                         72 k
 boost-locale                           x86_64         1.63.0-10.fc26                           updates                        280 k
 boost-program-options                  x86_64         1.63.0-10.fc26                           updates                        170 k
 boost-python                           x86_64         1.63.0-10.fc26                           updates                        127 k
 boost-random                           x86_64         1.63.0-10.fc26                           updates                         55 k
 boost-regex                            x86_64         1.63.0-10.fc26                           updates                        298 k
 boost-signals                          x86_64         1.63.0-10.fc26                           updates                         73 k
 boost-system                           x86_64         1.63.0-10.fc26                           updates                         52 k
 boost-thread                           x86_64         1.63.0-10.fc26                           updates                         91 k
 ca-certificates                        noarch         2017.2.20-1.0.fc26                       updates                        406 k
 cldr-emoji-annotation                  noarch         32.0.0_1-1.fc26                          updates                        3.4 M
 container-selinux                      noarch         2:2.37-1.fc26                            updates                         36 k
 createrepo_c                           x86_64         0.10.0-15.fc26                           updates                         68 k
 createrepo_c-libs                      x86_64         0.10.0-15.fc26                           updates                         95 k
 curl                                   x86_64         7.53.1-13.fc26                           updates                        317 k
 dhcp-client                            x86_64         12:4.3.5-10.fc26                         updates                        307 k
 dhcp-common                            noarch         12:4.3.5-10.fc26                         updates                        199 k
 dhcp-libs                              x86_64         12:4.3.5-10.fc26                         updates                        139 k
 dnf                                    noarch         2.7.5-2.fc26                             updates                        349 k
 dnf-conf                               noarch         2.7.5-2.fc26                             updates                         68 k
 dnf-yum                                noarch         2.7.5-2.fc26                             updates                         49 k
 docker                                 x86_64         2:1.13.1-44.git584d391.fc26              updates                         20 M
 docker-common                          x86_64         2:1.13.1-44.git584d391.fc26              updates                         83 k
 docker-rhel-push-plugin                x86_64         2:1.13.1-44.git584d391.fc26              updates                        1.6 M
 evince                                 x86_64         3.24.2-2.fc26                            updates                        2.6 M
 evince-djvu                            x86_64         3.24.2-2.fc26                            updates                         55 k
 evince-libs                            x86_64         3.24.2-2.fc26                            updates                        364 k
 gdb                                    x86_64         8.0.1-33.fc26                            updates                        283 k
 gdb-headless                           x86_64         8.0.1-33.fc26                            updates                        3.3 M
 gdouros-symbola-fonts                  noarch         10.23-1.fc26                             updates                        2.4 M
 geany                                  x86_64         1.32-1.fc26                              updates                        2.5 M
 geany-libgeany                         x86_64         1.32-1.fc26                              updates                        1.0 M
 gnumeric                               x86_64         1:1.12.36-1.fc26                         updates                         14 M
 gnutls                                 i686           3.5.16-4.fc26                            updates                        760 k
 gnutls                                 x86_64         3.5.16-4.fc26                            updates                        757 k
 goffice                                x86_64         0.10.36-1.fc26                           updates                        1.9 M
 google-chrome-stable                   x86_64         63.0.3239.108-1                          google-chrome                   47 M
 groff-base                             x86_64         1.22.3-10.fc26                           updates                        1.0 M
 hwdata                                 noarch         0.307-1.fc26                             updates                        1.4 M
 imsettings                             x86_64         1.7.3-1.fc26                             updates                        218 k
 imsettings-libs                        x86_64         1.7.3-1.fc26                             updates                        122 k
 imsettings-xfce                        x86_64         1.7.3-1.fc26                             updates                        111 k
 inxi                                   noarch         2.3.53-1.fc26                            updates                        215 k
 iwl100-firmware                        noarch                        updates                        159 k
 iwl1000-firmware                       noarch         1:                      updates                        222 k
 iwl105-firmware                        noarch                       updates                        243 k
 iwl135-firmware                        noarch                       updates                        252 k
 iwl2000-firmware                       noarch                       updates                        246 k
 iwl2030-firmware                       noarch                       updates                        255 k
 iwl3160-firmware                       noarch         1:                     updates                        1.7 M
 iwl3945-firmware                       noarch                        updates                         97 k
 iwl4965-firmware                       noarch                      updates                        110 k
 iwl5000-firmware                       noarch                       updates                        303 k
 iwl5150-firmware                       noarch                         updates                        156 k
 iwl6000-firmware                       noarch                        updates                        176 k
 iwl6000g2a-firmware                    noarch                       updates                        319 k
 iwl6000g2b-firmware                    noarch                       updates                        319 k
 iwl6050-firmware                       noarch                        updates                        252 k
 iwl7260-firmware                       noarch         1:                     updates                        6.5 M
 json-c                                 x86_64         0.12.1-5.fc26                            updates                         29 k
 kernel-headers                         x86_64         4.14.8-200.fc26                          updates                        1.2 M
 libbluray                              x86_64         1.0.2-1.fc26                             updates                        165 k
 libcurl                                x86_64         7.53.1-13.fc26                           updates                        273 k
 libdrm                                 i686           2.4.89-1.fc26                            updates                        172 k
 libdrm                                 x86_64         2.4.89-1.fc26                            updates                        159 k
 libebur128                             x86_64         1.2.3-1.fc26                             updates                         22 k
 libertas-usb8388-firmware              noarch         2:20171215-81.git2451bb22.fc26           updates                        122 k
 libimagequant                          x86_64         2.11.4-1.fc26                            updates                         60 k
 libipa_hbac                            x86_64         1.16.0-4.fc26                            updates                         82 k
 libjpeg-turbo                          i686           1.5.3-1.fc26                             updates                        162 k
 libjpeg-turbo                          x86_64         1.5.3-1.fc26                             updates                        152 k
 libjpeg-turbo-utils                    x86_64         1.5.3-1.fc26                             updates                         86 k
 libpkgconf                             x86_64         1.3.12-1.fc26                            updates                         30 k
 libreoffice                            x86_64         1:                         updates                         78 k
 libreoffice-base                       x86_64         1:                         updates                        2.6 M
 libreoffice-calc                       x86_64         1:                         updates                        9.0 M
 libreoffice-core                       x86_64         1:                         updates                         72 M
 libreoffice-data                       noarch         1:                         updates                        3.4 M
 libreoffice-draw                       x86_64         1:                         updates                        697 k
 libreoffice-emailmerge                 x86_64         1:                         updates                         91 k
 libreoffice-graphicfilter              x86_64         1:                         updates                        471 k
 libreoffice-gtk2                       x86_64         1:                         updates                        301 k
 libreoffice-gtk3                       x86_64         1:                         updates                        318 k
 libreoffice-impress                    x86_64         1:                         updates                        1.3 M
 libreoffice-langpack-en                x86_64         1:                         updates                         77 k
 libreoffice-math                       x86_64         1:                         updates                        1.1 M
 libreoffice-opensymbol-fonts           noarch         1:                         updates                        252 k
 libreoffice-pdfimport                  x86_64         1:                         updates                        286 k
 libreoffice-pyuno                      x86_64         1:                         updates                        540 k
 libreoffice-ure                        x86_64         1:                         updates                        2.2 M
 libreoffice-ure-common                 noarch         1:                         updates                        514 k
 libreoffice-writer                     x86_64         1:                         updates                        4.5 M
 libreoffice-x11                        x86_64         1:                         updates                        304 k
 libsmbclient                           x86_64         2:4.6.12-0.fc26                          updates                        126 k
 libsss_autofs                          x86_64         1.16.0-4.fc26                            updates                         84 k
 libsss_certmap                         x86_64         1.16.0-4.fc26                            updates                        111 k
 libsss_idmap                           x86_64         1.16.0-4.fc26                            updates                         87 k
 libsss_nss_idmap                       x86_64         1.16.0-4.fc26                            updates                         84 k
 libsss_sudo                            x86_64         1.16.0-4.fc26                            updates                         82 k
 libtiff                                i686           4.0.9-1.fc26                             updates                        191 k
 libtiff                                x86_64         4.0.9-1.fc26                             updates                        182 k
 libtiff-tools                          x86_64         4.0.9-1.fc26                             updates                        239 k
 libudisks2                             x86_64         2.6.5-4.fc26                             updates                        120 k
 libwayland-client                      i686           1.13.0-3.fc26                            updates                         35 k
 libwayland-client                      x86_64         1.13.0-3.fc26                            updates                         35 k
 libwayland-cursor                      x86_64         1.13.0-3.fc26                            updates                         23 k
 libwayland-server                      i686           1.13.0-3.fc26                            updates                         42 k
 libwayland-server                      x86_64         1.13.0-3.fc26                            updates                         41 k
 libwbclient                            x86_64         2:4.6.12-0.fc26                          updates                        101 k
 libwebp                                i686           0.6.1-1.fc26                             updates                        280 k
 libwebp                                x86_64         0.6.1-1.fc26                             updates                        262 k
 libwps                                 x86_64         0.4.8-1.fc26                             updates                        763 k
 linux-firmware                         noarch         20171215-81.git2451bb22.fc26             updates                         61 M
 llvm-libs                              i686           4.0.1-2.fc26                             updates                         14 M
 llvm-libs                              x86_64         4.0.1-2.fc26                             updates                         13 M
 lua                                    x86_64         5.3.4-7.fc26                             updates                        189 k
 lua-libs                               x86_64         5.3.4-7.fc26                             updates                        114 k
 mailx                                  x86_64         12.5-24.fc26                             updates                        257 k
 man-db                                 x86_64                           updates                        872 k
 man-pages                              noarch         4.09-4.fc26                              updates                        5.8 M
 mariadb-common                         x86_64         3:10.1.29-1.fc26                         updates                        100 k
 mariadb-config                         x86_64         3:10.1.29-1.fc26                         updates                         33 k
 mariadb-libs                           x86_64         3:10.1.29-1.fc26                         updates                        664 k
 oci-register-machine                   x86_64         0-5.12.git3c01f0b.fc26                   updates                        1.1 M
 oci-systemd-hook                       x86_64         1:0.1.15-1.git2d0b8a3.fc26               updates                         36 k
 oci-umount                             x86_64         2:2.3.2-1.git3025b19.fc26                updates                         34 k
 open-vm-tools                          x86_64         10.2.0-3.fc26                            updates                        762 k
 open-vm-tools-desktop                  x86_64         10.2.0-3.fc26                            updates                        162 k
 openldap                               i686           2.4.45-2.fc26                            updates                        364 k
 openldap                               x86_64         2.4.45-2.fc26                            updates                        353 k
 pcre2                                  x86_64         10.23-11.fc26                            updates                        214 k
 pcre2-utf16                            x86_64         10.23-11.fc26                            updates                        199 k
 perl-Data-Dumper                       x86_64         2.161-3.fc26                             updates                         54 k
 perl-Digest-SHA                        x86_64         1:6.00-1.fc26                            updates                         63 k
 perl-Module-CoreList                   noarch         1:5.20171120-1.fc26                      updates                         82 k
 perl-PDF-API2                          noarch         2.033-2.fc26                             updates                        1.8 M
 pkcs11-helper                          x86_64         1.22-2.fc26                              updates                         61 k
 pkgconf                                x86_64         1.3.12-1.fc26                            updates                         30 k
 pkgconf-m4                             noarch         1.3.12-1.fc26                            updates                         13 k
 pkgconf-pkg-config                     x86_64         1.3.12-1.fc26                            updates                         13 k
 pragha                                 x86_64         1.3.3-10.fc26                            updates                        404 k
 publicsuffix-list-dafsa                noarch         20171028-1.fc26                          updates                         45 k
 pulseaudio                             x86_64         11.1-7.fc26                              updates                        944 k
 pulseaudio-libs                        i686           11.1-7.fc26                              updates                        672 k
 pulseaudio-libs                        x86_64         11.1-7.fc26                              updates                        662 k
 pulseaudio-libs-glib2                  x86_64         11.1-7.fc26                              updates                         26 k
 pulseaudio-module-x11                  x86_64         11.1-7.fc26                              updates                         37 k
 pulseaudio-utils                       x86_64         11.1-7.fc26                              updates                         75 k
 python2                                x86_64         2.7.14-4.fc26                            updates                         98 k
 python2-libs                           x86_64         2.7.14-4.fc26                            updates                        6.3 M
 python2-pip                            noarch         9.0.1-11.fc26                            updates                        1.8 M
 python2-setuptools                     noarch         37.0.0-1.fc26                            updates                        605 k
 python2-tkinter                        x86_64         2.7.14-4.fc26                            updates                        397 k
 python2-urllib3                        noarch         1.20-2.fc26                              updates                        149 k
 python3-bind                           noarch         32:9.11.1-4.P3.fc26                      updates                        138 k
 python3-dnf                            noarch         2.7.5-2.fc26                             updates                        456 k
 python3-pip                            noarch         9.0.1-11.fc26                            updates                        1.7 M
 python3-setuptools                     noarch         37.0.0-1.fc26                            updates                        605 k
 python3-sssdconfig                     noarch         1.16.0-4.fc26                            updates                        108 k
 python3-urllib3                        noarch         1.20-2.fc26                              updates                        153 k
 qgis                                   x86_64         2.18.15-1.fc26                           updates                         40 M
 qgis-grass                             x86_64         2.18.15-1.fc26                           updates                        1.4 M
 qgis-server                            x86_64         2.18.15-1.fc26                           updates                        803 k
 qt5-qtbase                             x86_64         5.9.2-6.fc26                             updates                        3.4 M
 qt5-qtbase-common                      noarch         5.9.2-6.fc26                             updates                         36 k
 qt5-qtbase-gui                         x86_64         5.9.2-6.fc26                             updates                        5.1 M
 rpcbind                                x86_64         0.2.4-8.rc3.fc26                         updates                         65 k
 samba-client                           x86_64         2:4.6.12-0.fc26                          updates                        591 k
 samba-client-libs                      x86_64         2:4.6.12-0.fc26                          updates                        4.7 M
 samba-common                           noarch         2:4.6.12-0.fc26                          updates                        192 k
 samba-common-libs                      x86_64         2:4.6.12-0.fc26                          updates                        160 k
 samba-common-tools                     x86_64         2:4.6.12-0.fc26                          updates                        452 k
 samba-libs                             x86_64         2:4.6.12-0.fc26                          updates                        259 k
 samba-winbind                          x86_64         2:4.6.12-0.fc26                          updates                        515 k
 samba-winbind-clients                  x86_64         2:4.6.12-0.fc26                          updates                        125 k
 samba-winbind-modules                  x86_64         2:4.6.12-0.fc26                          updates                        109 k
 sane-backends                          x86_64         1.0.27-8.fc26                            updates                        788 k
 sane-backends-daemon                   x86_64         1.0.27-8.fc26                            updates                         57 k
 sane-backends-drivers-cameras          i686           1.0.27-8.fc26                            updates                         54 k
 sane-backends-drivers-cameras          x86_64         1.0.27-8.fc26                            updates                         53 k
 sane-backends-drivers-scanners         i686           1.0.27-8.fc26                            updates                        2.4 M
 sane-backends-drivers-scanners         x86_64         1.0.27-8.fc26                            updates                        2.4 M
 sane-backends-libs                     i686           1.0.27-8.fc26                            updates                        107 k
 sane-backends-libs                     x86_64         1.0.27-8.fc26                            updates                        104 k
 selinux-policy                         noarch         3.13.1-260.18.fc26                       updates                        511 k
 selinux-policy-targeted                noarch         3.13.1-260.18.fc26                       updates                        9.4 M
 skopeo-containers                      x86_64         0.1.27-1.git93876ac.fc26                 updates                         16 k
 spatialindex                           x86_64         1.8.5-8.fc26                             updates                        274 k
 sssd                                   x86_64         1.16.0-4.fc26                            updates                         74 k
 sssd-ad                                x86_64         1.16.0-4.fc26                            updates                        198 k
 sssd-client                            x86_64         1.16.0-4.fc26                            updates                        138 k
 sssd-common                            x86_64         1.16.0-4.fc26                            updates                        1.3 M
 sssd-common-pac                        x86_64         1.16.0-4.fc26                            updates                        141 k
 sssd-ipa                               x86_64         1.16.0-4.fc26                            updates                        288 k
 sssd-krb5                              x86_64         1.16.0-4.fc26                            updates                        115 k
 sssd-krb5-common                       x86_64         1.16.0-4.fc26                            updates                        149 k
 sssd-ldap                              x86_64         1.16.0-4.fc26                            updates                        185 k
 sssd-nfs-idmap                         x86_64         1.16.0-4.fc26                            updates                         80 k
 sssd-proxy                             x86_64         1.16.0-4.fc26                            updates                        108 k
 syslinux                               x86_64         6.04-0.7.fc26                            updates                        573 k
 syslinux-extlinux                      x86_64         6.04-0.7.fc26                            updates                        137 k
 syslinux-extlinux-nonlinux             noarch         6.04-0.7.fc26                            updates                        384 k
 syslinux-nonlinux                      noarch         6.04-0.7.fc26                            updates                        550 k
 transfig                               x86_64         1:3.2.6a-1.fc26                          updates                        399 k
 udisks2                                x86_64         2.6.5-4.fc26                             updates                        390 k
 unbound-libs                           x86_64         1.6.7-1.fc26                             updates                        416 k
 usbutils                               x86_64         009-1.fc26                               updates                         93 k
 vlc                                    x86_64         3.0.0-0.44.git20171215rc2.fc26           rpmfusion-free-updates         1.9 M
 vlc-core                               x86_64         3.0.0-0.44.git20171215rc2.fc26           rpmfusion-free-updates         9.3 M
 wget                                   x86_64         1.19.2-2.fc26                            updates                        730 k
 xfburn                                 x86_64         0.5.5-1.fc26                             updates                        527 k
 xscreensaver-base                      x86_64         1:5.38-1.fc26                            updates                        448 k
 xscreensaver-extras                    x86_64         1:5.38-1.fc26                            updates                        1.8 M
 xscreensaver-extras-base               x86_64         1:5.38-1.fc26                            updates                        119 k
Installing dependencies:
 perl-Graphics-TIFF                     x86_64         6-1.fc26                                 updates                         54 k
 python2-qgis                           x86_64         2.18.15-1.fc26                           updates                        8.9 M
     replacing  qgis-python.x86_64 2.18.14-1.fc26
 kernel                                 x86_64         4.13.12-200.fc26                         @updates                         0  
 kernel-core                            x86_64         4.13.12-200.fc26                         @updates                        55 M
 kernel-devel                           x86_64         4.13.12-200.fc26                         @updates                        43 M
 kernel-modules                         x86_64         4.13.12-200.fc26                         @updates                        24 M
 kernel-modules-extra                   x86_64         4.13.12-200.fc26                         @updates                       2.0 M

Transaction Summary
Install    7 Packages
Upgrade  238 Packages
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Total download size: 521 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  kernel.x86_64 4.13.12-200.fc26            kernel-core.x86_64 4.13.12-200.fc26             kernel-devel.x86_64 4.13.12-200.fc26   
  kernel-modules.x86_64 4.13.12-200.fc26    kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.13.12-200.fc26   

  kernel.x86_64 4.14.8-200.fc26             kernel-core.x86_64 4.14.8-200.fc26              kernel-devel.x86_64 4.14.8-200.fc26    
  kernel-modules.x86_64 4.14.8-200.fc26     kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.14.8-200.fc26     perl-Graphics-TIFF.x86_64 6-1.fc26     
  python2-qgis.x86_64 2.18.15-1.fc26       

  NetworkManager.x86_64 1:1.8.2-4.fc26                                NetworkManager-adsl.x86_64 1:1.8.2-4.fc26                     
  NetworkManager-bluetooth.x86_64 1:1.8.2-4.fc26                      NetworkManager-glib.x86_64 1:1.8.2-4.fc26                     
  NetworkManager-libnm.x86_64 1:1.8.2-4.fc26                          NetworkManager-ppp.x86_64 1:1.8.2-4.fc26                      
  NetworkManager-team.x86_64 1:1.8.2-4.fc26                           NetworkManager-wifi.x86_64 1:1.8.2-4.fc26                     
  NetworkManager-wwan.x86_64 1:1.8.2-4.fc26                           Thunar.x86_64 1.6.13-1.fc26                                   
  ansible.noarch                                       atomic-registries.x86_64 1.20.1-9.fc26                        
  augeas-libs.x86_64 1.9.0-1.fc26                                     autocorr-en.noarch 1:                           
  babl.x86_64 0.1.38-1.fc26                                           bind-libs.x86_64 32:9.11.1-4.P3.fc26                          
  bind-libs-lite.x86_64 32:9.11.1-4.P3.fc26                           bind-license.noarch 32:9.11.1-4.P3.fc26                       
  bind-utils.x86_64 32:9.11.1-4.P3.fc26                               boost-atomic.x86_64 1.63.0-10.fc26                            
  boost-chrono.x86_64 1.63.0-10.fc26                                  boost-context.x86_64 1.63.0-10.fc26                           
  boost-date-time.x86_64 1.63.0-10.fc26                               boost-filesystem.x86_64 1.63.0-10.fc26                        
  boost-iostreams.x86_64 1.63.0-10.fc26                               boost-locale.x86_64 1.63.0-10.fc26                            
  boost-program-options.x86_64 1.63.0-10.fc26                         boost-python.x86_64 1.63.0-10.fc26                            
  boost-random.x86_64 1.63.0-10.fc26                                  boost-regex.x86_64 1.63.0-10.fc26                             
  boost-signals.x86_64 1.63.0-10.fc26                                 boost-system.x86_64 1.63.0-10.fc26                            
  boost-thread.x86_64 1.63.0-10.fc26                                  ca-certificates.noarch 2017.2.20-1.0.fc26                     
  cldr-emoji-annotation.noarch 32.0.0_1-1.fc26                        container-selinux.noarch 2:2.37-1.fc26                        
  createrepo_c.x86_64 0.10.0-15.fc26                                  createrepo_c-libs.x86_64 0.10.0-15.fc26                       
  curl.x86_64 7.53.1-13.fc26                                          dhcp-client.x86_64 12:4.3.5-10.fc26                           
  dhcp-common.noarch 12:4.3.5-10.fc26                                 dhcp-libs.x86_64 12:4.3.5-10.fc26                             
  dnf.noarch 2.7.5-2.fc26                                             dnf-conf.noarch 2.7.5-2.fc26                                  
  dnf-yum.noarch 2.7.5-2.fc26                                         docker.x86_64 2:1.13.1-44.git584d391.fc26                     
  docker-common.x86_64 2:1.13.1-44.git584d391.fc26                    docker-rhel-push-plugin.x86_64 2:1.13.1-44.git584d391.fc26    
  evince.x86_64 3.24.2-2.fc26                                         evince-djvu.x86_64 3.24.2-2.fc26                              
  evince-libs.x86_64 3.24.2-2.fc26                                    gdb.x86_64 8.0.1-33.fc26                                      
  gdb-headless.x86_64 8.0.1-33.fc26                                   gdouros-symbola-fonts.noarch 10.23-1.fc26                     
  geany.x86_64 1.32-1.fc26                                            geany-libgeany.x86_64 1.32-1.fc26                             
  gnumeric.x86_64 1:1.12.36-1.fc26                                    gnutls.i686 3.5.16-4.fc26                                     
  gnutls.x86_64 3.5.16-4.fc26                                         goffice.x86_64 0.10.36-1.fc26                                 
  google-chrome-stable.x86_64 63.0.3239.108-1                         groff-base.x86_64 1.22.3-10.fc26                              
  hwdata.noarch 0.307-1.fc26                                          imsettings.x86_64 1.7.3-1.fc26                                
  imsettings-libs.x86_64 1.7.3-1.fc26                                 imsettings-xfce.x86_64 1.7.3-1.fc26                           
  inxi.noarch 2.3.53-1.fc26                                           iwl100-firmware.noarch                      
  iwl1000-firmware.noarch 1:                         iwl105-firmware.noarch                     
  iwl135-firmware.noarch                           iwl2000-firmware.noarch                    
  iwl2030-firmware.noarch                          iwl3160-firmware.noarch 1:                  
  iwl3945-firmware.noarch                           iwl4965-firmware.noarch                   
  iwl5000-firmware.noarch                          iwl5150-firmware.noarch                      
  iwl6000-firmware.noarch                           iwl6000g2a-firmware.noarch                 
  iwl6000g2b-firmware.noarch                       iwl6050-firmware.noarch                     
  iwl7260-firmware.noarch 1:                        json-c.x86_64 0.12.1-5.fc26                                   
  kernel-headers.x86_64 4.14.8-200.fc26                               libbluray.x86_64 1.0.2-1.fc26                                 
  libcurl.x86_64 7.53.1-13.fc26                                       libdrm.i686 2.4.89-1.fc26                                     
  libdrm.x86_64 2.4.89-1.fc26                                         libebur128.x86_64 1.2.3-1.fc26                                
  libertas-usb8388-firmware.noarch 2:20171215-81.git2451bb22.fc26     libimagequant.x86_64 2.11.4-1.fc26                            
  libipa_hbac.x86_64 1.16.0-4.fc26                                    libjpeg-turbo.i686 1.5.3-1.fc26                               
  libjpeg-turbo.x86_64 1.5.3-1.fc26                                   libjpeg-turbo-utils.x86_64 1.5.3-1.fc26                       
  libpkgconf.x86_64 1.3.12-1.fc26                                     libreoffice.x86_64 1:                           
  libreoffice-base.x86_64 1:                            libreoffice-calc.x86_64 1:                      
  libreoffice-core.x86_64 1:                            libreoffice-data.noarch 1:                      
  libreoffice-draw.x86_64 1:                            libreoffice-emailmerge.x86_64 1:                
  libreoffice-graphicfilter.x86_64 1:                   libreoffice-gtk2.x86_64 1:                      
  libreoffice-gtk3.x86_64 1:                            libreoffice-impress.x86_64 1:                   
  libreoffice-langpack-en.x86_64 1:                     libreoffice-math.x86_64 1:                      
  libreoffice-opensymbol-fonts.noarch 1:                libreoffice-pdfimport.x86_64 1:                 
  libreoffice-pyuno.x86_64 1:                           libreoffice-ure.x86_64 1:                       
  libreoffice-ure-common.noarch 1:                      libreoffice-writer.x86_64 1:                    
  libreoffice-x11.x86_64 1:                             libsmbclient.x86_64 2:4.6.12-0.fc26                           
  libsss_autofs.x86_64 1.16.0-4.fc26                                  libsss_certmap.x86_64 1.16.0-4.fc26                           
  libsss_idmap.x86_64 1.16.0-4.fc26                                   libsss_nss_idmap.x86_64 1.16.0-4.fc26                         
  libsss_sudo.x86_64 1.16.0-4.fc26                                    libtiff.i686 4.0.9-1.fc26                                     
  libtiff.x86_64 4.0.9-1.fc26                                         libtiff-tools.x86_64 4.0.9-1.fc26                             
  libudisks2.x86_64 2.6.5-4.fc26                                      libwayland-client.i686 1.13.0-3.fc26                          
  libwayland-client.x86_64 1.13.0-3.fc26                              libwayland-cursor.x86_64 1.13.0-3.fc26                        
  libwayland-server.i686 1.13.0-3.fc26                                libwayland-server.x86_64 1.13.0-3.fc26                        
  libwbclient.x86_64 2:4.6.12-0.fc26                                  libwebp.i686 0.6.1-1.fc26                                     
  libwebp.x86_64 0.6.1-1.fc26                                         libwps.x86_64 0.4.8-1.fc26                                    
  linux-firmware.noarch 20171215-81.git2451bb22.fc26                  llvm-libs.i686 4.0.1-2.fc26                                   
  llvm-libs.x86_64 4.0.1-2.fc26                                       lua.x86_64 5.3.4-7.fc26                                       
  lua-libs.x86_64 5.3.4-7.fc26                                        mailx.x86_64 12.5-24.fc26                                     
  man-db.x86_64                                        man-pages.noarch 4.09-4.fc26                                  
  mariadb-common.x86_64 3:10.1.29-1.fc26                              mariadb-config.x86_64 3:10.1.29-1.fc26                        
  mariadb-libs.x86_64 3:10.1.29-1.fc26                                oci-register-machine.x86_64 0-5.12.git3c01f0b.fc26            
  oci-systemd-hook.x86_64 1:0.1.15-1.git2d0b8a3.fc26                  oci-umount.x86_64 2:2.3.2-1.git3025b19.fc26                   
  open-vm-tools.x86_64 10.2.0-3.fc26                                  open-vm-tools-desktop.x86_64 10.2.0-3.fc26                    
  openldap.i686 2.4.45-2.fc26                                         openldap.x86_64 2.4.45-2.fc26                                 
  pcre2.x86_64 10.23-11.fc26                                          pcre2-utf16.x86_64 10.23-11.fc26                              
  perl-Data-Dumper.x86_64 2.161-3.fc26                                perl-Digest-SHA.x86_64 1:6.00-1.fc26                          
  perl-Module-CoreList.noarch 1:5.20171120-1.fc26                     perl-PDF-API2.noarch 2.033-2.fc26                             
  pkcs11-helper.x86_64 1.22-2.fc26                                    pkgconf.x86_64 1.3.12-1.fc26                                  
  pkgconf-m4.noarch 1.3.12-1.fc26                                     pkgconf-pkg-config.x86_64 1.3.12-1.fc26                       
  pragha.x86_64 1.3.3-10.fc26                                         publicsuffix-list-dafsa.noarch 20171028-1.fc26                
  pulseaudio.x86_64 11.1-7.fc26                                       pulseaudio-libs.i686 11.1-7.fc26                              
  pulseaudio-libs.x86_64 11.1-7.fc26                                  pulseaudio-libs-glib2.x86_64 11.1-7.fc26                      
  pulseaudio-module-x11.x86_64 11.1-7.fc26                            pulseaudio-utils.x86_64 11.1-7.fc26                           
  python2.x86_64 2.7.14-4.fc26                                        python2-libs.x86_64 2.7.14-4.fc26                             
  python2-pip.noarch 9.0.1-11.fc26                                    python2-setuptools.noarch 37.0.0-1.fc26                       
  python2-tkinter.x86_64 2.7.14-4.fc26                                python2-urllib3.noarch 1.20-2.fc26                            
  python3-bind.noarch 32:9.11.1-4.P3.fc26                             python3-dnf.noarch 2.7.5-2.fc26                               
  python3-pip.noarch 9.0.1-11.fc26                                    python3-setuptools.noarch 37.0.0-1.fc26                       
  python3-sssdconfig.noarch 1.16.0-4.fc26                             python3-urllib3.noarch 1.20-2.fc26                            
  qgis.x86_64 2.18.15-1.fc26                                          qgis-grass.x86_64 2.18.15-1.fc26                              
  qgis-server.x86_64 2.18.15-1.fc26                                   qt5-qtbase.x86_64 5.9.2-6.fc26                                
  qt5-qtbase-common.noarch 5.9.2-6.fc26                               qt5-qtbase-gui.x86_64 5.9.2-6.fc26                            
  rpcbind.x86_64 0.2.4-8.rc3.fc26                                     samba-client.x86_64 2:4.6.12-0.fc26                           
  samba-client-libs.x86_64 2:4.6.12-0.fc26                            samba-common.noarch 2:4.6.12-0.fc26                           
  samba-common-libs.x86_64 2:4.6.12-0.fc26                            samba-common-tools.x86_64 2:4.6.12-0.fc26                     
  samba-libs.x86_64 2:4.6.12-0.fc26                                   samba-winbind.x86_64 2:4.6.12-0.fc26                          
  samba-winbind-clients.x86_64 2:4.6.12-0.fc26                        samba-winbind-modules.x86_64 2:4.6.12-0.fc26                  
  sane-backends.x86_64 1.0.27-8.fc26                                  sane-backends-daemon.x86_64 1.0.27-8.fc26                     
  sane-backends-drivers-cameras.i686 1.0.27-8.fc26                    sane-backends-drivers-cameras.x86_64 1.0.27-8.fc26            
  sane-backends-drivers-scanners.i686 1.0.27-8.fc26                   sane-backends-drivers-scanners.x86_64 1.0.27-8.fc26           
  sane-backends-libs.i686 1.0.27-8.fc26                               sane-backends-libs.x86_64 1.0.27-8.fc26                       
  selinux-policy.noarch 3.13.1-260.18.fc26                            selinux-policy-targeted.noarch 3.13.1-260.18.fc26             
  skopeo-containers.x86_64 0.1.27-1.git93876ac.fc26                   spatialindex.x86_64 1.8.5-8.fc26                              
  sssd.x86_64 1.16.0-4.fc26                                           sssd-ad.x86_64 1.16.0-4.fc26                                  
  sssd-client.x86_64 1.16.0-4.fc26                                    sssd-common.x86_64 1.16.0-4.fc26                              
  sssd-common-pac.x86_64 1.16.0-4.fc26                                sssd-ipa.x86_64 1.16.0-4.fc26                                 
  sssd-krb5.x86_64 1.16.0-4.fc26                                      sssd-krb5-common.x86_64 1.16.0-4.fc26                         
  sssd-ldap.x86_64 1.16.0-4.fc26                                      sssd-nfs-idmap.x86_64 1.16.0-4.fc26                           
  sssd-proxy.x86_64 1.16.0-4.fc26                                     syslinux.x86_64 6.04-0.7.fc26                                 
  syslinux-extlinux.x86_64 6.04-0.7.fc26                              syslinux-extlinux-nonlinux.noarch 6.04-0.7.fc26               
  syslinux-nonlinux.noarch 6.04-0.7.fc26                              transfig.x86_64 1:3.2.6a-1.fc26                               
  udisks2.x86_64 2.6.5-4.fc26                                         unbound-libs.x86_64 1.6.7-1.fc26                              
  usbutils.x86_64 009-1.fc26                                          vlc.x86_64 3.0.0-0.44.git20171215rc2.fc26                     
  vlc-core.x86_64 3.0.0-0.44.git20171215rc2.fc26                      wget.x86_64 1.19.2-2.fc26                                     
  xfburn.x86_64 0.5.5-1.fc26                                          xscreensaver-base.x86_64 1:5.38-1.fc26                        
  xscreensaver-extras.x86_64 1:5.38-1.fc26                            xscreensaver-extras-base.x86_64 1:5.38-1.fc26                 

