ASRock BeeBox N3000 - FreeBSD

Hardware info on main page.


iohyve, xhyve, xhyve – Lightweight Virtualization on OS X Based on bhyve, vmrc, bhyve links:, FreeBSD wiki: bhyve, libvirt: bhyve driver, vm-bhyve, bhyve examples: Using bhyve on FreeBSD, BSDnow: Virtualization with bhyve, Understanding bhyve: How-To run Ubuntu & CentOS under FreeBSD,

local links

virtual machines,

History / work log

2024-07-21: ok, it looks like the internal SSD (msata) died.

2024-07-21: ada0p2 - freebsd-update, upgrade to 13.3-release

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update -r 13.3-RELEASE upgrade
src component not installed, skipped
The following components of FreeBSD seem to be installed:
kernel/generic world/base world/lib32

The following components of FreeBSD do not seem to be installed:
kernel/generic-dbg world/base-dbg world/lib32-dbg

Does this look reasonable (y/n)? y
The following files will be removed as part of updating to
The following files will be added as part of updating to
The following files will be updated as part of updating to
To install the downloaded upgrades, run "/usr/sbin/freebsd-update install".


root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates...
Kernel updates have been installed.  Please reboot and run
"/usr/sbin/freebsd-update install" again to finish installing updates.

reboot, then

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates...Connection to closed by remote host.
Connection to closed.

ouch! Thats not supposed to happen.

2024-07-21: ada0p2 - reboot, FreeBSD 13.2-release-p12 is in

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-version -ku


root@kg-vm3# uname -a
FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE-p11 FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE-p11 GENERIC amd64

2024-07-21: ada0p2 - freebsd-update fetch

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update fetch
src component not installed, skipped
The following files will be updated as part of updating to

Any security issues discovered after Tue Jul  2 02:00:00 CEST 2024
will not have been corrected.


root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates...
Restarting sshd after upgrade
Performing sanity check on sshd configuration.
Stopping sshd.
Waiting for PIDS: 1171.
Performing sanity check on sshd configuration.
Starting sshd.
Scanning //usr/share/certs/blacklisted for certificates...
Scanning //usr/share/certs/trusted for certificates...
Scanning //usr/local/share/certs for certificates...

2024-06-02: ada0p2 - just a status report

root@kg-vm3# date;temp;swapinfo -h;echo " ";tvlm;echo " ";tvls;echo " ";df -h;echo " ";uptime;echo " ";ps ax | grep -v grep | grep ddc;ps ax | grep -v grep | grep smartd;ps ax | grep -v grep | grep natd;echo "bhyve vms:";tmux ls
Sun Jun  2 13:20:32 CEST 2024
dev.cpu.0.temperature: 62.0C
dev.cpu.1.temperature: 69.0C
Device              Size     Used    Avail Capacity
/dev/ada0p3         3.8G       0B     3.8G     0%

Jun  1 14:04:58 kg-vm3 kernel: tap4: Ethernet address: 58:9c:fc:10:50:48
Jun  1 14:04:59 kg-vm3 kernel: tap3: link state changed to UP
Jun  1 14:04:59 kg-vm3 kernel: tap4: promiscuous mode enabled
Jun  1 14:05:03 kg-vm3 kernel: tap5: Ethernet address: 58:9c:fc:10:d0:39
Jun  1 14:05:03 kg-vm3 kernel: tap4: link state changed to UP
Jun  1 14:05:03 kg-vm3 kernel: tap5: promiscuous mode enabled
Jun  1 14:05:09 kg-vm3 kernel: tap5: link state changed to UP
Jun  1 14:12:38 kg-vm3 su[2918]: tingo to root on /dev/pts/6
Jun  1 14:18:14 kg-vm3 su[3079]: tingo to root on /dev/pts/7
Jun  1 14:18:51 kg-vm3 su[3227]: tingo to root on /dev/pts/8

Sep 19 01:35:25 kg-vm3 newsyslog[478]: logfile first created

Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ada0p2    105G    6.9G     89G     7%    /
devfs          1.0K    1.0K      0B   100%    /dev
/dev/da0p1     1.8T    148G    1.5T     9%    /zs

 1:20PM  up 23:16, 10 users, load averages: 0.13, 0.21, 0.23

bhyve vms:
music3: 1 windows (created Sat Jun  1 14:04:50 2024)
proxy: 1 windows (created Sat Jun  1 14:04:56 2024)
trap2: 1 windows (created Sat Jun  1 14:04:35 2024)
web: 1 windows (created Sat Jun  1 14:04:40 2024)
web2: 1 windows (created Sat Jun  1 14:04:45 2024)
wiki3: 1 windows (created Sat Jun  1 14:05:01 2024)

the machine and the vm's on it are still up.

2024-06-01: ada0p2 - and it crashed / powered off after a few minutes

root@kg-vm3# last
tingo      pts/8        Sat Jun  1 14:18   still logged in
tingo      pts/7        Sat Jun  1 14:18   still logged in
tingo      pts/6             Sat Jun  1 14:12   still logged in
root       pts/5    tmux(1162).%5          Sat Jun  1 14:05   still logged in
root       pts/4    tmux(1162).%4          Sat Jun  1 14:04   still logged in
root       pts/3    tmux(1162).%3          Sat Jun  1 14:04   still logged in
root       pts/2    tmux(1162).%2          Sat Jun  1 14:04   still logged in
root       ttyv0                           Sat Jun  1 14:04   still logged in
root       pts/1    tmux(1162).%1          Sat Jun  1 14:04   still logged in
root       pts/0    tmux(1162).%0          Sat Jun  1 14:04   still logged in
boot time                                  Sat Jun  1 14:04
tingo      pts/7        Sat Jun  1 13:36 - crash  (00:27)
tingo      pts/6        Sat Jun  1 13:36 - crash  (00:27)
root       pts/5    tmux(1176).%5          Sat Jun  1 13:35 - crash  (00:28)
root       pts/4    tmux(1176).%4          Sat Jun  1 13:35 - crash  (00:28)
root       pts/3    tmux(1176).%3          Sat Jun  1 13:35 - crash  (00:28)
root       pts/2    tmux(1176).%2          Sat Jun  1 13:35 - crash  (00:29)
root       pts/1    tmux(1176).%1          Sat Jun  1 13:35 - crash  (00:29)
root       pts/0    tmux(1176).%0          Sat Jun  1 13:35 - crash  (00:29)
boot time                                  Sat Jun  1 13:35

utx.log begins Sat Jun  1 13:35:20 CEST 2024

still no clues in logs. But it has been up for

root@kg-vm3# uptime
 2:20PM  up 16 mins, 10 users, load averages: 0.19, 0.78, 1.17

now. Let me see how this goes.

2024-06-01: ada0p2 - power on after the machine was off. No easily found reason in logs, etc.

root@kg-vm3# last
tingo      pts/7        Sat Jun  1 13:36   still logged in
tingo      pts/6        Sat Jun  1 13:36   still logged in
root       pts/5    tmux(1176).%5          Sat Jun  1 13:35   still logged in
root       pts/4    tmux(1176).%4          Sat Jun  1 13:35   still logged in
root       pts/3    tmux(1176).%3          Sat Jun  1 13:35   still logged in
root       pts/2    tmux(1176).%2          Sat Jun  1 13:35   still logged in
root       pts/1    tmux(1176).%1          Sat Jun  1 13:35   still logged in
root       pts/0    tmux(1176).%0          Sat Jun  1 13:35   still logged in
boot time                                  Sat Jun  1 13:35

utx.log begins Sat Jun  1 13:35:20 CEST 2024
root@kg-vm3# who -b
                 system boot  Jun  1 13:35 
root@kg-vm3# ls -l /var/crash
total 4
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  5 Aug 12  2015 minfree

2024-04-14: ada0p2 - extend storage file for vm trap2

root@kg-vm3# cd /zs/vms/trap2
root@kg-vm3# ll -h
total 4195400
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel   512B Mar 23 16:44 ./
drwxr-xr-x  16 root  wheel   512B Jul 15  2023 ../
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel    16B Mar 23 16:44 console
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   4.0G Apr 14 20:45 guest-bvm4.img
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel    14B Mar 23 16:44 run.lock
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel   222B Jun 21  2020 trap2.conf
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel    18K Apr 14 20:34 vm-bhyve.log
root@kg-vm3# truncate -s +1G ./guest-bvm4.img 
root@kg-vm3# ll -h ./guest-bvm4.img
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   5.0G Apr 14 20:50 ./guest-bvm4.img

2024-03-23: ada0p2 - reboot, FreeBSD 13.2-release-p10 is in

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-version -ku


root@kg-vm3# uname -a
FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE-p10 FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE-p10 GENERIC amd64

2024-03-23: ada0p2 - pkg - upgrade

Mar 23 16:39:42 kg-vm3 pkg[11623]: gettext-runtime upgraded: 0.22_1 -> 0.22.3 
Mar 23 16:40:05 kg-vm3 pkg[11623]: perl5 upgraded: 5.34.3_3 -> 5.36.3_1 
Mar 23 16:40:06 kg-vm3 pkg[11623]: libnghttp2 upgraded: 1.57.0 -> 1.58.0 
Mar 23 16:40:06 kg-vm3 pkg[11623]: p5-Locale-gettext reinstalled: 1.07 -> 1.07 
Mar 23 16:40:06 kg-vm3 pkg[11623]: libtextstyle upgraded: 0.22 -> 0.22.3 
Mar 23 16:40:06 kg-vm3 pkg[11623]: libpsl upgraded: 0.21.2_3 -> 0.21.2_4 
Mar 23 16:40:06 kg-vm3 pkg[11623]: autoconf reinstalled: 2.71 -> 2.71 
Mar 23 16:40:07 kg-vm3 pkg[11623]: libedit upgraded: 3.1.20221030,1 -> 3.1.20230828,1 
Mar 23 16:40:07 kg-vm3 pkg[11623]: automake reinstalled: 1.16.5 -> 1.16.5 
Mar 23 16:40:07 kg-vm3 pkg[11623]: libunwind upgraded: 20211201_2 -> 20230730 
Mar 23 16:40:08 kg-vm3 pkg[11623]: readline upgraded: 8.2.1 -> 8.2.7 
Mar 23 16:40:09 kg-vm3 pkg[11623]: sudo upgraded: 1.9.15p4 -> 1.9.15p5 
Mar 23 16:40:10 kg-vm3 pkg[11623]: curl upgraded: 8.5.0 -> 8.6.0 
Mar 23 16:40:11 kg-vm3 pkg[11623]: help2man reinstalled: 1.49.3 -> 1.49.3 
Mar 23 16:40:11 kg-vm3 pkg[11623]: pkgconf upgraded: 2.0.3,1 -> 2.0.3_1,1 
Mar 23 16:40:15 kg-vm3 pkg[11623]: gettext-tools upgraded: 0.22 -> 0.22.3 
Mar 23 16:40:15 kg-vm3 pkg[11623]: utf8proc upgraded: 2.8.0 -> 2.9.0 
Mar 23 16:40:44 kg-vm3 pkg[11623]: ca_root_nss upgraded: 3.93 -> 3.93_2 

2024-03-23: ada0p2 - freebsd-update fetch

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update fetch
src component not installed, skipped
The following files will be updated as part of updating to


root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates...
Restarting sshd after upgrade
Performing sanity check on sshd configuration.
Stopping sshd.
Waiting for PIDS: 1123.
Performing sanity check on sshd configuration.
Starting sshd.
Scanning //usr/share/certs/blacklisted for certificates...
Scanning //usr/share/certs/trusted for certificates...
Scanning //usr/local/share/certs for certificates...

2023-12-28: ada0p2 - pkg - upgrade

Dec 28 22:53:03 kg-vm3 pkg[2973]: pkg upgraded: 1.19.2 -> 1.20.9 
Dec 28 22:53:50 kg-vm3 pkg[2994]: gettext-runtime upgraded: 0.21.1 -> 0.22_1 
Dec 28 22:54:19 kg-vm3 pkg[2994]: perl5 upgraded: 5.32.1_3 -> 5.34.3_3 
Dec 28 22:54:19 kg-vm3 pkg[2994]: libnghttp2 upgraded: 1.53.0 -> 1.57.0 
Dec 28 22:54:19 kg-vm3 pkg[2994]: p5-Locale-gettext reinstalled: 1.07 -> 1.07 
Dec 28 22:54:19 kg-vm3 pkg[2994]: ruby31-bdb upgraded: 0.6.6_8 -> 0.6.6_9 
Dec 28 22:54:19 kg-vm3 pkg[2994]: libtextstyle upgraded: 0.21.1 -> 0.22 
Dec 28 22:54:20 kg-vm3 pkg[2994]: autoconf reinstalled: 2.71 -> 2.71 
Dec 28 22:54:39 kg-vm3 pkg[2994]: python39 upgraded: 3.9.17 -> 3.9.18 
Dec 28 22:54:39 kg-vm3 pkg[2994]: automake reinstalled: 1.16.5 -> 1.16.5 
Dec 28 22:54:41 kg-vm3 pkg[2994]: sudo upgraded: 1.9.14 -> 1.9.15p4 
Dec 28 22:54:43 kg-vm3 pkg[2994]: curl upgraded: 8.1.2 -> 8.5.0 
Dec 28 22:54:43 kg-vm3 pkg[2994]: help2man reinstalled: 1.49.3 -> 1.49.3 
Dec 28 22:54:43 kg-vm3 pkg[2994]: pkgconf upgraded: 1.8.1,1 -> 2.0.3,1 
Dec 28 22:54:50 kg-vm3 pkg[2994]: gettext-tools upgraded: 0.21.1 -> 0.22 
Dec 28 22:54:50 kg-vm3 pkg[2994]: ca_root_nss upgraded: 3.89.1 -> 3.93 
Dec 28 22:54:51 kg-vm3 pkg[2994]: portupgrade upgraded: 2.4.16,2 -> 2.4.16_1,2 

2023-12-28: ada0p2 - reboot (I manually shut down all the vms before rebooting the server), FreeBSD 13.2-release-p9 is in

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-version -ku


root@kg-vm3# uname -a
FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE-p8 FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE-p8 GENERIC amd64

2023-12-28: ada0p2 - freebsd-update fetch

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update fetch
src component not installed, skipped
The following files will be added as part of updating to
The following files will be updated as part of updating to


root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates...
Restarting sshd after upgrade
Performing sanity check on sshd configuration.
Stopping sshd.
Waiting for PIDS: 1110.
Performing sanity check on sshd configuration.
Starting sshd.
Scanning //usr/share/certs/blacklisted for certificates...
Scanning //usr/share/certs/trusted for certificates...
Scanning //usr/local/share/certs for certificates...

2023-07-15: ada0p2 - vm - install FreeBSD 13.2-release on 'wiki3'

root@kg-vm3# vm install wiki3 FreeBSD-13.2-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso
Starting wiki3
  * found guest in /zs/vms/wiki3
  * booting...

followed by

root@kg-vm3# vm console wiki3

then do the install in the normal way.

2023-07-15: ada0p2 - vm - create a new vm with 2 cpus, 1408M memory and 13 G disk

root@kg-vm3# vm create -c 2 -m 1408M -s 13G wiki3

and it shows up in 'vm list' output. Check what iso's we have

root@kg-vm3# vm iso
default             FreeBSD-11.4-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso
default             FreeBSD-13.2-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso

2023-07-15: ada0p2 - vm - get an iso of FreeBSD 13.2

root@kg-vm3# vm iso
/zs/vms/.iso/FreeBSD-13.2-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.        1022 MB   13 MBps 01m15s

do a manual sha check

tingo@kg-vm3$ sha512 -c cd773814a95405868f31be40e44739a497043601e668b82bc54f73e9e5252743ec75fdbc884e903ffd9d511495a7205f5e5fada4333852b3e16407ff77cb63d0 /zs/vms/.iso/FreeBSD-13.2-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso
SHA512 (/zs/vms/.iso/FreeBSD-13.2-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso) = cd773814a95405868f31be40e44739a497043601e668b82bc54f73e9e5252743ec75fdbc884e903ffd9d511495a7205f5e5fada4333852b3e16407ff77cb63d0


2023-07-09: ada0p2 - vms - I copied back the disk of web2, since that was the only vm I had updated while they were at the temporary home. Got all vms started, and '/etc/rc.conf.local' updated

root@kg-vm3# vm list
music3  default    bhyveload  1    768M    -    Yes [4]  Running (3286)
proxy   default    bhyveload  2    1024M   -    Yes [5]  Running (2045)
trap2   default    bhyveload  1    256M    -    Yes [1]  Running (2352)
tv      default    bhyveload  2    1536M   -    No       Stopped
web     default    bhyveload  2    1280M   -    Yes [2]  Running (2775)
web2    default    bhyveload  2    2048M   -    Yes [3]  Running (3813)
wiki    default    bhyveload  2    1024M   -    No       Stopped
wiki2   default    bhyveload  2    1408M   -    Yes [6]  Running (1585)

testing that all vms come up in proper order when the host is rebooted remains.

2023-07-09: ada0p2 - reboot, FreeBSD 13.2-release-p1 is in

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-version -ku


root@kg-vm3# uname -a
FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE-p1 FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE-p1 GENERIC amd64

2023-07-09: ada0p2 - freebsd-update run the final step

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates...rmdir: ///var/db/etcupdate/current/usr/share/openssl/man/en.ISO8859-1: Directory not empty
rmdir: ///var/db/etcupdate/current/usr/share/openssl/man: Directory not empty
rmdir: ///var/db/etcupdate/current/usr/share/openssl: Directory not empty
rmdir: ///var/db/etcupdate/current/usr/share/man/en.UTF-8: Directory not empty
rmdir: ///var/db/etcupdate/current/usr/share/man/en.ISO8859-1: Directory not empty
rmdir: ///var/db/etcupdate/current/usr/share/man: Directory not empty

2023-07-09: ada0p2 - pkg - upgrade

root@kg-vm3# pkg upgrade pkg
pkg: Warning: Major OS version upgrade detected.  Running "pkg bootstrap -f" recommended
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
Fetching meta.conf: 100%    163 B   0.2kB/s    00:01    
Fetching packagesite.txz: 100%    7 MiB   7.0MB/s    00:01    
Processing entries: 100%
FreeBSD repository update completed. 33778 packages processed.
All repositories are up to date.
New version of pkg detected; it needs to be installed first.
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

Installed packages to be UPGRADED:
    pkg: 1.16.3 -> 1.19.2

Number of packages to be upgraded: 1

The process will require 19 MiB more space.
8 MiB to be downloaded.

Proceed with this action? [y/N]: n

do that instead

root@kg-vm3# pkg bootstrap -f
The package management tool is not yet installed on your system.
Do you want to fetch and install it now? [y/N]: y
Bootstrapping pkg from pkg+, please wait...
Verifying signature with trusted certificate done
Installing pkg-1.19.2...
package pkg is already installed, forced install
Extracting pkg-1.19.2: 100%

pkg - upgrade

Jul  9 00:07:06 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: indexinfo reinstalled: 0.3.1 -> 0.3.1 
Jul  9 00:07:27 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: perl5 upgraded: 5.32.1_1 -> 5.32.1_3 
Jul  9 00:07:28 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: gettext-runtime upgraded: 0.21 -> 0.21.1 
Jul  9 00:07:28 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: libedit upgraded: 3.1.20210216,1 -> 3.1.20221030,1 
Jul  9 00:07:28 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: libyaml reinstalled: 0.2.5 -> 0.2.5 
Jul  9 00:07:28 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: libunwind upgraded: 20201110 -> 20211201_2 
Jul  9 00:07:28 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: libffi upgraded: 3.3_1 -> 3.4.4 
Jul  9 00:07:28 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: autoconf-wrapper-20131203 deinstalled
Jul  9 00:07:29 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: m4 upgraded: 1.4.18_1,1 -> 1.4.19,1 
Jul  9 00:07:52 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: ruby upgraded: 2.7.3_2,1 -> 3.1.4_1,1 
Jul  9 00:07:53 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: libunistring-1.1 installed
Jul  9 00:07:59 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: db5 upgraded: 5.3.28_7 -> 5.3.28_9 
Jul  9 00:08:00 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: libidn2-2.3.4 installed
Jul  9 00:08:00 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: autoconf-switch-20220527 installed
Jul  9 00:08:00 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: ruby27-bdb-0.6.6_8 deinstalled
Jul  9 00:08:00 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: libnghttp2 upgraded: 1.43.0 -> 1.53.0 
Jul  9 00:08:00 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: mpdecimal reinstalled: 2.5.1 -> 2.5.1 
Jul  9 00:08:00 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: p5-Locale-gettext reinstalled: 1.07 -> 1.07 
Jul  9 00:08:00 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: ruby31-bdb-0.6.6_8 installed
Jul  9 00:08:01 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: libtextstyle upgraded: 0.21 -> 0.21.1 
Jul  9 00:08:01 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: readline upgraded: 8.1.1 -> 8.2.1 
Jul  9 00:08:01 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: libssh2-1.11.0,3 installed
Jul  9 00:08:02 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: libpsl-0.21.2_3 installed
Jul  9 00:08:02 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: ca_root_nss upgraded: 3.63 -> 3.89.1 
Jul  9 00:08:02 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: libevent reinstalled: 2.1.12 -> 2.1.12 
Jul  9 00:08:02 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: autoconf upgraded: 2.69_3 -> 2.71 
Jul  9 00:08:03 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: libtool upgraded: 2.4.6_1 -> 2.4.7_1 
Jul  9 00:08:19 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: python39 upgraded: 3.9.7 -> 3.9.17 
Jul  9 00:08:19 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: automake upgraded: 1.16.3 -> 1.16.5 
Jul  9 00:08:19 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: dialog4ports upgraded: 0.1.6 -> 0.1.6_1 
Jul  9 00:08:19 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: gmake reinstalled: 4.3_2 -> 4.3_2 
Jul  9 00:08:20 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: libffi321 upgraded: 3.2.1_2 -> 3.2.1_3 
Jul  9 00:08:20 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: sudo upgraded: 1.9.8 -> 1.9.14 
Jul  9 00:08:22 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: curl upgraded: 7.78.0 -> 8.1.2 
Jul  9 00:08:22 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: help2man upgraded: 1.48.3 -> 1.49.3 
Jul  9 00:08:22 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: pkgconf upgraded: 1.7.4,1 -> 1.8.1,1 
Jul  9 00:08:26 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: gettext-tools upgraded: 0.21 -> 0.21.1 
Jul  9 00:08:26 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: utf8proc upgraded: 2.6.1 -> 2.8.0 
Jul  9 00:08:26 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: vm-bhyve upgraded: 1.4.2 -> 1.5.0 
Jul  9 00:08:26 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: tmux upgraded: 3.2a -> 3.3a_1 
Jul  9 00:08:26 kg-vm3 pkg[49740]: portupgrade reinstalled: 2.4.16,2 -> 2.4.16,2 

2023-07-08: ada0p2 - freebsd-update upgrade

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update -r 13.2-RELEASE upgrade
src component not installed, skipped
Looking up mirrors... 2 mirrors found.
Fetching metadata signature for 11.4-RELEASE from done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Fetching 1 metadata patches. done.
Applying metadata patches... done.
Inspecting system... done.

The following components of FreeBSD seem to be installed:
kernel/generic world/base world/lib32

The following components of FreeBSD do not seem to be installed:
kernel/generic-dbg world/base-dbg world/doc world/lib32-dbg

Does this look reasonable (y/n)? y
Applying patches... done.
Fetching 11266 files... done.
Attempting to automatically merge changes in files... done.

The following file could not be merged automatically: /etc/ntp.conf
The following files will be removed as part of updating to
The following files will be added as part of updating to
The following files will be updated as part of updating to
To install the downloaded upgrades, run "/usr/sbin/freebsd-update install".


root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates...
Kernel updates have been installed.  Please reboot and run
"/usr/sbin/freebsd-update install" again to finish installing updates.

reboot, then

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates...Scanning //usr/share/certs/blacklisted for certificates...
Scanning //usr/share/certs/trusted for certificates...
Scanning //usr/local/share/certs for certificates...

Completing this upgrade requires removing old shared object files.
Please rebuild all installed 3rd party software (e.g., programs
installed from the ports tree) and then run "/usr/sbin/freebsd-update install"
again to finish installing updates.

2023-07-08: ada0p2 - before upgrade

root@kg-vm3# uname -a
FreeBSD 11.4-RELEASE-p9 FreeBSD 11.4-RELEASE-p9 #0: Tue Apr  6 09:27:45 UTC 2021  amd64


root@kg-vm3# date;temp;swapinfo -h;echo " ";tvlm;echo " ";tvls;echo " ";df -h;echo " ";uptime;echo " ";ps ax | grep -v grep | grep ddc;ps ax | grep -v grep | grep smartd;ps ax | grep -v grep | grep natd;echo "bhyve vms:";tmux ls
Sat Jul  8 22:51:44 CEST 2023
dev.cpu.0.temperature: 59.0C
dev.cpu.1.temperature: 68.0C
Device          1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity
/dev/ada0p3       3974068       0B     3.8G     0%

Jul  8 20:03:55 kg-vm3 kernel: tap3: link state changed to DOWN
Jul  8 22:13:24 kg-vm3 kernel: tap5: link state changed to DOWN
Jul  8 22:13:25 kg-vm3 kernel: re0: link state changed to DOWN
Jul  8 22:13:25 kg-vm3 kernel: vm-public: link state changed to DOWN
Jul  8 22:13:29 kg-vm3 kernel: re0: link state changed to UP
Jul  8 22:13:29 kg-vm3 kernel: vm-public: link state changed to UP
Jul  8 22:13:29 kg-vm3 dhclient: New IP Address (re0):
Jul  8 22:13:29 kg-vm3 dhclient: New Subnet Mask (re0):
Jul  8 22:13:29 kg-vm3 dhclient: New Broadcast Address (re0):
Jul  8 22:13:29 kg-vm3 dhclient: New Routers (re0):

Sep 19 01:35:25 kg-vm3 newsyslog[478]: logfile first created

Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ada0p2    105G    5.4G     91G     6%    /
devfs          1.0K    1.0K      0B   100%    /dev
/dev/da0p1     1.8T    128G    1.5T     8%    /zs

10:51PM  up 157 days, 11:12, 3 users, load averages: 0.10, 0.11, 0.31

bhyve vms:
no server running on /tmp/tmux-0/default

2023-07-08: ada0p2 - vms - temporarily moved all the vms to a different machie, so I can upgrade this one. For now

root@kg-vm3# vm list
music3  default    bhyveload  1    768M    -    No         Stopped
proxy   default    bhyveload  2    1024M   -    No         Stopped
trap2   default    bhyveload  1    256M    -    No         Stopped
tv      default    bhyveload  2    1536M   -    No         Stopped
web     default    bhyveload  2    1280M   -    No         Stopped
web2    default    bhyveload  2    2048M   -    No         Stopped
wiki    default    bhyveload  2    1024M   -    No         Stopped
wiki2   default    bhyveload  2    1408M   -    No         Stopped

2021-10-22: ada0p2 - pkg - install Python 3.9

Oct 22 21:37:43 kg-vm3 pkg: mpdecimal-2.5.1 installed
Oct 22 21:37:44 kg-vm3 pkg: readline-8.1.1 installed
Oct 22 21:37:59 kg-vm3 pkg: python39-3.9.7 installed

2021-10-22: ada0p2 - reboot, FreeBSD 11.4-release-p13 is in

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-version -ku


root@kg-vm3# uname -a
FreeBSD 11.4-RELEASE-p9 FreeBSD 11.4-RELEASE-p9 #0: Tue Apr  6 09:27:45 UTC 2021  amd64

2021-10-22: ada0p2 - pkg - upgrade

Oct 22 20:09:17 kg-vm3 pkg: tmux upgraded: 3.1c -> 3.2a 
Oct 22 20:09:18 kg-vm3 pkg: sudo upgraded: 1.9.6p1 -> 1.9.8 
Oct 22 20:09:44 kg-vm3 pkg: ruby upgraded: 2.7.3,1 -> 2.7.3_2,1 
Oct 22 20:09:44 kg-vm3 pkg: help2man upgraded: 1.48.1 -> 1.48.3 
Oct 22 20:09:46 kg-vm3 pkg: curl upgraded: 7.75.0 -> 7.78.0 

2021-10-22: ada0p2 - freebsd-update fetch

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update fetch
The following files will be updated as part of updating to
Any security issues discovered after Thu Sep 30 02:00:00 CEST 2021
will not have been corrected.


root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates...Scanning //usr/share/certs/blacklisted for certificates...
Scanning //usr/share/certs/trusted for certificates...
Scanning //usr/local/share/certs for certificates...

2021-04-20: ada0p2 - pkg - upgrade

Apr 20 13:04:33 kg-vm3 pkg: libunwind upgraded: 20200331_1 -> 20201110
Apr 20 13:04:33 kg-vm3 pkg: libnghttp2 upgraded: 1.42.0 -> 1.43.0
Apr 20 13:04:34 kg-vm3 pkg: libedit upgraded: 3.1.20191231,1 -> 3.1.20210216,1
Apr 20 13:04:34 kg-vm3 pkg: ca_root_nss upgraded: 3.58 -> 3.63
Apr 20 13:04:35 kg-vm3 pkg: sudo upgraded: 1.9.5p2 -> 1.9.6p1
Apr 20 13:05:01 kg-vm3 pkg: ruby upgraded: 2.7.2_1,1 -> 2.7.3,1
Apr 20 13:05:01 kg-vm3 pkg: pkgconf upgraded: 1.7.3,1 -> 1.7.4,1
Apr 20 13:05:02 kg-vm3 pkg: help2man upgraded: 1.47.16 -> 1.48.1
Apr 20 13:05:03 kg-vm3 pkg: curl upgraded: 7.74.0 -> 7.75.0


2021-03-04: ada0p2 - pkg - upgrade pkg

Mar  4 18:58:44 kg-vm3 pkg: pkg upgraded: 1.16.1 -> 1.16.3


2021-01-30: ada0p2 - reboot - due to user error.

2021-01-30: ada0p2 - pkg - remove old packages

Jan 30 16:24:18 kg-vm3 pkg: ruby26-2.6.6_2,1 deinstalled
Jan 30 16:24:28 kg-vm3 pkg: ruby26-bdb-0.6.6_8 deinstalled
Jan 30 16:24:47 kg-vm3 pkg: ruby25-2.5.8_2,1 deinstalled
Jan 30 16:25:00 kg-vm3 pkg: ruby25-bdb-0.6.6_6 deinstalled


2021-01-30: ada0p2 - pkg - upgrade

Jan 30 16:21:28 kg-vm3 pkg: ruby-2.7.2_1,1 installed
Jan 30 16:21:35 kg-vm3 pkg: ruby-2.6.6_1,1 deinstalled
Jan 30 16:21:36 kg-vm3 pkg: ruby27-bdb-0.6.6_8 installed
Jan 30 16:21:36 kg-vm3 pkg: portupgrade reinstalled: 2.4.16,2 -> 2.4.16,2
Jan 30 16:21:58 kg-vm3 pkg: ruby26-2.6.6_2,1 installed
Jan 30 16:22:41 kg-vm3 pkg: perl5 upgraded: 5.32.0 -> 5.32.1_1
Jan 30 16:22:41 kg-vm3 pkg: utf8proc upgraded: 2.5.0 -> 2.6.1
Jan 30 16:22:42 kg-vm3 pkg: sudo upgraded: 1.9.5p1 -> 1.9.5p2
Jan 30 16:22:42 kg-vm3 pkg: automake upgraded: 1.16.2 -> 1.16.3


2021-01-30: ada0p2 - pkg - remove

Jan 30 16:17:12 kg-vm3 pkg: bhyve-rc-3 deinstalled

since I'm not using it anymore.

2021-01-18: ada0p2 - pkg - upgrade

Jan 18 17:32:39 kg-vm3 pkg: pkg upgraded: 1.15.10 -> 1.16.1
Jan 18 17:35:50 kg-vm3 pkg: sudo upgraded: 1.9.3p1 -> 1.9.5p1
Jan 18 17:36:12 kg-vm3 pkg: ruby25-2.5.8_2,1 installed
Jan 18 17:37:36 kg-vm3 pkg: libnghttp2 upgraded: 1.41.0 -> 1.42.0
Jan 18 17:37:37 kg-vm3 pkg: curl upgraded: 7.72.0 -> 7.74.0
Jan 18 17:37:52 kg-vm3 pkg: tmux upgraded: 3.1b -> 3.1c


2020-12-16: ada0p2 - after reboot, FreeBSD 11.4-release-p6 is in. dmesg output: normal, vebose.

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-version -ku


root@kg-vm3# uname -a
FreeBSD 11.4-RELEASE-p5 FreeBSD 11.4-RELEASE-p5 #0: Tue Dec  1 11:46:55 UTC 2020  amd64


2020-12-16: ada0p2 - freebsd-update upgrade

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update -r 11.4-RELEASE upgrade
src component not installed, skipped
The following components of FreeBSD seem to be installed:
kernel/generic world/base world/lib32

The following components of FreeBSD do not seem to be installed:
kernel/generic-dbg world/base-dbg world/doc world/lib32-dbg

Does this look reasonable (y/n)? y
Fetching 325 files... done.
Attempting to automatically merge changes in files... done.

The following file could not be merged automatically: /etc/ntp.conf
Press Enter to edit this file in /usr/bin/vi and resolve the conflicts
The following files are affected by updates. No changes have
been downloaded, however, because the files have been modified
The following files will be removed as part of updating to
The following files will be added as part of updating to
The following files will be updated as part of updating to
To install the downloaded upgrades, run "/usr/sbin/freebsd-update install".


root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates...
Kernel updates have been installed.  Please reboot and run
"/usr/sbin/freebsd-update install" again to finish installing updates.


root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates... done.

done. Now stop all the vms and do a final reboot, just for the heck of it.

2020-12-07: ada0p2 - pkg - upgrade

Dec  7 21:35:37 kg-vm3 pkg: pkg upgraded: 1.14.6 -> 1.15.10
Dec  7 21:37:10 kg-vm3 pkg: ca_root_nss upgraded: 3.56 -> 3.58
Dec  7 21:37:25 kg-vm3 pkg: gettext-runtime upgraded: 0.20.2 -> 0.21
Dec  7 21:37:39 kg-vm3 pkg: libtextstyle upgraded: 0.20.2 -> 0.21
Dec  7 21:37:43 kg-vm3 pkg: gettext-tools upgraded: 0.20.2 -> 0.21
Dec  7 21:38:27 kg-vm3 pkg: perl5 upgraded: 5.30.3 -> 5.32.0
Dec  7 21:39:06 kg-vm3 pkg: p5-Locale-gettext reinstalled: 1.07 -> 1.07
Dec  7 21:39:29 kg-vm3 pkg: sudo upgraded: 1.9.2 -> 1.9.3p1
Dec  7 21:39:45 kg-vm3 pkg: libffi upgraded: 3.2.1_3 -> 3.3_1
Dec  7 21:40:11 kg-vm3 pkg: ruby upgraded: 2.6.6,1 -> 2.6.6_1,1
Dec  7 21:40:11 kg-vm3 pkg: libffi321-3.2.1_2 installed
Dec  7 21:40:30 kg-vm3 pkg: help2man upgraded: 1.47.15 -> 1.47.16
Dec  7 21:40:52 kg-vm3 pkg: ruby25-2.5.8,1 deinstalled

and ruby25 was removed - not needed anymore.

2020-09-13: ada0p2 - reboot, FreeBSD 11.3-release-p13 is in

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-version -ku


root@kg-vm3# uname -a
FreeBSD 11.3-RELEASE-p13 FreeBSD 11.3-RELEASE-p13 #0: Tue Sep  1 06:56:51 UTC 2020  amd64


2020-09-13: ada0p2 - freebsd-update fetch

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update fetch
The following files will be removed as part of updating to
The following files will be added as part of updating to
The following files will be updated as part of updating to

WARNING: FreeBSD 11.3-RELEASE-p10 is approaching its End-of-Life date.
It is strongly recommended that you upgrade to a newer
release within the next 2 weeks.


root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates...install: ///usr/lib/debug/usr/sbin/local-unbound-anchor.debug: No such file or directory
install: ///usr/lib/debug/usr/sbin/local-unbound-checkconf.debug: No such file or directory
install: ///usr/lib/debug/usr/sbin/local-unbound-control.debug: No such file or directory
install: ///usr/lib/debug/usr/sbin/local-unbound.debug: No such file or directory

only reboot remains.

2020-09-07: ada0p2 - pkg - upgrade

Sep  7 19:43:17 kg-vm3 pkg: libyaml upgraded: 0.2.2 -> 0.2.5
Sep  7 19:43:17 kg-vm3 pkg: libunwind upgraded: 20170615 -> 20200331_1
Sep  7 19:43:17 kg-vm3 pkg: libedit upgraded: 3.1.20191211,1 -> 3.1.20191231,1
Sep  7 19:43:45 kg-vm3 pkg: ruby upgraded: 2.6.5,1 -> 2.6.6,1
Sep  7 19:43:45 kg-vm3 pkg: libtextstyle upgraded: 0.20.1 -> 0.20.2
Sep  7 19:43:46 kg-vm3 pkg: ca_root_nss upgraded: 3.54 -> 3.56
Sep  7 19:43:46 kg-vm3 pkg: utf8proc upgraded: 2.4.0 -> 2.5.0
Sep  7 19:43:46 kg-vm3 pkg: sudo upgraded: 1.9.1 -> 1.9.2
Sep  7 19:43:47 kg-vm3 pkg: ruby26-bdb upgraded: 0.6.6_7 -> 0.6.6_8
Sep  7 19:44:15 kg-vm3 pkg: ruby25 upgraded: 2.5.7,1 -> 2.5.8,1
Sep  7 19:44:15 kg-vm3 pkg: libevent upgraded: 2.1.11_1 -> 2.1.12
Sep  7 19:44:16 kg-vm3 pkg: help2man upgraded: 1.47.13 -> 1.47.15
Sep  7 19:44:16 kg-vm3 pkg: gmake upgraded: 4.2.1_3 -> 4.3_2
Sep  7 19:44:20 kg-vm3 pkg: gettext-tools upgraded: 0.20.1_1 -> 0.20.2
Sep  7 19:44:22 kg-vm3 pkg: curl upgraded: 7.71.0 -> 7.72.0
Sep  7 19:44:22 kg-vm3 pkg: automake upgraded: 1.16.1_2 -> 1.16.2


2020-07-19: ada0p2 - vm - install FreeBSD 11.4 on the vm 'proxy'

root@kg-vm3# vm install proxy FreeBSD-11.4-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso
Starting proxy
  * found guest in /zs/vms/proxy
  * booting...

followed by

root@kg-vm3# vm console proxy

(do the install the usual way). Finished:

root@kg-vm3# vm info proxy
Virtual Machine: proxy
  state: running (89210)
  datastore: default
  loader: bhyveload
  uuid: abeefa3f-c9b4-11ea-96a2-600292b5cd2c
  uefi: default
  cpu: 2
  memory: 1024M
  memory-resident: 145133568 (138.410M)

    com1: tmux/proxy

    number: 0
    emulation: virtio-net
    virtual-switch: public
    fixed-mac-address: 58:9c:fc:04:99:e3
    fixed-device: -
    active-device: tap5
    desc: vmnet-proxy-0-public
    mtu: 1500
    bridge: vm-public
    bytes-in: 491227 (479.713K)
    bytes-out: 7284 (7.113K)

    number: 0
    device-type: file
    emulation: virtio-blk
    options: -
    system-path: /zs/vms/proxy/disk0.img
    bytes-size: 4294967296 (4.000G)
    bytes-used: 1125253120 (1.047G)


2020-07-19: ada0p2 - vm - create a new vm with 2 cpus, 1024M memory and 4G disk

root@kg-vm3# vm create -m 1024M -c 2 -s 4G proxy


root@kg-vm3# vm list
music3  default    bhyveload  1    512M    -    Yes [3]    Running (1831)
proxy   default    bhyveload  2    1024M   -    No         Stopped
trap2   default    bhyveload  1    256M    -    Yes [1]    Running (1124)
tv      default    bhyveload  2    1536M   -    Yes [5]    Running (2172)
web     default    bhyveload  2    1280M   -    Yes [2]    Running (1383)
wiki    default    bhyveload  2    1024M   -    No         Stopped
wiki2   default    bhyveload  2    1024M   -    Yes [4]    Running (71683)


2020-07-19: ada0p2 - vm - get an iso of FreeBSD 11.4:

root@kg-vm3# vm iso
/zs/vms/.iso/FreeBSD-11.4-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.         715 MB   27 MBps    26s

check what it got

root@kg-vm3# ll /zs/vms/.iso/
total 732488
drwxr-xr-x   2 root  wheel        512 Jul 19 13:07 ./
drwxr-xr-x  13 root  wheel        512 Jun 21 15:55 ../
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel  749811712 Jun 12 20:39 FreeBSD-11.4-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso

so, no SHAxxx checking, hmm,

tingo@kg-vm3$ sha512  -c 473b35bf7835de4adf57603fdfee90f87742c57f885de2b282952b121fc84404432c77c804028b42576482e3c76183f224985b0292b9f69302186f03fdad919d /zs/vms/.iso/FreeBSD-11.4-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso
SHA512 (/zs/vms/.iso/FreeBSD-11.4-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso) = 473b35bf7835de4adf57603fdfee90f87742c57f885de2b282952b121fc84404432c77c804028b42576482e3c76183f224985b0292b9f69302186f03fdad919d

manually checked. what happens if I try a random string?

tingo@kg-vm3$ sha512  -c 473b35bf7835de4adf57603fdfee90f87742c57f885de2b282952 /zs/vms/.iso/FreeBSD-11.4-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso
SHA512 (/zs/vms/.iso/FreeBSD-11.4-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso) = 473b35bf7835de4adf57603fdfee90f87742c57f885de2b282952b121fc84404432c77c804028b42576482e3c76183f224985b0292b9f69302186f03fdad919d [ Failed ]

ok, cool.

2020-07-14: ada0p2 - if I restart a vm, tmux works again

root@kg-vm3# tmux ls
wiki2: 1 windows (created Tue Jul 14 13:02:50 2020)
root@kg-vm3# vm list
music3  default    bhyveload  1    512M    -    Yes [3]    Running (1831)
trap2   default    bhyveload  1    256M    -    Yes [1]    Running (1124)
tv      default    bhyveload  2    1536M   -    Yes [5]    Running (2172)
web     default    bhyveload  2    1280M   -    Yes [2]    Running (1383)
wiki    default    bhyveload  2    1024M   -    No         Stopped
wiki2   default    bhyveload  2    1024M   -    Yes [4]    Running (71683)

good enough

2020-07-14: ada0p2 - tmux - and now I get this:

root@kg-vm3# tmux ls
server version is too old for client
server version is too old for client
server version is too old for client
server version is too old for client
server version is too old for client


root@kg-vm3# tmux -V
tmux 3.1b

I can do this

root@kg-vm3# tmux kill-server
root@kg-vm3# tmux ls
no server running on /tmp/tmux-0/default
root@kg-vm3# tmux start-server
root@kg-vm3# tmux ls
no server running on /tmp/tmux-0/default

but then all my tmux sessions are lost. Hrm.

2020-07-11: ada0p2 - pkg - upgrade

Jul 11 12:53:47 kg-vm3 pkg: pkg upgraded: 1.13.2_1 -> 1.14.6
Jul 11 12:54:12 kg-vm3 pkg: pkgconf upgraded: 1.6.3,1 -> 1.7.3,1
Jul 11 12:54:25 kg-vm3 pkg: ca_root_nss upgraded: 3.53 -> 3.54
Jul 11 12:54:37 kg-vm3 pkg: curl upgraded: 7.69.1 -> 7.71.0
Jul 11 12:55:05 kg-vm3 pkg: gettext-runtime upgraded: 0.20.1 -> 0.20.2
Jul 11 12:55:06 kg-vm3 pkg: sudo upgraded: 1.8.31p1 -> 1.9.1
Jul 11 12:55:25 kg-vm3 pkg: libevent upgraded: 2.1.11 -> 2.1.11_1
Jul 11 12:55:25 kg-vm3 pkg: tmux upgraded: 3.0a_1 -> 3.1b


2020-06-28: ada0p2 - pkg - upgrade

Jun 28 14:46:28 kg-vm3 pkg: pkg upgraded: 1.13.2 -> 1.13.2_1
Jun 28 14:46:45 kg-vm3 pkg: libnghttp2 upgraded: 1.40.0 -> 1.41.0


2020-06-21: ada0p2 - reboot - FreeBSD 11.3-release-p10 is in

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-version -ku


root@kg-vm3# uname -a
FreeBSD 11.3-RELEASE-p10 FreeBSD 11.3-RELEASE-p10 #0: Tue Jun  9 08:49:05 UTC 2020  amd64

ok. And the vms came up as expected

root@kg-vm3# vm list
music3  default    bhyveload  1    512M    -    Yes [3]    Running (1831)
trap2   default    bhyveload  1    256M    -    Yes [1]    Running (1124)
tv      default    bhyveload  2    1536M   -    Yes [5]    Running (2172)
web     default    bhyveload  2    1280M   -    Yes [2]    Running (1383)
wiki    default    bhyveload  2    1024M   -    No         Stopped
wiki2   default    bhyveload  2    1024M   -    Yes [4]    Running (2077)


2020-06-21: ada0p2 - vm-bhyve, test the stopall command:

root@kg-vm3# vm stopall
Beginning shutdown process
  * stopping tv
  * waiting 5 second(s)
  * stopping wiki2
  * waiting 5 second(s)
  * stopping music3
  * waiting 5 second(s)
  * stopping web
  * waiting 5 second(s)
  * stopping trap2

Waiting for PIDS: 13342 12591 10299.

and list

root@kg-vm3# vm list
music3  default    bhyveload  1    512M    -    Yes [3]    Stopped
trap2   default    bhyveload  1    256M    -    Yes [1]    Stopped
tv      default    bhyveload  2    1536M   -    Yes [5]    Stopped
web     default    bhyveload  2    1280M   -    Yes [2]    Stopped
wiki    default    bhyveload  2    1024M   -    No         Stopped
wiki2   default    bhyveload  2    1024M   -    Yes [4]    Stopped

cool. Now, reboot the machine.

2020-06-21: ada0p2 - vm-bhyve, currently no vms are set to start on boot

root@kg-vm3# vm list
music3  default    bhyveload  1    512M    -    No         Running (11953)
trap2   default    bhyveload  1    256M    -    No         Running (10299)
tv      default    bhyveload  2    1536M   -    No         Running (9278)
web     default    bhyveload  2    1280M   -    No         Running (12591)
wiki    default    bhyveload  2    1024M   -    No         Stopped
wiki2   default    bhyveload  2    1024M   -    No         Running (13342)

fix, by adding vm_delay and vm_list to /etc/rc.conf.local:

root@kg-vm3# grep ^vm /etc/rc.conf.local
vm_list="trap2 web music3 wiki2 tv"


root@kg-vm3# vm list
music3  default    bhyveload  1    512M    -    Yes [3]    Running (11953)
trap2   default    bhyveload  1    256M    -    Yes [1]    Running (10299)
tv      default    bhyveload  2    1536M   -    Yes [5]    Running (9278)
web     default    bhyveload  2    1280M   -    Yes [2]    Running (12591)
wiki    default    bhyveload  2    1024M   -    No         Stopped
wiki2   default    bhyveload  2    1024M   -    Yes [4]    Running (13342)

looks good.

2020-06-21: ada0p2 - freebsd-update fetch

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update fetch
The following files will be removed as part of updating to
The following files will be added as part of updating to
The following files will be updated as part of updating to


root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates... done.


2020-06-21: ada0p2 - converted the needed vms to vm-bhyve:

root@kg-vm3# vm list
music3  default    bhyveload  1    512M    -    No         Running (11953)
trap2   default    bhyveload  1    256M    -    No         Running (10299)
tv      default    bhyveload  2    1536M   -    No         Running (9278)
web     default    bhyveload  2    1280M   -    No         Running (12591)
wiki    default    bhyveload  2    1024M   -    No         Running (8672)
wiki2   default    bhyveload  2    1024M   -    No         Running (13342)

matching the old to the new

# bvm1 - generic test machine
# bvm2 - wiki (old wiki)
# bvm3 - tv (MythTV listings)
# bvm4 - trap2 (loginhost)
# bvm5 - music3 - m3 (music - Squeezebox server)
# bvm6 - web - web server
# bvm7 - wiki2 - new wiki

I haven't converted bvm1 yet

2020-06-21: ada0p2 - I shut down all the vm's, so that I can re-configure networking. First, comment out the old bhyve stuff from /etc/rc.conf

# network configuration for bhyve
#cloned_interfaces="bridge0 tap0 tap1 tap2 tap3 tap4 tap5"
#ifconfig_bridge0="addm re0 addm tap0 addm tap1 addm tap2 addm tap3 addm tap4 addm tap5"
# enable bhyve - further configuration in rc.conf.local

next, remove bridge0 members

root@kg-vm3# ifconfig bridge0 deletem tap6
root@kg-vm3# ifconfig bridge0 deletem tap5
root@kg-vm3# ifconfig bridge0 deletem tap4
root@kg-vm3# ifconfig bridge0 deletem tap3
root@kg-vm3# ifconfig bridge0 deletem tap2
root@kg-vm3# ifconfig bridge0 deletem tap1
root@kg-vm3# ifconfig bridge0 deletem tap0
root@kg-vm3# ifconfig bridge0 deletem re0

now, see if I'm allowed to add re0 to the public switch

root@kg-vm3# vm switch list
public  standard  vm-public  -        no       -    -     -
root@kg-vm3# vm switch add public re0
root@kg-vm3# vm switch list
public  standard  vm-public  -        no       -    -     re0

yes, that works.

2020-06-21: ada0p2 - configure vm-bhyve. First add necessary items to /etc/rc.conf.local:

root@kg-vm3# grep ^vm /etc/rc.conf.local

then do 'vm init'

root@kg-vm3# vm init

the "before" of the /zs/vms directory

root@kg-vm3# l /zs/vms
./    ../   bvm2/ bvm3/ bvm4/ bvm5/ bvm6/ bvm7/ vm1/

and the "after"

root@kg-vm3# l /zs/vms
./          .config/    .iso/       bvm2/       bvm4/       bvm6/       vm1/
../         .img/       .templates/ bvm3/       bvm5/       bvm7/

Next up, create the public switch

root@kg-vm3# vm switch create public
root@kg-vm3# vm switch list
public  standard  vm-public  -        no       -    -     -

and add the physical interface to it

root@kg-vm3# vm switch add public re0
/usr/local/sbin/vm: ERROR: failed to add member re0 to the virtual switch public
root@kg-vm3# vm switch list
public  standard  vm-public  -        no       -    -     -

ok, that didn't work. Perhaps an interface can't be a member of two different bridges? Ah, yes, see comments in issue 292.

fix the console

root@kg-vm3# vm get console
SETTING             VALUE
console             -
root@kg-vm3# vm set console=tmux
root@kg-vm3# vm get console
SETTING             VALUE
console             tmux

check datastore

root@kg-vm3# vm datastore list
NAME            TYPE        PATH                      ZFS DATASET
default         directory   /zs/vms                   -

check version

root@kg-vm3# vm version
vm-bhyve: Bhyve virtual machine management v1.4.2 (rev. 104002)


2020-06-06: ada0p2 - pkg - upgrade

Jun  6 13:18:22 kg-vm3 pkg: ca_root_nss upgraded: 3.52 -> 3.53
Jun  6 13:19:07 kg-vm3 pkg: perl5 upgraded: 5.30.2 -> 5.30.3


2020-05-17: ada0p2 - pkg - install vm-bhyve message

Message from vm-bhyve-1.4.2:

To enable vm-bhyve, please add the following lines to rc.conf,
depending on whether you are using ZFS storage or not. Please note
that the directory or dataset specified should already exist.




Then run 'vm init'.


May 17 11:26:29 kg-vm3 pkg: vm-bhyve-1.4.2 installed


2020-05-17: ada0p2 - pkg - upgrade

May 17 11:24:54 kg-vm3 pkg: ca_root_nss upgraded: 3.51.1 -> 3.52


2020-04-19: ada0p2 - pkg - install sudo

Apr 19 20:46:49 kg-vm3 pkg: sudo-1.8.31p1 installed
Apr 19 20:47:13 kg-vm3 pkg: ruby25-2.5.7,1 installed


2020-04-18: ada0p2 - set up a new machine bvm7 - 2 cpu, 1024M memory, 13G disk (use as new wiki) config

root@kg-vm3# grep bvm7 /etc/rc.conf.local
# bvm7 - wiki2 - new wiki
bhyve_profiles="bvm1 bvm2 bvm3 bvm4 bvm5 bvm6 bvm7"


root@kg-vm3# cd /zs/vms
root@kg-vm3# mkdir bvm7
root@kg-vm3# truncate -s 13G bvm7/guest-bvm7.img

create network interface and add to bridge

root@kg-vm3# ifconfig tap6 create
root@kg-vm3# sysctl 1
root@kg-vm3# ifconfig bridge0 addm tap6


root@kg-vm3# sh /usr/share/examples/bhyve/ -c 2 -t tap6 -d /zs/vms/bvm7/guest-bvm7.img -i -I /zs/tingo/dl/bsd/FreeBSD-11.3-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso bhyve_bvm7

select xterm, unselect lib32, ports, Guided disk setup, entire disk,gpt, 11G root and 2G swap. Network configuration DHCP, services sshd, ntpd, dumpdev. On exit, it reboots, just select "reboot" from the boot menu. start it

root@kg-vm3# service bhyve start bvm7
Starting bhyve.


root@kg-vm3# service bhyve status bvm7
bhyve_bvm7 is running.

connect via tmux

root@kg-vm3# tmux attach -t bhyve_bvm7


2020-04-18: ada0p2 - pkg - upgrade

Apr 18 19:56:27 kg-vm3 pkg: pkg upgraded: 1.12.0 -> 1.13.2
Apr 18 19:58:58 kg-vm3 pkg: perl5 upgraded: 5.30.0 -> 5.30.2
Apr 18 19:58:58 kg-vm3 pkg: libnghttp2 upgraded: 1.39.2 -> 1.40.0
Apr 18 19:58:59 kg-vm3 pkg: ca_root_nss upgraded: 3.47.1 -> 3.51.1
Apr 18 19:58:59 kg-vm3 pkg: tmux upgraded: 2.9a_1 -> 3.0a_1
Apr 18 19:58:59 kg-vm3 pkg: libedit upgraded: 3.1.20190324,1 -> 3.1.20191211,1
Apr 18 19:58:59 kg-vm3 pkg: help2man upgraded: 1.47.11 -> 1.47.13
Apr 18 19:59:01 kg-vm3 pkg: curl upgraded: 7.66.0 -> 7.69.1


2019-11-25: ada0p2 - finally, a reboot, just because.

2019-11-25: ada0p2 - pkg - update, then upgrade

Nov 25 23:22:29 kg-vm3 pkg: pkg upgraded: 1.11.1 -> 1.12.0
Nov 25 23:24:18 kg-vm3 pkg: ruby upgraded: 2.5.5_2,1 -> 2.6.5,1
Nov 25 23:24:41 kg-vm3 pkg: perl5 upgraded: 5.28.2 -> 5.30.0
Nov 25 23:24:49 kg-vm3 pkg: db5 reinstalled: 5.3.28_7 -> 5.3.28_7
Nov 25 23:24:49 kg-vm3 pkg: p5-Locale-gettext reinstalled: 1.07 -> 1.07
Nov 25 23:24:49 kg-vm3 pkg: libnghttp2 upgraded: 1.39.1 -> 1.39.2
Nov 25 23:24:49 kg-vm3 pkg: libevent upgraded: 2.1.10 -> 2.1.11
Nov 25 23:24:49 kg-vm3 pkg: ca_root_nss upgraded: 3.45 -> 3.47.1
Nov 25 23:24:50 kg-vm3 pkg: autoconf upgraded: 2.69_2 -> 2.69_3
Nov 25 23:24:50 kg-vm3 pkg: ruby26-bdb-0.6.6_7 installed
Nov 25 23:24:50 kg-vm3 pkg: tmux upgraded: 2.9a -> 2.9a_1
Nov 25 23:24:50 kg-vm3 pkg: portupgrade reinstalled: 2.4.16,2 -> 2.4.16,2
Nov 25 23:24:50 kg-vm3 pkg: pkgconf upgraded: 1.6.1,1 -> 1.6.3,1
Nov 25 23:24:51 kg-vm3 pkg: help2man upgraded: 1.47.10 -> 1.47.11
Nov 25 23:24:54 kg-vm3 pkg: gettext-tools upgraded: 0.20.1 -> 0.20.1_1
Nov 25 23:24:56 kg-vm3 pkg: curl upgraded: 7.65.1 -> 7.66.0
Nov 25 23:24:56 kg-vm3 pkg: automake upgraded: 1.16.1_1 -> 1.16.1_2


2019-11-25: ada0p2 - reboot - FreeBSD 11.3-release-p5 is in

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-version -ku


root@kg-vm3# uname -a
FreeBSD 11.3-RELEASE-p5 FreeBSD 11.3-RELEASE-p5 #0: Tue Nov 12 08:59:04 UTC 2019  amd64


2019-11-25: ada0p2 - freebsd-update fetch

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update fetch
The following files will be updated as part of updating to 11.3-RELEASE-p5:


root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates... done.


2019-11-25: power on after booting - the machine had the same trouble - I had to connect a screen and a usb keyboard to do "press F1 to continue". Into bios, save settings - tha fixed it. I also upgraded to latest bios.

2019-08-21: after an unscheduled power outage, the machine wouldn't start right away: I had to connect a screen (I used the HDMIPi) and a usb keyboard, it needed a "press F1 to continue" before it would boot. UEFI trouble?

2019-07-10: ada0p2 - virtual machines - finished moving all virtual machines back to this machine (from temporary host c1). Now all but the test machine is running:

root@kg-vm3# service bhyve status
===> bhyve profile: bvm1
bhyve_bvm1 is not running.
===> bhyve profile: bvm2
bhyve_bvm2 is running.
===> bhyve profile: bvm3
bhyve_bvm3 is running.
===> bhyve profile: bvm4
bhyve_bvm4 is running.
===> bhyve profile: bvm5
bhyve_bvm5 is running.
===> bhyve profile: bvm6
bhyve_bvm6 is running.

via tmux

root@kg-vm3# tmux ls
bhyve_bvm2: 1 windows (created Wed Jul 10 17:44:22 2019)
bhyve_bvm3: 1 windows (created Wed Jul 10 17:52:51 2019)
bhyve_bvm4: 1 windows (created Wed Jul 10 17:58:55 2019)
bhyve_bvm5: 1 windows (created Wed Jul 10 18:58:27 2019)
bhyve_bvm6: 1 windows (created Wed Jul 10 18:09:39 2019)


2019-07-10: ada0p2 - pkg - update, then upgrade. messages

Message from ruby-2.5.5_2,1:

Some of the standard commands are provided as separate ports for ease
of upgrading:

    devel/ruby-gems:    gem - RubyGems package manager
    devel/rubygem-rake:    rake - Ruby Make

And some of the standard libraries are provided as separate ports
since they require extra dependencies:

    databases/rubygem-dbm:    DBM module
    databases/rubygem-gdbm:    GDBM module

Install them as occasion demands.
Message from ca_root_nss-3.45:

********************************* WARNING *********************************

FreeBSD does not, and can not warrant that the certification authorities
whose certificates are included in this package have in any way been
audited for trustworthiness or RFC 3647 compliance.

Assessment and verification of trust is the complete responsibility of the
system administrator.

*********************************** NOTE **********************************

This package installs symlinks to support root certificates discovery by
default for software that uses OpenSSL.

This enables SSL Certificate Verification by client software without manual

If you prefer to do this manually, replace the following symlinks with
either an empty file or your site-local certificate bundle.

  * /etc/ssl/cert.pem
  * /usr/local/etc/ssl/cert.pem
  * /usr/local/openssl/cert.pem



Jul 10 17:06:58 kg-vm3 pkg: libyaml upgraded: 0.2.1 -> 0.2.2
Jul 10 17:06:58 kg-vm3 pkg: libedit upgraded: 3.1.20181209_2,1 -> 3.1.20190324,1
Jul 10 17:07:36 kg-vm3 pkg: ruby upgraded: 2.4.5_1,1 -> 2.5.5_2,1
Jul 10 17:07:36 kg-vm3 pkg: libnghttp2 upgraded: 1.37.0 -> 1.39.1
Jul 10 17:07:36 kg-vm3 pkg: gettext-runtime upgraded: -> 0.20.1
Jul 10 17:07:36 kg-vm3 pkg: ca_root_nss upgraded: 3.44.1 -> 3.45
Jul 10 17:07:36 kg-vm3 pkg: utf8proc-2.4.0 installed
Jul 10 17:07:37 kg-vm3 pkg: ruby25-bdb-0.6.6_6 installed
Jul 10 17:07:37 kg-vm3 pkg: libtextstyle-0.20.1 installed
Jul 10 17:07:37 kg-vm3 pkg: tmux upgraded: 2.8 -> 2.9a
Jul 10 17:07:37 kg-vm3 pkg: portupgrade reinstalled: 2.4.16,2 -> 2.4.16,2
Jul 10 17:07:38 kg-vm3 pkg: pkgconf upgraded: 1.6.0,1 -> 1.6.1,1
Jul 10 17:07:58 kg-vm3 pkg: perl5 upgraded: 5.28.1_1 -> 5.28.2
Jul 10 17:08:02 kg-vm3 pkg: gettext-tools upgraded: -> 0.20.1
Jul 10 17:08:04 kg-vm3 pkg: curl upgraded: 7.65.0_2 -> 7.65.1

and remove outdated packages - ok, there aren't any.

2019-07-10: ada0p2 - pkg - which repository are we using?

root@kg-vm3# pkg -vv | grep url
    url             : "pkg+",

quarterly it is.

2019-07-09: ada0p2 - freebsd-update - upgrade upgrade

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update -r 11.3-RELEASE upgrade
src component not installed, skipped
The following components of FreeBSD seem to be installed:
kernel/generic world/base world/lib32

The following components of FreeBSD do not seem to be installed:
kernel/generic-dbg world/base-dbg world/doc world/lib32-dbg

Does this look reasonable (y/n)? y
The following file could not be merged automatically: /etc/ntp.conf
Press Enter to edit this file in /usr/bin/vi and resolve the conflicts
The following files will be removed as part of updating to 11.3-RELEASE-p0:
The following files will be added as part of updating to 11.3-RELEASE-p0:
The following files will be updated as part of updating to 11.3-RELEASE-p0:
To install the downloaded upgrades, run "/usr/sbin/freebsd-update install".


root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates...
Kernel updates have been installed.  Please reboot and run
"/usr/sbin/freebsd-update install" again to finish installing updates.

reboot, then

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates... done.

and now FreeBSD 11.3-release is installed

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-version -ku


root@kg-vm3# uname -a
FreeBSD 11.3-RELEASE FreeBSD 11.3-RELEASE #0 r349754: Fri Jul  5 04:45:24 UTC 2019  amd64


2019-07-09: ada0p2 - freebsd-update fetch

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update fetch
The following files will be updated as part of updating to 11.2-RELEASE-p11:


root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates... done.

ok, now

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-version -ku


root@kg-vm3# uname -a
FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE-p10 FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE-p10 #0: Mon May 13 21:20:50 UTC 2019  amd64

is installed.

2019-06-28: ada0p2 - freebsd-update install

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates... done.

freebsd-version says

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-version -ku


root@kg-vm3# uname -a
FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE-p10 FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE-p10 #0: Mon May 13 21:20:50 UTC 2019  amd64


2019-06-28: ada0p2 - pkg - upgrade messages

Message from perl5-5.28.1_1:

The /usr/bin/perl symlink has been removed starting with Perl 5.20.
For shebangs, you should either use:



#!/usr/bin/env perl

The first one will only work if you have a /usr/local/bin/perl,
the second will work as long as perl is in PATH.
Message from ruby-2.4.5_1,1:

Some of the standard commands are provided as separate ports for ease
of upgrading:

    devel/ruby-gems:    gem - RubyGems package manager
    devel/rubygem-rake:    rake - Ruby Make

And some of the standard libraries are provided as separate ports
since they require extra dependencies:

    databases/ruby-gdbm:    GDBM module

Install them as occasion demands.
Message from ca_root_nss-3.44.1:

********************************* WARNING *********************************

FreeBSD does not, and can not warrant that the certification authorities
whose certificates are included in this package have in any way been
audited for trustworthiness or RFC 3647 compliance.

Assessment and verification of trust is the complete responsibility of the
system administrator.

*********************************** NOTE **********************************

This package installs symlinks to support root certificates discovery by
default for software that uses OpenSSL.

This enables SSL Certificate Verification by client software without manual

If you prefer to do this manually, replace the following symlinks with
either an empty file or your site-local certificate bundle.

  * /etc/ssl/cert.pem
  * /usr/local/etc/ssl/cert.pem
  * /usr/local/openssl/cert.pem

Message from bhyve-rc-3:

Configuration is done completely though rc.conf.
The rc script won't touch any devices for you (neither disk, nor tap)
so you need to make sure all of those have been initialized properly.

General setup:
kldload vmm

Make it persistent:
echo "" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
cat >> /boot/loader.conf << EOF

Minimal example:
cat >> /etc/rc.conf << EOF
cloned_interfaces="tap0 bridge0"

ifconfig tap0 create
ifconfig bridge0 create

service bhyve start
tmux list-sessions
tmux attach -t bhyve
service bhyve status
service bhyve stop

Multi profile configuration example:
cat >> /etc/rc.conf << EOF
cloned_interfaces="tap0 tap1 bridge0"
bhyve_profiles="virt1 virt2"


ifconfig tap0 create
ifconfig tap1 create
ifconfig bridge0 create

service bhyve start # start all
service bhyve start virt2 # start individual
tmux attach -t bhyve_virt1
tmux attach -t bhyve_virt1
service bhyve stop virt2 # stop individual
service bhyve stop # stop all

(by default ctrl-b d detaches from tmux).


Jun 28 01:30:39 kg-vm3 pkg: indexinfo upgraded: 0.2.4 -> 0.3.1
Jun 28 01:30:58 kg-vm3 pkg: perl5 upgraded: 5.20.3_8 -> 5.28.1_1
Jun 28 01:30:58 kg-vm3 pkg: m4 upgraded: 1.4.17_1,1 -> 1.4.18_1,1
Jun 28 01:30:58 kg-vm3 pkg: autoconf-wrapper reinstalled: 20131203 -> 20131203
Jun 28 01:30:58 kg-vm3 pkg: automake-wrapper-20131203 deinstalled
Jun 28 01:30:58 kg-vm3 pkg: autoconf upgraded: 2.69 -> 2.69_2
Jun 28 01:30:58 kg-vm3 pkg: libevent2-2.0.22_1 deinstalled
Jun 28 01:30:59 kg-vm3 pkg: libyaml upgraded: 0.1.6_2 -> 0.2.1
Jun 28 01:30:59 kg-vm3 pkg: libffi upgraded: 3.2.1 -> 3.2.1_3
Jun 28 01:30:59 kg-vm3 pkg: libedit upgraded: 3.1.20150325_1 -> 3.1.20181209_2,1
Jun 28 01:30:59 kg-vm3 pkg: libunwind-20170615 installed
Jun 28 01:31:28 kg-vm3 pkg: ruby upgraded: 2.1.8,1 -> 2.4.5_1,1
Jun 28 01:31:29 kg-vm3 pkg: gettext-runtime upgraded: 0.19.7 ->
Jun 28 01:31:35 kg-vm3 pkg: db5 upgraded: 5.3.28_3 -> 5.3.28_7
Jun 28 01:31:36 kg-vm3 pkg: libevent-2.1.10 installed
Jun 28 01:31:36 kg-vm3 pkg: tmux upgraded: 2.1_1 -> 2.8
Jun 28 01:31:36 kg-vm3 pkg: p5-Locale-gettext upgraded: 1.06 -> 1.07
Jun 28 01:31:36 kg-vm3 pkg: ca_root_nss upgraded: 3.22 -> 3.44.1
Jun 28 01:31:36 kg-vm3 pkg: ruby24-bdb-0.6.6_5 installed
Jun 28 01:31:36 kg-vm3 pkg: libnghttp2-1.37.0 installed
Jun 28 01:31:37 kg-vm3 pkg: portupgrade upgraded: 2.4.14,2 -> 2.4.16,2
Jun 28 01:31:37 kg-vm3 pkg: pkgconf upgraded: 0.9.12_1 -> 1.6.0,1
Jun 28 01:31:37 kg-vm3 pkg: libtool upgraded: 2.4.6 -> 2.4.6_1
Jun 28 01:31:37 kg-vm3 pkg: help2man upgraded: 1.43.3_1 -> 1.47.10
Jun 28 01:31:37 kg-vm3 pkg: gmake upgraded: 4.1_2 -> 4.2.1_3
Jun 28 01:31:39 kg-vm3 pkg: gettext-tools upgraded: 0.19.7 ->
Jun 28 01:31:39 kg-vm3 pkg: disktype reinstalled: 9 -> 9
Jun 28 01:31:39 kg-vm3 pkg: dialog4ports upgraded: 0.1.5_2 -> 0.1.6
Jun 28 01:31:40 kg-vm3 pkg: curl upgraded: 7.47.0 -> 7.65.0_2
Jun 28 01:31:40 kg-vm3 pkg: bhyve-rc reinstalled: 3 -> 3
Jun 28 01:31:40 kg-vm3 pkg: automake upgraded: 1.15_1 -> 1.16.1_1


2019-06-28: ada0p2 - pkg - check upgrades

root@kg-vm3# pkg upgrade -n
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
Checking for upgrades (25 candidates): 100%
Processing candidates (25 candidates): 100%
The following 29 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
    libevent: 2.1.10
    libunwind: 20170615
    ruby24-bdb: 0.6.6_5
    libnghttp2: 1.37.0

Installed packages to be UPGRADED:
    tmux: 2.1_1 -> 2.8
    ruby: 2.1.8,1 -> 2.4.5_1,1
    portupgrade: 2.4.14,2 -> 2.4.16,2
    pkgconf: 0.9.12_1 -> 1.6.0,1
    perl5: 5.20.3_8 -> 5.28.1_1
    p5-Locale-gettext: 1.06 -> 1.07
    m4: 1.4.17_1,1 -> 1.4.18_1,1
    libyaml: 0.1.6_2 -> 0.2.1
    libtool: 2.4.6 -> 2.4.6_1
    libffi: 3.2.1 -> 3.2.1_3
    libedit: 3.1.20150325_1 -> 3.1.20181209_2,1
    indexinfo: 0.2.4 -> 0.3.1
    help2man: 1.43.3_1 -> 1.47.10
    gmake: 4.1_2 -> 4.2.1_3
    gettext-tools: 0.19.7 ->
    gettext-runtime: 0.19.7 ->
    dialog4ports: 0.1.5_2 -> 0.1.6
    db5: 5.3.28_3 -> 5.3.28_7
    curl: 7.47.0 -> 7.65.0_2
    ca_root_nss: 3.22 -> 3.44.1
    automake: 1.15_1 -> 1.16.1_1
    autoconf: 2.69 -> 2.69_2

Installed packages to be REINSTALLED:
    disktype-9 (ABI changed: 'freebsd:10:x86:64' -> 'freebsd:11:x86:64')
    bhyve-rc-3 (ABI changed: 'freebsd:10:x86:64' -> 'freebsd:11:x86:64')
    autoconf-wrapper-20131203 (ABI changed: 'freebsd:10:x86:64' -> 'freebsd:11:x86:64')

Number of packages to be installed: 4
Number of packages to be upgraded: 22
Number of packages to be reinstalled: 3

The process will require 19 MiB more space.
43 MiB to be downloaded.


2019-06-28: ada0p2 - pkg - fix pkg

root@kg-vm3# pkg info pkg
pkg: Warning: Major OS version upgrade detected.  Running "pkg-static install -f pkg" recommended
Name           : pkg
Version        : 1.6.4
Installed on   : Sat Feb 20 18:11:17 2016 CET
Origin         : ports-mgmt/pkg
Architecture   : freebsd:10:x86:64
Prefix         : /usr/local
Categories     : ports-mgmt
Licenses       : BSD2CLAUSE
Maintainer     :
WWW            :
Comment        : Package manager
Shared Libs provided:
Annotations    :
Flat size      : 10.1MiB
Description    :
Package management tool


ok, do that

root@kg-vm3# pkg-static install -f pkg
pkg-static: Warning: Major OS version upgrade detected.  Running "pkg-static install -f pkg" recommended
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
Repository FreeBSD has a wrong packagesite, need to re-create database
Fetching meta.txz: 100%    940 B   0.9kB/s    00:01   
Fetching packagesite.txz: 100%    6 MiB   1.7MB/s    00:04   
Processing entries: 100%
FreeBSD repository update completed. 31884 packages processed.
Updating database digests format: 100%
New version of pkg detected; it needs to be installed first.
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

Installed packages to be UPGRADED:
    pkg: 1.6.4 -> 1.10.5_5

The process will require 2 MiB more space.
3 MiB to be downloaded.

Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y
Fetching pkg-1.10.5_5.txz: 100%    3 MiB   1.5MB/s    00:02   
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
[1/1] Upgrading pkg from 1.6.4 to 1.10.5_5...
[1/1] Extracting pkg-1.10.5_5: 100%
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
Repo "FreeBSD" upgrade schema 2012 to 2013: Add vital field
Repo "FreeBSD" upgrade schema 2013 to 2014: DROP TABLE pkg_search;
FreeBSD repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

Installed packages to be REINSTALLED:

Number of packages to be reinstalled: 1

Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y
[1/1] Reinstalling pkg-1.10.5_5...
[1/1] Extracting pkg-1.10.5_5: 100%


2019-06-28: ada0p2 - FreeBSD version

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-version -ku


root@kg-vm3# uname -a
FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE-p10 FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE-p10 #0: Mon May 13 21:20:50 UTC 2019  amd64

is in.

2019-06-28: ada0p2 - freebsd-update upgrade

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update -r 11.2-RELEASE upgrade
The following components of FreeBSD seem to be installed:
kernel/generic world/base world/lib32

The following components of FreeBSD do not seem to be installed:
world/doc world/games

Does this look reasonable (y/n)? y
The following files will be removed as part of updating to 11.2-RELEASE-p10:
The following files will be added as part of updating to 11.2-RELEASE-p10:
The following files will be updated as part of updating to 11.2-RELEASE-p10:
To install the downloaded upgrades, run "/usr/sbin/freebsd-update install".


root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates...
Kernel updates have been installed.  Please reboot and run
"/usr/sbin/freebsd-update install" again to finish installing updates.

reboot, then re-run freebsd-update install

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates...
Completing this upgrade requires removing old shared object files.
Please rebuild all installed 3rd party software (e.g., programs
installed from the ports tree) and then run "/usr/sbin/freebsd-update install"
again to finish installing updates.

ok, so now I need to re-install all packages.

2019-06-28: ada0p2 - reboot, FreeBSD version

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-version -ku


root@kg-vm3# uname -a
FreeBSD 10.4-RELEASE-p13 FreeBSD 10.4-RELEASE-p13 #0: Thu Sep 27 10:09:35 UTC 2018  amd64

is in.

2019-06-27: ada0p2 - freebsd-update, upgrade to 10.4-release upgrade

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update -r 10.4-RELEASE upgrade
src component not installed, skipped
Looking up mirrors... none found.
Fetching metadata signature for 10.3-RELEASE from done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Fetching 1 metadata patches. done.
Applying metadata patches... done.
Inspecting system... done.

The following components of FreeBSD seem to be installed:
kernel/generic world/base world/lib32

The following components of FreeBSD do not seem to be installed:
world/doc world/games

Does this look reasonable (y/n)? y
The following file could not be merged automatically: /etc/ntp.conf
Press Enter to edit this file in /usr/bin/vi and resolve the conflicts
The following files are affected by updates, but no changes have
been downloaded because the files have been modified locally:

The following files will be removed as part of updating to 10.4-RELEASE-p13:
The following files will be added as part of updating to 10.4-RELEASE-p13:
The following files will be updated as part of updating to 10.4-RELEASE-p13:
To install the downloaded upgrades, run "/usr/sbin/freebsd-update install".


root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates...
Kernel updates have been installed.  Please reboot and run
"/usr/sbin/freebsd-update install" again to finish installing updates.

rebooted, then ran freebsd-update install again

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates... done.


2019-06-27: ada0p2 - a reboot, and FreeBSD

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-version -ku


root@kg-vm3# uname -a
FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p29 FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p29 #0: Tue Apr  3 19:55:05 UTC 2018  amd64

is in.

2019-06-27: ada0p2 - freebsd-update fetch

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update fetch
The following files will be updated as part of updating to 10.3-RELEASE-p29:

Any security issues discovered after Tue May  1 02:00:00 CEST 2018
will not have been corrected.


root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates... done.


2019-06-27: ada0p2 - FreeBSD - version - where are we at?

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-version -ku


2019-06-27: ada0p2 - all vm's temporarily running on c1 (core1) machine, no vm's running on this machine:

root@kg-vm3# service bhyve status
===> bhyve profile: bvm1
bhyve_bvm1 is not running.
===> bhyve profile: bvm2
bhyve_bvm2 is not running.
===> bhyve profile: bvm3
bhyve_bvm3 is not running.
===> bhyve profile: bvm4
bhyve_bvm4 is not running.
===> bhyve profile: bvm5
bhyve_bvm5 is not running.
===> bhyve profile: bvm6
bhyve_bvm6 is not running.

comment out all profiles in /etc/rc.conf.local:

root@kg-vm3# grep profiles /etc/rc.conf.local
#bhyve_profiles="bvm1 bvm2 bvm3 bvm4 bvm5 bvm6"

and what does the bhyve service script do now?

root@kg-vm3# service bhyve status
bhyve is not running.

good, no machines on automatic

2018-10-13: ada0p2 - ports - installed curl

Oct 13 21:32:37 kg-vm3 pkg-static: curl-7.47.0 installed


2017-11-28: ada0p2 - bhyve - I managed to add support for diskdev2 to the /usr/local/etc/rc.d/bhyve script. Here's the diff:

tingo@kg-vm3$ diff -u bhyve_org bhyve
--- bhyve_org    2016-02-20 17:49:48.153677000 +0100
+++ bhyve    2017-11-28 14:12:35.318728000 +0100
@@ -53,6 +53,10 @@
         eval bhyve_diskdev="\${${_session}_diskdev:-${bhyve_diskdev}}"
         eval bhyve_ncpu="\${${_session}_ncpu:-${bhyve_ncpu}}"
         eval bhyve_memsize="\${${_session}_memsize:-${bhyve_memsize}}"
+        eval bhyve_diskdev2="\${${_session}_diskdev2}"
+        if [ ! -z "${bhyve_diskdev2}" ]; then
+            bhyve_disk2=" -s 2:1,virtio-blk,${bhyve_diskdev2} "
+        fi
         echo "$0: extra argument ignored"
@@ -141,6 +145,6 @@
     rm -f ${pidfile}

-command_args="new-session -ds ${_session} \"sh -c 'echo \\\$PPID >${pidfile}; while true; do /usr/sbin/bhyvectl --vm=${_session} --destroy; /usr/sbin/bhyveload -m ${bhyve_memsize} -d ${bhyve_diskdev} ${_session} && /usr/sbin/bhyve -c ${bhyve_ncpu} -m ${bhyve_memsize} -AI -H -P -g 0 -s 0:0,hostbridge -s 1:0,virtio-net,${bhyve_tapdev} -s 2:0,virtio-blk,${bhyve_diskdev} -s 31,lpc -l com1,stdio ${_session} || break; done'\""
+command_args="new-session -ds ${_session} \"sh -c 'echo \\\$PPID >${pidfile}; while true; do /usr/sbin/bhyvectl --vm=${_session} --destroy; /usr/sbin/bhyveload -m ${bhyve_memsize} -d ${bhyve_diskdev} ${_session} && /usr/sbin/bhyve -c ${bhyve_ncpu} -m ${bhyve_memsize} -AI -H -P -g 0 -s 0:0,hostbridge -s 1:0,virtio-net,${bhyve_tapdev} -s 2:0,virtio-blk,${bhyve_diskdev} ${bhyve_disk2} -s 31,lpc -l com1,stdio ${_session} || break; done'\""

 run_rc_command "$1"


2017-11-27: ada0p2 - after a reboot the host runs FreeBSD 10.3-release-p24.

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-version -ku
root@kg-vm3# uname -a
FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p24 FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p24 #0: Wed Nov 15 04:57:40 UTC 2017  amd64


2017-11-27: ada0p2 - vms - I shutdown all four vms before rebooting the host.

2017-11-27: ada0p2 - freebsd-update fetch

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update fetch
src component not installed, skipped
Looking up mirrors... 3 mirrors found.
Fetching metadata signature for 10.3-RELEASE from done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Fetching 2 metadata patches.. done.
Applying metadata patches... done.
Inspecting system... done.
Preparing to download files... done.
Fetching 189 patches.....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100....110....120....130....140....150....160....170....180.... done.
Applying patches... done.
Fetching 3 files... done.
The following files will be removed as part of updating to 10.3-RELEASE-p24:
The following files will be added as part of updating to 10.3-RELEASE-p24:
The following files will be updated as part of updating to 10.3-RELEASE-p24:


root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates... done.

then a reboot is needed.

2017-10-15: ada0p2 - after a reboot, the machine runs FreeBSD 10.3-release-p21.

tingo@kg-vm3$ freebsd-version -ku
tingo@kg-vm3$ uname -a
FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p20 FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p20 #0: Wed Jul 12 03:13:07 UTC 2017  amd64


2017-10-15: ada0p2 - reboot didn't work, I had to forcible pull the power plug.

2017-10-15: ada0p2 - freebsd-update fetch

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update fetch
src component not installed, skipped
Looking up mirrors... 3 mirrors found.
Fetching metadata signature for 10.3-RELEASE from done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Fetching 2 metadata patches.. done.
Applying metadata patches... done.
Inspecting system...
Preparing to download files... done.
Fetching 214 patches.....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100....110....120....130....140....150....160....170....180....190....200....210.. done.
Applying patches... done.
Fetching 6 files... done.
The following files will be removed as part of updating to 10.3-RELEASE-p21:
The following files will be added as part of updating to 10.3-RELEASE-p21:
The following files will be updated as part of updating to 10.3-RELEASE-p21:


root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates... done.

a reboot remains.

2017-09-04: ada0p2 - interesting messages

root@kg-vm3# grep exiting /var/log/messages
Aug 31 23:01:55 kg-vm3 getty[1276]: getty exiting due to excessive running time
Sep  1 12:17:21 kg-vm3 getty[1273]: getty exiting due to excessive running time
Sep  2 03:46:56 kg-vm3 getty[1275]: getty exiting due to excessive running time
Sep  2 18:01:40 kg-vm3 getty[1274]: getty exiting due to excessive running time
Sep  2 23:02:40 kg-vm3 getty[1280]: getty exiting due to excessive running time
Sep  3 08:51:55 kg-vm3 getty[1278]: getty exiting due to excessive running time
Sep  3 20:30:59 kg-vm3 getty[1279]: getty exiting due to excessive running time

check older logs - nope, those are the only ones. In context

Aug 31 23:01:55 kg-vm3 getty[1276]: getty exiting due to excessive running time
Aug 31 23:01:55 kg-vm3 getty[45584]: open /dev/ttyv3: No such file or directory
Sep  1 12:17:21 kg-vm3 getty[1273]: getty exiting due to excessive running time
Sep  1 12:17:21 kg-vm3 getty[47378]: open /dev/ttyv0: No such file or directory
Sep  2 03:46:56 kg-vm3 getty[1275]: getty exiting due to excessive running time
Sep  2 03:46:56 kg-vm3 getty[49331]: open /dev/ttyv2: No such file or directory
Sep  2 18:01:40 kg-vm3 getty[1274]: getty exiting due to excessive running time
Sep  2 18:01:40 kg-vm3 getty[50997]: open /dev/ttyv1: No such file or directory
Sep  2 23:02:40 kg-vm3 getty[1280]: getty exiting due to excessive running time
Sep  2 23:02:40 kg-vm3 getty[51520]: open /dev/ttyv7: No such file or directory
Sep  3 08:51:55 kg-vm3 getty[1278]: getty exiting due to excessive running time
Sep  3 08:51:55 kg-vm3 getty[52856]: open /dev/ttyv5: No such file or directory
Sep  3 20:30:59 kg-vm3 getty[1279]: getty exiting due to excessive running time
Sep  3 20:30:59 kg-vm3 getty[54071]: open /dev/ttyv6: No such file or directory


2016-09-30: after a reboot, the machine now runs FreeBSD 10.3-release-p9. dmesg output: normal, verbose.

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-version -ku
root@kg-vm3# uname -a
FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p7 FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p7 #0: Thu Aug 11 18:38:15 UTC 2016  amd64


2016-09-30: freebsd-update - install updates.

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates... done.

ok. Now do a reboot.

2016-09-30: freebsd-update - check. The machine still runs:

root@kg-vm3# uname -a
FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p3 #0: Tue May 17 08:43:55 UTC 2016  amd64

look for updates

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update fetch
src component not installed, skipped
Looking up mirrors... 4 mirrors found.
Fetching metadata signature for 10.3-RELEASE from done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Fetching 1 metadata patches. done.
Applying metadata patches... done.
Fetching 2 metadata files... done.
Inspecting system... done.
Preparing to download files... done.
Fetching 67 patches.....10....20....30....40....50....60... done.
Applying patches... done.

The following files will be updated as part of updating to 10.3-RELEASE-p9:


2016-08-26: ada0p2 - after a scheduled power outage (power company maintenance) I powered on the machine. All services are up:

root@kg-vm3# date;temp;swapinfo -h;echo " ";tvlm;echo " ";tvls;echo " ";df -h;echo " ";uptime;echo " ";ps ax | grep -v grep | grep ddc;ps ax | grep -v grep | grep smartd;ps ax | grep -v grep | grep natd;echo "bhyve vms:";ls -l /dev/vmm
Fri Aug 26 11:55:03 CEST 2016
dev.cpu.0.temperature: 31.0C
dev.cpu.1.temperature: 41.0C
Device          1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity
/dev/ada0p3       3974068       0B     3.8G     0%

Aug 26 11:54:04 kg-vm3 getty[1268]: open /dev/ttyv5: No such file or directory
Aug 26 11:54:04 kg-vm3 getty[1269]: open /dev/ttyv6: No such file or directory
Aug 26 11:54:04 kg-vm3 getty[1266]: open /dev/ttyv3: No such file or directory
Aug 26 11:54:04 kg-vm3 getty[1267]: open /dev/ttyv4: No such file or directory
Aug 26 11:54:04 kg-vm3 getty[1270]: open /dev/ttyv7: No such file or directory
Aug 26 11:54:13 kg-vm3 kernel: tap1: link state changed to UP
Aug 26 11:54:13 kg-vm3 devd: Executing '/etc/rc.d/dhclient quietstart tap1'
Aug 26 11:54:13 kg-vm3 kernel: tap0: link state changed to UP
Aug 26 11:54:13 kg-vm3 devd: Executing '/etc/rc.d/dhclient quietstart tap0'
Aug 26 11:54:45 kg-vm3 su: tingo to root on /dev/pts/2

Sep 19 01:35:25 kg-vm3 newsyslog[478]: logfile first created

Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ada0p2    105G    3.5G     93G     4%    /
devfs          1.0K    1.0K      0B   100%    /dev
/dev/da0p1     1.8T    5.7G    1.6T     0%    /zs

11:55AM  up 1 min, 3 users, load averages: 2.17, 0.73, 0.28

bhyve vms:
total 0
crw-------  1 root  wheel  0x55 Aug 26 11:54 bhyve_bvm1
crw-------  1 root  wheel  0x5c Aug 26 11:54 bhyve_bvm2


2016-08-25: uptime status:

root@kg-vm3# date;uptime
Thu Aug 25 23:05:47 CEST 2016
11:05PM  up 96 days,  2:05, 5 users, load averages: 0.07, 0.03, 0.00


2016-06-18: ada0p2 - bhyve - change memory size of bvm2 from 512M to 1024M by adding


to /etc/rc.conf.local. Complete /etc/rc.conf.local:

root@kg-vm3# cat /etc/rc.conf.local
# bhyve - configuration for virtual machines
bhyve_profiles="bvm1 bvm2"


next I will reboot the bvm2 machine. Ok, a reboot didn't work, I need to restart it:

root@kg-vm3# service bhyve status
===> bhyve profile: bvm1
bhyve_bvm1 is running.
===> bhyve profile: bvm2
bhyve_bvm2 is running.
root@kg-vm3# service bhyve restart bvm2
Stopping bhyve_bvm2.
Starting bhyve.
root@kg-vm3# service bhyve status
===> bhyve profile: bvm1
bhyve_bvm1 is running.
===> bhyve profile: bvm2
bhyve_bvm2 is not running.

Hmm, that's odd.

root@kg-vm3# service bhyve start bvm2
Starting bhyve.
root@kg-vm3# service bhyve status
===> bhyve profile: bvm1
bhyve_bvm1 is running.
===> bhyve profile: bvm2
bhyve_bvm2 is running.

that worked.

2016-05-21: ada0p2 - bhyve - set up a new machine bvm2 (2 cpu, 512M, 6 G) that will be used for a wiki machine. It will use tap1 interface.

root@kg-vm3# cd /zs/vms

create a directory for it:

root@kg-vm3# mkdir bvm2

make a file for a disk:

root@kg-vm3# truncate -s 6G bvm2/guest-bvm2.img


root@kg-vm3# ll -h bvm2
total 104
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel   512B May 21 22:07 ./
drwxr-xr-x  4 root  wheel   512B May 21 22:04 ../
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   6.0G May 21 22:07 guest-bvm2.img

ok. Next is the install process:

root@kg-vm3# sh /usr/share/examples/bhyve/ -c 2 -t tap1 -d /zs/vms/bvm2/guest-bvm2.img -i -I /zs/tingo/dl/bsd/FreeBSD-10.3-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso bhyve_vm2

it starts the boot, asks for a terminal type, I choose xterm, get to the menu and start the install process. Norwegian keymap, name the machine, unselect games, lib32, ports tree. Guided disk setup, entire disk, I modify it so that I get a 5 G freebsd-ufs and a 1G freebsd-swap. Install continues. Network configuration DHCP, services sshd, ntpd, dumpdev. I fix /etc/dhclient.conf so tha the machine will get a static ip, and that finishes the install. On exit, it reboots, just select "reboot" from the boot menu.

Next I add it to /etc/rc.conf.local. Completed:

root@kg-vm3# more /etc/rc.conf.local
# bhyve - configuration for virtual machines
bhyve_profiles="bvm1 bvm2"


Start the machine:

root@kg-vm3# service bhyve start bvm2
Starting bhyve.


root@kg-vm3# service bhyve status
===> bhyve profile: bvm1
bhyve_bvm1 is running.
===> bhyve profile: bvm2
bhyve_bvm2 is running.

seems ok.

2016-05-21: ada0p2 - bhyve - and the virtual machine autostarted after boot as it should.

2016-05-21: ada0p2 - after a reboot, the machine now runs FreeBSD 10.3-release-p3. dmesg output: normal, verbose.

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-version -ku
root@kg-vm3# uname -a
FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p3 #0: Tue May 17 08:43:55 UTC 2016  amd64


Set up verbose boot for next boot:

root@kg-vm3# nextboot -o "-v"

this creates /boot/nextboot.conf:

root@kg-vm3# more /boot/nextboot.conf

reboot to test. It worked.

2016-05-21: ada0p2 - bhyve - add more interfaces to /etc/rc.conf: before:

root@kg-vm3# sysrc cloned_interfaces
cloned_interfaces: bridge0 tap0
root@kg-vm3# sysrc ifconfig_bridge0
ifconfig_bridge0: addm re0 addm tap0


root@kg-vm3# sysrc cloned_interfaces
cloned_interfaces: bridge0 tap0 tap1 tap2 tap3
root@kg-vm3# sysrc ifconfig_bridge0
ifconfig_bridge0: addm re0 addm tap0 addm tap1 addm tap2 addm tap3


2016-05-21: ada0p2 - install upgrades:

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates...
Kernel updates have been installed.  Please reboot and run
"/usr/sbin/freebsd-update install" again to finish installing updates.

ok. After reboot:

root@kg-vm3# uname -a
FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p3 #0: Tue May 17 08:43:55 UTC 2016  amd64

install the rest of the updates

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates... done.


2016-05-21: ada0p2 - try to upgrade the os via freebsd-update:

root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update upgrade
src component not installed, skipped
freebsd-update: Release target must be specified via -r option.


root@kg-vm3# freebsd-update upgrade -r 10.3
src component not installed, skipped
Looking up mirrors... 4 mirrors found.
Fetching public key from done.
Fetching metadata signature for 10.2-RELEASE from done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Fetching 2 metadata files... done.
Inspecting system... done.

The following components of FreeBSD seem to be installed:
kernel/generic world/base world/lib32

The following components of FreeBSD do not seem to be installed:
world/doc world/games

Does this look reasonable (y/n)? y

Fetching metadata signature for 10.3-RELEASE from done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Fetching 1 metadata patches. done.
Applying metadata patches... done.
Fetching 1 metadata files.. done.
Inspecting system... done.
Fetching files from 10.2-RELEASE for merging... done.
Preparing to download files... done.
Fetching 11041 patches.....10...
10960....10970....10980....10990....11000....11010....11020....11030....11040 done.
Applying patches... done.
Fetching 135 files... done.
Attempting to automatically merge changes in files... done.

The following files are affected by updates, but no changes have
been downloaded because the files have been modified locally:

The following files will be removed as part of updating to 10.3-RELEASE-p3:

The following files will be added as part of updating to 10.3-RELEASE-p3:

The following files will be updated as part of updating to 10.3-RELEASE-p3:
To install the downloaded upgrades, run "/usr/sbin/freebsd-update install".


2016-02-21: ada0p2 - bhyve - configuration, first part in /etc/rc.conf:

# network configuration for bhyve
cloned_interfaces="bridge0 tap0"
ifconfig_bridge0="addm re0 addm tap0"
# enable bhyve - further configuration in rc.conf.local

and /etc/rc.conf.local:

root@kg-vm3# more /etc/rc.conf.local
# bhyve - configuration for virtual machines

a bit arbitrarily, but still.

2016-02-20: ada0p2 - ports - installed portupgrade:

Feb 20 18:12:44 kg-vm3 pkg-static: libffi-3.2.1 installed
Feb 20 18:13:06 kg-vm3 pkg-static: libyaml-0.1.6_2 installed
Feb 20 18:13:35 kg-vm3 pkg-static: libedit-3.1.20150325_1 installed
Feb 20 18:31:54 kg-vm3 pkg-static: ruby-2.1.8,1 installed
Feb 20 18:46:49 kg-vm3 pkg-static: db5-5.3.28_3 installed
Feb 20 18:49:43 kg-vm3 pkg-static: ruby21-bdb-0.6.6_4 installed
Feb 20 18:49:44 kg-vm3 pkg-static: portupgrade-2.4.14,2 installed


2016-02-20: ada0p2 - ports - upgrade pkg:

Feb 20 18:11:17 kg-vm3 pkg-static: pkg-1.6.4 installed


2016-02-20: ada0p2 - ports - install bhyve-rc, this install a bunch of dependencies:

Feb 20 17:18:10 kg-vm3 pkg-static: dialog4ports-0.1.5_2 installed
Feb 20 17:18:25 kg-vm3 pkg-static: pkgconf-0.9.12_1 installed
Feb 20 17:19:35 kg-vm3 pkg-static: indexinfo-0.2.4 installed
Feb 20 17:19:38 kg-vm3 pkg-static: m4-1.4.17_1,1 installed
Feb 20 17:21:05 kg-vm3 pkg-static: gettext-runtime-0.19.7 installed
Feb 20 17:28:02 kg-vm3 pkg-static: gettext-tools-0.19.7 installed
Feb 20 17:32:45 kg-vm3 su: tingo to root on /dev/pts/0
Feb 20 17:43:15 kg-vm3 pkg-static: perl5-5.20.3_8 installed
Feb 20 17:43:33 kg-vm3 pkg-static: p5-Locale-gettext-1.06 installed
Feb 20 17:43:54 kg-vm3 pkg-static: gmake-lite-4.1_1 installed
Feb 20 17:43:59 kg-vm3 pkg-static: help2man-1.43.3_1 installed
Feb 20 17:46:41 kg-vm3 pkg-static: gmake-4.1_2 installed
Feb 20 17:46:57 kg-vm3 pkg-static: autoconf-wrapper-20131203 installed
Feb 20 17:46:58 kg-vm3 pkg-static: autoconf-2.69 installed
Feb 20 17:47:09 kg-vm3 pkg-static: automake-wrapper-20131203 installed
Feb 20 17:47:11 kg-vm3 pkg-static: automake-1.15_1 installed
Feb 20 17:47:31 kg-vm3 pkg-static: libtool-2.4.6 installed
Feb 20 17:49:12 kg-vm3 pkg-static: libevent2-2.0.22_1 installed
Feb 20 17:49:47 kg-vm3 pkg-static: tmux-2.1_1 installed
Feb 20 17:58:54 kg-vm3 pkg-static: bhyve-rc-3 installed

here is the pkg-message output:

Installing bhyve-rc-3...
Configuration is done completely though rc.conf.
The rc script won't touch any devices for you (neither disk, nor tap)
so you need to make sure all of those have been initialized properly.

General setup:
kldload vmm

Make it persistent:
echo "" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
cat >> /boot/loader.conf << EOF

Minimal example:
cat >> /etc/rc.conf << EOF
cloned_interfaces="tap0 bridge0"

ifconfig tap0 create
ifconfig bridge0 create

service bhyve start
tmux list-sessions
tmux attach -t bhyve
service bhyve status
service bhyve stop

Multi profile configuration example:
cat >> /etc/rc.conf << EOF
cloned_interfaces="tap0 tap1 bridge0"
bhyve_profiles="virt1 virt2"


ifconfig tap0 create
ifconfig tap1 create
ifconfig bridge0 create

service bhyve start # start all
service bhyve start virt2 # start individual
tmux attach -t bhyve_virt1
tmux attach -t bhyve_virt1
service bhyve stop virt2 # stop individual
service bhyve stop # stop all

(by default ctrl-b d detaches from tmux).

===>  Cleaning for tmux-2.1_1
===>  Cleaning for bhyve-rc-3

good to know.

2016-02-20: ada0p2 - make a distfiles directory on the hard drive, and link it:

root@kg-vm3# mkdir /zs/distfiles
root@kg-vm3# ln -s /zs/distfiles /usr/ports/

Next I fixed /etc/make.conf.

2016-02-20: ada0p2 - get a ports tree on the machine via portsnap fetch; portsnap extract.

2016-01-23: ada0p2 - create my first VM: 512MB RAM, 4 G disk

root@kg-vm3# cd /zs/vms
root@kg-vm3# mkdir vm1

create disk image:

root@kg-vm3# truncate -s 4G guest-vm1.img

whoops, wrong directory, fix:

root@kg-vm3# mv guest-vm1.img ./vm1
root@kg-vm3# cd vm1
root@kg-vm3# l -lh
total 104
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel   512B Jan 23 22:12 ./
drwxr-xr-x  3 root  wheel   512B Jan 23 22:12 ../
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   4.0G Jan 23 22:11 guest-vm1.img



root@kg-vm3# sh /usr/share/examples/bhyve/ -c 2 -m 512M -t tap0 -d ./guest-vm1.img -i -I /home/tingo/dl/bsd/FreeBSD-9.3-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso bvm1

(it boots and shows this)

Welcome to FreeBSD!

Please choose the appropriate terminal type for your system.
Common console types are:
   ansi     Standard ANSI terminal
   vt100    VT100 or compatible terminal
   xterm    xterm terminal emulator (or compatible)
   cons25w  cons25w terminal

Console type [vt100]:

(I press ENTER - whoops, that didn't work out to well, xterm is better)

I installed FreeBSD, rebooted. Now see if I can start the machine:

root@kg-vm3# sh /usr/share/examples/bhyve/ -c 2 -m 512M -t tap0 -d ./guest-vm1.img bvm1

that works, but it hogs the terminal session. Anyway, from my other session I can see this:

root@kg-vm3# pgrep -lf bhyve
1586 bhyve: bvm1
1579 sh /usr/share/examples/bhyve/ -c 2 -m 512M -t tap0 -d ./guest-vm1.img bvm1

and the /dev/vmm directory:

root@kg-vm3# ll /dev/vmm
total 1
dr-xr-xr-x   2 root  wheel   512 Jan 23 22:34 ./
dr-xr-xr-x  21 root  wheel   512 Jan 23 20:49 ../
crw-------   1 root  wheel  0x51 Jan 23 22:34 bvm1


Try to boot the machine with a serial console:

root@kg-vm3# sh /usr/share/examples/bhyve/ -c 2 -m 512M -C /dev/nmdm0A -t tap0 -d ./guest-vm1.img bvm1
Launching virtual machine "bvm1" ...

it works, but it still hogs the terminal session.

and cu still doesn't want to connect a normal user:

tingo@kg-vm3$ cu -l /dev/nmdm0B
/var/spool/lock/LCK..nmdm0B: No such file or directory
Can't open lock file.
all ports busy

as root it works

root@kg-vm3# cu -l /dev/nmdm0B

oh well. Adding myself to the dialer group gets me a step further

root@kg-vm3# pw groupshow dialer
root@kg-vm3# pw groupmod dialer -m tingo
root@kg-vm3# pw groupshow dialer


tingo@kg-vm3$ cu -l /dev/nmdm0B
/dev/nmdm0B: Permission denied
link down

permissions (or owner / group) isn't correct for the nmdm devices:

root@kg-vm3# ll /dev/nmdm*
crw-------  1 root  wheel  0x51 Jan 23 23:17 /dev/nmdm0A
crw-------  1 root  wheel  0x58 Jan 23 23:17 /dev/nmdm0B


root@kg-vm3# chmod g+w /dev/nmdm*
root@kg-vm3# chmod g+r /dev/nmdm*
root@kg-vm3# ll /dev/nmdm*
crw-rw----  1 root  wheel  0x51 Jan 23 23:17 /dev/nmdm0A
crw-rw----  1 root  wheel  0x58 Jan 23 23:17 /dev/nmdm0B

now it works:

tingo@kg-vm3$ cu -l /dev/nmdm0B
can't open log file /var/log/aculog.


Hint: if you change the ssh escape character before you log into the vm host, you won't have cu escape close your ssh connection. Example: tingo@kg-core1$ ssh -e ^ vm3 now terminate session is '^.' instead of '~.'

VM stats:

root@kg-vm3# bhyvectl --get-stats --vm=bvm1
vcpu0 stats:
number of times %cr access was intercepted    2
number of times rdmsr was intercepted       3
number of times wrmsr was intercepted       1
number of monitor trap exits                0
number of times pause was intercepted       467216
vm exits due to interrupt window opening    4277
vm exits due to nmi window opening          0
number of times in/out was intercepted      465190
number of times cpuid was intercepted       16
vm exits due to nested page fault           27479
vm exits for instruction emulation          2534312
number of vm exits for unknown reason       0
number of times astpending at exit          8621
number of times idle requested at exit      0
number of vm exits handled in userspace     3662784
number of times rendezvous pending at exit    0
number of vm exits due to exceptions        0
number of ticks vcpu was idle               3586618
number of NMIs delivered to vcpu            0
number of ExtINTs delivered to vcpu         0
EOI without any in-service interrupt        0
error interrupts generated by vlapic        0
timer interrupts generated by vlapic        146399
corrected machine check interrupts generated by vlapic    0
lvts triggered[0]                           0
lvts triggered[1]                           0
lvts triggered[2]                           0
lvts triggered[3]                           0
lvts triggered[4]                           0
lvts triggered[5]                           0
lvts triggered[6]                           0
ipis sent to vcpu[0]                        0
ipis sent to vcpu[1]                        19481
ipis sent to vcpu[2]                        0
ipis sent to vcpu[3]                        0
ipis sent to vcpu[4]                        0
ipis sent to vcpu[5]                        0
ipis sent to vcpu[6]                        0
ipis sent to vcpu[7]                        0
ipis sent to vcpu[8]                        0
ipis sent to vcpu[9]                        0
ipis sent to vcpu[10]                       0
ipis sent to vcpu[11]                       0
ipis sent to vcpu[12]                       0
ipis sent to vcpu[13]                       0
ipis sent to vcpu[14]                       0
ipis sent to vcpu[15]                       0
Resident memory                             26681344
Wired memory                                0
vcpu total runtime                          38979187884
Number of vpid invalidations saved          1177
Number of vpid invalidations done           46266
vcpu migration across host cpus             47443
total number of vm exits                    3700973
vm exits due to external interrupt          33890
number of times hlt was intercepted         168587

very cool.

2016-01-23: ada0p2 - set up a filesystem on the external drive (da0), to store files, vm images etc. How does it look?

root@kg-vm3# gpart show -p da0
=>        63  3907029104    da0  MBR  (1.8T)
          63        1985         - free -  (993K)
        2048  3907027119  da0s1  ntfs  [active]  (1.8T)

NTFS is no good. Remove that partition and destroy:

root@kg-vm3# gpart delete -i 1 da0
da0s1 deleted
root@kg-vm3# gpart destroy da0
da0 destroyed
create a GPT scheme and add a freebsd-ufs partition:
root@kg-vm3# gpart create -s GPT da0
da0 created
root@kg-vm3# gpart add -t freebsd-ufs da0
da0p1 added

now it looks like this:

root@kg-vm3# gpart show -p da0
=>        34  3907029100    da0  GPT  (1.8T)
          34           6         - free -  (3.0K)
          40  3907029088  da0p1  freebsd-ufs  (1.8T)
  3907029128           6         - free -  (3.0K)

add a filesystem:

root@kg-vm3# newfs -Uj /dev/da0p1
/dev/da0p1: 1907729.0MB (3907029088 sectors) block size 32768, fragment size 4096
    using 3048 cylinder groups of 626.09MB, 20035 blks, 80256 inodes.
    with soft updates
super-block backups (for fsck_ffs -b #) at:
 192, 1282432, 2564672, 3846912, 5129152, 6411392, 7693632, 8975872, 10258112, 11540352, 12822592, 14104832,
 15387072, 16669312, 17951552, 19233792, 20516032, 21798272, 23080512, 24362752, 25644992, 26927232, 28209472,
 29491712, 30773952, 32056192, 33338432, 34620672, 35902912, 37185152, 38467392, 39749632, 41031872, 42314112,
 43596352, 44878592, 46160832, 47443072, 48725312, 50007552, 51289792, 52572032, 53854272, 55136512, 56418752,
 57700992, 58983232, 60265472, 61547712, 62829952, 64112192, 65394432, 66676672, 67958912, 69241152, 70523392,
 71805632, 73087872, 74370112, 75652352, 76934592, 78216832, 79499072, 80781312, 82063552, 83345792, 84628032,
 85910272, 87192512, 88474752, 89756992, 91039232, 92321472, 93603712, 94885952, 96168192, 97450432, 98732672,
 3894163072, 3895445312, 3896727552, 3898009792, 3899292032, 3900574272, 3901856512, 3903138752, 3904420992,
 3905703232, 3906985472
Using inode 4 in cg 0 for 33554432 byte journal
newfs: soft updates journaling set

create a mountpoint:

root@kg-vm3# mkdir /zs

mount it:

root@kg-vm3# mount /dev/da0p1 /zs

I also added an entry to /etc/fstab. Complete fstab:

root@kg-vm3# more /etc/fstab
# Device        Mountpoint      FStype  Options Dump    Pass#
/dev/ada0p2     /               ufs     rw      1       1
/dev/ada0p3     none            swap    sw      0       0
/dev/da0p1      /zs             ufs     rw      2       2

ok. Create a few directories in the new filesystem. One for a normal user:

root@kg-vm3# mkdir /zs/tingo
root@kg-vm3# chown tingo /zs/tingo

ok. As my user:

tingo@kg-vm3$ mkdir /zs/tingo/dl
tingo@kg-vm3$ ln -s /zs/tingo/dl
tingo@kg-vm3$ mkdir dl/bsd

then I have a place to store install images. Create a directory to store vms:

root@kg-vm3# mkdir /zs/vms


2016-01-23: ada0p2 - I insert the external usb drive again, and verify that it is connected with usb 3.0 speed:

root@kg-vm3# usbconfig -d ugen0.3
ugen0.3: <BUP Slim BK Seagate> at usbus0, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=SUPER (5.0Gbps) pwr=ON (36mA)


2016-01-23: ada0p2 - booting up the machine without a display connected (I moved the machine to another location) I get these in /var/log/messages:

Jan 23 19:49:49 kg-vm3 getty[893]: open /dev/ttyv2: No such file or directory
Jan 23 19:49:49 kg-vm3 getty[892]: open /dev/ttyv1: No such file or directory
Jan 23 19:49:49 kg-vm3 getty[895]: open /dev/ttyv4: No such file or directory
Jan 23 19:49:49 kg-vm3 getty[891]: open /dev/ttyv0: No such file or directory
Jan 23 19:49:49 kg-vm3 getty[894]: open /dev/ttyv3: No such file or directory
Jan 23 19:49:49 kg-vm3 getty[897]: open /dev/ttyv6: No such file or directory
Jan 23 19:49:49 kg-vm3 getty[896]: open /dev/ttyv5: No such file or directory
Jan 23 19:49:49 kg-vm3 getty[898]: open /dev/ttyv7: No such file or directory


root@kg-vm3# ls -l /dev/tty*
ls: /dev/tty*: No such file or directory

I'm not sure why, because the console is detected:

Jan 23 19:49:48 kg-vm3 kernel: vgapci0: <VGA-compatible display> port 0xf000-0xf03f mem 0x90000000-0x90ffffff,0x80000000-0x8fffffff irq 16 at device 2.0 on pci0
Jan 23 19:49:48 kg-vm3 kernel: vgapci0: Boot video device


root@kg-vm3# pciconf -lv | grep -B 3 VGA
vgapci0@pci0:0:2:0:    class=0x030000 card=0x22b11849 chip=0x22b18086 rev=0x21 hdr=0x00
    vendor     = 'Intel Corporation'
    class      = display
    subclass   = VGA

hmm, well, the machine is going to be headless anyway.

2016-01-22: ada0p2 - connecting a usb 3.0 external hard drive gives this in /var/log/messages:

Jan 22 15:49:33 kg-vm3 kernel: ugen0.2: <Seagate> at usbus0
Jan 22 15:49:33 kg-vm3 kernel: umass0: <Seagate BUP Slim BK, class 0/0, rev 3.00/1.00, addr 4> on usbus0
Jan 22 15:49:33 kg-vm3 kernel: umass0:  SCSI over Bulk-Only; quirks = 0xc101
Jan 22 15:49:33 kg-vm3 kernel: umass0:2:0:-1: Attached to scbus2
Jan 22 15:49:33 kg-vm3 kernel: da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 scbus2 target 0 lun 0
Jan 22 15:49:33 kg-vm3 kernel: da0: <Seagate BUP Slim BK 0304> Fixed Direct Access SPC-4 SCSI device
Jan 22 15:49:33 kg-vm3 kernel: da0: Serial Number NA7QYJ0W
Jan 22 15:49:33 kg-vm3 kernel: da0: 400.000MB/s transfers
Jan 22 15:49:33 kg-vm3 kernel: da0: 1907729MB (3907029167 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 243201C)
Jan 22 15:49:33 kg-vm3 kernel: da0: quirks=0x2<NO_6_BYTE>

and usbconfig says:

root@kg-vm3# usbconfig
ugen0.1: <XHCI root HUB 0x8086> at usbus0, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=SUPER (5.0Gbps) pwr=SAVE (0mA)
ugen0.4: <Bluetooth Radio Realtek> at usbus0, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=FULL (12Mbps) pwr=ON (500mA)
ugen0.2: <BUP Slim BK Seagate> at usbus0, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=SUPER (5.0Gbps) pwr=ON (36mA)

device description:

root@kg-vm3# usbconfig -d ugen0.2 dump_device_desc
ugen0.2: <BUP Slim BK Seagate> at usbus0, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=SUPER (5.0Gbps) pwr=ON (36mA)

  bLength = 0x0012
  bDescriptorType = 0x0001
  bcdUSB = 0x0300
  bDeviceClass = 0x0000  <Probed by interface class>
  bDeviceSubClass = 0x0000
  bDeviceProtocol = 0x0000
  bMaxPacketSize0 = 0x0009
  idVendor = 0x0bc2
  idProduct = 0xab24
  bcdDevice = 0x0100
  iManufacturer = 0x0002  <Seagate>
  iProduct = 0x0003  <BUP Slim BK>
  iSerialNumber = 0x0001  <NA7QYJ0W>
  bNumConfigurations = 0x0001

current config

root@kg-vm3# usbconfig -d ugen0.2 dump_curr_config_desc
ugen0.2: <BUP Slim BK Seagate> at usbus0, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=SUPER (5.0Gbps) pwr=ON (36mA)

 Configuration index 0

    bLength = 0x0009
    bDescriptorType = 0x0002
    wTotalLength = 0x0079
    bNumInterfaces = 0x0001
    bConfigurationValue = 0x0001
    iConfiguration = 0x0000  <no string>
    bmAttributes = 0x0080
    bMaxPower = 0x0012

    Interface 0
      bLength = 0x0009
      bDescriptorType = 0x0004
      bInterfaceNumber = 0x0000
      bAlternateSetting = 0x0000
      bNumEndpoints = 0x0002
      bInterfaceClass = 0x0008  <Mass storage>
      bInterfaceSubClass = 0x0006
      bInterfaceProtocol = 0x0050
      iInterface = 0x0000  <no string>

     Endpoint 0
        bLength = 0x0007
        bDescriptorType = 0x0005
        bEndpointAddress = 0x0081  <IN>
        bmAttributes = 0x0002  <BULK>
        wMaxPacketSize = 0x0400
        bInterval = 0x0000
        bRefresh = 0x0000
        bSynchAddress = 0x0000

      Additional Descriptor

      bLength = 0x06
      bDescriptorType = 0x30
      bDescriptorSubType = 0x0f
       RAW dump:
       0x00 | 0x06, 0x30, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

     Endpoint 1
        bLength = 0x0007
        bDescriptorType = 0x0005
        bEndpointAddress = 0x0002  <OUT>
        bmAttributes = 0x0002  <BULK>
        wMaxPacketSize = 0x0400
        bInterval = 0x0000
        bRefresh = 0x0000
        bSynchAddress = 0x0000

      Additional Descriptor

      bLength = 0x06
      bDescriptorType = 0x30
      bDescriptorSubType = 0x0f
       RAW dump:
       0x00 | 0x06, 0x30, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

    Interface 0 Alt 1
      bLength = 0x0009
      bDescriptorType = 0x0004
      bInterfaceNumber = 0x0000
      bAlternateSetting = 0x0001
      bNumEndpoints = 0x0004
      bInterfaceClass = 0x0008  <Mass storage>
      bInterfaceSubClass = 0x0006
      bInterfaceProtocol = 0x0062
      iInterface = 0x0000  <no string>

     Endpoint 0
        bLength = 0x0007
        bDescriptorType = 0x0005
        bEndpointAddress = 0x0081  <IN>
        bmAttributes = 0x0002  <BULK>
        wMaxPacketSize = 0x0400
        bInterval = 0x0000
        bRefresh = 0x0000
        bSynchAddress = 0x0000

      Additional Descriptor

      bLength = 0x06
      bDescriptorType = 0x30
      bDescriptorSubType = 0x0f
       RAW dump:
       0x00 | 0x06, 0x30, 0x0f, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00

      Additional Descriptor

      bLength = 0x04
      bDescriptorType = 0x24
      bDescriptorSubType = 0x03
       RAW dump:
       0x00 | 0x04, 0x24, 0x03, 0x00

     Endpoint 1
        bLength = 0x0007
        bDescriptorType = 0x0005
        bEndpointAddress = 0x0002  <OUT>
        bmAttributes = 0x0002  <BULK>
        wMaxPacketSize = 0x0400
        bInterval = 0x0000
        bRefresh = 0x0000
        bSynchAddress = 0x0000

      Additional Descriptor

      bLength = 0x06
      bDescriptorType = 0x30
      bDescriptorSubType = 0x0f
       RAW dump:
       0x00 | 0x06, 0x30, 0x0f, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00

      Additional Descriptor

      bLength = 0x04
      bDescriptorType = 0x24
      bDescriptorSubType = 0x04
       RAW dump:
       0x00 | 0x04, 0x24, 0x04, 0x00

     Endpoint 2
        bLength = 0x0007
        bDescriptorType = 0x0005
        bEndpointAddress = 0x0083  <IN>
        bmAttributes = 0x0002  <BULK>
        wMaxPacketSize = 0x0400
        bInterval = 0x0000
        bRefresh = 0x0000
        bSynchAddress = 0x0000

      Additional Descriptor

      bLength = 0x06
      bDescriptorType = 0x30
      bDescriptorSubType = 0x0f
       RAW dump:
       0x00 | 0x06, 0x30, 0x0f, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00

      Additional Descriptor

      bLength = 0x04
      bDescriptorType = 0x24
      bDescriptorSubType = 0x02
       RAW dump:
       0x00 | 0x04, 0x24, 0x02, 0x00

     Endpoint 3
        bLength = 0x0007
        bDescriptorType = 0x0005
        bEndpointAddress = 0x0004  <OUT>
        bmAttributes = 0x0002  <BULK>
        wMaxPacketSize = 0x0400
        bInterval = 0x0000
        bRefresh = 0x0000
        bSynchAddress = 0x0000

      Additional Descriptor

      bLength = 0x06
      bDescriptorType = 0x30
      bDescriptorSubType = 0x00
       RAW dump:
       0x00 | 0x06, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

      Additional Descriptor

      bLength = 0x04
      bDescriptorType = 0x24
      bDescriptorSubType = 0x01
       RAW dump:
       0x00 | 0x04, 0x24, 0x01, 0x00

gpart says:

root@kg-vm3# gpart show -p da0
=>        63  3907029104    da0  MBR  (1.8T)
          63        1985         - free -  (993K)
        2048  3907027119  da0s1  ntfs  [active]  (1.8T)

that's it.

2016-01-17: ada0p2 - a quick reboot later:

root@kg-vm3# date;temp;swapinfo -h;echo " ";df -h;echo " ";uptime
Sun Jan 17 20:58:07 CET 2016
dev.cpu.0.temperature: 43.0C
dev.cpu.1.temperature: 51.0C
Device 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity
/dev/ada0p3 3974068 0B 3.8G 0%

Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/ada0p2 105G 997M 95G 1% /
devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /dev

8:58PM up 4 mins, 1 user, load averages: 0.05, 0.19, 0.10

and gpart says:

root@kg-vm3# gpart show -p
=>       34  234441581    ada0  GPT  (112G)
         34       1024  ada0p1  freebsd-boot  (512K)
       1058  226492416  ada0p2  freebsd-ufs  (108G)
  226493474    7948141  ada0p3  freebsd-swap  (3.8G)


2016-01-17: ada0p2 - use dump / restore to copy stuff: mount

root@kg-vm3# mount /dev/ada1p2 /mnt
root@kg-vm3# cd /mnt

dump and restore

root@kg-vm3# dump -C16 -0aLf - /dev/ada0p2 | restore -rf -
mksnap_ffs: Cannot create snapshot //.snap/dump_snapshot: /: Snapshots are not yet supported when running with journaled soft updates: Operation not supported
dump: Cannot create //.snap/dump_snapshot: No such file or directory

Tape is not a dump tape

ok, try without 'L' then:

root@kg-vm3# dump -C16 -0af - /dev/ada0p2 | restore -rf -
  DUMP: WARNING: should use -L when dumping live read-write filesystems!
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Sun Jan 17 20:39:28 2016
  DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
  DUMP: Dumping /dev/ada0p2 (/) to standard output
  DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  DUMP: Cache 16 MB, blocksize = 65536
  DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  DUMP: estimated 976257 tape blocks.
  DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
  DUMP: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
warning: ./.snap: File exists
./.sujournal: cannot create file: Operation not permitted
  DUMP: DUMP: 975764 tape blocks
  DUMP: finished in 31 seconds, throughput 31476 KBytes/sec

well, did it work? Only one way to find out.

2016-01-17: ada0p2 - configure ada1 and copy everything over: What do we have?

root@kg-vm3# gpart show -p
=>       34  468862061    ada0  GPT  (224G)
         34       1024  ada0p1  freebsd-boot  (512K)
       1058  230686720  ada0p2  freebsd-ufs  (110G)
  230687778    8388608  ada0p3  freebsd-swap  (4.0G)
  239076386  229785709          - free -  (110G)

only ada0. create GPT on ada1:

root@kg-vm3# gpart create -s GPT ada1
ada1 created

now we have

root@kg-vm3# gpart show -p
=>       34  468862061    ada0  GPT  (224G)
         34       1024  ada0p1  freebsd-boot  (512K)
       1058  230686720  ada0p2  freebsd-ufs  (110G)
  230687778    8388608  ada0p3  freebsd-swap  (4.0G)
  239076386  229785709          - free -  (110G)

=>       34  234441581  ada1  GPT  (112G)
         34  234441581        - free -  (112G)

=>       34  234441581  diskid/DISK-CVLI317501Y7120B  GPT  (112G)
         34  234441581                                - free -  (112G)

both ada0 and ada1 good.

add boot partition

root@kg-vm3# gpart add -t freebsd-boot -s 512K ada1
ada1p1 added

add bootcode

root@kg-vm3# gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptboot -i 1 ada1
bootcode written to ada1

ok. add a ufs partition

root@kg-vm3# gpart add -t freebsd-ufs -s 108G ada1
ada1p2 added

add a swap partition

root@kg-vm3# gpart add -t freebsd-swap ada1
ada1p3 added

what does it look like?

root@kg-vm3# gpart show -p ada1
=>       34  234441581    ada1  GPT  (112G)
         34       1024  ada1p1  freebsd-boot  (512K)
       1058  226492416  ada1p2  freebsd-ufs  (108G)
  226493474    7948141  ada1p3  freebsd-swap  (3.8G)

looks ok. Check the filesystem details of ada0p2:

root@kg-vm3# dumpfs -m /dev/ada0p2
# newfs command for /dev/ada0p2 (/dev/ada0p2)
newfs -O 2 -U -a 4 -b 32768 -d 32768 -e 4096 -f 4096 -g 16384 -h 64 -i 8192 -j -k 6408 -m 8 -o time -s 230686720 /dev/ada0p2

create a filesystem on ada1p2:

root@kg-vm3# newfs -U -j /dev/ada1p2
/dev/ada1p2: 110592.0MB (226492416 sectors) block size 32768, fragment size 4096
    using 177 cylinder groups of 626.09MB, 20035 blks, 80256 inodes.
    with soft updates
super-block backups (for fsck_ffs -b #) at:
 192, 1282432, 2564672, 3846912, 5129152, 6411392, 7693632, 8975872, 10258112, 11540352, 12822592, 14104832,
 15387072, 16669312, 17951552, 19233792, 20516032, 21798272, 23080512, 24362752, 25644992, 26927232, 28209472,
 29491712, 30773952, 32056192, 33338432, 34620672, 35902912, 37185152, 38467392, 39749632, 41031872, 42314112,
 43596352, 44878592, 46160832, 47443072, 48725312, 50007552, 51289792, 52572032, 53854272, 55136512, 56418752,
 57700992, 58983232, 60265472, 61547712, 62829952, 64112192, 65394432, 66676672, 67958912, 69241152, 70523392,
 71805632, 73087872, 74370112, 75652352, 76934592, 78216832, 79499072, 80781312, 82063552, 83345792, 84628032,
 85910272, 87192512, 88474752, 89756992, 91039232, 92321472, 93603712, 94885952, 96168192, 97450432, 98732672,
 100014912, 101297152, 102579392, 103861632, 105143872, 106426112, 107708352, 108990592, 110272832, 111555072,
 112837312, 114119552, 115401792, 116684032, 117966272, 119248512, 120530752, 121812992, 123095232, 124377472,
 125659712, 126941952, 128224192, 129506432, 130788672, 132070912, 133353152, 134635392, 135917632, 137199872,
 138482112, 139764352, 141046592, 142328832, 143611072, 144893312, 146175552, 147457792, 148740032, 150022272,
 151304512, 152586752, 153868992, 155151232, 156433472, 157715712, 158997952, 160280192, 161562432, 162844672,
 164126912, 165409152, 166691392, 167973632, 169255872, 170538112, 171820352, 173102592, 174384832, 175667072,
 176949312, 178231552, 179513792, 180796032, 182078272, 183360512, 184642752, 185924992, 187207232, 188489472,
 189771712, 191053952, 192336192, 193618432, 194900672, 196182912, 197465152, 198747392, 200029632, 201311872,
 202594112, 203876352, 205158592, 206440832, 207723072, 209005312, 210287552, 211569792, 212852032, 214134272,
 215416512, 216698752, 217980992, 219263232, 220545472, 221827712, 223109952, 224392192, 225674432
Using inode 4 in cg 0 for 33554432 byte journal
newfs: soft updates journaling set


root@kg-vm3# dumpfs -m /dev/ada1p2
# newfs command for /dev/ada1p2 (/dev/ada1p2)
newfs -O 2 -U -a 4 -b 32768 -d 32768 -e 4096 -f 4096 -g 16384 -h 64 -i 8192 -j -k 6408 -m 8 -o time -s 226492416 /dev/ada1p2


2016-01-17: ada0p2 - when booted with the mSATA SSD installed, I get this in /var/log/messages:

ada1 at ahcich1 bus 0 scbus1 target 0 lun 0
ada1: <INTEL SSDMCEAC120A3 LLGi> ACS-2 ATA SATA 3.x device
ada1: Serial Number CVLI317501Y7120B
ada1: 600.000MB/s transfers (SATA 3.x, UDMA6, PIO 8192bytes)
ada1: Command Queueing enabled
ada1: 114473MB (234441648 512 byte sectors: 16H 63S/T 16383C)
ada1: Previously was known as ad6


2015-11-14: ada0p2 - change to new firewall noted in /var/log/messages:

Nov 14 13:48:26 kg-vm3 kernel: arp: moved from 00:10:4b:e3:38:8b to 80:ee:73:60:61:0c on re0

that's all.

2015-10-15: ada0p2 - configuring the box for bhyve on boot (from the FreeBSD as a Host with bhyve chapter in the FreeBSD Handbook). to /boot/loader.conf I added vmm, nmdm, if_bridge and if_tap. Complete file:

root@kg-vm3# more /boot/loader.conf
to /etc/sysctl.conf I added:

the file was empty before this.

to /etc/rc.conf I added these three lines:

# network configuration for bhyve
cloned_interfaces="bridge0 tap0"
ifconfig_bridge0="addm re0 addm tap0"

the physical interface on this machine is re0.

Do a manual setup as a test:

root@kg-vm3# kldload vmm
root@kg-vm3# ifconfig tap0 create
root@kg-vm3# sysctl 0 -> 1
root@kg-vm3# ifconfig bridge0 create
root@kg-vm3# ifconfig bridge0 addm re0 addm tap0
ifconfig: BRDGADD re0: File exists
root@kg-vm3# ifconfig bridge0 up

How does the network interfaces look?

root@kg-vm3# ifconfig
    ether 60:02:92:b5:cd:2c
    inet netmask 0xffff0000 broadcast
    media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT <full-duplex>)
    status: active
lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 16384
    inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
    inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2
    inet netmask 0xff000000
tap0: flags=8902<BROADCAST,PROMISC,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
    ether 00:bd:27:fd:86:00
    media: Ethernet autoselect
    status: no carrier
bridge0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
    ether 02:50:da:09:e9:00
    nd6 options=9<PERFORMNUD,IFDISABLED>
    id 00:00:00:00:00:00 priority 32768 hellotime 2 fwddelay 15
    maxage 20 holdcnt 6 proto rstp maxaddr 2000 timeout 1200
    root id 00:00:00:00:00:00 priority 32768 ifcost 0 port 0
    member: tap0 flags=143<LEARNING,DISCOVER,AUTOEDGE,AUTOPTP>
            ifmaxaddr 0 port 3 priority 128 path cost 2000000
            ifmaxaddr 0 port 1 priority 128 path cost 20000

like that.

2015-09-19: ada0p2 - test virtualization by loading bhyve's vmm:

root@kg-vm3# kldload vmm

and in /var/log/messages, I get:

Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: pci0: driver added
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: found->  vendor=0x8086, dev=0x2298, revid=0x21
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: domain=0, bus=0, slot=26, func=0
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: class=10-80-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: cmdreg=0x0106, statreg=0x0010, cachelnsz=0 (dwords)
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: intpin=a, irq=21
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: powerspec 3  supports D0 D3  current D0
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: MSI supports 1 message
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: pci0:0:26:0: reprobing on driver added
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: found->  vendor=0x8086, dev=0x2292, revid=0x21
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: domain=0, bus=0, slot=31, func=3
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: class=0c-05-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: cmdreg=0x0003, statreg=0x0290, cachelnsz=0 (dwords)
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: intpin=b, irq=18
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: powerspec 3  supports D0 D3  current D0
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: pci0:0:31:3: reprobing on driver added
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: pci1: driver added
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: found->  vendor=0x10ec, dev=0x8821, revid=0x00
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: domain=0, bus=1, slot=0, func=0
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: class=02-80-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: cmdreg=0x0007, statreg=0x0010, cachelnsz=0 (dwords)
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: lattimer=0x00 (0 ns), mingnt=0x00 (0 ns), maxlat=0x00 (0 ns)
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: intpin=a, irq=16
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: powerspec 3  supports D0 D1 D2 D3  current D0
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: MSI supports 1 message, 64 bit
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: pci0:1:0:0: reprobing on driver added
Sep 19 11:45:32 kg-vm3 kernel: pci2: driver added

interesting. Or not.

root@kg-vm3# kldstat
Id Refs Address            Size     Name
 1   27 0xffffffff80200000 179ddb0  kernel
 2    1 0xffffffff81a11000 2baa     uhid.ko
 3    1 0xffffffff81a14000 358e     ums.ko
 4    1 0xffffffff81a18000 4e84     ng_ubt.ko
 5    5 0xffffffff81a1d000 b9db     netgraph.ko
 6    1 0xffffffff81a29000 93a2     ng_hci.ko
 7    3 0xffffffff81a33000 1077     ng_bluetooth.ko
 8    1 0xffffffff81a35000 c32f     ng_l2cap.ko
 9    1 0xffffffff81a42000 1a6d4    ng_btsocket.ko
10    1 0xffffffff81a5d000 3832     ng_socket.ko
11    1 0xffffffff81a61000 29fd     coretemp.ko
12    1 0xffffffff81a64000 1b1baf   vmm.ko

kldstat shows that the module is loaded at least.

2015-09-19: ada0p2 - checking if the coretemp module works:

root@kg-vm3# kldload coretemp


root@kg-vm3# sysctl dev.cpu
dev.cpu.1.temperature: 63.0C
dev.cpu.1.coretemp.throttle_log: 0
dev.cpu.1.coretemp.tjmax: 90.0C
dev.cpu.1.coretemp.resolution: 1 27
dev.cpu.1.cx_usage: 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% last 5604us
dev.cpu.1.cx_lowest: C1
dev.cpu.1.cx_supported: C1/1/1 C2/2/500 C3/3/5000
dev.cpu.1.%parent: acpi0
dev.cpu.1.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0
dev.cpu.1.%location: handle=\_PR_.CPU1
dev.cpu.1.%driver: cpu
dev.cpu.1.%desc: ACPI CPU
dev.cpu.0.temperature: 56.0C
dev.cpu.0.coretemp.throttle_log: 0
dev.cpu.0.coretemp.tjmax: 90.0C
dev.cpu.0.coretemp.resolution: 1 34
dev.cpu.0.cx_usage: 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% last 396us
dev.cpu.0.cx_lowest: C1
dev.cpu.0.cx_supported: C1/1/1 C2/2/500 C3/3/5000
dev.cpu.0.freq_levels: 1041/2000 1040/2000 960/1800 880/1600 800/1400 720/1200 640/1000 560/800 480/600
dev.cpu.0.freq: 1040
dev.cpu.0.%parent: acpi0
dev.cpu.0.%pnpinfo: _HID=none _UID=0
dev.cpu.0.%location: handle=\_PR_.CPU0
dev.cpu.0.%driver: cpu
dev.cpu.0.%desc: ACPI CPU

looks like it works.

2015-09-19: ada0p2 - FreeBSD 10.2-release installed. dmesg output: normal, verbose.

tingo@kg-vm3$ uname -a
FreeBSD 10.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 10.2-RELEASE #0 r286666: Wed Aug 12 15:26:37 UTC 2015  amd64
tingo@kg-vm3$ freebsd-version

disk layout

tingo@kg-vm3$ df -h
Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ada0p2    107G    915M     97G     1%    /
devfs          1.0K    1.0K      0B   100%    /dev
tingo@kg-vm3$ swapinfo -h
Device          1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity
/dev/ada0p3       4194304       0B     4.0G     0%

partition info

tingo@kg-vm3$ gpart show -p ada0
=>       34  468862061    ada0  GPT  (224G)
         34       1024  ada0p1  freebsd-boot  (512K)
       1058  230686720  ada0p2  freebsd-ufs  (110G)
  230687778    8388608  ada0p3  freebsd-swap  (4.0G)
  239076386  229785709          - free -  (110G)

ok. PCI info

tingo@kg-vm3$ pciconf -lv
hostb0@pci0:0:0:0:    class=0x060000 card=0x22b11849 chip=0x22808086 rev=0x21 hdr=0x00
    vendor     = 'Intel Corporation'
    class      = bridge
    subclass   = HOST-PCI
vgapci0@pci0:0:2:0:    class=0x030000 card=0x22b11849 chip=0x22b18086 rev=0x21 hdr=0x00
    vendor     = 'Intel Corporation'
    class      = display
    subclass   = VGA
ahci0@pci0:0:19:0:    class=0x010601 card=0x22a31849 chip=0x22a38086 rev=0x21 hdr=0x00
    vendor     = 'Intel Corporation'
    class      = mass storage
    subclass   = SATA
xhci0@pci0:0:20:0:    class=0x0c0330 card=0x22b51849 chip=0x22b58086 rev=0x21 hdr=0x00
    vendor     = 'Intel Corporation'
    class      = serial bus
    subclass   = USB
none0@pci0:0:26:0:    class=0x108000 card=0x22981849 chip=0x22988086 rev=0x21 hdr=0x00
    vendor     = 'Intel Corporation'
    class      = encrypt/decrypt
hdac0@pci0:0:27:0:    class=0x040300 card=0x02831849 chip=0x22848086 rev=0x21 hdr=0x00
    vendor     = 'Intel Corporation'
    class      = multimedia
    subclass   = HDA
pcib1@pci0:0:28:0:    class=0x060400 card=0x22c81849 chip=0x22c88086 rev=0x21 hdr=0x01
    vendor     = 'Intel Corporation'
    class      = bridge
    subclass   = PCI-PCI
pcib2@pci0:0:28:1:    class=0x060400 card=0x22ca1849 chip=0x22ca8086 rev=0x21 hdr=0x01
    vendor     = 'Intel Corporation'
    class      = bridge
    subclass   = PCI-PCI
isab0@pci0:0:31:0:    class=0x060100 card=0x229c1849 chip=0x229c8086 rev=0x21 hdr=0x00
    vendor     = 'Intel Corporation'
    class      = bridge
    subclass   = PCI-ISA
none1@pci0:0:31:3:    class=0x0c0500 card=0x22921849 chip=0x22928086 rev=0x21 hdr=0x00
    vendor     = 'Intel Corporation'
    class      = serial bus
    subclass   = SMBus
none2@pci0:1:0:0:    class=0x028000 card=0x882110ec chip=0x882110ec rev=0x00 hdr=0x00
    vendor     = 'Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.'
    class      = network
re0@pci0:2:0:0:    class=0x020000 card=0x81681849 chip=0x816810ec rev=0x11 hdr=0x00
    vendor     = 'Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.'
    device     = 'RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller'
    class      = network
    subclass   = ethernet

usb info

root@kg-vm3:~ # usbconfig
ugen0.1: <XHCI root HUB 0x8086> at usbus0, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=SUPER (5.0Gbps) pwr=SAVE (0mA)
ugen0.2: <HID compliant keyboard Logitech> at usbus0, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=LOW (1.5Mbps) pwr=ON (100mA)
ugen0.3: <Express Mouse Microsoft> at usbus0, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=LOW (1.5Mbps) pwr=ON (100mA)
ugen0.4: <Bluetooth Radio Realtek> at usbus0, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=FULL (12Mbps) pwr=ON (500mA)


2015-09-19: I installed FreeBSD 10.2-release on the ssd (ada0). Norwegian keymap, named the machine, I removed games and ports from additional components, I used Guided diisk setup, selected ada0, Partition, GPT, which gave me a 512kB freebsd-boot, 220GB freebsd-ufs and 3.6 GB freebsd-swap. I changed freebsd-ufs to 110GB and freebsd-swap to 4 GB. After writing partitions, the install started. After extracting everything, it was set a root password, select network interface (re0), IPv4, DHCP, I said no to IPv6, Then it was sshd, ntpd, and users setup. For final modifications, I added a send dhcp-client-identifier line to /etc/dhclient.conf.

2015-09-19: I booted FreeBSD 10.2-release off a usb stick. dmesg output: normal, verbose. I had the machine connected via Ethernet. To get it on the network I did dhclient re0 and that was it. I used kbdmap (menu driven) to get a Norwegian keyboard layout.

2015-09-18: I booted FreeBSD 10.1-release off a usb stick. dmesg output: normal, verbose. I had the machine connected via Ethernet. To get it on the network I did dhclient re0 and that was it. I used kbdmap (menu driven) to get a Norwegian keyboard layout.