Lenovo ThinkPad T61 - Xubuntu
Hardware info on main page.
Work log
2008-08-04: booted Xubuntu 8.04.1 (i386) from an external hard drive (usb). dmesg output. Output from lsb_release -a:
tingo@tingo-laptop:~$ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 8.04.1 Release: 8.04 Codename: hardy
I always forget that I need to install the openssh-server package to be able to ssh into an Xubuntu machine. Fixed. I also installed the lm-sensors package, mainly so that I can use sensors-detect to find thermal sensors on various machines.
2008-05-09: booted the Xubuntu 8.04 (amd64) liveCD. dmesg output. Other info: lshw, lshw -short, hwinfo, hwinfo --short, lscpi -v, lscpi, lsusb -v, lsusb.