Nedis Wi-Fi Smart Plug WIFIP121FWT3

Nedis Wi-Fi Smart Plug WIFIP121FWT3.

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Nedis WIFIP121FWT,

tuya-convert, tuya-cloudcutter, Cloudcutter Lightleak, Cloudcutter Android, bk7231tools, TinyTuya, OpenBeken, LibreTiny, ESPHome port,


2023-09-24: and the device shows up in Home Assistant, as a discovered ESPHome device. Nice! From my FreeBSD workstation, I can ping it too:

tingo@kg-core2:~ $ ping stue-socket1.local
PING stue-socket1.local ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=10.678 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=11.623 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=5.533 ms
--- stue-socket1.local ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 5.533/9.278/11.623/2.676 ms

2023-09-24: try tuya-cloudcutter again

tingo@z30b:~/work/projects/2023/20230923_nedis_wifip121wft3/tuya-cloudcutter$ ./ 
Building cloudcutter docker image
Sending build context to Docker daemon   32.2MB
Step 1/10 : FROM python:3.9.12-slim-buster AS base
 ---> ead817e27369
Step 2/10 : RUN apt-get -qq update && apt-get install -qy --no-install-recommends git hostapd rfkill dnsmasq build-essential libssl-dev iproute2 mosquitto
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 17d8750f30c0
Step 3/10 : FROM base AS python-deps
 ---> 17d8750f30c0
Step 4/10 : RUN pip install --upgrade pipenv
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 4336a3e9e864
Step 5/10 : COPY src/Pipfile /src/
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 85fd2a9ecb31
Step 6/10 : COPY src/Pipfile.lock /src/
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 32bdae6f4f15
Step 7/10 : RUN cd /src && PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=1 pipenv install --deploy
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 3af53440eae1
Step 8/10 : FROM python-deps AS cloudcutter
 ---> 3af53440eae1
Step 9/10 : COPY src /src
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 0a0a1a45978f
Step 10/10 : WORKDIR /src
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 29bb0620a8c0
Successfully built 29bb0620a8c0
Successfully tagged cloudcutter:latest
Successfully built docker image
1) Detach from the cloud and run Tuya firmware locally
2) Flash 3rd Party Firmware
[?] Select your desired operation [1/2]: 2
Loading options, please wait...
[?] How do you want to choose the device?: By firmware version and name
   By manufacturer/device name
 > By firmware version and name
   From device-profiles (i.e. custom profile)

[?] Select the firmware version and name: 1.1.8 - BK7231N / oem_bk7231n_plug
   1.1.7 - BK7231N / CL_DREAM_RGB_STRIP_19KEY_1KEY_5V_BK7231N
   1.1.7 - BK7231N / oem_bk7231n_ceiling_light_ty
   1.1.7 - BK7231N / oem_bk7231n_plug
   1.1.7 - BK7231T / oem_bk7231s_light_pir_ty
   1.1.7 - BK7231T / oem_bk7231s_light_ty
   1.1.71 - BK7231T / bk7231t_common_user_config_ty
 > 1.1.8 - BK7231N / oem_bk7231n_plug
   1.1.8 - BK7231T / oem_bk7231s_rnd_switch
   1.1.80 - BK7231T / bk7231t_common_user_config_ty
   1.1.9 - BK7231N / oem_bk7231n_water_sensor_plus
   1.1.9 - BK7231T / bk7231s_common_iot_config_ty
   1.1.9 - BK7231T / oem_bk7231s_ceiling_light_ty
   1.1.9 - BK7231T / oem_bk7231s_strip_ir_daybetter

Performing safety checks to make sure all required ports are available
Checking UDP port 53... [sudo] password for tingo: 
Checking UDP port 67... Available.
Checking TCP port 80... Available.
Checking TCP port 443... Available.
Checking TCP port 1883... Available.
Checking TCP port 8886... Available.
Safety checks complete.

[?] Select your custom firmware file for BK7231N chip:

Selected Device Slug: easyliv-4-outlet-4-usb-uk-power-strip
Selected Profile: oem-bk7231n-plug-1.1.8-sdk-2.3.1-40.00
Selected Firmware:

Place your device in AP (slow blink) mode.  This can usually be accomplished by either:
Power cycling off/on - 3 times and wait for the device to fast-blink, then repeat 3 more times.  Some devices need 4 or 5 times on each side of the pause
Long press the power/reset button on the device until it starts fast-blinking, then releasing, and then holding the power/reset button again until the device starts slow-blinking.
See for more information.

Scanning for open Tuya SmartLife AP
Found access point name: "SmartLife-BCCE", trying to connect...
Device 'wlp2s0' successfully activated with '16c889e0-e794-4a70-9048-4aecb56c9b50'.
Connected to access point.
Waiting 1 sec to allow device to set itself up...
Running initial exploit toolchain...
Exploit run, saved device config too!
Saved device config in /work/configured-devices/xtjyKJGxvUrT.deviceconfig

Power cycle and place your device in AP (slow blink) mode again.  This can usually be accomplished by either:
Power cycling off/on - 3 times and wait for the device to fast-blink, then repeat 3 more times.  Some devices need 4 or 5 times on each side of the pause
Long press the power/reset button on the device until it starts fast-blinking, then releasing, and then holding the power/reset button again until the device starts slow-blinking.
See for more information.

Scanning for open Tuya SmartLife AP

Found access point name: "SmartLife-BCCE", trying to connect...
Error: Connection activation failed: The Wi-Fi network could not be found.
Found access point name: "A-BCCE", trying to connect...
Error: Connection activation failed: The Wi-Fi network could not be found.
Found access point name: "A-BCCE", trying to connect...
Device 'wlp2s0' successfully activated with '03ba045e-976b-49fe-abc2-25c80d9809e5'.
Connected to access point.
Configured device to connect to 'cloudcutterflash'
Device is connecting to 'cloudcutterflash' access point. Passphrase for the AP is 'abcdabcd' (without ')
Flashing custom firmware...

Wait for up to 10-120 seconds for the device to connect to 'cloudcutterflash'. This script will then show the firmware upgrade requests sent by the device.

Using WLAN adapter: wlp2s0
Configuration file: /dev/stdin
Using interface wlp2s0 with hwaddr e4:f8:9c:50:6f:2c and ssid "cloudcutterflash"
wlp2s0: interface state UNINITIALIZED->ENABLED
wlp2s0: AP-ENABLED 
Using PSK v1 - Received PSK ID version 01
Processing endpoint /v2/url_config
Processing endpoint
Processing endpoint tuya.device.dynamic.config.get
Processing endpoint tuya.device.uuid.pskkey.get
[MQTT Sending] Triggering firmware update message.
Processing endpoint tuya.device.upgrade.get
Processing endpoint tuya.device.upgrade.status.update
Processing endpoint /files/
Firmware update progress: 30%
Firmware update progress: 60%
Processing endpoint
Firmware update progress: 87%
Processing endpoint tuya.device.dynamic.config.get
Firmware update progress: 87%
Processing endpoint tuya.device.dynamic.config.ack
[Firmware Upload] /files/ send complete, request range: bytes=0-514751/514752
Firmware update progress: 98%
Firmware file has been sent and MQTT reported a progress of nearly complete.  Waiting 15 seconds to ensure flashing completes.
Flashing should be complete.  It takes about 15 seconds for the device to reboot and verify the flash was valid.
Please wait about 30 seconds then look for signs of activity from the firmware you supplied (either watch for AP mode or check if it joined your network).
Device MAC address: a8:80:55:0b:bc:ce

2023-09-24: fixee by adding a polkit config file to my machine

tingo@z30b:~$ sudo cat /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.pkla

now nmcli shows

tingo@z30b:~/work/projects/2023/20230923_nedis_wifip121wft3/tuya-cloudcutter$ nmcli general permissions
PERMISSION                                                        VALUE 
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.checkpoint-rollback                yes   
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-connectivity-check  yes   
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-network             yes   
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-statistics          yes   
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-wifi                yes   
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-wimax               yes   
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-wwan                yes                    yes   
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.reload                             yes         yes   
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.settings.modify.hostname           yes   
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.settings.modify.own                yes   
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.settings.modify.system             yes   
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.sleep-wake                         yes   
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.wifi.scan                          yes                    yes   
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.wifi.share.protected               yes   

2023-09-24: trying cloudcutter to flash 3rd party firmware, it looks like the script cannot connect to the ap

Found access point name: "SmartLife-BCCE", trying to connect...
Error: Insufficient privileges.
Found access point name: "SmartLife-BCCE", trying to connect...
Error: Insufficient privileges.
Found access point name: "SmartLife-BCCE", trying to connect...
Error: Insufficient privileges.
Found access point name: "SmartLife-BCCE", trying to connect...
Error: Insufficient privileges.
Found access point name: "SmartLife-BCCE", trying to connect...
Error: Insufficient privileges.
Error, could not connect to SSID.
Failed to connect, please run this script again

nmcli shows

tingo@z30b:~/work/projects/2023/20230923_nedis_wifip121wft3/tuya-cloudcutter$ nmcli general permissions
PERMISSION                                                        VALUE 
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.checkpoint-rollback                auth  
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-connectivity-check  no    
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-network             no    
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-statistics          no    
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-wifi                no    
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-wimax               no    
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.enable-disable-wwan                no                    auth  
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.reload                             auth         auth  
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.settings.modify.hostname           auth  
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.settings.modify.own                auth  
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.settings.modify.system             no    
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.sleep-wake                         no    
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.wifi.scan                          auth                    no    
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.wifi.share.protected               no    

2023-09-24: labels on the device (picture): "nedis", "WIFIP121FWT", "Power input: 240 VAC 50Hz", "Wi-Fi Smart Plug", "Max Power: 16A (max 3680W)", "NL-5215MC 28", "Batch:2301300011","Made in China.".

2023-09-24: testing Cloudcutter-Android and Lightleak. Using a phone with Android 5.1 (Cubot X12) allows the Cloudcutter app to connect to CustomAP (LightleakIdle) and run the process. state Unconfigured - tested profiles:

Lightleak - BK7231N - Type 1 / Addr 1 (XOR)
Lightleak - BK7231N - Type 1 / Addr X (XOR JTAG)
Lightleak - BK7231N - Type 2 / Addr 1 (Standard)
Lightleak - BK7231N - Type 3 / Addr 1 (IP)
Lightleak - BK7231T

all result in "The device doesn't respond to ping requests.". I also tested state running - AP mode..., cloudcutter app finds the device network (SmartLife-BCCE) and connects to it, but then I get "The device doesn't respond to ping reqests.". Tested the same profiles as above..

2023-09-23: using the script from tuya-cloudcutter, I get

(penv) tingo@z30b:~/work/projects/2023/20230923_nedis_wifip121wft3/tuya-cloudcutter/proof-of-concept$ python3 
This script will attempt to help you lower the chances of prying open a device that won't be exploitable
However, it's not 100% foolproof either, there are more devices that are vulnerable which are not based on
the BK7231 chipset. So, please take that into account.
Before continuing, please set your device in AP mode first. This usually takes 6 power cycles off and on with ~1 sec between each.
Is your device now in AP mode? (yes/no) [default: no]: yes
Please connect to the device's AP then hit enter to continue.
Exploit payload sent! If the device has an LED and now seems to be 'frozen', it's likely exploitable.
Leave it be for ~60 seconds, if its WiFi AP stops showing up then it reboots and 'unfreezes' by itself, then it's almost definitely exploitable.

the LED on the device freezes, and the device reboots after ~60 seconds.

2023-09-23: From the device list on OpenBeken, it looks like it has a BK7231, and a CB2S WiFi module. Energy monitoring via a BL0937. Pin connections

Module  controls
TX1 (P11)   BL0937 SEL (pin 8)
P26     BL0937 CF
P24     BL0937 CF1
P8      relay
P6      LED

2023-09-23: started the Tuya app (as guest), added the device (it said that it failed, but the plug is there and I can switch it off and on). Device information says the mac is a8:80:55:0b:bc:ce, which is Tuya. From Device Update, I can see Main Module: V1.1.8, MCU Module: V1.1.8. I Removed the Device and reset it to factory.

2023-09-23: tuya-cloudcutter issue #349 seems to indicate that it uses a bk7231 chipset.

2023-09-23: All these devices seems to be Tuya rebranded / white labeled. No obvious way to open the plug (it might be glued together). Plugging in the device - the light on the button blinks blue, then turns off. Pressing the button for 5 seconds makes the light blink blue quickly. But I can't see any unusual AP. OK, I misread. The first "press button for 5 seconds" puts the device in "EZ Mode" (blinks quickly), then I press the button again for 5 seconds (blinks slowly) and now it is in "AP Mode" and I can see a AP named SmartLife-BCCE.

2023-09-23: I created this page.

2023-09-21: the package arrived, straight into my mailbox.

2023-09-17: From NetOnNet, I ordered a 3 pack Nedis SmartLife Smart Plug 3-pack | Wi-Fi | Strömmätare | 3680 W 1030309 for NOK 249.- (it was on offer).