Cypress PSoC Creator - under Windows

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Asus U35JC - Windows,


2021-01-25: u35jc - PSoC Creator - build updated firmware. On first run it complained about missing cy_boot 5.81, so I had to install that first. Next run ok, I got the "usual" warning:

Warning-1366: Setup time violation found in a path from clock ( CyBUS_CLK ) to clock ( CyBUS_CLK ).

programming the second FluxEngine - ok.

2021-01-25: u35jc - get updated source (via 'git pull') then check

PS C:\download\projects\fluxengine> git log -1
commit d4db131d3c8541fa0d35bac8591e6dea192e8fd6 (HEAD -> master, tag: FluxEngine
-Windows-client-version-544, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Merge: f97b7c7 27c2c90
Author: David Given <>
Date:   Mon Jan 18 11:22:02 2021 +0100

    Merge pull request #217 from davidgiven/writes

    Update sequencer to not lose one tick from every non-zero interval.


2021-01-25: u35jc - clean up with 'git clean -fd', then

PS C:\download\projects\fluxengine> git clean -fd
PS C:\download\projects\fluxengine> git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean


2020-04-05: u35jc - clean up: 'git clean -fd' followed by

PS C:\download\projects\fluxengine> git checkout -- FluxEngine.cydsn/FluxEngine.cyprj
Updated 1 path from the index


PS C:\download\projects\fluxengine> git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean

all good

2020-04-05: u35jc - PSoC Creator - build updated firmware from master, got the same warning as in previous runs:

Warning-1366: Setup time violation found in a path from clock ( CyBUS_CLK ) to clock ( CyBUS_CLK ).

Program the second FluxEngine - ok.

2020-04-05: u35jc - check git:

PS C:\download\projects\fluxengine> git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean

ok, pull to update, then check where we are

PS C:\download\projects\fluxengine> git log --oneline -2
8dbd2a7 (HEAD -> master, tag: FluxEngine-Windows-client-version-382, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Merge pull request #150 from davidgiven/sixbit
c29e131 (origin/sixbit) Convert the IBM format back into a unicorn now I've fixed it.


2020-03-04: u35jc - PSoC Creator - build updated firmware from master, got the same warning as in previous run:

Warning-1366: Setup time violation found in a path from clock ( CyBUS_CLK ) to clock ( CyBUS_CLK ).

Program the second FluxEngine - ok.

2020-03-04: u35jc - clean local git with 'git clean -fd', fix a file with

PS C:\download\projects\fluxengine> git checkout -- FluxEngine.cydsn/FluxEngine.cyprj
Updated 1 path from the index

update via 'git pull', then I'm ready to build the updated firmware.

2020-02-28: bitraf-ws2 (win): PSoC Creator (still on 4.2) - build updated firmware from master, got the warning I'm used to now:

Warning-1366: Setup time violation found in a path from clock ( CyBUS_CLK ) to clock ( CyBUS_CLK ).

Program the FluxEngine that I have at Bitraf - ok.

2020-02-28: bitraf-ws2 (win): the project was clean, I still did a 'git clean -fd', the a pull to update:

PS C:\Users\bitraf\projects\fluxengine> git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
PS C:\Users\bitraf\projects\fluxengine> git pull
remote: Enumerating objects: 545, done.
 create mode 100644 tools/
PS C:\Users\bitraf\projects\fluxengine>


2020-02-04: u35jc - PSoC Creator - build updated firmware from master, got the same warning as in previous run:

Warning-1366: Setup time violation found in a path from clock ( CyBUS_CLK ) to clock ( CyBUS_CLK ).

Program the second FluxEngine - ok.

2020-02-04: u35jc - clean local git with 'git clean -fd', fix a file with

PS C:\download\projects\fluxengine> git checkout -- FluxEngine.cydsn/FluxEngine.cyprj
Updated 1 path from the index

update via 'git pull', then I'm ready to build the updated firmware.

2019-05-03: u35jc - PSoC Creator - build updated firmware from master, got the same warning as in previous run:

Warning-1366: Setup time violation found in a path from clock ( CyBUS_CLK ) to clock ( CyBUS_CLK ).

Program the second FluxEngine - ok.

2019-05-03: u35jc - clean local git with 'git clean -fd', then fix a couple of files,

PS C:\download\projects\fluxengine> git checkout -- FluxEngine.cydsn/FluxEngine.cydwr
Updated 1 path from the index
PS C:\download\projects\fluxengine> git checkout -- FluxEngine.cydsn/FluxEngine.cyprj
Updated 1 path from the index

update via 'git pull'.

2019-04-07: u35jc - PSoC Creator - build updated firmware from master, one warning

Warning-1366: Setup time violation found in a path from clock ( CyBUS_CLK ) to clock ( CyBUS_CLK ).

Program the second FluxEngine - ok.

2019-04-07: u35jc - clean local git with 'git clean -fd', update via 'git pull', then switch to master

2019-04-07: bitraf-ws1-win - switch to latest 'crunch' branch - PSoC Creator - build updated firmware, two warnings

Warning-1366: Setup time violation found in a path from clock ( CyBUS_CLK ) to clock ( CyBUS_CLK ).
'debug' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]

program - ok.

2019-04-07: bitraf-ws1-win - PSoC Creator - build updated firmware from master, one warning

Warning-1366: Setup time violation found in a path from clock ( CyBUS_CLK ) to clock ( CyBUS_CLK ).

programming - ok.

2019-04-07: bitraf-ws1-win - update the source. First 'git clean -fd', then

> git checkout -- FluxEngine.cydsn/FluxEngine.cyprj

then 'git pull'. Aha, 'crunch' is gone, switch to master.

PS C:\Users\bitraf\projects\PSoC\fluxengine> git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 14 commits, and can be fast-forwarded.
  (use "git pull" to update your local branch)

'git pull', check

PS C:\Users\bitraf\projects\PSoC\fluxengine> git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean


2019-03-28: bitraf-ws1-win - PSoC Creator - build updated firmware from 'crunch' branch, I get two warnings

Warning-1366: Setup time violation found in a path from clock ( CyBUS_CLK ) to clock ( CyBUS_CLK ).
'debug' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]

I program the Fluxengine with Debug, Program.

2019-03-29: bitraf-ws1-win - update the source. First 'git clean -fd', then

PS C:\Users\bitraf\projects\PSoC\fluxengine> git checkout -- FluxEngine.cydsn/FluxEngine.cydwr
PS C:\Users\bitraf\projects\PSoC\fluxengine> git checkout -- FluxEngine.cydsn/FluxEngine.cyprj

then 'git pull'.

2019-03-28: bitraf-ws1-win - PSoC Creator - build updated firmware from 'crunch' branch, I get two warnings:

Warning-1366: Setup time violation found in a path from clock ( CyBUS_CLK ) to clock ( CyBUS_CLK ).
'debug' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]

hmm, does updating the components make a difference? LIN_Dynamic can be updated from 4.0 to 5.0. Try that. Then build again. Ok, now I get only one warning:

Warning-1366: Setup time violation found in a path from clock ( CyBUS_CLK ) to clock ( CyBUS_CLK ).

when I plug in the FluxEngine I get

KitProg version Expecting 2.21, but found 2.20. Please use PSoC Programmer GUI to upgrade firmware.

so I start PSoc Programmer and update the firmware on the KitProg. The I select Debug, Program from PSoC Crator, and the FluxEngine is programmed quickly.

2019-03-28: bitraf-ws1-win - update the source. First 'git clean -fd', then

> git checkout -- FluxEngine.cydsn/FluxEngine.cyprj

then 'git pull'.

2019-03-27: bitraf-ws1-win - PSoC Creator - when building firmware from the 'crunch' branmch, I get a warning

Warning-1366: Setup time violation found in a path from clock ( CyBUS_CLK ) to clock ( CyBUS_CLK ).

but the FluxEngine gets programmed, none the less.

2019-03-27: bitraf-ws1-win - testing the (experimental) 'crunch' branch. First I 'git clean -fd', then

> git checkout -- FluxEngine.cydsn/FluxEngine.cyprj

and switch to crunch branch

PS C:\Users\bitraf\projects\PSoC\fluxengine> git status
On branch crunch
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/crunch'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean


2019-03-27: bitraf-ws1-win - PSoC Creator - I build the Fluxengine project, then program it.

2019-03-27: bitraf-ws1-win - I clean with 'git clean -fd', the do a 'git pull' and then

PS > git checkout -- FluxEngine.cydsn/FluxEngine.cyprj

and checkout hd branch via 'git checkout hd'.

2019-03-23: u35jc - PSoC Creator - I build the FluxEngine project, then program it.

2019-03-23: u35jc - clean local git with 'git clean -fd', update via 'git pull', then checkout hd branch via 'git checkout hd'

2019-03-11: u35jc - PSoC Creator - I build the FluxEngine project, then program it.

2019-03-11: u35jc - local git clone - first run 'git clean -f' and 'git clean -fd' (could likely have been done as one command), the do 'git pull' to update from repository).

2019-03-02: u35jc - PSoC Creator - I build the FluxEngine project, then program it. That procedure works. Nice.

2019-03-02: u35jc - I clone the FluxEngine project with the help of git.

2019-03-02: u35jc - PSoC Creator - after upgrading firmware on the KitProg, I could program the target. The only thing it does is blink the user LED (LED1). But at least it works.

2019-03-02: u35jc - PSoC Programmer - I used the tool (Utilities tab) to upgrade the firmware on the KitProg - I had to try twice before the upgrade worked.

2019-03-02: u35jc - PSoC Creator opened blink example, built it, and tried to program it, but got a messages saying that my programmer firmware (2.19) was out of date.

2019-03-02: u35jc - I connected the PSoC 5LP kit to my win7 machine. on KitPRog LED3 lights up green, and LED2 orange, On target, LED1 blinks blue.

LED1 - (blue) user
LED2 - (amber / orange) power - via PCB usb
LED3 - (green) status -

2019-01-06: u35jc - PSoC Creator - I verified that I can open examples and create new projects. Good.

2019-01-06: u35jc - I ran the installer for PSoC Creator 4.2 and selected C:\diverse\utils\Cypress as installation directory. I had to download and install vcredist_x86_2013.exe version 12.0.30501, back to PSoC I selected "typical", and the installation started - it took a while. After the installation, I can start PSoC Creator - it appears to work. So I copied the c:\diverse\utils\Cypress folder to a usb stick (about 1.1 GB).