Stack C289 Intelligent Programmer
This is a Gang Programmer for (E)PROM chips. It can can program up to eight chips at once, using a master chip, or data transferred via the serial interface.
- Stack C289 Intelligent Programmer, Hardware issue 1.04, Software issue 3.0
- Serial number: ST 910003
- cpu: RCA 1802 - RCA CDP1802BCE (the chip has a label "tested 25/07/91", "PMA" and "REV 5").
- EPROM: Intel D27513 - 512K EPROM (the label says ST920014, V3.0, AH6B (or A46B), 25/7/91, PMA)
- UART: CDP1854ACEX (label says Serial No: 0148, ST910001)
Stack no longer produces PROM programmers.
2010-07-18: I connected a straight serial cable (25-pin to 9-pin) to the serial interlace, and to a usb-to-serial adapter on my workstation (FreeBSD), and then issued
cu -l /dev/cuaU0 -s9600
(the interface was set for 9600 bps, 8-N-1). After powering up, the programmer prints:
Stack C289 Version 3.0 552 Kbytes RAM being initialised ->
and waits for commands to be input. The programmer undetstands the following commands, according to the manual (abbreviation in CAPS):
BLank - Checks devices in copy sockets are unprogrammed. CAlculate - Transmits difference between 2 addresses. CHecksum - Transmit 4 hex digit checksum for stored data in RAM. COmbine - Combines odd and even byte blocks into single data block. DEvice - Selects device code. DIsplay - Displays data stored in RAM via RS-232 in fixed format. DUmp - Transmits data in RAM via interface in selected format. EDit - Invokes integral data editor. ERase - Blanks locations of the devices (applies to EEPROMS). FIll - Stores hex byte into locations in RAM. FOrmat - Selects data format used for input / output via RS-232. INvert - Stores 1's complent of data in RAM. LOad - Reads data from RS-232 in selected format into RAM. MOve - Copies blocks of data from one area of RAM to another. ORigin - Specifies the address at which internal RAM starts. PRogram - Blank checks devices, programs and verifies them from RAM. REad - Copies data from master or copy sockets to RAM. SPlit - Separates odd and even bytes of data into 2 blocks. VErify - Compares copy devices with RAM. WRite - programs copy devices with data in RAM.
2009-10-17: I got the programmer, along with the manual and an UV eraser. Sadly, the eraser tray is missing.