DomotiGa - home automation
Name: DomotiGa
back to home automation page.
Work log
2021-08-09: I re-created this page on my self-hosted web server.
2014-04-03: DomotiGa is written in Gambas. No port exists, but it may be possible to compile it: compile Gambas on FreeBSD. But it needs a load of packages:
autoconf268 automake111 libtool libffi bzip2 unixODBC mysql55-client postgresql91-client sqlite2 sqlite3 libXtst gtk20 librsvg2 cairo gdk-pixbuf imlib imlib2 curl pcre poppler qt4 qt4-moc sdl sdl_ttf sdl_mixer sdl_image libGL libGLU glew libv4l v4l_compat libxml2 libxslt
wow. I'll see if I have most of them. Getting the source code seems easy:
$ mkdir trunk $ svn checkout
compiling too:
$ ./reconf-all $ ./configure $ make # make install
for a rainy day perhaps.