Raspberry Pi B+ - Raspbian

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Runs: Raspbian Jessie Lite September 2016, Kernel 4.4 image

links: raspberrypi.org: dowsnloads - Raspbian, raspbian default login: pi - raspberry

History: 2017-02-02: pilight - electronics - connect RF receiver (and transmitter) to Raspberry Pi. Voltage divider from 5V to 3.3V.

2017-02-02: build night at Bitraf again.

pi@raspberrypi:~$ exit

Raspbian GNU/Linux 8 raspberrypi ttyAMA0

raspberrypi login: tingo
Last login: Thu Oct  6 16:13:33 UTC 2016 from on pts/0
Linux raspberrypi 4.4.21+ #911 Thu Sep 15 14:17:52 BST 2016 armv6l

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.


2016-10-06: build night at Bitraf again. Researching ways to connect the 433 MHz receiver safely to the Pi.

2016-09-29: gpio - after installing raspi-gpio:

tingo@raspberrypi:~$ raspi-gpio help

WARNING! raspi-gpio set writes directly to the GPIO control registers
ignoring whatever else may be using them (such as Linux drivers) -
it is designed as a debug tool, only use it if you know what you
are doing and at your own risk!

The raspi-gpio tool is designed to help hack / debug BCM283x GPIO.
Running raspi-gpio with the help argument prints this help.
raspi-gpio can get and print the state of a GPIO (or all GPIOs)
and can be used to set the function, pulls and value of a GPIO.
raspi-gpio must be run as root.
  raspi-gpio get [GPIO]
  raspi-gpio set <GPIO> [options]
  raspi-gpio funcs [GPIO]
Note that omitting [GPIO] from raspi-gpio get prints all GPIOs.
raspi-gpio funcs will dump all the possible GPIO alt funcions in CSV format
or if [GPIO] is specified the alternate funcs just for that specific GPIO.
Valid [options] for raspi-gpio set are:
  ip      set GPIO as input
  op      set GPIO as output
  a0-a5   set GPIO to alternate function alt0-alt5
  pu      set GPIO in-pad pull up
  pd      set GPIO pin-pad pull down
  pn      set GPIO pull none (no pull)
  dh      set GPIO to drive to high (1) level (only valid if set to be an output)
  dl      set GPIO to drive low (0) level (only valid if set to be an output)
  raspi-gpio get              Prints state of all GPIOs one per line
  raspi-gpio get 20           Prints state of GPIO20
  raspi-gpio set 20 a5        Set GPIO20 to ALT5 function (GPCLK0)
  raspi-gpio set 20 pu        Enable GPIO20 ~50k in-pad pull up
  raspi-gpio set 20 pd        Enable GPIO20 ~50k in-pad pull down
  raspi-gpio set 20 op        Set GPIO20 to be an output
  raspi-gpio set 20 dl        Set GPIO20 to output low/zero (must already be set as an output)
  raspi-gpio set 20 ip pd     Set GPIO20 to input with pull down
  raspi-gpio set 35 a0 pu     Set GPIO35 to ALT0 function (SPI_CE1_N) with pull up
  raspi-gpio set 20 op pn dh  Set GPIO20 to ouput with no pull and drving high

So, does it work?

2016-09-29: I created my user and gave hime sudo rights.

tingo@raspberrypi:~$ sudo ls
2016-09-29: Raspbian - first login (via serial console):
Raspbian GNU/Linux 8 raspberrypi ttyAMA0

raspberrypi login: pi
Linux raspberrypi 4.4.21+ #911 Thu Sep 15 14:17:52 BST 2016 armv6l

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.


2016-09-29: write the image. I am using a Kingston 16 GB microSD card:

[tingo@localhost ~]$ dmesg | tail -4
[ 4165.356808] mmc0: cannot verify signal voltage switch
[ 4165.512224] mmc0: new ultra high speed SDR104 SDHC card at address 0001
[ 4165.519852] mmcblk0: mmc0:0001 SD16G 14.6 GiB 
[ 4165.521295]  mmcblk0: p1

ls -l

[tingo@localhost ~]$ ls -l /dev/mmc*
brw-rw----. 1 root disk 179, 0 Sep 29 20:08 /dev/mmcblk0
brw-rw----. 1 root disk 179, 1 Sep 29 20:08 /dev/mmcblk0p1

write the image

[tingo@localhost linux]$ sudo dd if=./2016-09-23-raspbian-jessie-lite.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=4M
331+1 records in
331+1 records out
1389363200 bytes (1.4 GB) copied, 150.031 s, 9.3 MB/s


2016-09-29: download - (build night at Bitraf) I downloaded the Raspbian Jessie Lite September 2016, Kernel 4.4 image.