HP EliteBook Folio 9470m - Fedora - 2017-3 archive

back to main Fedora page for this machine.

2017-3 archive.

2017-08-31: sdb6 - F26 - dnf - install python-pelican

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install python-pelican
Last metadata expiration check: 2:01:30 ago on Thu 31 Aug 2017 09:08:24 AM CEST.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                         Arch                                 Version                                        Repository                            Size
 python2-pelican                                 noarch                               3.7.1-1.fc26                                   fedora                               1.5 M
Installing dependencies:
 python-blinker                                  noarch                               1.3-10.fc26                                    fedora                                97 k
 python-chardet                                  noarch                               2.3.0-3.fc26                                   fedora                               232 k
 python-feedparser                               noarch                               5.2.1-1.fc26                                   fedora                               108 k
 python-unidecode                                noarch                               0.04.16-8.fc26                                 fedora                               300 k
 python2-dateutil                                noarch                               1:2.6.0-3.fc26                                 fedora                               248 k
 python2-django                                  noarch                               1.10.7-1.fc26                                  fedora                               4.1 M
 python2-docutils                                noarch                               0.13.1-4.fc26                                  fedora                               1.6 M
 python2-markdown                                noarch                               2.6.8-2.fc26                                   fedora                               208 k
 python2-pygments                                noarch                               2.2.0-7.fc26                                   fedora                               1.9 M

Transaction Summary
Install  10 Packages

Total download size: 10 M
Installed size: 40 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  python2-pelican.noarch 3.7.1-1.fc26         python-blinker.noarch 1.3-10.fc26           python-chardet.noarch 2.3.0-3.fc26       python-feedparser.noarch 5.2.1-1.fc26    
  python-unidecode.noarch 0.04.16-8.fc26      python2-dateutil.noarch 1:2.6.0-3.fc26      python2-django.noarch 1.10.7-1.fc26      python2-docutils.noarch 0.13.1-4.fc26    
  python2-markdown.noarch 2.6.8-2.fc26        python2-pygments.noarch 2.2.0-7.fc26      



2017-08-16: sdb6 - F26 - the machine now runs Fedora 26:

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ cat /etc/fedora-release
Fedora release 26 (Twenty Six)
[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ uname -a
Linux kg-elitebook.kg4.no 4.12.5-300.fc26.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Aug 7 15:27:25 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


2017-08-16: sdb6 - F25 - dnf - start the F26 upgrade

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot

the machine reboots and starts the upgrade.

2017-08-16: sdb6 - F25 - dnf - download F26 upgrade

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=26
RPM Fusion for Fedora 26 - Free - Updates                                                                                                       1.1 MB/s | 164 kB     00:00   
Fedora 26 - x86_64                                                                                                                              5.6 MB/s |  53 MB     00:09   
Fedora 26 - x86_64 - Updates                                                                                                                    4.3 MB/s |  11 MB     00:02   
RPM Fusion for Fedora 26 - Free                                                                                                                 2.9 MB/s | 519 kB     00:00   
Error: package chromium-59.0.3071.104-1.fc26.x86_64 requires chromium-libs-media(x86-64) = 59.0.3071.104-1.fc26, but none of the providers can be installed
(try to add '--allowerasing' to command line to replace conflicting packages)


[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=26 --allowerasing
Transaction Summary
Install      65 Packages
Upgrade    1762 Packages
Remove        6 Packages
Downgrade     5 Packages

Total download size: 1.9 G
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Total                                                                                                                                           5.3 MB/s | 1.9 GB     06:07    
warning: /var/lib/dnf/system-upgrade/libreswan-3.18-1.fc26.x86_64.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 64dab85d: NOKEY
Importing GPG key 0x64DAB85D:
 Userid     : "Fedora 26 Primary (26) <fedora-26-primary@fedoraproject.org>"
 Fingerprint: E641 850B 77DF 4353 78D1 D7E2 812A 6B4B 64DA B85D
 From       : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-26-x86_64
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Key imported successfully
warning: /var/lib/dnf/system-upgrade/opencore-amr-0.1.5-1.fc26.x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 9690e4af: NOKEY
Importing GPG key 0x9690E4AF:
 Userid     : "RPM Fusion free repository for Fedora (26) <rpmfusion-buildsys@lists.rpmfusion.org>"
 Fingerprint: E4EE E113 33C9 3091 8D8E 638D 20C7 C9D6 9690 E4AF
 From       : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-rpmfusion-free-fedora-26
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Key imported successfully
Download complete! Use 'dnf system-upgrade reboot' to start the upgrade.
The downloaded packages were saved in cache until the next successful transaction.
You can remove cached packages by executing 'dnf clean packages'.


2017-08-16: sdb6 - F25 - dnf - prepare for upgrade to Fedora 26.

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade
Last metadata expiration check: 0:38:25 ago on Wed Aug 16 09:29:10 2017.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                                     Arch                             Version                                   Repository                         Size
 dnf-plugin-system-upgrade                                   noarch                           0.7.1-4.fc25                              updates                            48 k
 python3-dnf-plugin-system-upgrade                           noarch                           0.7.1-4.fc25                              updates                            31 k

Transaction Summary
Install  2 Packages

Total download size: 79 k
Installed size: 173 k
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  dnf-plugin-system-upgrade.noarch 0.7.1-4.fc25                                      python3-dnf-plugin-system-upgrade.noarch 0.7.1-4.fc25                                    



2017-08-16: Fedora 26 - I booted Fedora 26 off a liveUSB. It works:

[liveuser@localhost-live Desktop]$ cat /etc/fedora-release
Fedora release 26 (Twenty Six)
[liveuser@localhost-live Desktop]$ uname -a
Linux localhost-live 4.11.8-300.fc26.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Jun 29 20:09:48 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


2017-08-16: sdb6 - F25 - dnf - upgrade

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade
Last metadata expiration check: 0:19:12 ago on Wed Aug 16 09:29:10 2017.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                           Arch                       Version                                          Repository                                  Size
 chromium-libs-media-freeworld                     x86_64                     59.0.3071.104-1.fc25                             rpmfusion-free-updates                     2.2 M
     replacing  chromium-libs-media.x86_64 59.0.3071.104-1.fc25
 libsss_certmap                                    x86_64                     1.15.3-1.fc25                                    updates                                    101 k
 curl                                              x86_64                     7.51.0-9.fc25                                    updates                                    308 k
 dracut                                            x86_64                     046-2.git20170811.fc25                           updates                                    344 k
 dracut-config-rescue                              x86_64                     046-2.git20170811.fc25                           updates                                     45 k
 dracut-live                                       x86_64                     046-2.git20170811.fc25                           updates                                     55 k
 dracut-network                                    x86_64                     046-2.git20170811.fc25                           updates                                     88 k
 firefox                                           x86_64                     55.0-5.fc25                                      updates                                     83 M
 gdk-pixbuf2                                       x86_64                     2.36.8-1.fc25                                    updates                                    459 k
 gdk-pixbuf2-modules                               x86_64                     2.36.8-1.fc25                                    updates                                     91 k
 gdk-pixbuf2-xlib                                  x86_64                     2.36.8-1.fc25                                    updates                                     49 k
 git                                               x86_64                     2.9.5-1.fc25                                     updates                                    1.0 M
 git-core                                          x86_64                     2.9.5-1.fc25                                     updates                                    3.6 M
 git-core-doc                                      x86_64                     2.9.5-1.fc25                                     updates                                    2.3 M
 hplip-common                                      x86_64                     3.17.6-1.fc25                                    updates                                    103 k
 hplip-libs                                        x86_64                     3.17.6-1.fc25                                    updates                                    192 k
 libcurl                                           x86_64                     7.51.0-9.fc25                                    updates                                    268 k
 libipa_hbac                                       x86_64                     1.15.3-1.fc25                                    updates                                     79 k
 libsane-hpaio                                     x86_64                     3.17.6-1.fc25                                    updates                                    120 k
 libsoup                                           x86_64                     2.56.1-1.fc25                                    updates                                    403 k
 libsss_autofs                                     x86_64                     1.15.3-1.fc25                                    updates                                     80 k
 libsss_idmap                                      x86_64                     1.15.3-1.fc25                                    updates                                     83 k
 libsss_nss_idmap                                  x86_64                     1.15.3-1.fc25                                    updates                                     81 k
 libsss_sudo                                       x86_64                     1.15.3-1.fc25                                    updates                                     79 k
 nodejs                                            x86_64                     1:6.11.2-1.fc25                                  updates                                    4.6 M
 npm                                               x86_64                     1:3.10.10-                        updates                                    2.5 M
 open-vm-tools                                     x86_64                     10.1.10-1.fc25                                   updates                                    676 k
 open-vm-tools-desktop                             x86_64                     10.1.10-1.fc25                                   updates                                    162 k
 openjpeg2                                         x86_64                     2.2.0-1.fc25                                     updates                                    142 k
 perl-Git                                          noarch                     2.9.5-1.fc25                                     updates                                     64 k
 potrace                                           x86_64                     1.15-1.fc25                                      updates                                    118 k
 python2-sssdconfig                                noarch                     1.15.3-1.fc25                                    updates                                    105 k
 python3-sssdconfig                                noarch                     1.15.3-1.fc25                                    updates                                    105 k
 sqlite                                            x86_64                     3.14.2-3.fc25                                    updates                                    489 k
 sqlite-libs                                       x86_64                     3.14.2-3.fc25                                    updates                                    454 k
 sssd                                              x86_64                     1.15.3-1.fc25                                    updates                                     71 k
 sssd-ad                                           x86_64                     1.15.3-1.fc25                                    updates                                    178 k
 sssd-client                                       x86_64                     1.15.3-1.fc25                                    updates                                    134 k
 sssd-common                                       x86_64                     1.15.3-1.fc25                                    updates                                    1.2 M
 sssd-common-pac                                   x86_64                     1.15.3-1.fc25                                    updates                                    134 k
 sssd-ipa                                          x86_64                     1.15.3-1.fc25                                    updates                                    272 k
 sssd-krb5                                         x86_64                     1.15.3-1.fc25                                    updates                                    109 k
 sssd-krb5-common                                  x86_64                     1.15.3-1.fc25                                    updates                                    145 k
 sssd-ldap                                         x86_64                     1.15.3-1.fc25                                    updates                                    178 k
 sssd-nfs-idmap                                    x86_64                     1.15.3-1.fc25                                    updates                                     76 k
 sssd-proxy                                        x86_64                     1.15.3-1.fc25                                    updates                                    105 k
 vim-X11                                           x86_64                     2:8.0.885-1.fc25                                 updates                                    1.4 M
 vim-common                                        x86_64                     2:8.0.885-1.fc25                                 updates                                    6.7 M
 vim-filesystem                                    x86_64                     2:8.0.885-1.fc25                                 updates                                     36 k
 vim-minimal                                       x86_64                     2:8.0.885-1.fc25                                 updates                                    525 k
 xscreensaver-base                                 x86_64                     1:5.37-5.fc25                                    updates                                    427 k
 xscreensaver-extras                               x86_64                     1:5.37-5.fc25                                    updates                                    1.8 M
 xscreensaver-extras-base                          x86_64                     1:5.37-5.fc25                                    updates                                    119 k

Transaction Summary
Install   2 Packages
Upgrade  51 Packages

Total download size: 118 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  chromium-libs-media-freeworld.x86_64 59.0.3071.104-1.fc25                                         libsss_certmap.x86_64 1.15.3-1.fc25                                       

  curl.x86_64 7.51.0-9.fc25                             dracut.x86_64 046-2.git20170811.fc25                     dracut-config-rescue.x86_64 046-2.git20170811.fc25           
  dracut-live.x86_64 046-2.git20170811.fc25             dracut-network.x86_64 046-2.git20170811.fc25             firefox.x86_64 55.0-5.fc25                                   
  gdk-pixbuf2.x86_64 2.36.8-1.fc25                      gdk-pixbuf2-modules.x86_64 2.36.8-1.fc25                 gdk-pixbuf2-xlib.x86_64 2.36.8-1.fc25                        
  git.x86_64 2.9.5-1.fc25                               git-core.x86_64 2.9.5-1.fc25                             git-core-doc.x86_64 2.9.5-1.fc25                             
  hplip-common.x86_64 3.17.6-1.fc25                     hplip-libs.x86_64 3.17.6-1.fc25                          libcurl.x86_64 7.51.0-9.fc25                                 
  libipa_hbac.x86_64 1.15.3-1.fc25                      libsane-hpaio.x86_64 3.17.6-1.fc25                       libsoup.x86_64 2.56.1-1.fc25                                 
  libsss_autofs.x86_64 1.15.3-1.fc25                    libsss_idmap.x86_64 1.15.3-1.fc25                        libsss_nss_idmap.x86_64 1.15.3-1.fc25                        
  libsss_sudo.x86_64 1.15.3-1.fc25                      nodejs.x86_64 1:6.11.2-1.fc25                            npm.x86_64 1:3.10.10-                         
  open-vm-tools.x86_64 10.1.10-1.fc25                   open-vm-tools-desktop.x86_64 10.1.10-1.fc25              openjpeg2.x86_64 2.2.0-1.fc25                                
  perl-Git.noarch 2.9.5-1.fc25                          potrace.x86_64 1.15-1.fc25                               python2-sssdconfig.noarch 1.15.3-1.fc25                      
  python3-sssdconfig.noarch 1.15.3-1.fc25               sqlite.x86_64 3.14.2-3.fc25                              sqlite-libs.x86_64 3.14.2-3.fc25                             
  sssd.x86_64 1.15.3-1.fc25                             sssd-ad.x86_64 1.15.3-1.fc25                             sssd-client.x86_64 1.15.3-1.fc25                             
  sssd-common.x86_64 1.15.3-1.fc25                      sssd-common-pac.x86_64 1.15.3-1.fc25                     sssd-ipa.x86_64 1.15.3-1.fc25                                
  sssd-krb5.x86_64 1.15.3-1.fc25                        sssd-krb5-common.x86_64 1.15.3-1.fc25                    sssd-ldap.x86_64 1.15.3-1.fc25                               
  sssd-nfs-idmap.x86_64 1.15.3-1.fc25                   sssd-proxy.x86_64 1.15.3-1.fc25                          vim-X11.x86_64 2:8.0.885-1.fc25                              
  vim-common.x86_64 2:8.0.885-1.fc25                    vim-filesystem.x86_64 2:8.0.885-1.fc25                   vim-minimal.x86_64 2:8.0.885-1.fc25                          
  xscreensaver-base.x86_64 1:5.37-5.fc25                xscreensaver-extras.x86_64 1:5.37-5.fc25                 xscreensaver-extras-base.x86_64 1:5.37-5.fc25                



2017-08-15: sdb6 - F25 - dnf - install x264, vlc

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install x264 vlc
Last metadata expiration check: 0:02:35 ago on Tue Aug 15 11:23:37 2017.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                 Arch                         Version                                                Repository                                    Size
 SDL_image                               x86_64                       1.2.12-14.fc24                                         fedora                                        46 k
 faad2-libs                              x86_64                       1:2.7-8.fc25                                           rpmfusion-free                               153 k
 ffmpeg-libs                             x86_64                       3.1.9-1.fc25                                           rpmfusion-free-updates                       6.0 M
 fluidsynth-libs                         x86_64                       1.1.6-7.fc24                                           fedora                                       232 k
 freeglut                                x86_64                       3.0.0-3.fc24                                           fedora                                       186 k
 ftgl                                    x86_64                       2.1.3-0.14.rc5.fc24                                    fedora                                       111 k
 game-music-emu                          x86_64                       0.6.1-1.fc25                                           updates                                      156 k
 kde-filesystem                          x86_64                       4-54.fc25                                              fedora                                        51 k
 lame-libs                               x86_64                       3.99.5-8.fc25                                          updates                                      346 k
 lash                                    x86_64                       0.5.4-25.fc25                                          fedora                                       158 k
 liba52                                  x86_64                       0.7.4-28.fc25                                          updates                                       44 k
 libcaca                                 x86_64                       0.99-0.29.beta19.fc25                                  fedora                                       221 k
 libchromaprint                          x86_64                       1.2-4.fc24                                             fedora                                        52 k
 libdca                                  x86_64                       0.0.5-9.fc25                                           rpmfusion-free                               105 k
 libdvbpsi                               x86_64                       1.3.0-3.fc25                                           fedora                                       100 k
 libebml                                 x86_64                       1.3.4-1.fc25                                           fedora                                        77 k
 libmad                                  x86_64                       0.15.1b-20.fc25                                        updates                                       80 k
 libmatroska                             x86_64                       1.4.5-1.fc25                                           fedora                                       154 k
 libmfx                                  x86_64                       1.21-1.fc25                                            updates                                       33 k
 libmpeg2                                x86_64                       0.5.1-11.fc25                                          rpmfusion-free                                72 k
 libprojectM                             x86_64                       2.1.0-2.fc25                                           fedora                                       479 k
 libtiger                                x86_64                       0.3.4-11.fc24                                          fedora                                        41 k
 libupnp                                 x86_64                       1.6.21-1.fc25                                          updates                                      105 k
 libva                                   x86_64                       1.7.3-3.fc25                                           updates                                       89 k
 libvncserver                            x86_64                       0.9.11-2.fc25.1                                        updates                                      264 k
 lirc-libs                               x86_64                       0.9.4c-8.fc25                                          updates                                      120 k
 live555                                 x86_64                       2016.10.21-1.fc25                                      rpmfusion-free                               360 k
 lzo-minilzo                             x86_64                       2.08-8.fc24                                            fedora                                        27 k
 mpg123-libs                             x86_64                       1.23.8-4.fc25                                          updates                                      202 k
 ocl-icd                                 x86_64                       2.2.11-1.fc25                                          updates                                       46 k
 protobuf-lite                           x86_64                       2.6.1-5.fc25                                           fedora                                        67 k
 qt5-qtdeclarative                       x86_64                       5.7.1-8.fc25                                           updates                                      3.0 M
 qt5-qtwayland                           x86_64                       5.7.1-2.fc25                                           updates                                      683 k
 qt5-qtx11extras                         x86_64                       5.7.1-2.fc25                                           updates                                       30 k
 qt5-qtxmlpatterns                       x86_64                       5.7.1-4.fc25                                           updates                                      1.1 M
 twolame-libs                            x86_64                       0.3.13-5.fc25                                          rpmfusion-free                                54 k
 vlc                                     x86_64                       3.0.0-0.33.git20170717.fc25                            rpmfusion-free-updates                       1.9 M
 vlc-core                                x86_64                       3.0.0-0.33.git20170717.fc25                            rpmfusion-free-updates                       7.8 M
 x264                                    x86_64                       0.148-13.20160924git86b7198.fc25                       rpmfusion-free                               1.0 M
 x264-libs                               x86_64                       0.148-13.20160924git86b7198.fc25                       rpmfusion-free                               574 k
 x265-libs                               x86_64                       1.9-4.fc25                                             rpmfusion-free-updates                       1.5 M
 xvidcore                                x86_64                       1.3.4-2.fc24                                           rpmfusion-free                               262 k

Transaction Summary
Install  42 Packages

Total download size: 28 M
Installed size: 102 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
warning: /var/cache/dnf/rpmfusion-free-3b0384c58ed34d8e/packages/x264-0.148-13.20160924git86b7198.fc25.x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 6806a9cb: NOKEY
Importing GPG key 0x6806A9CB:
 Userid     : "RPM Fusion free repository for Fedora (25) <rpmfusion-buildsys@lists.rpmfusion.org>"
 Fingerprint: 286F 52F7 E9D4 7B46 3EAD D8AB A1E5 4A0F 6806 A9CB
 From       : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-rpmfusion-free-fedora-25
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Key imported successfully
  SDL_image.x86_64 1.2.12-14.fc24                               faad2-libs.x86_64 1:2.7-8.fc25                          ffmpeg-libs.x86_64 3.1.9-1.fc25                        
  fluidsynth-libs.x86_64 1.1.6-7.fc24                           freeglut.x86_64 3.0.0-3.fc24                            ftgl.x86_64 2.1.3-0.14.rc5.fc24                        
  game-music-emu.x86_64 0.6.1-1.fc25                            kde-filesystem.x86_64 4-54.fc25                         lame-libs.x86_64 3.99.5-8.fc25                         
  lash.x86_64 0.5.4-25.fc25                                     liba52.x86_64 0.7.4-28.fc25                             libcaca.x86_64 0.99-0.29.beta19.fc25                   
  libchromaprint.x86_64 1.2-4.fc24                              libdca.x86_64 0.0.5-9.fc25                              libdvbpsi.x86_64 1.3.0-3.fc25                          
  libebml.x86_64 1.3.4-1.fc25                                   libmad.x86_64 0.15.1b-20.fc25                           libmatroska.x86_64 1.4.5-1.fc25                        
  libmfx.x86_64 1.21-1.fc25                                     libmpeg2.x86_64 0.5.1-11.fc25                           libprojectM.x86_64 2.1.0-2.fc25                        
  libtiger.x86_64 0.3.4-11.fc24                                 libupnp.x86_64 1.6.21-1.fc25                            libva.x86_64 1.7.3-3.fc25                              
  libvncserver.x86_64 0.9.11-2.fc25.1                           lirc-libs.x86_64 0.9.4c-8.fc25                          live555.x86_64 2016.10.21-1.fc25                       
  lzo-minilzo.x86_64 2.08-8.fc24                                mpg123-libs.x86_64 1.23.8-4.fc25                        ocl-icd.x86_64 2.2.11-1.fc25                           
  protobuf-lite.x86_64 2.6.1-5.fc25                             qt5-qtdeclarative.x86_64 5.7.1-8.fc25                   qt5-qtwayland.x86_64 5.7.1-2.fc25                      
  qt5-qtx11extras.x86_64 5.7.1-2.fc25                           qt5-qtxmlpatterns.x86_64 5.7.1-4.fc25                   twolame-libs.x86_64 0.3.13-5.fc25                      
  vlc.x86_64 3.0.0-0.33.git20170717.fc25                        vlc-core.x86_64 3.0.0-0.33.git20170717.fc25             x264.x86_64 0.148-13.20160924git86b7198.fc25           
  x264-libs.x86_64 0.148-13.20160924git86b7198.fc25             x265-libs.x86_64 1.9-4.fc25                             xvidcore.x86_64 1.3.4-2.fc24                           



2017-08-15: sdb6 - F25 - install Fusion repository:

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo rpm -ivh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-stable.noarch.rpm
Retrieving http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-stable.noarch.rpm
warning: /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.J9QbQw: Header V4 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 6806a9cb: NOKEY
Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
Updating / installing...
   1:rpmfusion-free-release-25-2      ################################# [100%]


2017-08-15: sdb6 - F25 - dnf - install more gstreamer plugins

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install gstreamer-plugins-good gstreamer-plugins-good-extras gstreamer-plugins-bad-free gstreamer-plugins-bad-free-extras
Last metadata expiration check: 2:09:56 ago on Tue Aug 15 09:08:16 2017.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                                    Arch                            Version                                      Repository                        Size
 dirac-libs                                                 x86_64                          1.0.2-19.fc24                                fedora                           251 k
 fluid-soundfont-common                                     noarch                          3.1-15.fc24                                  fedora                            88 k
 fluid-soundfont-lite-patches                               noarch                          3.1-15.fc24                                  fedora                           137 M
 gstreamer-plugins-bad-free                                 x86_64                          0.10.23-35.fc25                              updates                          1.4 M
 gstreamer-plugins-bad-free-extras                          x86_64                          0.10.23-35.fc25                              updates                          239 k
 gstreamer-plugins-good                                     x86_64                          0.10.31-17.fc25                              updates                          1.6 M
 gstreamer-plugins-good-extras                              x86_64                          0.10.31-17.fc25                              updates                           38 k
 libass                                                     x86_64                          0.13.4-1.fc25                                fedora                            95 k
 libcdaudio                                                 x86_64                          0.99.12p2-23.fc25                            fedora                            52 k
 libdc1394                                                  x86_64                          2.2.2-5.fc24                                 fedora                           122 k
 libkate                                                    x86_64                          0.4.1-8.fc25                                 fedora                            56 k
 libmodplug                                                 x86_64                          1:                             fedora                           170 k
 libofa                                                     x86_64                          0.9.3-28.fc24                                fedora                            66 k
 libtimidity                                                x86_64                          0.1.0-17.fc24                                fedora                            51 k
 schroedinger                                               x86_64                          1.0.11-10.fc24                               fedora                           325 k
 slv2                                                       x86_64                          0.6.6-19.fc24                                fedora                            56 k
 wildmidi-libs                                              x86_64                          0.3.9-1.fc25                                 fedora                            46 k
 zbar                                                       x86_64                          0.10-29.fc25                                 updates                          150 k
 zvbi                                                       x86_64                          0.2.35-1.fc24                                fedora                           414 k

Transaction Summary
Install  19 Packages

Total download size: 142 M
Installed size: 210 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  dirac-libs.x86_64 1.0.2-19.fc24                           fluid-soundfont-common.noarch 3.1-15.fc24                     fluid-soundfont-lite-patches.noarch 3.1-15.fc24    
  gstreamer-plugins-bad-free.x86_64 0.10.23-35.fc25         gstreamer-plugins-bad-free-extras.x86_64 0.10.23-35.fc25      gstreamer-plugins-good.x86_64 0.10.31-17.fc25      
  gstreamer-plugins-good-extras.x86_64 0.10.31-17.fc25      libass.x86_64 0.13.4-1.fc25                                   libcdaudio.x86_64 0.99.12p2-23.fc25                
  libdc1394.x86_64 2.2.2-5.fc24                             libkate.x86_64 0.4.1-8.fc25                                   libmodplug.x86_64 1:                 
  libofa.x86_64 0.9.3-28.fc24                               libtimidity.x86_64 0.1.0-17.fc24                              schroedinger.x86_64 1.0.11-10.fc24                 
  slv2.x86_64 0.6.6-19.fc24                                 wildmidi-libs.x86_64 0.3.9-1.fc25                             zbar.x86_64 0.10-29.fc25                           
  zvbi.x86_64 0.2.35-1.fc24                               



2017-08-10: sdb6 - F25 - dnf - install Gimp

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install gimp
Last metadata expiration check: 0:22:51 ago on Thu Aug 10 13:18:10 2017.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                   Arch                                 Version                                             Repository                             Size
 aalib-libs                                x86_64                               1.4.0-0.29.rc5.fc24                                 fedora                                 70 k
 babl                                      x86_64                               0.1.24-1.fc25                                       updates                               262 k
 dcraw                                     x86_64                               9.27.0-1.fc25                                       fedora                                264 k
 gegl                                      x86_64                               0.2.0-29.fc25                                       fedora                                737 k
 gimp                                      x86_64                               2:2.8.22-2.fc25                                     updates                                15 M
 gimp-libs                                 x86_64                               2:2.8.22-2.fc25                                     updates                               1.4 M
 libopenraw                                x86_64                               0.0.9-18.fc25                                       fedora                                150 k
 libspiro                                  x86_64                               20150131-3.fc24                                     fedora                                 38 k
 suitesparse                               x86_64                               4.4.6-7.fc25                                        fedora                                1.0 M
 tbb                                       x86_64                               2017.7-1.fc25                                       updates                               136 k

Transaction Summary
Install  10 Packages

Total download size: 19 M
Installed size: 77 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  aalib-libs.x86_64 1.4.0-0.29.rc5.fc24   babl.x86_64 0.1.24-1.fc25         dcraw.x86_64 9.27.0-1.fc25        gegl.x86_64 0.2.0-29.fc25         gimp.x86_64 2:2.8.22-2.fc25 
  gimp-libs.x86_64 2:2.8.22-2.fc25        libopenraw.x86_64 0.0.9-18.fc25   libspiro.x86_64 20150131-3.fc24   suitesparse.x86_64 4.4.6-7.fc25   tbb.x86_64 2017.7-1.fc25    



2017-08-10: sdb6 - F25 - dnf - upgrade

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade
Last metadata expiration check: 0:46:01 ago on Thu Aug 10 10:15:45 2017.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                                  Arch                             Version                                      Repository                         Size
 NetworkManager-l2tp                                      x86_64                           1.2.8-1.fc25                                 updates                           125 k
 NetworkManager-l2tp-gnome                                x86_64                           1.2.8-1.fc25                                 updates                            45 k
 apr                                                      x86_64                           1.6.2-1.fc25                                 updates                           118 k
 cmake                                                    x86_64                           3.9.0-8.fc25                                 updates                           7.6 M
 cmake-data                                               noarch                           3.9.0-8.fc25                                 updates                           1.2 M
 cmake-filesystem                                         x86_64                           3.9.0-8.fc25                                 updates                            35 k
 cpp                                                      x86_64                           6.4.1-1.fc25                                 updates                           9.0 M
 dbus                                                     x86_64                           1:1.11.16-1.fc25                             updates                           255 k
 dbus-libs                                                x86_64                           1:1.11.16-1.fc25                             updates                           175 k
 dbus-x11                                                 x86_64                           1:1.11.16-1.fc25                             updates                            53 k
 emacs-filesystem                                         noarch                           1:25.2-3.fc25                                updates                            66 k
 ethtool                                                  x86_64                           2:4.11-1.fc25                                updates                           136 k
 expat                                                    x86_64                           2.2.3-1.fc25                                 updates                            86 k
 expat-devel                                              x86_64                           2.2.3-1.fc25                                 updates                            61 k
 file                                                     x86_64                           5.29-7.fc25                                  updates                            69 k
 file-libs                                                x86_64                           5.29-7.fc25                                  updates                           497 k
 firefox                                                  x86_64                           54.0.1-1.fc25                                updates                            85 M
 gcc                                                      x86_64                           6.4.1-1.fc25                                 updates                            20 M
 gcc-c++                                                  x86_64                           6.4.1-1.fc25                                 updates                            11 M
 gcc-gdb-plugin                                           x86_64                           6.4.1-1.fc25                                 updates                            91 k
 gdisk                                                    x86_64                           1.0.3-2.fc25                                 updates                           225 k
 gdk-pixbuf2                                              x86_64                           2.36.7-2.fc25                                updates                           458 k
 gdk-pixbuf2-modules                                      x86_64                           2.36.7-2.fc25                                updates                            98 k
 gdk-pixbuf2-xlib                                         x86_64                           2.36.7-2.fc25                                updates                            49 k
 geany                                                    x86_64                           1.31-1.fc25                                  updates                           2.5 M
 geany-libgeany                                           x86_64                           1.31-1.fc25                                  updates                           1.0 M
 gnome-online-accounts                                    x86_64                           3.22.6-1.fc25                                updates                           554 k
 hwdata                                                   noarch                           0.303-1.fc25                                 updates                           1.4 M
 ibus                                                     x86_64                           1.5.14-6.fc25                                updates                           416 k
 ibus-gtk2                                                x86_64                           1.5.14-6.fc25                                updates                            51 k
 ibus-gtk3                                                x86_64                           1.5.14-6.fc25                                updates                            51 k
 ibus-libs                                                x86_64                           1.5.14-6.fc25                                updates                           231 k
 ibus-setup                                               noarch                           1.5.14-6.fc25                                updates                            82 k
 ibus-wayland                                             x86_64                           1.5.14-6.fc25                                updates                            47 k
 libepoxy                                                 x86_64                           1.4.3-1.fc25                                 updates                           199 k
 libgcc                                                   x86_64                           6.4.1-1.fc25                                 updates                            95 k
 libgfortran                                              x86_64                           6.4.1-1.fc25                                 updates                           310 k
 libgomp                                                  x86_64                           6.4.1-1.fc25                                 updates                           197 k
 libidn2                                                  x86_64                           2.0.3-1.fc25                                 updates                            97 k
 libquadmath                                              x86_64                           6.4.1-1.fc25                                 updates                           187 k
 libsolv                                                  x86_64                           0.6.28-5.fc25                                updates                           366 k
 libstdc++                                                x86_64                           6.4.1-1.fc25                                 updates                           459 k
 libstdc++-devel                                          x86_64                           6.4.1-1.fc25                                 updates                           1.8 M
 libtool-ltdl                                             x86_64                           2.4.6-14.fc25                                updates                            54 k
 link-grammar                                             x86_64                           5.4.0-1.fc25                                 updates                           2.0 M
 net-snmp-libs                                            x86_64                           1:5.7.3-15.fc25                              updates                           790 k
 open-vm-tools                                            x86_64                           10.1.5-5.fc25                                updates                           673 k
 open-vm-tools-desktop                                    x86_64                           10.1.5-5.fc25                                updates                           161 k
 pcre2                                                    x86_64                           10.23-9.fc25                                 updates                           212 k
 rp-pppoe                                                 x86_64                           3.12-8.fc25                                  updates                           119 k
 subversion                                               x86_64                           1.9.6-2.fc25                                 updates                           1.1 M
 subversion-libs                                          x86_64                           1.9.6-2.fc25                                 updates                           1.5 M
 upower                                                   x86_64                           0.99.5-1.fc25.1                              updates                           161 k
 vim-X11                                                  x86_64                           2:8.0.823-1.fc25                             updates                           1.4 M
 vim-common                                               x86_64                           2:8.0.823-1.fc25                             updates                           6.7 M
 vim-filesystem                                           x86_64                           2:8.0.823-1.fc25                             updates                            35 k
 vim-minimal                                              x86_64                           2:8.0.823-1.fc25                             updates                           525 k
 webkitgtk4                                               x86_64                           2.16.6-1.fc25                                updates                            12 M
 webkitgtk4-jsc                                           x86_64                           2.16.6-1.fc25                                updates                           4.3 M
 webkitgtk4-plugin-process-gtk2                           x86_64                           2.16.6-1.fc25                                updates                           9.3 M
 xfce4-clipman-plugin                                     x86_64                           1.4.2-1.fc25                                 updates                           181 k
 xfce4-terminal                                           x86_64                           0.8.6-2.fc25                                 updates                           611 k

Transaction Summary
Upgrade  62 Packages

Total download size: 188 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  NetworkManager-l2tp.x86_64 1.2.8-1.fc25              NetworkManager-l2tp-gnome.x86_64 1.2.8-1.fc25             apr.x86_64 1.6.2-1.fc25                                       
  cmake.x86_64 3.9.0-8.fc25                            cmake-data.noarch 3.9.0-8.fc25                            cmake-filesystem.x86_64 3.9.0-8.fc25                          
  cpp.x86_64 6.4.1-1.fc25                              dbus.x86_64 1:1.11.16-1.fc25                              dbus-libs.x86_64 1:1.11.16-1.fc25                             
  dbus-x11.x86_64 1:1.11.16-1.fc25                     emacs-filesystem.noarch 1:25.2-3.fc25                     ethtool.x86_64 2:4.11-1.fc25                                  
  expat.x86_64 2.2.3-1.fc25                            expat-devel.x86_64 2.2.3-1.fc25                           file.x86_64 5.29-7.fc25                                       
  file-libs.x86_64 5.29-7.fc25                         firefox.x86_64 54.0.1-1.fc25                              gcc.x86_64 6.4.1-1.fc25                                       
  gcc-c++.x86_64 6.4.1-1.fc25                          gcc-gdb-plugin.x86_64 6.4.1-1.fc25                        gdisk.x86_64 1.0.3-2.fc25                                     
  gdk-pixbuf2.x86_64 2.36.7-2.fc25                     gdk-pixbuf2-modules.x86_64 2.36.7-2.fc25                  gdk-pixbuf2-xlib.x86_64 2.36.7-2.fc25                         
  geany.x86_64 1.31-1.fc25                             geany-libgeany.x86_64 1.31-1.fc25                         gnome-online-accounts.x86_64 3.22.6-1.fc25                    
  hwdata.noarch 0.303-1.fc25                           ibus.x86_64 1.5.14-6.fc25                                 ibus-gtk2.x86_64 1.5.14-6.fc25                                
  ibus-gtk3.x86_64 1.5.14-6.fc25                       ibus-libs.x86_64 1.5.14-6.fc25                            ibus-setup.noarch 1.5.14-6.fc25                               
  ibus-wayland.x86_64 1.5.14-6.fc25                    libepoxy.x86_64 1.4.3-1.fc25                              libgcc.x86_64 6.4.1-1.fc25                                    
  libgfortran.x86_64 6.4.1-1.fc25                      libgomp.x86_64 6.4.1-1.fc25                               libidn2.x86_64 2.0.3-1.fc25                                   
  libquadmath.x86_64 6.4.1-1.fc25                      libsolv.x86_64 0.6.28-5.fc25                              libstdc++.x86_64 6.4.1-1.fc25                                 
  libstdc++-devel.x86_64 6.4.1-1.fc25                  libtool-ltdl.x86_64 2.4.6-14.fc25                         link-grammar.x86_64 5.4.0-1.fc25                              
  net-snmp-libs.x86_64 1:5.7.3-15.fc25                 open-vm-tools.x86_64 10.1.5-5.fc25                        open-vm-tools-desktop.x86_64 10.1.5-5.fc25                    
  pcre2.x86_64 10.23-9.fc25                            rp-pppoe.x86_64 3.12-8.fc25                               subversion.x86_64 1.9.6-2.fc25                                
  subversion-libs.x86_64 1.9.6-2.fc25                  upower.x86_64 0.99.5-1.fc25.1                             vim-X11.x86_64 2:8.0.823-1.fc25                               
  vim-common.x86_64 2:8.0.823-1.fc25                   vim-filesystem.x86_64 2:8.0.823-1.fc25                    vim-minimal.x86_64 2:8.0.823-1.fc25                           
  webkitgtk4.x86_64 2.16.6-1.fc25                      webkitgtk4-jsc.x86_64 2.16.6-1.fc25                       webkitgtk4-plugin-process-gtk2.x86_64 2.16.6-1.fc25           
  xfce4-clipman-plugin.x86_64 1.4.2-1.fc25             xfce4-terminal.x86_64 0.8.6-2.fc25                      



2017-08-08: sdb6 - F25 - dnf - install MAME

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install mame
Last metadata expiration check: 1:59:53 ago on Tue Aug  8 09:32:10 2017.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                   Arch                                   Version                                         Repository                               Size
 SDL2_ttf                                  x86_64                                 2.0.14-2.fc25                                   fedora                                   23 k
 mame                                      x86_64                                 0.187-1.fc25                                    updates                                  47 M
 mame-data                                 noarch                                 0.187-1.fc25                                    updates                                 677 k
 portaudio                                 x86_64                                 19-23.fc24                                      fedora                                   94 k
 portmidi                                  x86_64                                 217-15.fc25                                     fedora                                   30 k
 utf8proc                                  x86_64                                 2.0.2-1.fc25                                    fedora                                   63 k

Transaction Summary
Install  6 Packages

Total download size: 48 M
Installed size: 201 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  SDL2_ttf.x86_64 2.0.14-2.fc25 mame.x86_64 0.187-1.fc25 mame-data.noarch 0.187-1.fc25 portaudio.x86_64 19-23.fc24 portmidi.x86_64 217-15.fc25 utf8proc.x86_64 2.0.2-1.fc25



2017-08-03: sdb6 - F25 - I downloaded Cura 2.6.2 (it's an AppImage) put it in a folder and set it executable:

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ ls -l ~/progs/cura
total 102892
-rwxrw-r--. 1 tingo tingo 105250816 Aug  3 13:56 Cura-2.6.2.AppImage

it runs.

2017-08-03: sdb6 - F25 - dnf - it looks like the newest version of Cura in the package repository is 15.04.4:

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf info cura
Last metadata expiration check: 2:46:01 ago on Thu Aug  3 10:48:10 2017.
Available Packages
Name        : cura
Arch        : noarch
Epoch       : 0
Version     : 15.04.4
Release     : 5.fc25
Size        : 1.5 M
Repo        : updates
Summary     : 3D printer control software
URL         : http://daid.github.com/Cura/
License     : AGPLv3 and CC-BY-SA
Description : Cura is a project which aims to be an single software solution for 3D printing.
            : While it is developed to be used with the Ultimaker 3D printer, it can be used
            : with other RepRap based designs.
            : Cura helps you to setup an Ultimaker, shows your 3D model, allows for scaling /
            : positioning, can slice the model to G-Code, with sane editable configuration
            : settings and send this G-Code to the 3D printer for printing.

it is a bit old.

2017-07-28: sdb6 - F25 - another reboot, and a new kernel is in.

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ uname -a
Linux kg-elitebook.kg4.no 4.11.12-200.fc25.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Jul 21 16:41:43 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


2017-07-28: sdb6 - F25 - dnf - on the first reboot, wireless wasn't working and I found this in /var/log/messages:

Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ------------[ cut here ]------------
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 41 at net/mac80211/util.c:1863 ieee80211_reconfig+0x26b/0x1310 [mac80211]
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: Hardware became unavailable during restart.
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: Modules linked in: rfcomm ip6t_rpfilter ip6t_REJECT nf_reject_ipv6 xt_conntrack ip_set nfnetlink ebtable_broute bridge ebtable_nat ip6table
_raw ip6table_nat nf_conntrack_ipv6 nf_defrag_ipv6 nf_nat_ipv6 ip6table_security ip6table_mangle iptable_raw iptable_nat nf_conntrack_ipv4 nf_defrag_ipv4 nf_nat_ipv4 nf_nat nf_
conntrack libcrc32c iptable_security iptable_mangle ebtable_filter ebtables ip6table_filter ip6_tables cmac bnep sunrpc vfat fat intel_rapl x86_pkg_temp_thermal intel_powerclam
p iTCO_wdt iTCO_vendor_support coretemp mei_wdt kvm_intel kvm hp_wmi sparse_keymap ppdev snd_hda_codec_hdmi irqbypass crct10dif_pclmul crc32_pclmul arc4 ghash_clmulni_intel snd
_hda_codec_idt snd_hda_codec_generic intel_cstate iwldvm intel_uncore snd_hda_intel snd_hda_codec mac80211 intel_rapl_perf snd_hda_core
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: snd_hwdep snd_seq btusb snd_seq_device btrtl btbcm btintel bluetooth i2c_i801 iwlwifi uvcvideo snd_pcm tpm_infineon cfg80211 lpc_ich videob
uf2_vmalloc videobuf2_memops videobuf2_v4l2 videobuf2_core rfkill videodev snd_timer snd shpchp media soundcore pl2303 joydev mei_me mei wmi parport_pc parport hp_accel lis3lv0
2d input_polldev hp_wireless tpm_tis tpm_tis_core tpm 8021q garp stp llc mrp i915 i2c_algo_bit drm_kms_helper crc32c_intel drm serio_raw e1000e sdhci_pci sdhci mmc_core ptp pps
_core video
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: CPU: 0 PID: 41 Comm: kworker/0:1 Not tainted 4.11.12-200.fc25.x86_64 #1
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: Hardware name: Hewlett-Packard HP EliteBook Folio 9470m/18DF, BIOS 68IBD Ver. F.48 01/13/2014
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: Workqueue: events_freezable ieee80211_restart_work [mac80211]
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: Call Trace:
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: dump_stack+0x63/0x86
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: __warn+0xcb/0xf0
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: warn_slowpath_fmt+0x5a/0x80
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ieee80211_reconfig+0x26b/0x1310 [mac80211]
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ? try_to_del_timer_sync+0x53/0x80
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ieee80211_restart_work+0x8e/0xc0 [mac80211]
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: process_one_work+0x197/0x450
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: worker_thread+0x4e/0x4a0
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: kthread+0x109/0x140
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ? process_one_work+0x450/0x450
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ? kthread_park+0x90/0x90
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ret_from_fork+0x25/0x30
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ---[ end trace a847bcf6c2e4f397 ]---
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ------------[ cut here ]------------
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 41 at net/mac80211/driver-ops.h:17 drv_remove_interface+0x102/0x110 [mac80211]
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: wlo1:  Failed check-sdata-in-driver check, flags: 0x0
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: Modules linked in: rfcomm ip6t_rpfilter ip6t_REJECT nf_reject_ipv6 xt_conntrack ip_set nfnetlink ebtable_broute bridge ebtable_nat ip6table
_raw ip6table_nat nf_conntrack_ipv6 nf_defrag_ipv6 nf_nat_ipv6 ip6table_security ip6table_mangle iptable_raw iptable_nat nf_conntrack_ipv4 nf_defrag_ipv4 nf_nat_ipv4 nf_nat nf_
conntrack libcrc32c iptable_security iptable_mangle ebtable_filter ebtables ip6table_filter ip6_tables cmac bnep sunrpc vfat fat intel_rapl x86_pkg_temp_thermal intel_powerclam
p iTCO_wdt iTCO_vendor_support coretemp mei_wdt kvm_intel kvm hp_wmi sparse_keymap ppdev snd_hda_codec_hdmi irqbypass crct10dif_pclmul crc32_pclmul arc4 ghash_clmulni_intel snd_hda_codec_idt snd_hda_codec_generic intel_cstate iwldvm intel_uncore snd_hda_intel snd_hda_codec mac80211 intel_rapl_perf snd_hda_core
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: snd_hwdep snd_seq btusb snd_seq_device btrtl btbcm btintel bluetooth i2c_i801 iwlwifi uvcvideo snd_pcm tpm_infineon cfg80211 lpc_ich videobuf2_vmalloc videobuf2_memops videobuf2_v4l2 videobuf2_core rfkill videodev snd_timer snd shpchp media soundcore pl2303 joydev mei_me mei wmi parport_pc parport hp_accel lis3lv02d input_polldev hp_wireless tpm_tis tpm_tis_core tpm 8021q garp stp llc mrp i915 i2c_algo_bit drm_kms_helper crc32c_intel drm serio_raw e1000e sdhci_pci sdhci mmc_core ptp pps_core video
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: CPU: 0 PID: 41 Comm: kworker/0:1 Tainted: G        W       4.11.12-200.fc25.x86_64 #1
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: Hardware name: Hewlett-Packard HP EliteBook Folio 9470m/18DF, BIOS 68IBD Ver. F.48 01/13/2014
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: Workqueue: events_freezable ieee80211_restart_work [mac80211]
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: Call Trace:
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: dump_stack+0x63/0x86
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: __warn+0xcb/0xf0
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: warn_slowpath_fmt+0x5a/0x80
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: drv_remove_interface+0x102/0x110 [mac80211]
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ieee80211_do_stop+0x573/0x870 [mac80211]
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ? _raw_spin_unlock_bh+0x1a/0x20
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ieee80211_stop+0x1a/0x20 [mac80211]
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: __dev_close_many+0x99/0x100
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: dev_close_many+0x9f/0x160
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: dev_close.part.82+0x6c/0xb0
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: dev_close+0x1a/0x20
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: cfg80211_shutdown_all_interfaces+0x49/0xc0 [cfg80211]
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ieee80211_handle_reconfig_failure+0x98/0xb0 [mac80211]
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ieee80211_reconfig+0xa5/0x1310 [mac80211]
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ? try_to_del_timer_sync+0x53/0x80
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ieee80211_restart_work+0x8e/0xc0 [mac80211]
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: process_one_work+0x197/0x450
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: worker_thread+0x4e/0x4a0
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: kthread+0x109/0x140
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ? process_one_work+0x450/0x450
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ? kthread_park+0x90/0x90
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ret_from_fork+0x25/0x30
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ---[ end trace a847bcf6c2e4f398 ]---
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ------------[ cut here ]------------
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: WARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 41 at net/mac80211/driver-ops.c:39 drv_stop+0xec/0x100 [mac80211]
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: Modules linked in: rfcomm ip6t_rpfilter ip6t_REJECT nf_reject_ipv6 xt_conntrack ip_set nfnetlink ebtable_broute bridge ebtable_nat ip6table_raw ip6table_nat nf_conntrack_ipv6 nf_defrag_ipv6 nf_nat_ipv6 ip6table_security ip6table_mangle iptable_raw iptable_nat nf_conntrack_ipv4 nf_defrag_ipv4 nf_nat_ipv4 nf_nat nf_conntrack libcrc32c iptable_security iptable_mangle ebtable_filter ebtables ip6table_filter ip6_tables cmac bnep sunrpc vfat fat intel_rapl x86_pkg_temp_thermal intel_powerclamp iTCO_wdt iTCO_vendor_support coretemp mei_wdt kvm_intel kvm hp_wmi sparse_keymap ppdev snd_hda_codec_hdmi irqbypass crct10dif_pclmul crc32_pclmul arc4 ghash_clmulni_intel snd_hda_codec_idt snd_hda_codec_generic intel_cstate iwldvm intel_uncore snd_hda_intel snd_hda_codec mac80211 intel_rapl_perf snd_hda_core
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: snd_hwdep snd_seq btusb snd_seq_device btrtl btbcm btintel bluetooth i2c_i801 iwlwifi uvcvideo snd_pcm tpm_infineon cfg80211 lpc_ich videobuf2_vmalloc videobuf2_memops videobuf2_v4l2 videobuf2_core rfkill videodev snd_timer snd shpchp media soundcore pl2303 joydev mei_me mei wmi parport_pc parport hp_accel lis3lv02d input_polldev hp_wireless tpm_tis tpm_tis_core tpm 8021q garp stp llc mrp i915 i2c_algo_bit drm_kms_helper crc32c_intel drm serio_raw e1000e sdhci_pci sdhci mmc_core ptp pps_core video
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: CPU: 0 PID: 41 Comm: kworker/0:1 Tainted: G        W       4.11.12-200.fc25.x86_64 #1
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: Hardware name: Hewlett-Packard HP EliteBook Folio 9470m/18DF, BIOS 68IBD Ver. F.48 01/13/2014
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: Workqueue: events_freezable ieee80211_restart_work [mac80211]
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: Call Trace:
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: dump_stack+0x63/0x86
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: __warn+0xcb/0xf0
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: warn_slowpath_null+0x1d/0x20
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: drv_stop+0xec/0x100 [mac80211]
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ieee80211_stop_device+0x43/0x50 [mac80211]
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ieee80211_do_stop+0x55d/0x870 [mac80211]
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ? _raw_spin_unlock_bh+0x1a/0x20
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ieee80211_stop+0x1a/0x20 [mac80211]
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: __dev_close_many+0x99/0x100
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: dev_close_many+0x9f/0x160
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: dev_close.part.82+0x6c/0xb0
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: dev_close+0x1a/0x20
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: cfg80211_shutdown_all_interfaces+0x49/0xc0 [cfg80211]
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ieee80211_handle_reconfig_failure+0x98/0xb0 [mac80211]
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ieee80211_reconfig+0xa5/0x1310 [mac80211]
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ? try_to_del_timer_sync+0x53/0x80
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ieee80211_restart_work+0x8e/0xc0 [mac80211]
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: process_one_work+0x197/0x450
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: worker_thread+0x4e/0x4a0
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: kthread+0x109/0x140
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ? process_one_work+0x450/0x450
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ? kthread_park+0x90/0x90
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ret_from_fork+0x25/0x30
Jul 28 13:35:40 kg-elitebook kernel: ---[ end trace a847bcf6c2e4f399 ]---


2017-07-28: sdb6 - F25 - dnf - upgrade

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade
Last metadata expiration check: 1:27:28 ago on Fri Jul 28 11:13:51 2017.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                                Arch                           Version                                           Repository                        Size
 cmake-filesystem                                       x86_64                         3.9.0-2.fc25                                      updates                           32 k
 kernel                                                 x86_64                         4.11.12-200.fc25                                  updates                          102 k
 kernel-core                                            x86_64                         4.11.12-200.fc25                                  updates                           21 M
 kernel-devel                                           x86_64                         4.11.12-200.fc25                                  updates                           11 M
 kernel-modules                                         x86_64                         4.11.12-200.fc25                                  updates                           23 M
 kernel-modules-extra                                   x86_64                         4.11.12-200.fc25                                  updates                          2.2 M
 GeoIP-GeoLite-data                                     noarch                         2017.07-1.fc25                                    updates                          496 k
 GraphicsMagick                                         x86_64                         1.3.26-3.fc25                                     updates                          1.4 M
 autocorr-en                                            noarch                         1:                                  updates                          209 k
 bind99-libs                                            x86_64                         9.9.10-2.P3.fc25                                  updates                          675 k
 bind99-license                                         noarch                         9.9.10-2.P3.fc25                                  updates                           13 k
 cmake                                                  x86_64                         3.9.0-2.fc25                                      updates                          7.6 M
 cmake-data                                             noarch                         3.9.0-2.fc25                                      updates                          1.2 M
 copy-jdk-configs                                       noarch                         2.3-1.fc25                                        updates                           23 k
 curl                                                   x86_64                         7.51.0-8.fc25                                     updates                          307 k
 dhcp-client                                            x86_64                         12:4.3.5-3.fc25                                   updates                          306 k
 dhcp-common                                            noarch                         12:4.3.5-3.fc25                                   updates                          198 k
 dhcp-libs                                              x86_64                         12:4.3.5-3.fc25                                   updates                          138 k
 evince                                                 x86_64                         3.22.1-6.fc25                                     updates                          2.5 M
 evince-djvu                                            x86_64                         3.22.1-6.fc25                                     updates                           55 k
 evince-libs                                            x86_64                         3.22.1-6.fc25                                     updates                          363 k
 expat                                                  x86_64                         2.2.1-1.fc25                                      updates                           87 k
 expat-devel                                            x86_64                         2.2.1-1.fc25                                      updates                           69 k
 gdk-pixbuf2                                            x86_64                         2.36.7-1.fc25                                     updates                          458 k
 gdk-pixbuf2-modules                                    x86_64                         2.36.7-1.fc25                                     updates                           98 k
 gdk-pixbuf2-xlib                                       x86_64                         2.36.7-1.fc25                                     updates                           49 k
 gdouros-symbola-fonts                                  noarch                         9.17-1.fc25                                       updates                          2.4 M
 glibc                                                  x86_64                         2.24-9.fc25                                       updates                          3.3 M
 glibc-all-langpacks                                    x86_64                         2.24-9.fc25                                       updates                          7.0 M
 glibc-common                                           x86_64                         2.24-9.fc25                                       updates                          879 k
 glibc-devel                                            x86_64                         2.24-9.fc25                                       updates                          937 k
 glibc-headers                                          x86_64                         2.24-9.fc25                                       updates                          500 k
 glibc-langpack-en                                      x86_64                         2.24-9.fc25                                       updates                          282 k
 gnome-abrt                                             x86_64                         1.2.5-2.fc25                                      updates                          256 k
 gnome-keyring                                          x86_64                         3.20.1-1.fc25                                     updates                          904 k
 gnome-keyring-pam                                      x86_64                         3.20.1-1.fc25                                     updates                           44 k
 gnumeric                                               x86_64                         1:1.12.35-1.fc25                                  updates                           14 M
 gnupg                                                  x86_64                         1.4.22-1.fc25                                     updates                          1.3 M
 gnutls                                                 x86_64                         3.5.14-1.fc25                                     updates                          754 k
 goffice                                                x86_64                         0.10.35-1.fc25                                    updates                          1.9 M
 gtk-update-icon-cache                                  x86_64                         3.22.17-2.fc25                                    updates                           32 k
 gtk3                                                   x86_64                         3.22.17-2.fc25                                    updates                          4.4 M
 hwdata                                                 noarch                         0.302-1.fc25                                      updates                          1.4 M
 java-1.8.0-openjdk                                     x86_64                         1:                            updates                          233 k
 java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless                            x86_64                         1:                            updates                           32 M
 jsoncpp                                                x86_64                         1.8.1-3.fc25                                      updates                           84 k
 kernel-headers                                         x86_64                         4.11.12-200.fc25                                  updates                          1.1 M
 krb5-libs                                              x86_64                         1.14.4-8.fc25                                     updates                          741 k
 libcrypt-nss                                           x86_64                         2.24-9.fc25                                       updates                           44 k
 libcurl                                                x86_64                         7.51.0-8.fc25                                     updates                          267 k
 libdb                                                  x86_64                         5.3.28-24.fc25                                    updates                          750 k
 libdb-utils                                            x86_64                         5.3.28-24.fc25                                    updates                          139 k
 libdrm                                                 x86_64                         2.4.82-1.fc25                                     updates                          157 k
 libdrm-devel                                           x86_64                         2.4.82-1.fc25                                     updates                          133 k
 libmwaw                                                x86_64                         0.3.12-1.fc25                                     updates                          2.5 M
 libproxy                                               x86_64                         0.4.15-2.fc25                                     updates                           67 k
 libreoffice                                            x86_64                         1:                                  updates                           79 k
 libreoffice-base                                       x86_64                         1:                                  updates                          2.6 M
 libreoffice-calc                                       x86_64                         1:                                  updates                          8.7 M
 libreoffice-core                                       x86_64                         1:                                  updates                           70 M
 libreoffice-data                                       noarch                         1:                                  updates                          3.4 M
 libreoffice-draw                                       x86_64                         1:                                  updates                          698 k
 libreoffice-emailmerge                                 x86_64                         1:                                  updates                           93 k
 libreoffice-graphicfilter                              x86_64                         1:                                  updates                          458 k
 libreoffice-gtk2                                       x86_64                         1:                                  updates                          305 k
 libreoffice-gtk3                                       x86_64                         1:                                  updates                          314 k
 libreoffice-impress                                    x86_64                         1:                                  updates                          1.3 M
 libreoffice-langpack-en                                x86_64                         1:                                  updates                           79 k
 libreoffice-langpack-nb                                x86_64                         1:                                  updates                          6.9 M
 libreoffice-math                                       x86_64                         1:                                  updates                          1.0 M
 libreoffice-opensymbol-fonts                           noarch                         1:                                  updates                          251 k
 libreoffice-pdfimport                                  x86_64                         1:                                  updates                          290 k
 libreoffice-pyuno                                      x86_64                         1:                                  updates                          543 k
 libreoffice-ure                                        x86_64                         1:                                  updates                          2.1 M
 libreoffice-ure-common                                 noarch                         1:                                  updates                          517 k
 libreoffice-writer                                     x86_64                         1:                                  updates                          4.2 M
 libreoffice-x11                                        x86_64                         1:                                  updates                          299 k
 librsvg2                                               x86_64                         2.40.18-1.fc25                                    updates                          133 k
 libsmbclient                                           x86_64                         2:4.5.11-0.fc25                                   updates                          125 k
 libsndfile                                             x86_64                         1.0.28-3.fc25                                     updates                          186 k
 libsolv                                                x86_64                         0.6.28-2.fc25                                     updates                          366 k
 libsoup                                                x86_64                         2.56.0-3.fc25                                     updates                          403 k
 libtirpc                                               x86_64                         1.0.2-0.fc25                                      updates                          105 k
 libwbclient                                            x86_64                         2:4.5.11-0.fc25                                   updates                          100 k
 libwps                                                 x86_64                         0.4.7-1.fc25                                      updates                          569 k
 microcode_ctl                                          x86_64                         2:2.1-16.fc25                                     updates                          1.0 M
 minicom                                                x86_64                         2.7.1-1.fc25                                      updates                          275 k
 nano                                                   x86_64                         2.6.1-2.fc25                                      updates                          555 k
 netpbm                                                 x86_64                         10.79.00-1.fc25                                   updates                          201 k
 nodejs                                                 x86_64                         1:6.11.1-1.fc25                                   updates                          4.6 M
 npm                                                    x86_64                         1:3.10.10-                         updates                          2.5 M
 nspr                                                   x86_64                         4.15.0-1.fc25                                     updates                          137 k
 nss                                                    x86_64                         3.31.0-1.1.fc25                                   updates                          862 k
 nss-softokn                                            x86_64                         3.31.0-1.0.fc25                                   updates                          385 k
 nss-softokn-freebl                                     x86_64                         3.31.0-1.0.fc25                                   updates                          224 k
 nss-sysinit                                            x86_64                         3.31.0-1.1.fc25                                   updates                           61 k
 nss-tools                                              x86_64                         3.31.0-1.1.fc25                                   updates                          504 k
 nss-util                                               x86_64                         3.31.0-1.0.fc25                                   updates                           87 k
 openldap                                               x86_64                         2.4.44-11.fc25                                    updates                          352 k
 pango                                                  x86_64                         1.40.7-1.fc25                                     updates                          280 k
 pciutils                                               x86_64                         3.5.5-1.fc25                                      updates                          101 k
 pciutils-libs                                          x86_64                         3.5.5-1.fc25                                      updates                           50 k
 pcre                                                   x86_64                         8.41-1.fc25                                       updates                          199 k
 pcre-utf16                                             x86_64                         8.41-1.fc25                                       updates                          189 k
 perl                                                   x86_64                         4:5.24.2-387.fc25                                 updates                          6.0 M
 perl-Errno                                             x86_64                         1.25-387.fc25                                     updates                           68 k
 perl-IO                                                x86_64                         1.36-387.fc25                                     updates                          133 k
 perl-Scalar-List-Utils                                 x86_64                         3:1.48-1.fc25                                     updates                           65 k
 perl-libs                                              x86_64                         4:5.24.2-387.fc25                                 updates                          1.5 M
 perl-macros                                            x86_64                         4:5.24.2-387.fc25                                 updates                           64 k
 poppler                                                x86_64                         0.45.0-5.fc25                                     updates                          818 k
 poppler-glib                                           x86_64                         0.45.0-5.fc25                                     updates                          142 k
 poppler-utils                                          x86_64                         0.45.0-5.fc25                                     updates                          190 k
 qemu-guest-agent                                       x86_64                         2:2.7.1-7.fc25                                    updates                          201 k
 qt5-qtbase                                             x86_64                         5.7.1-19.fc25                                     updates                          3.0 M
 qt5-qtbase-common                                      noarch                         5.7.1-19.fc25                                     updates                           32 k
 qt5-qtbase-gui                                         x86_64                         5.7.1-19.fc25                                     updates                          5.2 M
 quota                                                  x86_64                         1:4.03-8.fc25                                     updates                          196 k
 quota-nls                                              noarch                         1:4.03-8.fc25                                     updates                           93 k
 samba-client                                           x86_64                         2:4.5.11-0.fc25                                   updates                          550 k
 samba-client-libs                                      x86_64                         2:4.5.11-0.fc25                                   updates                          4.6 M
 samba-common                                           noarch                         2:4.5.11-0.fc25                                   updates                          189 k
 samba-common-libs                                      x86_64                         2:4.5.11-0.fc25                                   updates                          159 k
 screen                                                 x86_64                         4.6.1-1.fc25                                      updates                          575 k
 selinux-policy                                         noarch                         3.13.1-225.19.fc25                                updates                          495 k
 selinux-policy-targeted                                noarch                         3.13.1-225.19.fc25                                updates                          9.3 M
 sqlite                                                 x86_64                         3.14.2-2.fc25                                     updates                          489 k
 sqlite-libs                                            x86_64                         3.14.2-2.fc25                                     updates                          454 k
 tar                                                    x86_64                         2:1.29-4.fc25                                     updates                          814 k
 unzip                                                  x86_64                         6.0-32.fc25                                       updates                          184 k
 upower                                                 x86_64                         0.99.5-1.fc25                                     updates                          161 k
 vim-X11                                                x86_64                         2:8.0.728-1.fc25                                  updates                          1.4 M
 vim-common                                             x86_64                         2:8.0.728-1.fc25                                  updates                          6.6 M
 vim-filesystem                                         x86_64                         2:8.0.728-1.fc25                                  updates                           35 k
 vim-minimal                                            x86_64                         2:8.0.728-1.fc25                                  updates                          523 k
 webkitgtk4                                             x86_64                         2.16.5-1.fc25                                     updates                           12 M
 webkitgtk4-jsc                                         x86_64                         2.16.5-1.fc25                                     updates                          4.3 M
 webkitgtk4-plugin-process-gtk2                         x86_64                         2.16.5-1.fc25                                     updates                          9.3 M
 wpa_supplicant                                         x86_64                         1:2.6-3.fc25                                      updates                          1.2 M
 xscreensaver-base                                      x86_64                         1:5.37-1.fc25                                     updates                          426 k
 xscreensaver-extras                                    x86_64                         1:5.37-1.fc25                                     updates                          1.8 M
 xscreensaver-extras-base                               x86_64                         1:5.37-1.fc25                                     updates                          118 k
 kernel                                                 x86_64                         4.10.10-200.fc25                                  @updates                           0 
 kernel-core                                            x86_64                         4.10.10-200.fc25                                  @updates                          53 M
 kernel-devel                                           x86_64                         4.10.10-200.fc25                                  @updates                          42 M
 kernel-modules                                         x86_64                         4.10.10-200.fc25                                  @updates                          22 M
 kernel-modules-extra                                   x86_64                         4.10.10-200.fc25                                  @updates                         2.0 M

Transaction Summary
Install    6 Packages
Upgrade  136 Packages
Remove     5 Packages

Total download size: 344 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
error: db5 error(-30969) from dbenv->open: BDB0091 DB_VERSION_MISMATCH: Database environment version mismatch
error: cannot open Packages index using db5 -  (-30969)
error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm
error: db5 error(-30969) from dbenv->open: BDB0091 DB_VERSION_MISMATCH: Database environment version mismatch
error: cannot open Packages index using db5 -  (-30969)
error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm
error: db5 error(-30969) from dbenv->open: BDB0091 DB_VERSION_MISMATCH: Database environment version mismatch
error: cannot open Packages index using db5 -  (-30969)
error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm
error: db5 error(-30969) from dbenv->open: BDB0091 DB_VERSION_MISMATCH: Database environment version mismatch
error: cannot open Packages index using db5 -  (-30969)
error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm
restored /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- to /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
  kernel.x86_64 4.10.10-200.fc25                   kernel-core.x86_64 4.10.10-200.fc25     kernel-devel.x86_64 4.10.10-200.fc25     kernel-modules.x86_64 4.10.10-200.fc25   
  kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.10.10-200.fc25   

  cmake-filesystem.x86_64 3.9.0-2.fc25       kernel.x86_64 4.11.12-200.fc25                   kernel-core.x86_64 4.11.12-200.fc25     kernel-devel.x86_64 4.11.12-200.fc25   
  kernel-modules.x86_64 4.11.12-200.fc25     kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.11.12-200.fc25   

  GeoIP-GeoLite-data.noarch 2017.07-1.fc25              GraphicsMagick.x86_64 1.3.26-3.fc25                      autocorr-en.noarch 1:                         
  bind99-libs.x86_64 9.9.10-2.P3.fc25                   bind99-license.noarch 9.9.10-2.P3.fc25                   cmake.x86_64 3.9.0-2.fc25                                   
  cmake-data.noarch 3.9.0-2.fc25                        copy-jdk-configs.noarch 2.3-1.fc25                       curl.x86_64 7.51.0-8.fc25                                   
  dhcp-client.x86_64 12:4.3.5-3.fc25                    dhcp-common.noarch 12:4.3.5-3.fc25                       dhcp-libs.x86_64 12:4.3.5-3.fc25                            
  evince.x86_64 3.22.1-6.fc25                           evince-djvu.x86_64 3.22.1-6.fc25                         evince-libs.x86_64 3.22.1-6.fc25                            
  expat.x86_64 2.2.1-1.fc25                             expat-devel.x86_64 2.2.1-1.fc25                          gdk-pixbuf2.x86_64 2.36.7-1.fc25                            
  gdk-pixbuf2-modules.x86_64 2.36.7-1.fc25              gdk-pixbuf2-xlib.x86_64 2.36.7-1.fc25                    gdouros-symbola-fonts.noarch 9.17-1.fc25                    
  glibc.x86_64 2.24-9.fc25                              glibc-all-langpacks.x86_64 2.24-9.fc25                   glibc-common.x86_64 2.24-9.fc25                             
  glibc-devel.x86_64 2.24-9.fc25                        glibc-headers.x86_64 2.24-9.fc25                         glibc-langpack-en.x86_64 2.24-9.fc25                        
  gnome-abrt.x86_64 1.2.5-2.fc25                        gnome-keyring.x86_64 3.20.1-1.fc25                       gnome-keyring-pam.x86_64 3.20.1-1.fc25                      
  gnumeric.x86_64 1:1.12.35-1.fc25                      gnupg.x86_64 1.4.22-1.fc25                               gnutls.x86_64 3.5.14-1.fc25                                 
  goffice.x86_64 0.10.35-1.fc25                         gtk-update-icon-cache.x86_64 3.22.17-2.fc25              gtk3.x86_64 3.22.17-2.fc25                                  
  hwdata.noarch 0.302-1.fc25                            java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64 1:         java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless.x86_64 1:   
  jsoncpp.x86_64 1.8.1-3.fc25                           kernel-headers.x86_64 4.11.12-200.fc25                   krb5-libs.x86_64 1.14.4-8.fc25                              
  libcrypt-nss.x86_64 2.24-9.fc25                       libcurl.x86_64 7.51.0-8.fc25                             libdb.x86_64 5.3.28-24.fc25                                 
  libdb-utils.x86_64 5.3.28-24.fc25                     libdrm.x86_64 2.4.82-1.fc25                              libdrm-devel.x86_64 2.4.82-1.fc25                           
  libmwaw.x86_64 0.3.12-1.fc25                          libproxy.x86_64 0.4.15-2.fc25                            libreoffice.x86_64 1:                         
  libreoffice-base.x86_64 1:              libreoffice-calc.x86_64 1:                 libreoffice-core.x86_64 1:                    
  libreoffice-data.noarch 1:              libreoffice-draw.x86_64 1:                 libreoffice-emailmerge.x86_64 1:              
  libreoffice-graphicfilter.x86_64 1:     libreoffice-gtk2.x86_64 1:                 libreoffice-gtk3.x86_64 1:                    
  libreoffice-impress.x86_64 1:           libreoffice-langpack-en.x86_64 1:          libreoffice-langpack-nb.x86_64 1:             
  libreoffice-math.x86_64 1:              libreoffice-opensymbol-fonts.noarch 1:     libreoffice-pdfimport.x86_64 1:               
  libreoffice-pyuno.x86_64 1:             libreoffice-ure.x86_64 1:                  libreoffice-ure-common.noarch 1:              
  libreoffice-writer.x86_64 1:            libreoffice-x11.x86_64 1:                  librsvg2.x86_64 2.40.18-1.fc25                              
  libsmbclient.x86_64 2:4.5.11-0.fc25                   libsndfile.x86_64 1.0.28-3.fc25                          libsolv.x86_64 0.6.28-2.fc25                                
  libsoup.x86_64 2.56.0-3.fc25                          libtirpc.x86_64 1.0.2-0.fc25                             libwbclient.x86_64 2:4.5.11-0.fc25                          
  libwps.x86_64 0.4.7-1.fc25                            microcode_ctl.x86_64 2:2.1-16.fc25                       minicom.x86_64 2.7.1-1.fc25                                 
  nano.x86_64 2.6.1-2.fc25                              netpbm.x86_64 10.79.00-1.fc25                            nodejs.x86_64 1:6.11.1-1.fc25                               
  npm.x86_64 1:3.10.10-                  nspr.x86_64 4.15.0-1.fc25                                nss.x86_64 3.31.0-1.1.fc25                                  
  nss-softokn.x86_64 3.31.0-1.0.fc25                    nss-softokn-freebl.x86_64 3.31.0-1.0.fc25                nss-sysinit.x86_64 3.31.0-1.1.fc25                          
  nss-tools.x86_64 3.31.0-1.1.fc25                      nss-util.x86_64 3.31.0-1.0.fc25                          openldap.x86_64 2.4.44-11.fc25                              
  pango.x86_64 1.40.7-1.fc25                            pciutils.x86_64 3.5.5-1.fc25                             pciutils-libs.x86_64 3.5.5-1.fc25                           
  pcre.x86_64 8.41-1.fc25                               pcre-utf16.x86_64 8.41-1.fc25                            perl.x86_64 4:5.24.2-387.fc25                               
  perl-Errno.x86_64 1.25-387.fc25                       perl-IO.x86_64 1.36-387.fc25                             perl-Scalar-List-Utils.x86_64 3:1.48-1.fc25                 
  perl-libs.x86_64 4:5.24.2-387.fc25                    perl-macros.x86_64 4:5.24.2-387.fc25                     poppler.x86_64 0.45.0-5.fc25                                
  poppler-glib.x86_64 0.45.0-5.fc25                     poppler-utils.x86_64 0.45.0-5.fc25                       qemu-guest-agent.x86_64 2:2.7.1-7.fc25                      
  qt5-qtbase.x86_64 5.7.1-19.fc25                       qt5-qtbase-common.noarch 5.7.1-19.fc25                   qt5-qtbase-gui.x86_64 5.7.1-19.fc25                         
  quota.x86_64 1:4.03-8.fc25                            quota-nls.noarch 1:4.03-8.fc25                           samba-client.x86_64 2:4.5.11-0.fc25                         
  samba-client-libs.x86_64 2:4.5.11-0.fc25              samba-common.noarch 2:4.5.11-0.fc25                      samba-common-libs.x86_64 2:4.5.11-0.fc25                    
  screen.x86_64 4.6.1-1.fc25                            selinux-policy.noarch 3.13.1-225.19.fc25                 selinux-policy-targeted.noarch 3.13.1-225.19.fc25           
  sqlite.x86_64 3.14.2-2.fc25                           sqlite-libs.x86_64 3.14.2-2.fc25                         tar.x86_64 2:1.29-4.fc25                                    
  unzip.x86_64 6.0-32.fc25                              upower.x86_64 0.99.5-1.fc25                              vim-X11.x86_64 2:8.0.728-1.fc25                             
  vim-common.x86_64 2:8.0.728-1.fc25                    vim-filesystem.x86_64 2:8.0.728-1.fc25                   vim-minimal.x86_64 2:8.0.728-1.fc25                         
  webkitgtk4.x86_64 2.16.5-1.fc25                       webkitgtk4-jsc.x86_64 2.16.5-1.fc25                      webkitgtk4-plugin-process-gtk2.x86_64 2.16.5-1.fc25         
  wpa_supplicant.x86_64 1:2.6-3.fc25                    xscreensaver-base.x86_64 1:5.37-1.fc25                   xscreensaver-extras.x86_64 1:5.37-1.fc25                    
  xscreensaver-extras-base.x86_64 1:5.37-1.fc25       



2017-07-17: sdb6 - F25 - dnf - install GraphicsMagick

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install GraphicsMagick
Last metadata expiration check: 2:55:17 ago on Mon Jul 17 16:37:23 2017.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                       Arch                                  Version                                       Repository                              Size
 GraphicsMagick                                x86_64                                1.3.26-1.fc25                                 updates                                1.4 M

Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package

Total download size: 1.4 M
Installed size: 4.7 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  GraphicsMagick.x86_64 1.3.26-1.fc25                                                                                                                                          



2017-07-17: sdb6 - F25 - dnf - install libsane-hpaio

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install libsane-hpaio
Last metadata expiration check: 2:26:53 ago on Mon Jul 17 16:37:23 2017.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                      Arch                                  Version                                        Repository                              Size
 hplip-common                                 x86_64                                3.17.4-2.fc25                                  updates                                102 k
 hplip-libs                                   x86_64                                3.17.4-2.fc25                                  updates                                191 k
 libsane-hpaio                                x86_64                                3.17.4-2.fc25                                  updates                                120 k
 net-snmp-libs                                x86_64                                1:5.7.3-13.fc25                                fedora                                 785 k

Transaction Summary
Install  4 Packages

Total download size: 1.2 M
Installed size: 4.7 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  hplip-common.x86_64 3.17.4-2.fc25          hplip-libs.x86_64 3.17.4-2.fc25          libsane-hpaio.x86_64 3.17.4-2.fc25          net-snmp-libs.x86_64 1:5.7.3-13.fc25        



2017-07-17: sdb6 - F25 - dnf - install sane

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install sane-backends sane-frontends
Last metadata expiration check: 2:16:01 ago on Mon Jul 17 16:37:23 2017.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                          Arch                                 Version                                      Repository                             Size
 libgphoto2                                       x86_64                               2.5.12-1.fc25                                updates                               1.4 M
 libieee1284                                      x86_64                               0.2.11-20.fc25                               fedora                                 43 k
 sane-backends                                    x86_64                               1.0.25-7.fc25                                updates                               737 k
 sane-backends-libs                               x86_64                               1.0.25-7.fc25                                updates                               100 k
 sane-frontends                                   x86_64                               1.0.14-23.fc24                               fedora                                 71 k

Transaction Summary
Install  5 Packages

Total download size: 2.3 M
Installed size: 8.7 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  libgphoto2.x86_64 2.5.12-1.fc25             libieee1284.x86_64 0.2.11-20.fc25        sane-backends.x86_64 1.0.25-7.fc25        sane-backends-libs.x86_64 1.0.25-7.fc25      
  sane-frontends.x86_64 1.0.14-23.fc24      


install scanner drivers

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install sane-backends-drivers-scanners
Last metadata expiration check: 2:19:03 ago on Mon Jul 17 16:37:23 2017.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                                   Arch                              Version                                   Repository                          Size
 sane-backends-drivers-scanners                            x86_64                            1.0.25-7.fc25                             updates                            2.3 M

Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package

Total download size: 2.3 M
Installed size: 9.1 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  sane-backends-drivers-scanners.x86_64 1.0.25-7.fc25                                                                                                                          


install xsane

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install xsane
Last metadata expiration check: 2:21:38 ago on Mon Jul 17 16:37:23 2017.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                      Arch                                   Version                                       Repository                              Size
 xsane                                        x86_64                                 0.999-20.fc24                                 fedora                                 583 k
 xsane-common                                 x86_64                                 0.999-20.fc24                                 fedora                                 1.2 M

Transaction Summary
Install  2 Packages

Total download size: 1.8 M
Installed size: 5.0 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  xsane.x86_64 0.999-20.fc24                                                          xsane-common.x86_64 0.999-20.fc24                                                        



2017-07-17: sdb6 - F25 - update man-db manually:

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo sh /etc/cron.daily/man-db.cron

etterpå virker apropos slik den skal.

2017-07-17: sdb6 - F25 - dnf - install man-db-cron

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install man-db-cron
Last metadata expiration check: 2:29:31 ago on Mon Jul 17 13:34:27 2017.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                     Arch                                   Version                                        Repository                              Size
 man-db-cron                                 noarch                                 2.7.5-3.fc25                                   fedora                                  17 k

Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package

Total download size: 17 k
Installed size: 818 
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  man-db-cron.noarch 2.7.5-3.fc25                                                                                                                                              



2017-07-11: sdb6 - F25 - downloaded Arduino 1.8.3 from arduino.cc, and installed in ~/progs/arduino-183. install

[tingo@kg-elitebook arduino-1.8.3]$ ./install.sh
Adding desktop shortcut, menu item and file associations for Arduino IDE...touch: cannot touch '/home/tingo/.local/share/icons/hicolor/.xdg-icon-resource-dummy': No such file or directory
touch: cannot touch '/home/tingo/.local/share/icons/hicolor/.xdg-icon-resource-dummy': No such file or directory
touch: cannot touch '/home/tingo/.local/share/icons/hicolor/.xdg-icon-resource-dummy': No such file or directory
touch: cannot touch '/home/tingo/.local/share/icons/hicolor/.xdg-icon-resource-dummy': No such file or directory
touch: cannot touch '/home/tingo/.local/share/icons/hicolor/.xdg-icon-resource-dummy': No such file or directory
touch: cannot touch '/home/tingo/.local/share/icons/hicolor/.xdg-icon-resource-dummy': No such file or directory
touch: cannot touch '/home/tingo/.local/share/icons/hicolor/.xdg-icon-resource-dummy': No such file or directory
touch: cannot touch '/home/tingo/.local/share/icons/hicolor/.xdg-icon-resource-dummy': No such file or directory
touch: cannot touch '/home/tingo/.local/share/icons/hicolor/.xdg-icon-resource-dummy': No such file or directory
touch: cannot touch '/home/tingo/.local/share/icons/hicolor/.xdg-icon-resource-dummy': No such file or directory
touch: cannot touch '/home/tingo/.local/share/icons/hicolor/.xdg-icon-resource-dummy': No such file or directory
touch: cannot touch '/home/tingo/.local/share/icons/hicolor/.xdg-icon-resource-dummy': No such file or directory
touch: cannot touch '/home/tingo/.local/share/icons/hicolor/.xdg-icon-resource-dummy': No such file or directory
touch: cannot touch '/home/tingo/.local/share/icons/hicolor/.xdg-icon-resource-dummy': No such file or directory
touch: cannot touch '/home/tingo/.local/share/icons/hicolor/.xdg-icon-resource-dummy': No such file or directory
touch: cannot touch '/home/tingo/.local/share/icons/hicolor/.xdg-icon-resource-dummy': No such file or directory
touch: cannot touch '/home/tingo/.local/share/icons/hicolor/.xdg-icon-resource-dummy': No such file or directory
touch: cannot touch '/home/tingo/.local/share/icons/hicolor/.xdg-icon-resource-dummy': No such file or directory

and I've got a menu entry (in Electronics) and a shortcut on the desktop. And they work.

2017-07-11: sdb6 - F25 - dnf - the Arduino IDE version in the repository is old:

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf info arduino
Last metadata expiration check: 1:11:39 ago on Tue Jul 11 14:25:53 2017.
Available Packages
Name        : arduino
Arch        : noarch
Epoch       : 1
Version     : 1.6.4
Release     : 10.fc25
Size        : 1.7 M
Repo        : updates
Summary     : An IDE for Arduino-compatible electronics prototyping platforms
URL         : http://www.arduino.cc/
License     : GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and CC-BY-SA
Description : Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on
            : flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists,
            : designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive
            : objects or environments.
            : This package contains an IDE that can be used to develop and upload code
            : to the micro-controller.

so I'll download and install from arduino.cc instead.

2017-07-07: sdb6 - F25 - powered down and on again. This time the machine connected to the network. A new kernel is in:

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ uname -a
Linux kg-elitebook.kg4.no 4.11.8-200.fc25.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Jun 29 16:13:56 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I still got some messages in /var/log/messages

Jul  7 10:51:15 kg-elitebook abrt-dump-journal-oops: abrt-dump-journal-oops: Found oopses: 1
Jul  7 10:51:15 kg-elitebook abrt-dump-journal-oops: abrt-dump-journal-oops: Creating problem directories

Jul  7 10:51:15 kg-elitebook abrt-server: Can't find a meaningful backtrace for hashing in '.'
Jul  7 10:51:15 kg-elitebook abrt-server: Option 'DropNotReportableOopses' is not configured
Jul  7 10:51:15 kg-elitebook abrt-server: Preserving oops '.' because DropNotReportableOopses is 'no'

Jul  7 10:51:16 kg-elitebook abrt-dump-journal-oops: Reported 1 kernel oopses to Abrt


2017-07-07: sdb6 - F25 - on the first reboot after the upgrade, I wasn't connected to network, and had this in /var/log/messages:

Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: Error sending REPLY_SCAN_ABORT_CMD: time out after 2000ms.
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: Current CMD queue read_ptr 34 write_ptr 35
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: Loaded firmware version:
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: Microcode SW error detected.  Restarting 0x2000000.
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: CSR values:
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: (2nd byte of CSR_INT_COALESCING is CSR_INT_PERIODIC_REG)
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:        CSR_HW_IF_CONFIG_REG: 0X00484b00
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:          CSR_INT_COALESCING: 0X00000040
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:                     CSR_INT: 0X00000000
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:                CSR_INT_MASK: 0X00000000
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:           CSR_FH_INT_STATUS: 0X00000000
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:                 CSR_GPIO_IN: 0X00000030
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:                   CSR_RESET: 0X00000000
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:                CSR_GP_CNTRL: 0X080403cd
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:                  CSR_HW_REV: 0X000000b0
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:              CSR_EEPROM_REG: 0X033c0ffd
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:               CSR_EEPROM_GP: 0X90000801
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:              CSR_OTP_GP_REG: 0X00030001
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:                 CSR_GIO_REG: 0X00080042
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:            CSR_GP_UCODE_REG: 0X00000ac4
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:           CSR_GP_DRIVER_REG: 0X00000000
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:           CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP1: 0X00000000
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:           CSR_UCODE_DRV_GP2: 0X00000000
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:                 CSR_LED_REG: 0X00000040
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:        CSR_DRAM_INT_TBL_REG: 0X88428a07
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:        CSR_GIO_CHICKEN_BITS: 0X27800200
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:             CSR_ANA_PLL_CFG: 0X00000000
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:      CSR_MONITOR_STATUS_REG: 0X43f7f7d7
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:           CSR_HW_REV_WA_REG: 0X0001001a
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:        CSR_DBG_HPET_MEM_REG: 0Xffff0000
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: FH register values:
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: Start IWL Error Log Dump:
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: Status: 0x000003CC, count: 6
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x00000084 | NMI_INTERRUPT_UNKNOWN      
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x00010564 | uPc
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x0001054E | branchlink1
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:         FH_RSCSR_CHNL0_STTS_WPTR_REG: 0X42960200
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x00010580 | branchlink2
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x0000DBEA | interruptlink1
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x00000582 | interruptlink2
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x00000081 | data1
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x07030000 | data2
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x000260A4 | line
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x0D812F36 | beacon time
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x0054C0CA | tsf low
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x00000000 | tsf hi
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x00000000 | time gp1
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x00608430 | time gp2
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x00000000 | time gp3
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x754312A8 | uCode version
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x000000B0 | hw version
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x00484B00 | board version
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x0000001C | hcmd
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x27863000 | isr0
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x1181E000 | isr1
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x00000E02 | isr2
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x0143FC43 | isr3
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x00000000 | isr4
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x00000000 | isr_pref
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x000260A4 | wait_event
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x00000094 | l2p_control
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x00000000 | l2p_duration
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x0000000F | l2p_mhvalid
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x00000000 | l2p_addr_match
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x00000005 | lmpm_pmg_sel
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x13011136 | timestamp
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: 0x00006878 | flow_handler
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:        FH_RSCSR_CHNL0_RBDCB_BASE_REG: 0X0428c360
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:                  FH_RSCSR_CHNL0_WPTR: 0X00000068
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:         FH_MEM_RCSR_CHNL0_CONFIG_REG: 0X00801114
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: Start IWL Event Log Dump: display last 1 entries
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:          FH_MEM_RSSR_SHARED_CTRL_REG: 0X000000fc
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: EVT_LOGT:0006325292:0x0000010c:0123
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:            FH_MEM_RSSR_RX_STATUS_REG: 0X07030000
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: Command REPLY_RXON failed: FW Error
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: Error clearing ASSOC_MSK on BSS (-5)
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:    FH_MEM_RSSR_RX_ENABLE_ERR_IRQ2DRV: 0X00000000
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:                FH_TSSR_TX_STATUS_REG: 0X07ff0001
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0:                 FH_TSSR_TX_ERROR_REG: 0X00000000
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: ieee80211 phy0: Hardware restart was requested
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: L1 Enabled - LTR Disabled
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: L1 Enabled - LTR Disabled
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: Radio type=0x2-0x1-0x0
Jul  7 10:46:33 kg-elitebook NetworkManager[1012]: <info>  [1499417193.8126] device (wlo1): set-hw-addr: set-cloned MAC address to C4:D9:87:A4:03:30 (permanent)
Jul  7 10:46:34 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: L1 Enabled - LTR Disabled
Jul  7 10:46:34 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: L1 Enabled - LTR Disabled
Jul  7 10:46:34 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: Radio type=0x2-0x1-0x0

Jul  7 10:46:34 kg-elitebook kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlo1: link is not ready
Jul  7 10:46:34 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: L1 Enabled - LTR Disabled
Jul  7 10:46:34 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: L1 Enabled - LTR Disabled
Jul  7 10:46:34 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: Radio type=0x2-0x1-0x0

Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: Failed to load firmware chunk!
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: Could not load the [0] uCode section
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: Failed to run INIT ucode: -110
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: Unable to initialize device.
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: ------------[ cut here ]------------
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: WARNING: CPU: 3 PID: 55 at net/mac80211/util.c:1863 ieee80211_reconfig+0x26b/0x1310 [mac80211]
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: Hardware became unavailable during restart.
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: Modules linked in: rfcomm ip6t_rpfilter ip6t_REJECT nf_reject_ipv6 xt_conntrack ip_set nfnetlink ebtable_broute bridge ebtable_nat ip6table_security ip6table_mangle ip6table_nat nf_conntrack_ipv6 nf_defrag_ipv6 nf_nat_ipv6 ip6table_raw iptable_security iptable_mangle iptable_nat nf_conntrack_ipv4 nf_defrag_ipv4 nf_nat_ipv4 nf_nat nf_conntrack libcrc32c iptable_raw ebtable_filter ebtables ip6table_filter ip6_tables cmac bnep sunrpc vfat fat intel_rapl x86_pkg_temp_thermal intel_powerclamp coretemp iTCO_wdt kvm_intel iTCO_vendor_support mei_wdt kvm hp_wmi sparse_keymap ppdev arc4 irqbypass crct10dif_pclmul crc32_pclmul iwldvm ghash_clmulni_intel mac80211 intel_cstate intel_uncore intel_rapl_perf snd_hda_codec_hdmi btusb btrtl btbcm iwlwifi btintel snd_hda_codec_idt snd_hda_codec_generic
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: snd_hda_intel bluetooth cfg80211 uvcvideo snd_hda_codec i2c_i801 videobuf2_vmalloc videobuf2_memops lpc_ich videobuf2_v4l2 videobuf2_core tpm_infineon videodev rfkill snd_hda_core media snd_hwdep snd_seq snd_seq_device snd_pcm shpchp joydev pl2303 snd_timer snd soundcore mei_me mei wmi parport_pc parport hp_accel tpm_tis lis3lv02d tpm_tis_core hp_wireless tpm input_polldev 8021q garp stp llc mrp i915 i2c_algo_bit drm_kms_helper drm crc32c_intel sdhci_pci sdhci serio_raw e1000e mmc_core ptp pps_core video
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: CPU: 3 PID: 55 Comm: kworker/3:1 Not tainted 4.11.8-200.fc25.x86_64 #1
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: Hardware name: Hewlett-Packard HP EliteBook Folio 9470m/18DF, BIOS 68IBD Ver. F.48 01/13/2014
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: Workqueue: events_freezable ieee80211_restart_work [mac80211]
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: Call Trace:
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: dump_stack+0x63/0x86
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: __warn+0xcb/0xf0
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: warn_slowpath_fmt+0x5a/0x80
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: ieee80211_reconfig+0x26b/0x1310 [mac80211]
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: ? try_to_del_timer_sync+0x53/0x80
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: ieee80211_restart_work+0x8e/0xc0 [mac80211]
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: process_one_work+0x197/0x450
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: worker_thread+0x4e/0x4a0
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: kthread+0x109/0x140
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: ? process_one_work+0x450/0x450
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: ? kthread_park+0x90/0x90
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: ret_from_fork+0x2c/0x40
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: ---[ end trace ce93c905cf9a75cb ]---
Jul  7 10:46:39 kg-elitebook kernel: ------------[ cut here ]------------

there were more, but these ones "stuck out" to my eye.

2017-07-07: sdb6 - F25 - dnf upgrade

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade
Last metadata expiration check: 1:11:47 ago on Fri Jul  7 09:26:01 2017.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                             Arch                       Version                                              Repository                            Size
 kernel                                              x86_64                     4.11.8-200.fc25                                      updates                              101 k
 kernel-core                                         x86_64                     4.11.8-200.fc25                                      updates                               21 M
 kernel-devel                                        x86_64                     4.11.8-200.fc25                                      updates                               11 M
 kernel-modules                                      x86_64                     4.11.8-200.fc25                                      updates                               23 M
 kernel-modules-extra                                x86_64                     4.11.8-200.fc25                                      updates                              2.2 M
 python3-bind                                        noarch                     32:9.10.5-2.P2.fc25                                  updates                              114 k
 acl                                                 x86_64                     2.2.52-13.fc25                                       updates                               76 k
 audit                                               x86_64                     2.7.7-1.fc25                                         updates                              245 k
 audit-libs                                          x86_64                     2.7.7-1.fc25                                         updates                              107 k
 audit-libs-python3                                  x86_64                     2.7.7-1.fc25                                         updates                               79 k
 autocorr-en                                         noarch                     1:                                     updates                              209 k
 bind-libs                                           x86_64                     32:9.10.5-2.P2.fc25                                  updates                              154 k
 bind-libs-lite                                      x86_64                     32:9.10.5-2.P2.fc25                                  updates                              1.1 M
 bind-license                                        noarch                     32:9.10.5-2.P2.fc25                                  updates                               89 k
 bind-utils                                          x86_64                     32:9.10.5-2.P2.fc25                                  updates                              401 k
 c-ares                                              x86_64                     1.13.0-1.fc25                                        updates                               90 k
 chromium                                            x86_64                     59.0.3071.104-1.fc25                                 updates                               47 M
 chromium-libs                                       x86_64                     59.0.3071.104-1.fc25                                 updates                               50 M
 chromium-libs-media                                 x86_64                     59.0.3071.104-1.fc25                                 updates                              1.6 M
 curl                                                x86_64                     7.51.0-7.fc25                                        updates                              307 k
 dbus                                                x86_64                     1:1.11.14-1.fc25                                     updates                              255 k
 dbus-libs                                           x86_64                     1:1.11.14-1.fc25                                     updates                              174 k
 dbus-x11                                            x86_64                     1:1.11.14-1.fc25                                     updates                               53 k
 evince                                              x86_64                     3.22.1-4.fc25                                        updates                              2.5 M
 evince-djvu                                         x86_64                     3.22.1-4.fc25                                        updates                               54 k
 evince-libs                                         x86_64                     3.22.1-4.fc25                                        updates                              363 k
 glibc                                               x86_64                     2.24-8.fc25                                          updates                              3.3 M
 glibc-all-langpacks                                 x86_64                     2.24-8.fc25                                          updates                              7.0 M
 glibc-common                                        x86_64                     2.24-8.fc25                                          updates                              879 k
 glibc-devel                                         x86_64                     2.24-8.fc25                                          updates                              936 k
 glibc-headers                                       x86_64                     2.24-8.fc25                                          updates                              500 k
 glibc-langpack-en                                   x86_64                     2.24-8.fc25                                          updates                              281 k
 google-noto-emoji-fonts                             noarch                     20170608-1.fc25                                      updates                              4.4 M
 graphite2                                           x86_64                     1.3.10-1.fc25                                        updates                              117 k
 gsm                                                 x86_64                     1.0.17-1.fc25                                        updates                               34 k
 gstreamer1                                          x86_64                     1.10.5-1.fc25                                        updates                              1.2 M
 gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free                         x86_64                     1.10.5-1.fc25                                        updates                              1.8 M
 gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-gtk                     x86_64                     1.10.5-1.fc25                                        updates                               32 k
 gstreamer1-plugins-base                             x86_64                     1.10.5-1.fc25                                        updates                              1.5 M
 gstreamer1-plugins-good                             x86_64                     1.10.5-1.fc25                                        updates                              2.0 M
 gtk-update-icon-cache                               x86_64                     3.22.16-1.fc25                                       updates                               32 k
 gtk3                                                x86_64                     3.22.16-1.fc25                                       updates                              4.3 M
 hostname                                            x86_64                     3.15-8.fc25                                          updates                               28 k
 json-c                                              x86_64                     0.12.1-2.fc25                                        updates                               29 k
 kernel-headers                                      x86_64                     4.11.8-200.fc25                                      updates                              1.1 M
 libacl                                              x86_64                     2.2.52-13.fc25                                       updates                               31 k
 libcrypt-nss                                        x86_64                     2.24-8.fc25                                          updates                               44 k
 libcurl                                             x86_64                     7.51.0-7.fc25                                        updates                              267 k
 libgcrypt                                           x86_64                     1.7.8-1.fc25                                         updates                              435 k
 libinput                                            x86_64                     1.6.3-6.fc25                                         updates                              122 k
 libmtp                                              x86_64                     1.1.13-1.fc25                                        updates                              181 k
 libreoffice                                         x86_64                     1:                                     updates                               79 k
 libreoffice-base                                    x86_64                     1:                                     updates                              2.6 M
 libreoffice-calc                                    x86_64                     1:                                     updates                              8.7 M
 libreoffice-core                                    x86_64                     1:                                     updates                               70 M
 libreoffice-data                                    noarch                     1:                                     updates                              3.4 M
 libreoffice-draw                                    x86_64                     1:                                     updates                              697 k
 libreoffice-emailmerge                              x86_64                     1:                                     updates                               93 k
 libreoffice-graphicfilter                           x86_64                     1:                                     updates                              458 k
 libreoffice-gtk2                                    x86_64                     1:                                     updates                              304 k
 libreoffice-gtk3                                    x86_64                     1:                                     updates                              314 k
 libreoffice-impress                                 x86_64                     1:                                     updates                              1.3 M
 libreoffice-langpack-en                             x86_64                     1:                                     updates                               79 k
 libreoffice-langpack-nb                             x86_64                     1:                                     updates                              6.9 M
 libreoffice-math                                    x86_64                     1:                                     updates                              1.0 M
 libreoffice-opensymbol-fonts                        noarch                     1:                                     updates                              251 k
 libreoffice-pdfimport                               x86_64                     1:                                     updates                              290 k
 libreoffice-pyuno                                   x86_64                     1:                                     updates                              542 k
 libreoffice-ure                                     x86_64                     1:                                     updates                              2.1 M
 libreoffice-ure-common                              noarch                     1:                                     updates                              516 k
 libreoffice-writer                                  x86_64                     1:                                     updates                              4.2 M
 libreoffice-x11                                     x86_64                     1:                                     updates                              298 k
 libsolv                                             x86_64                     0.6.28-1.fc25                                        updates                              366 k
 libstoraged                                         x86_64                     2.6.2-6.fc25                                         updates                              121 k
 libtomcrypt                                         x86_64                     1.17-30.20160123git912eff4.fc25                      updates                              349 k
 libtommath                                          x86_64                     1.0-8.fc25                                           updates                               56 k
 mercurial                                           x86_64                     3.8.1-3.fc25                                         updates                              3.5 M
 nfs-utils                                           x86_64                     1:2.1.1-5.rc4.fc25                                   updates                              405 k
 openvpn                                             x86_64                     2.4.3-1.fc25                                         updates                              465 k
 pcre2                                               x86_64                     10.23-8.fc25                                         updates                              211 k
 perl                                                x86_64                     4:5.24.1-386.fc25                                    updates                              6.0 M
 perl-Errno                                          x86_64                     1.25-386.fc25                                        updates                               68 k
 perl-IO                                             x86_64                     1.36-386.fc25                                        updates                              133 k
 perl-libs                                           x86_64                     4:5.24.1-386.fc25                                    updates                              1.5 M
 perl-macros                                         x86_64                     4:5.24.1-386.fc25                                    updates                               64 k
 rsync                                               x86_64                     3.1.2-4.fc25                                         updates                              392 k
 setroubleshoot                                      x86_64                     3.3.12-1.fc25                                        updates                              136 k
 setroubleshoot-plugins                              noarch                     3.3.7-1.fc25                                         updates                              389 k
 setroubleshoot-server                               x86_64                     3.3.12-1.fc25                                        updates                              392 k
 storaged                                            x86_64                     2.6.2-6.fc25                                         updates                              376 k
 strongswan                                          x86_64                     5.5.3-1.fc25                                         updates                              1.2 M
 strongswan-charon-nm                                x86_64                     5.5.3-1.fc25                                         updates                               41 k
 system-config-language                              noarch                     3.4.2-1.fc25                                         updates                              128 k
 systemd                                             x86_64                     231-17.fc25                                          updates                              2.8 M
 systemd-devel                                       x86_64                     231-17.fc25                                          updates                              293 k
 systemd-libs                                        x86_64                     231-17.fc25                                          updates                              421 k
 systemd-pam                                         x86_64                     231-17.fc25                                          updates                              178 k
 systemd-udev                                        x86_64                     231-17.fc25                                          updates                              1.3 M
 unbound-libs                                        x86_64                     1.6.3-1.fc25                                         updates                              404 k
 vim-X11                                             x86_64                     2:8.0.679-1.fc25                                     updates                              1.4 M
 vim-common                                          x86_64                     2:8.0.679-1.fc25                                     updates                              6.6 M
 vim-filesystem                                      x86_64                     2:8.0.679-1.fc25                                     updates                               35 k
 vim-minimal                                         x86_64                     2:8.0.679-1.fc25                                     updates                              522 k
 xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin                            x86_64                     1.7.2-1.fc25                                         updates                              194 k
 kernel                                              x86_64                     4.8.6-300.fc25                                       @koji-override-0                       0 
 kernel-core                                         x86_64                     4.8.6-300.fc25                                       @koji-override-0                      52 M
 kernel-modules                                      x86_64                     4.8.6-300.fc25                                       @koji-override-0                      22 M
 kernel-modules-extra                                x86_64                     4.8.6-300.fc25                                       @koji-override-0                     2.0 M

Transaction Summary
Install   6 Packages
Upgrade  98 Packages
Remove    4 Packages

Total download size: 326 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  kernel.x86_64 4.8.6-300.fc25         kernel-core.x86_64 4.8.6-300.fc25         kernel-modules.x86_64 4.8.6-300.fc25         kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.8.6-300.fc25       

  kernel.x86_64 4.11.8-200.fc25                   kernel-core.x86_64 4.11.8-200.fc25          kernel-devel.x86_64 4.11.8-200.fc25     kernel-modules.x86_64 4.11.8-200.fc25   
  kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.11.8-200.fc25     python3-bind.noarch 32:9.10.5-2.P2.fc25   

  acl.x86_64 2.2.52-13.fc25                              audit.x86_64 2.7.7-1.fc25                                  audit-libs.x86_64 2.7.7-1.fc25                           
  audit-libs-python3.x86_64 2.7.7-1.fc25                 autocorr-en.noarch 1:                        bind-libs.x86_64 32:9.10.5-2.P2.fc25                     
  bind-libs-lite.x86_64 32:9.10.5-2.P2.fc25              bind-license.noarch 32:9.10.5-2.P2.fc25                    bind-utils.x86_64 32:9.10.5-2.P2.fc25                    
  c-ares.x86_64 1.13.0-1.fc25                            chromium.x86_64 59.0.3071.104-1.fc25                       chromium-libs.x86_64 59.0.3071.104-1.fc25                
  chromium-libs-media.x86_64 59.0.3071.104-1.fc25        curl.x86_64 7.51.0-7.fc25                                  dbus.x86_64 1:1.11.14-1.fc25                             
  dbus-libs.x86_64 1:1.11.14-1.fc25                      dbus-x11.x86_64 1:1.11.14-1.fc25                           evince.x86_64 3.22.1-4.fc25                              
  evince-djvu.x86_64 3.22.1-4.fc25                       evince-libs.x86_64 3.22.1-4.fc25                           glibc.x86_64 2.24-8.fc25                                 
  glibc-all-langpacks.x86_64 2.24-8.fc25                 glibc-common.x86_64 2.24-8.fc25                            glibc-devel.x86_64 2.24-8.fc25                           
  glibc-headers.x86_64 2.24-8.fc25                       glibc-langpack-en.x86_64 2.24-8.fc25                       google-noto-emoji-fonts.noarch 20170608-1.fc25           
  graphite2.x86_64 1.3.10-1.fc25                         gsm.x86_64 1.0.17-1.fc25                                   gstreamer1.x86_64 1.10.5-1.fc25                          
  gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free.x86_64 1.10.5-1.fc25       gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-gtk.x86_64 1.10.5-1.fc25       gstreamer1-plugins-base.x86_64 1.10.5-1.fc25             
  gstreamer1-plugins-good.x86_64 1.10.5-1.fc25           gtk-update-icon-cache.x86_64 3.22.16-1.fc25                gtk3.x86_64 3.22.16-1.fc25                               
  hostname.x86_64 3.15-8.fc25                            json-c.x86_64 0.12.1-2.fc25                                kernel-headers.x86_64 4.11.8-200.fc25                    
  libacl.x86_64 2.2.52-13.fc25                           libcrypt-nss.x86_64 2.24-8.fc25                            libcurl.x86_64 7.51.0-7.fc25                             
  libgcrypt.x86_64 1.7.8-1.fc25                          libinput.x86_64 1.6.3-6.fc25                               libmtp.x86_64 1.1.13-1.fc25                              
  libreoffice.x86_64 1:                    libreoffice-base.x86_64 1:                   libreoffice-calc.x86_64 1:                 
  libreoffice-core.x86_64 1:               libreoffice-data.noarch 1:                   libreoffice-draw.x86_64 1:                 
  libreoffice-emailmerge.x86_64 1:         libreoffice-graphicfilter.x86_64 1:          libreoffice-gtk2.x86_64 1:                 
  libreoffice-gtk3.x86_64 1:               libreoffice-impress.x86_64 1:                libreoffice-langpack-en.x86_64 1:          
  libreoffice-langpack-nb.x86_64 1:        libreoffice-math.x86_64 1:                   libreoffice-opensymbol-fonts.noarch 1:     
  libreoffice-pdfimport.x86_64 1:          libreoffice-pyuno.x86_64 1:                  libreoffice-ure.x86_64 1:                  
  libreoffice-ure-common.noarch 1:         libreoffice-writer.x86_64 1:                 libreoffice-x11.x86_64 1:                  
  libsolv.x86_64 0.6.28-1.fc25                           libstoraged.x86_64 2.6.2-6.fc25                            libtomcrypt.x86_64 1.17-30.20160123git912eff4.fc25       
  libtommath.x86_64 1.0-8.fc25                           mercurial.x86_64 3.8.1-3.fc25                              nfs-utils.x86_64 1:2.1.1-5.rc4.fc25                      
  openvpn.x86_64 2.4.3-1.fc25                            pcre2.x86_64 10.23-8.fc25                                  perl.x86_64 4:5.24.1-386.fc25                            
  perl-Errno.x86_64 1.25-386.fc25                        perl-IO.x86_64 1.36-386.fc25                               perl-libs.x86_64 4:5.24.1-386.fc25                       
  perl-macros.x86_64 4:5.24.1-386.fc25                   rsync.x86_64 3.1.2-4.fc25                                  setroubleshoot.x86_64 3.3.12-1.fc25                      
  setroubleshoot-plugins.noarch 3.3.7-1.fc25             setroubleshoot-server.x86_64 3.3.12-1.fc25                 storaged.x86_64 2.6.2-6.fc25                             
  strongswan.x86_64 5.5.3-1.fc25                         strongswan-charon-nm.x86_64 5.5.3-1.fc25                   system-config-language.noarch 3.4.2-1.fc25               
  systemd.x86_64 231-17.fc25                             systemd-devel.x86_64 231-17.fc25                           systemd-libs.x86_64 231-17.fc25                          
  systemd-pam.x86_64 231-17.fc25                         systemd-udev.x86_64 231-17.fc25                            unbound-libs.x86_64 1.6.3-1.fc25                         
  vim-X11.x86_64 2:8.0.679-1.fc25                        vim-common.x86_64 2:8.0.679-1.fc25                         vim-filesystem.x86_64 2:8.0.679-1.fc25                   
  vim-minimal.x86_64 2:8.0.679-1.fc25                    xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin.x86_64 1.7.2-1.fc25             



2017-07-03: sdb6 - F25 - dnf - install xpdf

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install xpdf
Last metadata expiration check: 0:01:24 ago on Mon Jul  3 11:02:15 2017.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                                   Arch                              Version                                    Repository                         Size
 libXp                                                     x86_64                            1.0.2-6.fc24                               fedora                             34 k
 libpaper                                                  x86_64                            1.1.24-12.fc24                             fedora                             41 k
 motif                                                     x86_64                            2.3.4-11.fc24                              fedora                            1.4 M
 xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi                            noarch                            7.5-16.fc24                                fedora                            932 k
 xorg-x11-xbitmaps                                         noarch                            1.1.1-9.fc24                               fedora                             41 k
 xpdf                                                      x86_64                            1:3.04-12.fc24                             fedora                            1.2 M

Transaction Summary
Install  6 Packages

Total download size: 3.6 M
Installed size: 10 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  libXp.x86_64 1.0.2-6.fc24  libpaper.x86_64 1.1.24-12.fc24 motif.x86_64 2.3.4-11.fc24 xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi.noarch 7.5-16.fc24 xorg-x11-xbitmaps.noarch 1.1.1-9.fc24
  xpdf.x86_64 1:3.04-12.fc24

