CZUR Aura Pro

Project name: Aura: Speeds & Simplifies ALL Your Scanning Needs

model: Aura Pro


CZUR Aura support,

local links

mbp13_e11 - MacBook Pro 13 inch Early 2011,

scanner under [Debian], [FreeBSD],

Back to crowdfunding page.


2021-08-14: I re-created this page on my self-hosted web server.

2020-06-28: bug - when doing "facing" scans, sometimes the pages are skewed (de-skewing not working correctly?) after scanning. Luckily, it is easy to see, even on the small preview on the "scan" page. Unfortunately, you have to go back to the image list to delete those images so you can re-scan them. Cumbersome.

2020-06-02: scanning tip - scanning corner-stapled documents - use manual selection, and align each page into the selection box (yes it is cumbersome).

2020-05-26: scanning tips - if the cover is color, but the pages black and white, remember to switch to black and white after scanning the cover.

2020-05-26: Aura software - ok - you can't move images around in the software (yes, really). Instead, you will have to select an image, then Insert (before) or Add (after) and re-scan the page / image in question. Oh well.

2020-04-26: mbp13_e11 - first I'm trying the MacBookPro 13 inch Early 2011, downloading and installing CZUR Aura 2.2.3.

2020-04-26: unpacking and setting up the Aura.

2019-06-03: at 15:57 I got a text message from Posten, informing me that the scanner would be delivered between 17 - 21. At 17:54 the man from Posten arrived, and delivered my package.

2019-05-31: got a letter from Posten, inside was an invoice from FedEx for value added tax. Divided like this: VAT is NOK 196.- handling fee is NOK 96.-, a total of NOK 289.-

2019-04-06: I got a "have you received your perk?" survey, and answered with "no, not yet".

2018-12-23: update - we now have a web site for checking shipping info.

2018-10-10: I contributed USD 149.- for 1 x CZUR Aura - Secret Perk (Not: not battery version) + 1 x Additional Gift: CZUR Bookmark. Estimated delivery is December 2018.