Moto G7 - 2021 archive

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2021 archive.

2021-12-19: apps - install Mill 4.2.18,

2021-12-10: apps - install JustIN Mobile 2.5.5,

2021-11-21: battery life - battery at 12%, with 12 hours left, charged "4 days ago", I put it on charger.

2021-10-23: battery life - battery at 5%, with 5 hours left, charged "4 days ago" and I put it on charger.

2021-10-16: battery life - battery at 7%, with 6 hours left, charged "3 days ago" when I put it on charger.

2021-10-10: apps - upgrade to Contacts, Messages 9.6.019, Google Chrome 94.0.4606.71, Phone 70.05.401408800,

2021-10-08: apps - installed Untappd 4.0.7,

2021-09-30: battery life - today the battery is at 15%, and was charged "4 days ago", with 15 hours left. That is the longest I have seen on this phone.

2021-09-24: apps - update to Fitbit 3.47, Withings Health Mate 5.6.1,

2021-09-21: battery life - the last few days, battery life has constantly been less than 2 days, with (my) normal usage pattern. I rebooted the phone, hopefully this will improve battery life.

2021-09-21: apps - uninstalled Ring app,

2021-08-19: apps - installed Ring 3.42.0,

2021-07-22: apps - update to Flyr 1.0.1, Standard Notes 3.6.21, Meetup 4.35.15, Google Maps 10.78.1,

2021-07-15: apps - installed Flyr 1.0.0,

2021-07-14: apps - update to Expensify, Standard Notes 3.6.20,

2021-06-22: apps - update to Fitbit 3.43, Withings Health Mate 5.5.2,

2021-06-22: apps - update to AntennaPod 2.2.1, Standard Notes 3.6.13,

2021-06-04: apps - update to Messages 7.9.054 (Pine__RC03.phone_dynamic), Standard Notes 3.6.9,

2021-05-16: apps - update to Fitbit 3.41.2, Withings Health Mate 5.5.0,

2021-05-16: apps - update to AntennaPod 2.2.0, Electrodoc 5.1, Device Health Services 1.20.369229638.release, Google Chrome 90.0.4430.210, Standard Notes 3.6.8, Twilio Authy 24.3.8,

2021-03-21: apps - update to Fitbit 3.39.2, Withings Health Mate 5.4.1, 2021-03-21: apps - update to AntennaPod 2.1.3, Standard Notes 3.6.2,

2021-02-27: apps - update to Fitbit 3.39.1, 2021-02-27: apps - update to Google Maps 10.61.2,

2021-02-18: apps - update to Google Chrome 88.0.4324.181, Libby 4.2.1, 2021-02-18: apps - update to Fitbit 3.37.1, Withings Health Mate 5.3.2,

unknown date: apps - installed Twilio Authy 24.3.7,

2021-02-10: apps - installed Zoom,

2021-01-07: apps - update to Fitbit 3.36.1, Withings Health Mate 5.3.0,