HP EliteBook Folio 9470m - Fedora

Hardware info on main page.

sdb1 200M esp - EFI System partition
sdb2  60G FreeBSD ufs
sdb3   4G FreeBSD swap
sdb4  50G Debian
sdb5   1G /boot (for Fedora)
sdb6  50G Fedora


links: Fedora: Creating GPG Keys, Fedora Magazine: GPG a Fedora Primer, GPG key management part 1, GPG Using Your key, GPG key management part 2, other links: DirtyJTAG,

Archives: 2017: 2017-1, 2017-2, 2017-3, 2017-4, 2017-5, 2017-6, 2018: 2018-1,


2018-11-15: sdb6 - F28 - battery - testing

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ date;acpi -b
Thu Nov 15 12:34:43 CET 2018
Battery 0: Full, 100%
[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ date;acpi -b
Thu Nov 15 13:26:32 CET 2018
Battery 0: Discharging, 72%, 02:13:22 remaining
[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ date;acpi -b
Thu Nov 15 13:55:00 CET 2018
Battery 0: Discharging, 56%, 01:45:08 remaining
[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ date;acpi -b
Thu Nov 15 13:56:54 CET 2018
Battery 0: Discharging, 55%, 01:34:51 remaining
[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ date;acpi -b
Thu Nov 15 14:10:28 CET 2018
Battery 0: Discharging, 48%, 01:27:36 remaining
[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ date;acpi -b
Thu Nov 15 14:22:54 CET 2018
Battery 0: Discharging, 41%, 01:10:53 remaining
[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ date;acpi -b
Thu Nov 15 14:41:22 CET 2018
Battery 0: Discharging, 30%, 00:56:23 remaining
[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ date;acpi -b
Thu Nov 15 14:57:38 CET 2018
Battery 0: Discharging, 3%, 00:02:04 remaining

so, basically 2h 23 mins. Plug it in, do 'acpi -i'

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ date;acpi -i
Thu Nov 15 15:00:53 CET 2018
Battery 0: Charging, 9%, 00:39:42 until charged
Battery 0: design capacity 1295 mAh, last full capacity 1295 mAh = 100%

hmm, not good either.

2018-11-15: sdb6 - F28 - battery - acpi reports

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ acpi -b
Battery 0: Full, 100%
[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ acpi -i
Battery 0: Full, 100%
Battery 0: design capacity 1584 mAh, last full capacity 1584 mAh = 100%

but 1584 mAh sounds ... very little.

2018-11-14: sdb6 - F28 - battery - the battery only lasts about 30 minutes?

2018-11-14: sdb6 - F28 - dnf - install printrun

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install printrun
Install  57 Packages

Total download size: 69 M
Installed size: 296 M
  printrun.x86_64 1:2.0.0-0.5.rc5.fc28                3dprinter-udev-rules.noarch 0.2.1-4.fc28       CharLS.x86_64 1.0-16.fc28                
  SuperLU.x86_64 5.2.0-7.fc28                         admesh-libs.x86_64 0.98.3-2.fc28               argtable.x86_64 2.13-14.fc28             
  armadillo.x86_64 9.100.5-1.fc28                     arpack.x86_64 3.5.0-6.fc28                     blas.x86_64 3.8.0-9.fc28                 
  cfitsio.x86_64 3.430-1.fc28                         coin-or-Clp.x86_64 1.16.10-6.fc28              coin-or-CoinUtils.x86_64 2.10.13-7.fc28  
  coin-or-Osi.x86_64 0.107.8-6.fc28                   freexl.x86_64 1.0.5-1.fc28                     gdal-libs.x86_64 2.2.4-3.fc28            
  gdcm.x86_64 2.8.4-5.fc28                            geos.x86_64 3.6.1-8.fc28                       hdf5.x86_64 1.8.20-3.fc28                
  lapack.x86_64 3.8.0-9.fc28                          libaec.x86_64 1.0.2-3.fc28                     libdap.x86_64 3.18.3-4.fc27              
  libgeotiff.x86_64 1.4.0-12.fc28                     libgta.x86_64 1.0.7-7.fc28                     libkml.x86_64 1.3.0-10.fc28              
  libspatialite.x86_64 4.3.0a-8.fc28                  libucil.x86_64 0.9.10-16.fc28                  libunicap.x86_64 0.9.12-21.fc28          
  mariadb-connector-c.x86_64 3.0.6-2.fc28             netcdf.x86_64                   ogdi.x86_64 3.2.1-1.fc28                 
  openblas-openmp.x86_64 0.2.20-10.fc28               openblas-threads64_.x86_64 0.2.20-10.fc28      opencv-contrib.x86_64 3.4.1-3.fc28       
  opencv-core.x86_64 3.4.1-3.fc28                     openni.x86_64                 plater.noarch 1:2.0.0-0.5.rc5.fc28       
  postgresql-libs.x86_64 10.6-1.fc28                  printrun-common.x86_64 1:2.0.0-0.5.rc5.fc28    pronsole.noarch 1:2.0.0-0.5.rc5.fc28     
  pronterface.noarch 1:2.0.0-0.5.rc5.fc28             python3-appdirs.noarch 1.4.3-3.fc28            python3-cairocffi.noarch 0.7.2-10.fc28   
  python3-future.noarch 0.16.0-8.fc28                 python3-numpy.x86_64 1:1.14.5-1.fc28           python3-olefile.noarch 0.46-1.fc28       
  python3-pillow.x86_64 5.1.1-1.fc28                  python3-psutil.x86_64 5.4.3-4.fc28             python3-pyglet.noarch 1.3.1-1.fc28       
  python3-pyserial.noarch 3.1.1-6.fc28                python3-sip.x86_64 4.19.7-2.fc28               python3-wxpython4.x86_64 4.0.1-3.fc28    
  simarrange.x86_64 0.0-17.20170316git8238ce5.fc28    tinyxml.x86_64 2.6.2-16.fc28                   unixODBC.x86_64 2.3.7-1.fc28             
  uriparser.x86_64 0.8.5-1.fc28                       wxGTK3.x86_64 3.0.4-1.fc28                     wxGTK3-gl.x86_64 3.0.4-1.fc28            



2018-11-07: sdb6 - F28 - GnuPG - when working with it, remember that it is called 'gpg2' in Fedora.

2018-10-24: sdb6 - F28 - dnf - install android-tools

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install android-tools
Total download size: 474 k
Installed size: 1.6 M
  android-tools.x86_64 20170311gite7195be7725a-7.fc28                                                                                                                          



[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ rpm -ql android-tools.x86_64


2018-10-16: sdb6 - F28 - flatpak - testing list

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ flatpak list
Ref                                             Options      
org.kicad_pcb.KiCad/x86_64/stable               system,current
org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel/x86_64/1.6 system,runtime
org.freedesktop.Platform.ffmpeg/x86_64/1.6      system,runtime
org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/3.26                  system,runtime

list only apps

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ flatpak list --app
Ref                               Options      
org.kicad_pcb.KiCad/x86_64/stable system,current


[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ flatpak run org.kicad_pcb.KiCad
16:48:58: Debug: Checking template path '/app/share/kicad/template' exists

that works.

2018-10-16: sdb6 - F28 - flatpak - install KiCad

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ flatpak install flathub org.kicad_pcb.KiCad
Required runtime for org.kicad_pcb.KiCad/x86_64/stable (runtime/org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/3.26) found in remote flathub
Do you want to install it? [y/n]: y
Installing in system:
org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/3.26                  flathub 206dc8b94b67
org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel/x86_64/1.6 flathub 82006efc71d3
org.freedesktop.Platform.ffmpeg/x86_64/1.6      flathub d757f762489e
org.gnome.Platform.Locale/x86_64/3.26           flathub e730b2c2e992
org.kicad_pcb.KiCad/x86_64/stable               flathub bc967def89be
  permissions: ipc, network, x11, dri
  file access: home
org.kicad_pcb.KiCad.Locale/x86_64/stable        flathub 3658e6cd0fc4
Is this ok [y/n]: y
Installing: org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/3.26 from flathub
[####################] 978 metadata, 20485 content objects fetched; 291413 KiB transferred in 141 seconds
Now at 206dc8b94b67.
Installing: org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel/x86_64/1.6 from flathub
[####################] 7 metadata, 5 content objects fetched; 2622 KiB transferred in 1 seconds
Now at 82006efc71d3.
Installing: org.freedesktop.Platform.ffmpeg/x86_64/1.6 from flathub
[####################] 8 metadata, 12 content objects fetched; 2788 KiB transferred in 1 seconds
Now at d757f762489e.
Installing: org.gnome.Platform.Locale/x86_64/3.26 from flathub
[####################] 4 metadata, 1 content objects fetched; 14 KiB transferred in 0 seconds
Now at e730b2c2e992.
Installing: org.kicad_pcb.KiCad/x86_64/stable from flathub
[######=             ] Downloading files: 5734/20385 226.6 MB (3.2 MB/s)         
error: Failed to install org.kicad_pcb.KiCad/x86_64/stable: While pulling app/org.kicad_pcb.KiCad/x86_64/stable from remote flathub: [56] Failure when receiving data from the peer

retry, failed, retry

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ flatpak install flathub org.kicad_pcb.KiCad
Installing in system:
org.kicad_pcb.KiCad/x86_64/stable        flathub bc967def89be
  permissions: ipc, network, x11, dri
  file access: home
org.kicad_pcb.KiCad.Locale/x86_64/stable flathub 3658e6cd0fc4
Is this ok [y/n]: y
Installing: org.kicad_pcb.KiCad/x86_64/stable from flathub
[####################] 1 metadata, 5235 content objects fetched; 209019 KiB transferred in 63 seconds
Now at bc967def89be.
Installing: org.kicad_pcb.KiCad.Locale/x86_64/stable from flathub
[####################] 3 metadata, 1 content objects fetched; 2 KiB transferred in 0 seconds
Now at 3658e6cd0fc4.

so, is it installed (and working) now?

2018-10-16: sdb6 - F28 - flatpak - does Flathub have KiCad?

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ flatpak search kicad
Application ID      Version Branch Remotes Description
org.kicad_pcb.KiCad         stable flathub EDA Suite 

yes. which version?

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ flatpak remote-info flathub org.kicad_pcb.KiCad
Ref: app/org.kicad_pcb.KiCad/x86_64/stable
ID: org.kicad_pcb.KiCad
Arch: x86_64
Branch: stable
Collection ID: org.flathub.Stable
Date: 2018-09-14 22:09:55 +0000
Subject: Fix kicad-footprints-5.0.0.tar.gz checksum (1866f1a9)
Commit: bc967def89be222e0f24ed0ec1c75854e69f2582155733be506c52fe0456cfcf
Parent: c6d62f48deae1f455906ef60e52ed445a6301a25835d7a0888d566c48a982a20
Download size: 834.3 MB
Installed size: 4.9 GB
Runtime: org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/3.26
Sdk: org.gnome.Sdk/x86_64/3.26


2018-10-16: sdb6 - F28 - flatpak - do we have any remotes?

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ flatpak remotes

no. Add flathub

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo


[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ flatpak remotes
Name    Options
flathub system


2018-10-16: sdb6 - F28 - dnf - install flatpak

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install flatpak
Install  8 Packages

Total download size: 2.6 M
Installed size: 9.9 M
  flatpak.x86_64 1.0.3-1.fc28             xdg-desktop-portal.x86_64 1.0-1.fc28      xdg-desktop-portal-gtk.x86_64 1.0-1.fc28      libappstream-glib.x86_64 0.7.11-1.fc28    
  libstemmer.x86_64 0-10.585svn.fc28      ostree-libs.x86_64 2018.8-1.fc28          pipewire.x86_64 0.2.3-1.fc28                  pipewire-libs.x86_64 0.2.3-1.fc28         



2018-10-15: sdb6 - F28 - dnf - install Fritzing

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install fritzing
Total download size: 20 M
Installed size: 146 M
  fritzing.x86_64 0.9.2b-15.fc28      google-droid-sans-mono-fonts.noarch 20120715-13.fc28      qt5-qtserialport.x86_64 5.11.1-2.fc28      quazip-qt5.x86_64 0.7.6-1.fc28    



2018-10-09: sdb6 - F28 - reboot, and a new kernel

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ uname -a
Linux kg-elitebook.kg4.no 4.18.12-200.fc28.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Oct 4 15:46:35 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


2018-10-09: sdb6 - F28 - dnf - upgrade

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade
Install    9 Packages
Upgrade  148 Packages
Remove     5 Packages

Total download size: 538 M
  kernel.x86_64 4.17.5-100.fc27                    kernel-core.x86_64 4.17.5-100.fc27      kernel-devel.x86_64 4.17.5-100.fc27      kernel-modules.x86_64 4.17.5-100.fc27    
  kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.17.5-100.fc27    

  kernel.x86_64 4.18.12-200.fc28                 kernel-core.x86_64 4.18.12-200.fc28   kernel-devel.x86_64 4.18.12-200.fc28   kernel-modules.x86_64 4.18.12-200.fc28        
  kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.18.12-200.fc28   apr-util-bdb.x86_64 1.6.1-8.fc28      apr-util-openssl.x86_64 1.6.1-8.fc28   libaom.x86_64 1.0.0-4.20180925gitd0076f5.fc28 
  libxcrypt-common.noarch 4.2.1-3.fc28         

  NetworkManager.x86_64 1:1.10.12-1.fc28                          NetworkManager-adsl.x86_64 1:1.10.12-1.fc28           NetworkManager-bluetooth.x86_64 1:1.10.12-1.fc28     
  NetworkManager-glib.x86_64 1:1.10.12-1.fc28                     NetworkManager-libnm.x86_64 1:1.10.12-1.fc28          NetworkManager-ppp.x86_64 1:1.10.12-1.fc28           
  NetworkManager-team.x86_64 1:1.10.12-1.fc28                     NetworkManager-wifi.x86_64 1:1.10.12-1.fc28           NetworkManager-wwan.x86_64 1:1.10.12-1.fc28          
  ansible.noarch 2.6.5-1.fc28                                     apr-util.x86_64 1.6.1-8.fc28                          authselect.x86_64 1.0.1-2.fc28                       
  authselect-compat.x86_64 1.0.1-2.fc28                           authselect-libs.x86_64 1.0.1-2.fc28                   bind-export-libs.x86_64 32:9.11.4-10.P2.fc28         
  bind-libs.x86_64 32:9.11.4-10.P2.fc28                           bind-libs-lite.x86_64 32:9.11.4-10.P2.fc28            bind-license.noarch 32:9.11.4-10.P2.fc28             
  bind-utils.x86_64 32:9.11.4-10.P2.fc28                          blivet-gui-runtime.noarch 2.1.9-1.fc28                ca-certificates.noarch 2018.2.26-1.0.fc28            
  chromium.x86_64 69.0.3497.92-1.fc28                             chromium-common.x86_64 69.0.3497.92-1.fc28            chromium-libs.x86_64 69.0.3497.92-1.fc28             
  chromium-libs-media.x86_64 69.0.3497.92-1.fc28                  chrony.x86_64 3.4-1.fc28                              cups.x86_64 1:2.2.6-23.fc28                          
  cups-client.x86_64 1:2.2.6-23.fc28                              cups-filesystem.noarch 1:2.2.6-23.fc28                cups-filters.x86_64 1.20.0-11.fc28                   
  cups-filters-libs.x86_64 1.20.0-11.fc28                         cups-libs.x86_64 1:2.2.6-23.fc28                      dmidecode.x86_64 1:3.2-1.fc28                        
  elfutils.x86_64 0.174-1.fc28                                    elfutils-default-yama-scope.noarch 0.174-1.fc28       elfutils-libelf.x86_64 0.174-1.fc28                  
  elfutils-libs.x86_64 0.174-1.fc28                               evince.x86_64 3.28.4-2.fc28                           evince-djvu.x86_64 3.28.4-2.fc28                     
  evince-libs.x86_64 3.28.4-2.fc28                                ffmpeg-libs.x86_64 4.0.2-6.fc28                       firefox.x86_64 62.0.3-1.fc28                         
  firewall-config.noarch 0.5.5-1.fc28                             firewalld.noarch 0.5.5-1.fc28                         firewalld-filesystem.noarch 0.5.5-1.fc28             
  ghostscript.x86_64 9.25-1.fc28                                  ghostscript-core.x86_64 9.25-1.fc28                   ghostscript-tools-fonts.x86_64 9.25-1.fc28           
  ghostscript-tools-printing.x86_64 9.25-1.fc28                   ghostscript-x11.x86_64 9.25-1.fc28                    glib2.x86_64 2.56.3-2.fc28                           
  glib2-devel.x86_64 2.56.3-2.fc28                                gnutls.x86_64 3.6.4-1.fc28                            hplip-common.x86_64 3.18.6-7.fc28                    
  hplip-libs.x86_64 3.18.6-7.fc28                                 hwdata.noarch 0.316-1.fc28                            ibus-typing-booster.noarch 2.1.2-1.fc28              
  iproute.x86_64 4.18.0-1.fc28                                    iproute-tc.x86_64 4.18.0-1.fc28                       java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64 1:     
  java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless.x86_64 1:       kernel-headers.x86_64 4.18.12-200.fc28                lcms2.x86_64 2.9-4.fc28                              
  libcmis.x86_64 0.5.1-12.fc28                                    libgs.x86_64 9.25-1.fc28                              libmad.x86_64 0.15.1b-26.fc28                        
  libmodulemd.x86_64 1.6.4-1.fc28                                 libsane-hpaio.x86_64 3.18.6-7.fc28                    libssh.x86_64 0.8.3-3.fc28                           
  libudisks2.x86_64 2.7.6-2.fc28                                  libuv.x86_64 1:1.23.0-1.fc28                          libxcrypt.x86_64 4.2.1-3.fc28                        
  libxcrypt-devel.x86_64 4.2.1-3.fc28                             llvm-libs.x86_64 6.0.1-8.fc28                         lyx-fonts.noarch 2.3.1-1.fc28                        
  mame.x86_64 0.202-1.fc28                                        mame-data.noarch 0.202-1.fc28                         mesa-dri-drivers.x86_64 18.0.5-4.fc28                
  mesa-filesystem.x86_64 18.0.5-4.fc28                            mesa-libEGL.x86_64 18.0.5-4.fc28                      mesa-libEGL-devel.x86_64 18.0.5-4.fc28               
  mesa-libOpenCL.x86_64 18.0.5-4.fc28                             mesa-libgbm.x86_64 18.0.5-4.fc28                      mesa-libxatracker.x86_64 18.0.5-4.fc28               
  mesa-vulkan-drivers.x86_64 18.0.5-4.fc28                        nodejs.x86_64 1:8.12.0-1.fc28                         npm.x86_64 1:6.4.1-                   
  nspr.x86_64 4.20.0-1.fc28                                       nss.x86_64 3.39.0-1.0.fc28                            nss-softokn.x86_64 3.39.0-1.0.fc28                   
  nss-softokn-freebl.x86_64 3.39.0-1.0.fc28                       nss-sysinit.x86_64 3.39.0-1.0.fc28                    nss-tools.x86_64 3.39.0-1.0.fc28                     
  nss-util.x86_64 3.39.0-1.0.fc28                                 openblas.x86_64 0.3.3-1.fc28                          openblas-serial.x86_64 0.3.3-1.fc28                  
  openblas-threads.x86_64 0.3.3-1.fc28                            openssl.x86_64 1:1.1.0i-1.fc28                        openssl-devel.x86_64 1:1.1.0i-1.fc28                 
  openssl-libs.x86_64 1:1.1.0i-1.fc28                             openssl-pkcs11.x86_64 0.4.8-2.fc28                    opus.x86_64 1.3-0.7.rc2.fc28                         
  p11-kit.x86_64 0.23.14-1.fc28                                   p11-kit-trust.x86_64 0.23.14-1.fc28                   pcre.x86_64 8.42-4.fc28                              
  pcre-cpp.x86_64 8.42-4.fc28                                     pcre-devel.x86_64 8.42-4.fc28                         pcre-utf16.x86_64 8.42-4.fc28                        
  pcre-utf32.x86_64 8.42-4.fc28                                   pcre2.x86_64 10.32-3.fc28                             pcre2-devel.x86_64 10.32-3.fc28                      
  pcre2-utf16.x86_64 10.32-3.fc28                                 pcre2-utf32.x86_64 10.32-3.fc28                       perl-Archive-Zip.noarch 1.64-1.fc28                  
  perl-File-Path.noarch 2.16-1.fc28                               perl-Locale-Codes.noarch 3.58-1.fc28                  perl-Module-CoreList.noarch 1:5.20180920-1.fc28      
  perl-Module-CoreList-tools.noarch 1:5.20180920-1.fc28           perl-PathTools.x86_64 3.75-1.fc28                     perl-perlfaq.noarch 5.20180915-1.fc28                
  python2.x86_64 2.7.15-3.fc28                                    python2-devel.x86_64 2.7.15-3.fc28                    python2-libs.x86_64 2.7.15-3.fc28                    
  python2-olefile.noarch 0.46-1.fc28                              python2-tkinter.x86_64 2.7.15-3.fc28                  python3-bind.noarch 32:9.11.4-10.P2.fc28             
  python3-firewall.noarch 0.5.5-1.fc28                            qemu-guest-agent.x86_64 2:2.11.2-4.fc28               redhat-rpm-config.noarch 109-1.fc28                  
  selinux-policy.noarch 3.14.1-44.fc28                            selinux-policy-targeted.noarch 3.14.1-44.fc28         tigervnc-license.noarch 1.9.0-3.fc28                 
  tigervnc-server-minimal.x86_64 1.9.0-3.fc28                     tumbler.x86_64 0.2.3-1.fc28                           udisks2.x86_64 2.7.6-2.fc28                          
  udisks2-iscsi.x86_64 2.7.6-2.fc28                               unbound-libs.x86_64 1.7.3-9.fc28                      unrar.x86_64 5.6.6-1.fc28                            
  vid.stab.x86_64 1.1.0-9.20180529git38ecbaf.fc28                 vim-X11.x86_64 2:8.1.450-1.fc28                       vim-common.x86_64 2:8.1.450-1.fc28                   
  vim-filesystem.noarch 2:8.1.450-1.fc28                          vim-minimal.x86_64 2:8.1.450-1.fc28                   vlc.x86_64 3.0.4-2.fc28                              
  vlc-core.x86_64 3.0.4-2.fc28                                    webkit2gtk3.x86_64 2.22.0-1.fc28                      webkit2gtk3-jsc.x86_64 2.22.0-1.fc28                 
  webkit2gtk3-plugin-process-gtk2.x86_64 2.22.0-1.fc28          


a reboot remains.

2018-09-26: sdb6 - F28 - udev - created a rule to let user which are members of the 'dialout' group access the DirtyJTAG adapter. The rule is

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/99-dirtyjtag.rules
# DirtyJTAG - rules to let users in 'dialout' group access the device
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1209", ATTRS{idProduct}=="c0ca", GROUP="dialout"

reload rules

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo udevadm control --reload

then I just unplugged and plugged the device.

2018-09-24: sdb6 - F28 - dnf - install SDL-devel (needed to build abc80sim)

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install SDL-devel
Install  7 Packages
Upgrade  4 Packages

Total download size: 3.0 M
  SDL-devel.x86_64 1.2.15-30.fc28            alsa-lib-devel.x86_64 1.1.6-2.fc28         gl-manpages.noarch 1.1-15.20161227.fc28      libXrandr-devel.x86_64 1.5.1-5.fc28    
  libXrender-devel.x86_64 0.9.10-5.fc28      mesa-libGL-devel.x86_64 18.0.5-4.fc28      mesa-libGLU-devel.x86_64 9.0.0-14.fc28     

  mesa-libGL.x86_64 18.0.5-4.fc28         mesa-libGLES.x86_64 18.0.5-4.fc28         mesa-libGLES-devel.x86_64 18.0.5-4.fc28         mesa-libglapi.x86_64 18.0.5-4.fc28       



2018-09-17: sdb6 - F28 - ct-ng -start fresh with m68k-unknown-elf configure

[tingo@kg-elitebook m68k-elf]$ ct-ng m68k-unknown-elf
  CONF  m68k-unknown-elf
# configuration written to .config


Initially reported by: Remy Bohmer
URL: linux@bohmer.net

Example for building a toolchain for m68000 bare metal targets


Now configured for "m68k-unknown-elf"


[tingo@kg-elitebook m68k-elf]$ ct-ng build
[INFO ]  Performing some trivial sanity checks
[INFO ]  Build started 20180917.154714
[INFO ]  Building environment variables
[WARN ]  Directory '/home/tingo/src' does not exist.
[WARN ]  Will not save downloaded tarballs to local storage.
[EXTRA]  Preparing working directories
[EXTRA]  Installing user-supplied crosstool-NG configuration
[EXTRA]  =================================================================
[EXTRA]  Dumping internal crosstool-NG configuration
[EXTRA]    Building a toolchain for:
[EXTRA]      build  = x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
[EXTRA]      host   = x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
[EXTRA]      target = m68k-unknown-elf
[EXTRA]  Dumping internal crosstool-NG configuration: done in 0.11s (at 00:02)
[INFO ]  Installing final gcc compiler: done in 787.38s (at 19:06)
[INFO ]  =================================================================
[INFO ]  Finalizing the toolchain's directory
[INFO ]    Stripping all toolchain executables
[EXTRA]    Creating toolchain aliases
[EXTRA]    Removing installed documentation
[INFO ]  Finalizing the toolchain's directory: done in 1.23s (at 19:08)
[INFO ]  Build completed at 20180917.160621
[INFO ]  (elapsed: 19:06.54)
[INFO ]  Finishing installation (may take a few seconds)...
[19:08] / [tingo@kg-elitebook m68k-elf]$

ok. Installed where?

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ l ~/x-tools/m68k-unknown-elf/bin
./                 m68k-unknown-elf-c++filt*         m68k-unknown-elf-gcc*       m68k-unknown-elf-gcov-dump*    m68k-unknown-elf-nm*       m68k-unknown-elf-strings*
../                 m68k-unknown-elf-cpp*         m68k-unknown-elf-gcc-8.1.0*   m68k-unknown-elf-gcov-tool*    m68k-unknown-elf-objcopy*  m68k-unknown-elf-strip*
m68k-unknown-elf-addr2line*  m68k-unknown-elf-ct-ng.config*  m68k-unknown-elf-gcc-ar*       m68k-unknown-elf-gprof*    m68k-unknown-elf-objdump*
m68k-unknown-elf-ar*         m68k-unknown-elf-elf2flt*         m68k-unknown-elf-gcc-nm*       m68k-unknown-elf-ld*        m68k-unknown-elf-ranlib*
m68k-unknown-elf-as*         m68k-unknown-elf-elfedit*         m68k-unknown-elf-gcc-ranlib*  m68k-unknown-elf-ld.bfd*    m68k-unknown-elf-readelf*
m68k-unknown-elf-cc@         m68k-unknown-elf-flthdr*         m68k-unknown-elf-gcov*       m68k-unknown-elf-ld.real*    m68k-unknown-elf-size*

aha, there.

2018-09-17: sdb6 - F28 - ct-ng - build newest version bootstrap

[tingo@kg-elitebook crosstool-ng]$ ./bootstrap
INFO  :: *** Generating package version descriptions
INFO  :: Master packages: android-ndk autoconf automake avr-libc binutils cloog duma elf2flt expat gcc gdb gettext glibc glibc-ports gmp isl libelf libiconv libtool linux ltrace m4 make mingw-w64 mpc mpfr musl ncurses newlib strace uClibc zlib
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/android-ndk.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/autoconf.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/automake.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/avr-libc.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/binutils.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/cloog.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/duma.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/elf2flt.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/expat.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/gcc.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/gdb.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/gettext.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/glibc.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/glibc-ports.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/gmp.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/isl.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/libelf.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/libiconv.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/libtool.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/linux.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/ltrace.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/m4.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/make.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/mingw-w64.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/mpc.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/mpfr.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/musl.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/ncurses.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/newlib.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/strace.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/uClibc.in'
INFO  :: Generating 'config/versions/zlib.in'
INFO  :: *** Generating menu/choice selections
INFO  :: Generating arch.in (choice)
INFO  :: Generating kernel.in (choice)
INFO  :: Generating cc.in (choice)
INFO  :: Generating binutils.in (choice)
INFO  :: Generating libc.in (choice)
INFO  :: Generating debug.in (menu)
INFO  :: Generating comp_tools.in (menu)
INFO  :: Generating comp_libs.in (menu)
INFO  :: *** Gathering the list of data files to install
INFO  :: *** Running autoreconf
INFO  :: *** Done!


[tingo@kg-elitebook crosstool-ng]$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking whether make supports nested variables... yes
checking how to create a pax tar archive... gnutar
checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... yes
checking build system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking whether install takes --strip-program option... yes
checking for ggrep... no
checking for grep... grep
checking for absolute path to grep... /usr/bin/grep
checking for gegrep... no
checking for egrep... egrep
checking for absolute path to egrep... /usr/bin/egrep
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep
checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E
checking for sed... /usr/bin/sed
checking for GNU sed >= 4.0... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking for style of include used by make... GNU
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking for g++... g++
checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes
checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes
checking dependency style of g++... gcc3
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for flex... flex
checking lex output file root... lex.yy
checking lex library... none needed
checking whether yytext is a pointer... no
checking for bison... bison -y
checking if gcc can static link... no
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking for gobjcopy... no
checking for objcopy... objcopy
checking for absolute path to objcopy... /usr/bin/objcopy
checking for gobjdump... no
checking for objdump... objdump
checking for absolute path to objdump... /usr/bin/objdump
checking for greadelf... no
checking for readelf... readelf
checking for absolute path to readelf... /usr/bin/readelf
checking for bison... bison
checking for flex... flex
checking for makeinfo... makeinfo
checking for cut... cut
checking for readlink... readlink
checking for tar... tar
checking for gzip... gzip
checking for bzip2... bzip2
checking for xz... xz
checking for unzip... unzip
checking for help2man... help2man
checking for wget... wget
checking for curl... curl
checking for stat... stat
checking whether stat takes GNU or BSD format... GNU
checking whether to use getconf or sysctl to count CPUs... getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN
checking for gpatch... no
checking for patch... patch
checking for absolute path to patch... /usr/bin/patch
checking for bash... /usr/bin/bash
checking for GNU bash >= 3.1... yes
checking for absolute path to gawk... /usr/bin/gawk
checking for GNU awk... yes
checking for make... /usr/bin/gmake
checking for GNU make >= 3.81... yes
checking for libtool... /usr/bin/libtool
checking for GNU libtool >= 2.4... yes
checking for libtoolize... /usr/bin/libtoolize
checking for GNU libtoolize >= 2.4... yes
checking for GNU autoconf >= 2.65... no
checking for autoreconf... /usr/bin/autoreconf
checking for GNU autoreconf >= 2.63... yes
checking for GNU automake >= 1.15... no
checking for m4... /usr/bin/m4
checking for GNU m4 >= 1.4.12... yes
checking for cvs... no
checking for svn... svn
checking for git... git
checking for gmd5sum... no
checking for md5sum... /usr/bin/md5sum
checking for gsha1sum... no
checking for sha1sum... /usr/bin/sha1sum
checking for gsha256sum... no
checking for sha256sum... /usr/bin/sha256sum
checking for gsha512sum... no
checking for sha512sum... /usr/bin/sha512sum
checking for inline... inline
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes
checking for GNU libc compatible malloc... yes
checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes
checking for GNU libc compatible realloc... yes
checking for size_t... yes
checking for working alloca.h... yes
checking for alloca... yes
checking for ld used by gcc... /usr/bin/ld
checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes
checking for shared library run path origin... done
checking whether NLS is requested... yes
checking for CFPreferencesCopyAppValue... no
checking for CFLocaleCopyCurrent... no
checking for GNU gettext in libc... yes
checking whether to use NLS... yes
checking where the gettext function comes from... libc
checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes
checking for ncursesw via pkg-config... yes
checking for working ncursesw/curses.h... yes
checking for working ncursesw.h... no
checking for working ncurses.h... yes
checking for Curses Panel library with ncursesw/panel.h... yes
checking for Curses Menu library with ncursesw/menu.h... yes
checking for build time... Mon Sep 17 15:39:18 2018
checking if the manual needs to be installed... no
checking that generated files are newer than configure... done
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating paths.sh
config.status: creating kconfig/Makefile
config.status: creating config/configure.in
config.status: creating config.h
config.status: executing depfiles commands


[tingo@kg-elitebook crosstool-ng]$ make
gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/zs/tingo/work/crosstool-ng'

make install

[tingo@kg-elitebook crosstool-ng]$ sudo make install
gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/zs/tingo/work/crosstool-ng'


2018-09-17: sdb6 - F28 - ct-ng - clone repository directory

[tingo@kg-elitebook work]$ pwd


[tingo@kg-elitebook work]$ git clone https://github.com/crosstool-ng/crosstool-ng
Cloning into 'crosstool-ng'...
remote: Counting objects: 35014, done.
remote: Total 35014 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 35014
Receiving objects: 100% (35014/35014), 13.44 MiB | 1019.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (22853/22853), done.


2018-09-17: sdb6 - F28 - ct-ng - uninstall it

[tingo@kg-elitebook crosstool-ng-1.23.0]$ sudo make uninstall
  RM      '/usr/local/bin/ct-ng'
  RMDIR   '/usr/local/lib/crosstool-ng-1.23.0/'
  RMDIR   '/usr/local/share/doc/crosstool-ng/crosstool-ng-1.23.0/'
  RM      '/usr/local/share/man/man1/ct-ng.1.gz'


2018-09-17: sdb6 - F28 - ct-ng - try to build m68k-elf

[tingo@kg-elitebook m68k-elf]$ pwd

list samples

[tingo@kg-elitebook m68k-elf]$ ct-ng list-samples
Status  Sample name
[G..]   m68k-unknown-elf
[G..]   m68k-unknown-uclinux-uclibc
 L (Local)       : sample was found in current directory
 G (Global)      : sample was installed with crosstool-NG
 X (EXPERIMENTAL): sample may use EXPERIMENTAL features
 B (BROKEN)      : sample is currently broken

m68k-unknown-elf looks interesting

[tingo@kg-elitebook m68k-elf]$ ct-ng show-m68k-unknown-elf
  IN    config.gen/arch.in
  IN    config.gen/kernel.in
  IN    config.gen/cc.in
  IN    config.gen/binutils.in
  IN    config.gen/libc.in
  IN    config.gen/debug.in
[G..]   m68k-unknown-elf
    OS             : bare-metal
    Companion libs : gmp-6.1.2 mpfr-3.1.5 mpc-1.0.3
    binutils       : binutils-2.28
    C compilers    : gcc  |  6.3.0
    Languages      : C
    C library      : none (threads: none)
    Tools          :

let me try to build it. First configure ct-ng with it

[tingo@kg-elitebook m68k-elf]$ ct-ng m68k-unknown-elf
  CONF  config/config.in
# configuration written to .config


Initially reported by: Remy Bohmer
URL: linux@bohmer.net

Example for building a toolchain for m68000 bare metal targets


Now configured for "m68k-unknown-elf"

next, list the steps

[tingo@kg-elitebook m68k-elf]$ ct-ng list-steps
Available build steps, in order:
  - companion_tools_for_build
  - companion_libs_for_build
  - binutils_for_build
  - companion_tools_for_host
  - companion_libs_for_host
  - binutils_for_host
  - cc_core_pass_1
  - kernel_headers
  - libc_start_files
  - cc_core_pass_2
  - libc
  - cc_for_build
  - cc_for_host
  - libc_post_cc
  - companion_libs_for_target
  - binutils_for_target
  - debug
  - test_suite
  - finish
Use "<step>" as action to execute only that step.
Use "+<step>" as action to execute up to that step.
Use "<step>+" as action to execute from that step onward.

ignore all that, just try build

[tingo@kg-elitebook m68k-elf]$ ct-ng build
[INFO ]  Performing some trivial sanity checks
[INFO ]  Build started 20180917.133938
[INFO ]  Building environment variables
[WARN ]  Directory '/home/tingo/src' does not exist.
[WARN ]  Will not save downloaded tarballs to local storage.
[EXTRA]  Preparing working directories
[EXTRA]  Installing user-supplied crosstool-NG configuration
[EXTRA]  =================================================================
[EXTRA]  Dumping internal crosstool-NG configuration
[EXTRA]    Building a toolchain for:
[EXTRA]      build  = x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
[EXTRA]      host   = x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
[EXTRA]      target = m68k-unknown-elf
[EXTRA]  Dumping internal crosstool-NG configuration: done in 0.07s (at 00:02)
[INFO ]  =================================================================
[INFO ]  Retrieving needed toolchain components' tarballs
[INFO ]  Installing automake for build
[EXTRA]    Configuring automake
[EXTRA]    Building automake
[ERROR]    gmake[1]: *** [Makefile:3687: doc/automake-1.15.1] Error 255
[ERROR]  >>
[ERROR]  >>  Build failed in step 'Installing automake for build'
[ERROR]  >>        called in step '(top-level)'
[ERROR]  >>
[ERROR]  >>  Error happened in: CT_DoExecLog[scripts/functions@338]
[ERROR]  >>        called from: do_automake_backend[scripts/build/companion_tools/300-automake.sh@46]
[ERROR]  >>        called from: do_companion_tools_automake_for_build[scripts/build/companion_tools/300-automake.sh@17]
[ERROR]  >>        called from: do_companion_tools_for_build[scripts/build/companion_tools.sh@35]
[ERROR]  >>        called from: main[scripts/crosstool-NG.sh@653]
[ERROR]  >>
[ERROR]  >>  For more info on this error, look at the file: 'build.log'
[ERROR]  >>  There is a list of known issues, some with workarounds, in:
[ERROR]  >>      '/usr/local/share/doc/crosstool-ng/crosstool-ng-1.23.0/B - Known issues.txt'
[ERROR]  >>
[ERROR]  >>  If you feel this is a bug in crosstool-NG, report it at:
[ERROR]  >>      https://github.com/crosstool-ng/crosstool-ng/issues/
[ERROR]  >>
[ERROR]  >>  Make sure your report includes all the information pertinent to this issue.
[ERROR]  >>  Read the bug reporting guidelines here:
[ERROR]  >>      http://crosstool-ng.github.io/support/
[ERROR]  (elapsed: 3:36.62)
[03:37] / gmake: *** [/usr/local/bin/ct-ng:147: build] Error 2

aha - not so easy. Looks like issue 987, 973, I unselected automake in 'ct-ng menuconfig' and saved config. Did a 'ct-ng clean', now try a 'ct-ng build' again.

Now it fails here

[INFO ]  Installing final gcc compiler
[EXTRA]    Configuring final gcc compiler
[EXTRA]    Building final gcc compiler
[ERROR]    /zs/tingo/work/m68k-elf/.build/src/gcc-6.3.0/gcc/ubsan.c:1474:23: error: ISO C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integer [-fpermissive]
[ERROR]    gmake[2]: *** [Makefile:1086: ubsan.o] Error 1
[ERROR]    gmake[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
[ERROR]    gmake[1]: *** [Makefile:4111: all-gcc] Error 2
[ERROR]  >>
[ERROR]  >>  Build failed in step 'Installing final gcc compiler'
[ERROR]  >>        called in step '(top-level)'
[ERROR]  >>
[ERROR]  >>  Error happened in: CT_DoExecLog[scripts/functions@338]
[ERROR]  >>        called from: do_gcc_core_backend[scripts/build/cc/100-gcc.sh@674]
[ERROR]  >>        called from: do_gcc_for_host[scripts/build/cc/100-gcc.sh@832]
[ERROR]  >>        called from: do_cc_for_host[scripts/build/cc.sh@56]
[ERROR]  >>        called from: main[scripts/crosstool-NG.sh@653]
[ERROR]  >>
[ERROR]  >>  For more info on this error, look at the file: 'build.log'

hmm, looks like issue 735. Solution seems to be - install a newer version of ct-ng.

2018-09-17: sdb6 - F28 - dnf - crosstool-NG - build it

[tingo@kg-elitebook crosstool-ng-1.23.0]$ pwd


[tingo@kg-elitebook crosstool-ng-1.23.0]$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
checking build system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking for ggrep... no
checking for grep... grep
checking for absolute path to grep... /usr/bin/grep
checking for gegrep... no
checking for egrep... egrep
checking for absolute path to egrep... /usr/bin/egrep
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep
checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E
checking for sed... /usr/bin/sed
checking for GNU sed >= 4.0... yes
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables...
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking for g++... g++
checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes
checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking if gcc can static link... no
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking for gobjcopy... no
checking for objcopy... objcopy
checking for absolute path to objcopy... /usr/bin/objcopy
checking for gobjdump... no
checking for objdump... objdump
checking for absolute path to objdump... /usr/bin/objdump
checking for greadelf... no
checking for readelf... readelf
checking for absolute path to readelf... /usr/bin/readelf
checking for gperf... gperf
checking for absolute path to gperf... /usr/bin/gperf
checking for bison... bison
checking for flex... flex
checking for makeinfo... makeinfo
checking for cut... cut
checking for readlink... readlink
checking for tar... tar
checking for gzip... gzip
checking for bzip2... bzip2
checking for xz... xz
checking for help2man... help2man
checking for wget... wget
checking for curl... curl
checking for stat... stat
checking whether stat takes GNU or BSD format... GNU
checking whether to use getconf or sysctl to count CPUs... getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN
checking for gpatch... no
checking for patch... patch
checking for absolute path to patch... /usr/bin/patch
checking for bash... /usr/bin/bash
checking for GNU bash >= 3.1... yes
checking for awk... /usr/bin/gawk
checking for GNU awk... yes
checking for make... /usr/bin/gmake
checking for GNU make >= 3.81... yes
checking for libtool... /usr/bin/libtool
checking for GNU libtool >= 2.4... yes
checking for libtoolize... /usr/bin/libtoolize
checking for GNU libtoolize >= 2.4... yes
checking for AUTOCONF... /usr/bin/autoconf
checking for GNU autoconf >= 2.65... yes
checking for autoreconf... /usr/bin/autoreconf
checking for GNU autoreconf >= 2.63... yes
checking for automake... /usr/bin/automake
checking for GNU automake >= 1.15... yes
checking for m4... /usr/bin/m4
checking for GNU m4 >= 1.4.12... yes
checking for the type used in gperf declarations... size_t
checking for cvs... no
checking for svn... svn
checking for git... git
checking for inline... inline
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes
checking for GNU libc compatible malloc... yes
checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes
checking for GNU libc compatible realloc... yes
checking for size_t... yes
checking for working alloca.h... yes
checking for alloca... yes
checking libintl.h usability... yes
checking libintl.h presence... yes
checking for libintl.h... yes
checking whether gettext is declared... yes
checking for library containing bindtextdomain... none required
checking ncurses/ncurses.h usability... yes
checking ncurses/ncurses.h presence... yes
checking for ncurses/ncurses.h... yes
checking for library containing initscr... -lncursesw
checking for library containing tgetent... none required
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile


[tingo@kg-elitebook crosstool-ng-1.23.0]$ make
  SED    'ct-ng'
  SED    'scripts/scripts.mk'
  SED    'scripts/crosstool-NG.sh'
  SED    'scripts/saveSample.sh'
  SED    'scripts/showConfig.sh'
  GEN    'config/configure.in'
  GEN    'paths.mk'
  GEN    'paths.sh'
  DEP    'nconf.gui.dep'
  DEP    'nconf.dep'
  DEP    'lxdialog/yesno.dep'
  DEP    'lxdialog/util.dep'
  DEP    'lxdialog/textbox.dep'
  DEP    'lxdialog/menubox.dep'
  DEP    'lxdialog/inputbox.dep'
  DEP    'lxdialog/checklist.dep'
  DEP    'mconf.dep'
  DEP    'conf.dep'
  BISON  'zconf.tab.c'
  GPERF  'zconf.hash.c'
  LEX    'zconf.lex.c'
  DEP    'zconf.tab.dep'
  CC     'zconf.tab.o'
  CC     'conf.o'
  LD     'conf'
  CC     'lxdialog/checklist.o'
  CC     'lxdialog/inputbox.o'
  CC     'lxdialog/menubox.o'
  CC     'lxdialog/textbox.o'
  CC     'lxdialog/util.o'
  CC     'lxdialog/yesno.o'
  CC     'mconf.o'
  LD     'mconf'
  CC     'nconf.o'
  CC     'nconf.gui.o'
  LD     'nconf'
  SED    'docs/ct-ng.1'
  GZIP   'docs/ct-ng.1.gz'

make install

[tingo@kg-elitebook crosstool-ng-1.23.0]$ sudo make install
  GEN    'config/configure.in'
  GEN    'paths.mk'
  GEN    'paths.sh'
  INST    'ct-ng'
  MKDIR   '/usr/local/lib/crosstool-ng-1.23.0/'
  INSTDIR 'config/'
  INSTDIR 'contrib/'
  INSTDIR 'patches/'
  INSTDIR 'scripts/'
  INST    'steps.mk'
  INST    'paths'
  INSTDIR 'samples/'
  INST    'kconfig/'
  MKDIR   '/usr/local/share/doc/crosstool-ng/crosstool-ng-1.23.0/'
  INST    'docs/manual/*.md'
  INST    'ct-ng.1.gz'

For auto-completion, do not forget to install 'ct-ng.comp' into
your bash completion directory (usually /etc/bash_completion.d)

Hmm, do I have ct-ng in /usr/local/bin now?

[tingo@kg-elitebook crosstool-ng-1.23.0]$ which ct-ng

yes. And man pages too.

2018-09-17: sdb6 - F28 - dnf - install prerequsites for crosstool-NG

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install autoconf gperf bison flex texinfo help2man gcc-c++ patch ncurses-devel python-devel perl-Thread-Queue git
Last metadata expiration check: 1:01:02 ago on Mon 17 Sep 2018 11:49:20 AM CEST.
Package autoconf-2.69-27.fc28.noarch is already installed, skipping.
Package bison-3.0.4-9.fc28.x86_64 is already installed, skipping.
Package flex-2.6.1-7.fc28.x86_64 is already installed, skipping.
Package gcc-c++-8.1.1-5.fc28.x86_64 is already installed, skipping.
Package patch-2.7.6-4.fc28.x86_64 is already installed, skipping.
Package ncurses-devel-6.1-5.20180224.fc28.x86_64 is already installed, skipping.
Package perl-Thread-Queue-3.13-1.fc28.noarch is already installed, skipping.
Package git-2.17.1-3.fc28.x86_64 is already installed, skipping.
  gperf.x86_64 3.1-5.fc28                  help2man.noarch 1.47.6-1.fc28             python2-devel.x86_64 2.7.15-2.fc28                texinfo.x86_64 6.5-4.fc28            
  perl-File-ShareDir.noarch 1.104-3.fc28   perl-Class-Inspector.noarch 1.32-2.fc28   perl-Unicode-EastAsianWidth.noarch 1.33-12.fc28   perl-libintl-perl.x86_64 1.29-2.fc28 
  python-rpm-macros.noarch 3-30.fc28       python2-rpm-macros.noarch 3-30.fc28       python3-rpm-generators.noarch 5-1.fc28          



2018-09-17: sdb6 - F28 - dnf - install gcc-m68k-linux-gnu, to see if gcc-m68k-elf hides there.

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install gcc-m68k-linux-gnu
  gcc-m68k-linux-gnu.x86_64 8.1.1-3.fc28    binutils-m68k-linux-gnu.x86_64 2.30-5.fc28    cross-binutils-common.noarch 2.30-5.fc28    cross-gcc-common.noarch 8.1.1-3.fc28  


what's in them?

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ rpm -ql gcc-m68k-linux-gnu.x86_64 | grep bin


[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ rpm -ql binutils-m68k-linux-gnu.x86_64 | grep bin

no gcc-m68k-elf in sight.

2018-09-13: sdb6 - F28 - dnf - upgrade

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade
Install    5 Packages
Upgrade  502 Packages
Remove     5 Packages

Total download size: 1.0 G
  kernel.x86_64 4.17.3-100.fc27                    kernel-core.x86_64 4.17.3-100.fc27      kernel-devel.x86_64 4.17.3-100.fc27      kernel-modules.x86_64 4.17.3-100.fc27    
  kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.17.3-100.fc27    

  kernel.x86_64 4.18.5-200.fc28                    kernel-core.x86_64 4.18.5-200.fc28      kernel-devel.x86_64 4.18.5-200.fc28      kernel-modules.x86_64 4.18.5-200.fc28    
  kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.18.5-200.fc28    

  NetworkManager-vpnc.x86_64 1:1.2.6-1.fc28                                                 NetworkManager-vpnc-gnome.x86_64 1:1.2.6-1.fc28                                   
  alsa-utils.x86_64 1.1.6-4.fc28                                                            ansible.noarch 2.6.3-1.fc28                                                       
  attr.x86_64 2.4.48-3.fc28                                                                 audit.x86_64 2.8.4-2.fc28                                                         
  audit-libs.x86_64 2.8.4-2.fc28                                                            authselect.x86_64 1.0-1.fc28                                                      
  authselect-compat.x86_64 1.0-1.fc28                                                       authselect-libs.x86_64 1.0-1.fc28                                                 
  autocorr-en.noarch 1:                                                       avahi.x86_64 0.7-13.fc28                                                          
  avahi-glib.x86_64 0.7-13.fc28                                                             avahi-libs.x86_64 0.7-13.fc28                                                     
  avahi-tools.x86_64 0.7-13.fc28                                                            babl.x86_64 0.1.56-2.fc28                                                         
  bind-export-libs.x86_64 32:9.11.4-5.P1.fc28                                               bind-libs.x86_64 32:9.11.4-5.P1.fc28                                              
  bind-libs-lite.x86_64 32:9.11.4-5.P1.fc28                                                 bind-license.noarch 32:9.11.4-5.P1.fc28                                           
  bind-utils.x86_64 32:9.11.4-5.P1.fc28                                                     boost.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                                        
  boost-atomic.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                                         boost-chrono.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                                 
  boost-container.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                                      boost-context.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                                
  boost-coroutine.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                                      boost-date-time.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                              
  boost-devel.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                                          boost-fiber.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                                  
  boost-filesystem.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                                     boost-graph.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                                  
  boost-iostreams.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                                      boost-locale.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                                 
  boost-log.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                                            boost-math.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                                   
  boost-numpy.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                                          boost-program-options.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                        
  boost-python2.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                                        boost-random.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                                 
  boost-regex.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                                          boost-serialization.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                          
  boost-signals.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                                        boost-stacktrace.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                             
  boost-system.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                                         boost-test.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                                   
  boost-thread.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                                         boost-timer.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                                  
  boost-type_erasure.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                                   boost-wave.x86_64 1.66.0-8.fc28                                                   
  btrfs-progs.x86_64 4.17.1-1.fc28                                                          bubblewrap.x86_64 0.3.0-2.fc28                                                    
  chromium.x86_64 68.0.3440.106-3.fc28                                                      chromium-common.x86_64 68.0.3440.106-3.fc28                                       
  chromium-libs.x86_64 68.0.3440.106-3.fc28                                                 chromium-libs-media.x86_64 68.0.3440.106-3.fc28                                   
  clang.x86_64 6.0.1-1.fc28                                                                 clang-libs.x86_64 6.0.1-1.fc28                                                    
  compat-ffmpeg28.x86_64 2.8.15-1.fc28                                                      compiler-rt.x86_64 6.0.1-1.fc28                                                   
  cpp.x86_64 8.1.1-5.fc28                                                                   crda.x86_64 3.18_2018.05.31-2.fc28                                                
  createrepo_c.x86_64 0.10.0-19.fc28                                                        createrepo_c-libs.x86_64 0.10.0-19.fc28                                           
  cryptsetup.x86_64 2.0.4-1.fc28                                                            cryptsetup-libs.x86_64 2.0.4-1.fc28                                               
  cups.x86_64 1:2.2.6-22.fc28                                                               cups-client.x86_64 1:2.2.6-22.fc28                                                
  cups-filesystem.noarch 1:2.2.6-22.fc28                                                    cups-libs.x86_64 1:2.2.6-22.fc28                                                  
  curl.x86_64 7.59.0-7.fc28                                                                 dbus.x86_64 1:1.12.10-1.fc28                                                      
  dbus-devel.x86_64 1:1.12.10-1.fc28                                                        dbus-libs.x86_64 1:1.12.10-1.fc28                                                 
  dbus-x11.x86_64 1:1.12.10-1.fc28                                                          device-mapper-multipath.x86_64 0.7.4-3.git07e7bd5.fc28                            
  device-mapper-multipath-libs.x86_64 0.7.4-3.git07e7bd5.fc28                               dhcp-client.x86_64 12:4.3.6-21.fc28                                               
  dhcp-common.noarch 12:4.3.6-21.fc28                                                       dhcp-libs.x86_64 12:4.3.6-21.fc28                                                 
  dmidecode.x86_64 1:3.1-7.fc28                                                             dmraid.x86_64 1.0.0.rc16-38.fc28                                                  
  dmraid-events.x86_64 1.0.0.rc16-38.fc28                                                   dnsmasq.x86_64 2.79-5.fc28                                                        
  dracut.x86_64 048-14.git20180726.fc28                                                     dracut-config-rescue.x86_64 048-14.git20180726.fc28                               
  dracut-live.x86_64 048-14.git20180726.fc28                                                dracut-network.x86_64 048-14.git20180726.fc28                                     
  e2fsprogs.x86_64 1.44.2-0.fc28                                                            e2fsprogs-libs.x86_64 1.44.2-0.fc28                                               
  exiv2.x86_64 0.26-12.fc28                                                                 exiv2-libs.x86_64 0.26-12.fc28                                                    
  fedora-gpg-keys.noarch 28-5                                                               fedora-repos.noarch 28-5                                                          
  ffmpeg-libs.x86_64 4.0.2-1.fc28                                                           file.x86_64 5.33-7.fc28                                                           
  file-libs.x86_64 5.33-7.fc28                                                              firefox.x86_64 62.0-2.fc28                                                        
  fpaste.noarch                                                              fuse-sshfs.x86_64 2.10-1.fc28                                                     
  gcc.x86_64 8.1.1-5.fc28                                                                   gcc-c++.x86_64 8.1.1-5.fc28                                                       
  gcc-gdb-plugin.x86_64 8.1.1-5.fc28                                                        gd.x86_64 2.2.5-6.fc28                                                            
  gd-devel.x86_64 2.2.5-6.fc28                                                              gdb.x86_64 8.1.1-3.fc28                                                           
  gdb-headless.x86_64 8.1.1-3.fc28                                                          geoclue2.x86_64 2.4.11-1.fc28                                                     
  geoclue2-libs.x86_64 2.4.11-1.fc28                                                        ghostscript.x86_64 9.24-1.fc28                                                    
  ghostscript-core.x86_64 9.24-1.fc28                                                       ghostscript-tools-fonts.x86_64 9.24-1.fc28                                        
  ghostscript-tools-printing.x86_64 9.24-1.fc28                                             ghostscript-x11.x86_64 9.24-1.fc28                                                
  gimp.x86_64 2:2.8.22-7.fc28                                                               gimp-libs.x86_64 2:2.8.22-7.fc28                                                  
  glibc.i686 2.27-32.fc28                                                                   glibc.x86_64 2.27-32.fc28                                                         
  glibc-all-langpacks.x86_64 2.27-32.fc28                                                   glibc-common.x86_64 2.27-32.fc28                                                  
  glibc-devel.x86_64 2.27-32.fc28                                                           glibc-headers.x86_64 2.27-32.fc28                                                 
  glibc-langpack-en.x86_64 2.27-32.fc28                                                     gnome-abrt.x86_64 1.2.6-5.fc28                                                    
  gnome-bluetooth.x86_64 1:3.28.2-1.fc28                                                    gnome-bluetooth-libs.x86_64 1:3.28.2-1.fc28                                       
  gnumeric.x86_64 1:1.12.42-2.fc28                                                          gnutls.x86_64 3.6.3-4.fc28                                                        
  goffice.x86_64 0.10.42-1.fc28                                                             google-noto-emoji-color-fonts.noarch 20180814-1.fc28                              
  google-noto-emoji-fonts.noarch 20180814-1.fc28                                            gparted.x86_64 0.32.0-2.fc28                                                      
  graphviz.x86_64 2.40.1-23.fc28                                                            grilo.x86_64 0.3.6-2.fc28                                                         
  gutenprint.x86_64 5.2.14-1.fc28                                                           gutenprint-cups.x86_64 5.2.14-1.fc28                                              
  gutenprint-libs.x86_64 5.2.14-1.fc28                                                      gvfs.x86_64 1.36.2-2.fc28                                                         
  gvfs-archive.x86_64 1.36.2-2.fc28                                                         gvfs-client.x86_64 1.36.2-2.fc28                                                  
  hunspell-nb.noarch 1:2.0.10-7.fc28                                                        hwdata.noarch 0.315-1.fc28                                                        
  hyphen-nb.noarch 1:2.0.10-7.fc28                                                          ibus.x86_64 1.5.18-7.fc28                                                         
  ibus-gtk2.x86_64 1.5.18-7.fc28                                                            ibus-gtk3.x86_64 1.5.18-7.fc28                                                    
  ibus-hangul.x86_64 1.5.1-1.fc28                                                           ibus-libs.x86_64 1.5.18-7.fc28                                                    
  ibus-setup.noarch 1.5.18-7.fc28                                                           ibus-typing-booster.noarch 2.1.1-1.fc28                                           
  ibus-wayland.x86_64 1.5.18-7.fc28                                                         icedtea-web.noarch 1.7.1-9.fc28                                                   
  iproute.x86_64 4.17.0-3.fc28                                                              iproute-tc.x86_64 4.17.0-3.fc28                                                   
  ipset.x86_64 6.38-1.fc28                                                                  ipset-libs.x86_64 6.38-1.fc28                                                     
  iwl100-firmware.noarch                                                iwl1000-firmware.noarch 1:                                     
  iwl105-firmware.noarch                                               iwl135-firmware.noarch                                       
  iwl2000-firmware.noarch                                              iwl2030-firmware.noarch                                      
  iwl3160-firmware.noarch 1:                                            iwl3945-firmware.noarch                                       
  iwl4965-firmware.noarch                                             iwl5000-firmware.noarch                                      
  iwl5150-firmware.noarch                                                iwl6000-firmware.noarch                                       
  iwl6000g2a-firmware.noarch                                           iwl6000g2b-firmware.noarch                                   
  iwl6050-firmware.noarch                                               iwl7260-firmware.noarch 1:                                    
  java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64 1:                                          java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless.x86_64 1:                         
  kernel-headers.x86_64 4.18.5-200.fc28                                                     kpartx.x86_64 0.7.4-3.git07e7bd5.fc28                                             
  krb5-devel.x86_64 1.16.1-13.fc28                                                          krb5-libs.x86_64 1.16.1-13.fc28                                                   
  libao.x86_64 1.2.0-13.fc28                                                                libattr.x86_64 2.4.48-3.fc28                                                      
  libattr-devel.x86_64 2.4.48-3.fc28                                                        libblkid.x86_64 2.32.1-1.fc28                                                     
  libbytesize.x86_64 1.4-1.fc28                                                             libcap-ng.x86_64 0.7.9-4.fc28                                                     
  libcgroup.x86_64 0.41-20.fc28                                                             libcom_err.x86_64 1.44.2-0.fc28                                                   
  libcom_err-devel.x86_64 1.44.2-0.fc28                                                     libcurl.x86_64 7.59.0-7.fc28                                                      
  libcurl-devel.x86_64 7.59.0-7.fc28                                                        libdrm.x86_64 2.4.93-1.fc28                                                       
  libdrm-devel.x86_64 2.4.93-1.fc28                                                         libdvdnav.x86_64 6.0.0-1.fc28                                                     
  libdvdread.x86_64 6.0.0-1.fc28                                                            libebml.x86_64 1.3.6-1.fc28                                                       
  libertas-usb8388-firmware.noarch 2:20180815-86.gitf1b95fe5.fc28                           libevdev.x86_64 1.5.9-4.fc28                                                      
  libfdisk.x86_64 2.32.1-1.fc28                                                             libfprint.x86_64 0.8.2-1.fc28                                                     
  libgcc.i686 8.1.1-5.fc28                                                                  libgcc.x86_64 8.1.1-5.fc28                                                        
  libgfortran.x86_64 8.1.1-5.fc28                                                           libglvnd.x86_64 1:1.1.0-1.fc28                                                    
  libglvnd-core-devel.x86_64 1:1.1.0-1.fc28                                                 libglvnd-devel.x86_64 1:1.1.0-1.fc28                                              
  libglvnd-egl.x86_64 1:1.1.0-1.fc28                                                        libglvnd-gles.x86_64 1:1.1.0-1.fc28                                               
  libglvnd-glx.x86_64 1:1.1.0-1.fc28                                                        libglvnd-opengl.x86_64 1:1.1.0-1.fc28                                             
  libgomp.x86_64 8.1.1-5.fc28                                                               libgs.x86_64 9.24-1.fc28                                                          
  libinput.x86_64 1.11.3-1.fc28                                                             libipa_hbac.x86_64 1.16.3-2.fc28                                                  
  libkadm5.x86_64 1.16.1-13.fc28                                                            libkcapi.x86_64 1.1.1-11.fc28                                                     
  libkcapi-hmaccalc.x86_64 1.1.1-11.fc28                                                    libldb.x86_64 1.4.0-4.fc28.1.3.6                                                  
  libmatroska.x86_64 1.4.9-1.fc28                                                           libmodulemd.x86_64 1.6.3-2.fc28                                                   
  libmount.x86_64 2.32.1-1.fc28                                                             libmspack.x86_64 0.7-0.1.alpha.fc28                                               
  libnfsidmap.x86_64 1:2.3.2-1.rc3.fc28                                                     libnghttp2.x86_64 1.32.1-1.fc28                                                   
  libnsl.i686 2.27-32.fc28                                                                  libnsl.x86_64 2.27-32.fc28                                                        
  libomp.x86_64 6.0.1-2.fc28                                                                libpcap.x86_64 14:1.9.0-1.fc28                                                    
  libpng.i686 2:1.6.34-6.fc28                                                               libpng.x86_64 2:1.6.34-6.fc28                                                     
  libpng-devel.x86_64 2:1.6.34-6.fc28                                                       libquadmath.x86_64 8.1.1-5.fc28                                                   
  libquadmath-devel.x86_64 8.1.1-5.fc28                                                     librados2.x86_64 1:12.2.8-1.fc28                                                  
  libreoffice.x86_64 1:                                                       libreoffice-base.x86_64 1:                                          
  libreoffice-calc.x86_64 1:                                                  libreoffice-core.x86_64 1:                                          
  libreoffice-data.noarch 1:                                                  libreoffice-draw.x86_64 1:                                          
  libreoffice-emailmerge.x86_64 1:                                            libreoffice-graphicfilter.x86_64 1:                                 
  libreoffice-gtk2.x86_64 1:                                                  libreoffice-gtk3.x86_64 1:                                          
  libreoffice-help-en.x86_64 1:                                               libreoffice-help-nb.x86_64 1:                                       
  libreoffice-impress.x86_64 1:                                               libreoffice-langpack-en.x86_64 1:                                   
  libreoffice-langpack-nb.x86_64 1:                                           libreoffice-math.x86_64 1:                                          
  libreoffice-opensymbol-fonts.noarch 1:                                      libreoffice-pdfimport.x86_64 1:                                     
  libreoffice-pyuno.x86_64 1:                                                 libreoffice-ure.x86_64 1:                                           
  libreoffice-ure-common.noarch 1:                                            libreoffice-writer.x86_64 1:                                        
  libreoffice-x11.x86_64 1:                                                   libreswan.x86_64 3.25-3.fc28                                                      
  librsvg2.x86_64 2.42.6-1.fc28                                                             libsmartcols.x86_64 2.32.1-1.fc28                                                 
  libsmbclient.x86_64 2:4.8.5-0.fc28                                                        libsolv.x86_64 0.6.35-1.fc28                                                      
  libsoup.x86_64 2.62.3-1.fc28                                                              libspiro.x86_64 20150131-8.fc28                                                   
  libss.x86_64 1.44.2-0.fc28                                                                libssh.x86_64 0.8.2-1.fc28                                                        
  libsss_autofs.x86_64 1.16.3-2.fc28                                                        libsss_certmap.x86_64 1.16.3-2.fc28                                               
  libsss_idmap.x86_64 1.16.3-2.fc28                                                         libsss_nss_idmap.x86_64 1.16.3-2.fc28                                             
  libsss_sudo.x86_64 1.16.3-2.fc28                                                          libstdc++.i686 8.1.1-5.fc28                                                       
  libstdc++.x86_64 8.1.1-5.fc28                                                             libstdc++-devel.x86_64 8.1.1-5.fc28                                               
  libthai.x86_64 0.1.28-1.fc28                                                              libtirpc.x86_64 1.0.3-3.rc2.fc28                                                  
  libtomcrypt.x86_64 1.18.2-1.fc28                                                          libusbx.x86_64 1.0.22-1.fc28                                                      
  libusbx-devel.x86_64 1.0.22-1.fc28                                                        libuuid.i686 2.32.1-1.fc28                                                        
  libuuid.x86_64 2.32.1-1.fc28                                                              libuuid-devel.x86_64 2.32.1-1.fc28                                                
  libuv.x86_64 1:1.22.0-1.fc28                                                              libvorbis.x86_64 1:1.3.6-3.fc28                                                   
  libvorbis-devel.x86_64 1:1.3.6-3.fc28                                                     libwbclient.x86_64 2:4.8.5-0.fc28                                                 
  libwmf.x86_64                                                             libwmf-lite.x86_64                                                
  libwps.x86_64 0.4.10-1.fc28                                                               libxcrypt.x86_64 4.1.2-1.fc28                                                     
  libxcrypt-devel.x86_64 4.1.2-1.fc28                                                       libxkbcommon.x86_64 0.8.2-1.fc28                                                  
  libxkbcommon-x11.x86_64 0.8.2-1.fc28                                                      libxml2.x86_64 2.9.8-4.fc28                                                       
  libxml2-devel.x86_64 2.9.8-4.fc28                                                         lightdm.x86_64 1.28.0-1.fc28                                                      
  lightdm-gobject.x86_64 1.28.0-1.fc28                                                      link-grammar.x86_64 5.5.1-4.fc28                                                  
  linux-firmware.noarch 20180815-86.gitf1b95fe5.fc28                                        llvm-libs.x86_64 6.0.1-7.fc28                                                     
  lm_sensors.x86_64 3.4.0-17.20180522git70f7e08.fc28                                        lm_sensors-libs.x86_64 3.4.0-17.20180522git70f7e08.fc28                           
  logrotate.x86_64 3.14.0-2.fc28                                                            mame.x86_64 0.200-1.fc28                                                          
  mame-data.noarch 0.200-1.fc28                                                             man-pages.noarch 4.15-3.fc28                                                      
  microcode_ctl.x86_64 2:2.1-26.fc28                                                        minicom.x86_64 2.7.1-9.fc28                                                       
  mosquitto.x86_64 1.5.1-1.fc28                                                             mozjs52.x86_64 52.9.0-1.fc28                                                      
  mpg123-libs.x86_64 1.25.10-1.fc28                                                         mythes-nb.noarch 1:2.0.10-7.fc28                                                  
  nano.x86_64 2.9.8-1.fc28                                                                  netpbm.x86_64 10.83.01-1.fc28                                                     
  nfs-utils.x86_64 1:2.3.2-1.rc3.fc28                                                       nodejs.x86_64 1:8.11.4-1.fc28                                                     
  npm.x86_64 1:5.6.0-                                                        nss.x86_64 3.38.0-1.0.fc28                                                        
  nss-pem.x86_64 1.0.4-1.fc28                                                               nss-softokn.x86_64 3.38.0-1.0.fc28                                                
  nss-softokn-freebl.x86_64 3.38.0-1.0.fc28                                                 nss-sysinit.x86_64 3.38.0-1.0.fc28                                                
  nss-tools.x86_64 3.38.0-1.0.fc28                                                          nss-util.x86_64 3.38.0-1.0.fc28                                                   
  ntp.x86_64 4.2.8p12-1.fc28                                                                ntpdate.x86_64 4.2.8p12-1.fc28                                                    
  open-vm-tools.x86_64 10.3.0-4.fc28                                                        open-vm-tools-desktop.x86_64 10.3.0-4.fc28                                        
  openblas.x86_64 0.3.2-3.fc28                                                              openblas-serial.x86_64 0.3.2-3.fc28                                               
  openblas-threads.x86_64 0.3.2-3.fc28                                                      openldap.x86_64 2.4.46-3.fc28                                                     
  openldap-devel.x86_64 2.4.46-3.fc28                                                       openssh.x86_64 7.8p1-2.fc28                                                       
  openssh-askpass.x86_64 7.8p1-2.fc28                                                       openssh-clients.x86_64 7.8p1-2.fc28                                               
  openssh-server.x86_64 7.8p1-2.fc28                                                        openssl-pkcs11.x86_64 0.4.8-1.fc28                                                
  pango.x86_64 1.42.4-1.fc28                                                                patchutils.x86_64 0.3.4-12.fc28                                                   
  pcre.x86_64 8.42-3.fc28                                                                   pcre-cpp.x86_64 8.42-3.fc28                                                       
  pcre-devel.x86_64 8.42-3.fc28                                                             pcre-utf16.x86_64 8.42-3.fc28                                                     
  pcre-utf32.x86_64 8.42-3.fc28                                                             pcre2.x86_64 10.31-10.fc28                                                        
  pcre2-devel.x86_64 10.31-10.fc28                                                          pcre2-utf16.x86_64 10.31-10.fc28                                                  
  pcre2-utf32.x86_64 10.31-10.fc28                                                          perl.x86_64 4:5.26.2-413.fc28                                                     
  perl-Archive-Zip.noarch 1.63-1.fc28                                                       perl-Attribute-Handlers.noarch 0.99-413.fc28                                      
  perl-Config-Perl-V.noarch 0.30-1.fc28                                                     perl-DB_File.x86_64 1.842-1.fc28                                                  
  perl-Devel-Peek.x86_64 1.26-413.fc28                                                      perl-Devel-SelfStubber.noarch 1.06-413.fc28                                       
  perl-Errno.x86_64 1.28-413.fc28                                                           perl-ExtUtils-Embed.noarch 1.34-413.fc28                                          
  perl-ExtUtils-Miniperl.noarch 1.06-413.fc28                                               perl-HTTP-Tiny.noarch 0.076-1.fc28                                                
  perl-IO.x86_64 1.38-413.fc28                                                              perl-IO-Zlib.noarch 1:1.10-413.fc28                                               
  perl-Locale-Maketext-Simple.noarch 1:0.21-413.fc28                                        perl-Math-Complex.noarch 1.59-413.fc28                                            
  perl-Memoize.noarch 1.03-413.fc28                                                         perl-Module-CoreList.noarch 1:5.20180820-1.fc28                                   
  perl-Module-CoreList-tools.noarch 1:5.20180820-1.fc28                                     perl-Module-Loaded.noarch 1:0.08-413.fc28                                         
  perl-Net-Ping.noarch 2.55-413.fc28                                                        perl-Pod-Html.noarch 1.22.02-413.fc28                                             
  perl-Pod-Perldoc.noarch 3.28.01-1.fc28                                                    perl-SelfLoader.noarch 1.23-413.fc28                                              
  perl-Storable.x86_64 1:3.11-3.fc28                                                        perl-Test.noarch 1.30-413.fc28                                                    
  perl-Thread-Queue.noarch 3.13-1.fc28                                                      perl-Time-Piece.x86_64 1.31-413.fc28                                              
  perl-devel.x86_64 4:5.26.2-413.fc28                                                       perl-interpreter.x86_64 4:5.26.2-413.fc28                                         
  perl-libnetcfg.noarch 4:5.26.2-413.fc28                                                   perl-libs.x86_64 4:5.26.2-413.fc28                                                
  perl-macros.x86_64 4:5.26.2-413.fc28                                                      perl-open.noarch 1.11-413.fc28                                                    
  perl-utils.noarch 5.26.2-413.fc28                                                         pocl.x86_64 1.1-4.fc28                                                            
  poppler.x86_64 0.62.0-4.fc28                                                              poppler-glib.x86_64 0.62.0-4.fc28                                                 
  poppler-utils.x86_64 0.62.0-4.fc28                                                        pulseaudio.x86_64 12.2-1.fc28                                                     
  pulseaudio-libs.x86_64 12.2-1.fc28                                                        pulseaudio-libs-glib2.x86_64 12.2-1.fc28                                          
  pulseaudio-module-bluetooth.x86_64 12.2-1.fc28                                            pulseaudio-module-x11.x86_64 12.2-1.fc28                                          
  pulseaudio-utils.x86_64 12.2-1.fc28                                                       python-django-bash-completion.noarch 2.0.7-1.fc28                                 
  python-matplotlib-data.noarch 2.2.3-1.fc28                                                python-matplotlib-data-fonts.noarch 2.2.3-1.fc28                                  
  python-srpm-macros.noarch 3-30.fc28                                                       python2-beautifulsoup4.noarch 4.6.3-1.fc28                                        
  python2-cryptography.x86_64 2.3-1.fc28                                                    python2-django1.11.noarch 1.11.15-2.fc28                                          
  python2-matplotlib.x86_64 2.2.3-1.fc28                                                    python2-matplotlib-tk.x86_64 2.2.3-1.fc28                                         
  python2-pyusb.noarch 1.0.2-1.fc28                                                         python2-reportlab.x86_64 3.4.0-8.fc28                                             
  python2-rpm.x86_64 4.14.2-1.fc28                                                          python2-setuptools.noarch 39.2.0-6.fc28                                           
  python2-sssdconfig.noarch 1.16.3-2.fc28                                                   python3.x86_64 3.6.6-1.fc28                                                       
  python3-audit.x86_64 2.8.4-2.fc28                                                         python3-beautifulsoup4.noarch 4.6.3-1.fc28                                        
  python3-bind.noarch 32:9.11.4-5.P1.fc28                                                   python3-bytesize.x86_64 1.4-1.fc28                                                
  python3-cryptography.x86_64 2.3-1.fc28                                                    python3-django.noarch 2.0.7-1.fc28                                                
  python3-libs.x86_64 3.6.6-1.fc28                                                          python3-libxml2.x86_64 2.9.8-4.fc28                                               
  python3-pycurl.x86_64                                                     python3-rpm.x86_64 4.14.2-1.fc28                                                  
  python3-setools.x86_64 4.1.1-9.fc28                                                       python3-setuptools.noarch 39.2.0-6.fc28                                           
  python3-sssdconfig.noarch 1.16.3-2.fc28                                                   qemu-guest-agent.x86_64 2:2.11.2-2.fc28                                           
  qt5-qtbase.x86_64 5.11.1-7.fc28                                                           qt5-qtbase-common.noarch 5.11.1-7.fc28                                            
  qt5-qtbase-gui.x86_64 5.11.1-7.fc28                                                       qt5-qtdeclarative.x86_64 5.11.1-3.fc28                                            
  qt5-qtsvg.x86_64 5.11.1-2.fc28                                                            qt5-qtwayland.x86_64 5.11.1-2.fc28                                                
  qt5-qtx11extras.x86_64 5.11.1-2.fc28                                                      qt5-qtxmlpatterns.x86_64 5.11.1-3.fc28                                            
  qt5-srpm-macros.noarch 5.11.1-3.fc28                                                      ristretto.x86_64 0.8.3-2.fc28                                                     
  rng-tools.x86_64 6.3.1-1.fc28                                                             rpm.x86_64 4.14.2-1.fc28                                                          
  rpm-build-libs.x86_64 4.14.2-1.fc28                                                       rpm-devel.x86_64 4.14.2-1.fc28                                                    
  rpm-libs.x86_64 4.14.2-1.fc28                                                             rpm-plugin-selinux.x86_64 4.14.2-1.fc28                                           
  rpm-plugin-systemd-inhibit.x86_64 4.14.2-1.fc28                                           rpm-sign-libs.x86_64 4.14.2-1.fc28                                                
  rsyslog.x86_64 8.37.0-1.fc28                                                              samba-client.x86_64 2:4.8.5-0.fc28                                                
  samba-client-libs.x86_64 2:4.8.5-0.fc28                                                   samba-common.noarch 2:4.8.5-0.fc28                                                
  samba-common-libs.x86_64 2:4.8.5-0.fc28                                                   seahorse.x86_64 3.20.0-9.fc28                                                     
  selinux-policy.noarch 3.14.1-42.fc28                                                      selinux-policy-targeted.noarch 3.14.1-42.fc28                                     
  sil-padauk-fonts.noarch 3.003-1.fc28                                                      soundtouch.x86_64 2.0.0-6.fc28                                                    
  sssd.x86_64 1.16.3-2.fc28                                                                 sssd-ad.x86_64 1.16.3-2.fc28                                                      
  sssd-client.x86_64 1.16.3-2.fc28                                                          sssd-common.x86_64 1.16.3-2.fc28                                                  
  sssd-common-pac.x86_64 1.16.3-2.fc28                                                      sssd-ipa.x86_64 1.16.3-2.fc28                                                     
  sssd-krb5.x86_64 1.16.3-2.fc28                                                            sssd-krb5-common.x86_64 1.16.3-2.fc28                                             
  sssd-ldap.x86_64 1.16.3-2.fc28                                                            sssd-nfs-idmap.x86_64 1.16.3-2.fc28                                               
  sssd-proxy.x86_64 1.16.3-2.fc28                                                           strace.x86_64 4.24-1.fc28                                                         
  subversion.x86_64 1.10.2-1.fc28                                                           subversion-libs.x86_64 1.10.2-1.fc28                                              
  systemd.x86_64 238-9.git0e0aa59.fc28                                                      systemd-devel.x86_64 238-9.git0e0aa59.fc28                                        
  systemd-libs.x86_64 238-9.git0e0aa59.fc28                                                 systemd-pam.x86_64 238-9.git0e0aa59.fc28                                          
  systemd-udev.x86_64 238-9.git0e0aa59.fc28                                                 telnet.x86_64 1:0.17-73.fc28                                                      
  texlive-base.x86_64 7:20170520-41.fc28                                                    texlive-dvipng.x86_64 7:20170520-41.fc28                                          
  texlive-kpathsea.x86_64 7:20170520-41.fc28                                                texlive-lib.x86_64 7:20170520-41.fc28                                             
  texlive-metafont.x86_64 7:20170520-41.fc28                                                texlive-tetex.noarch 7:20170520-41.fc28                                           
  texlive-texlive.infra.noarch 7:20170520-41.fc28                                           tigervnc-license.noarch 1.9.0-2.fc28                                              
  tigervnc-server-minimal.x86_64 1.9.0-2.fc28                                               unbound-libs.x86_64 1.7.3-6.fc28                                                  
  usermode.x86_64 1.112-3.fc28                                                              usermode-gtk.x86_64 1.112-3.fc28                                                  
  util-linux.x86_64 2.32.1-1.fc28                                                           vim-X11.x86_64 2:8.1.351-1.fc28                                                   
  vim-common.x86_64 2:8.1.351-1.fc28                                                        vim-filesystem.noarch 2:8.1.351-1.fc28                                            
  vim-minimal.x86_64 2:8.1.351-1.fc28                                                       vlc.x86_64 3.0.4-1.fc28                                                           
  vlc-core.x86_64 3.0.4-1.fc28                                                              webkit2gtk3.x86_64 2.20.5-1.fc28                                                  
  webkit2gtk3-jsc.x86_64 2.20.5-1.fc28                                                      webkit2gtk3-plugin-process-gtk2.x86_64 2.20.5-1.fc28                              
  wget.x86_64 1.19.5-5.fc28                                                                 wpa_supplicant.x86_64 1:2.6-17.fc28                                               
  xfce4-screenshooter.x86_64 1.9.3-1.fc28                                                   xfce4-screenshooter-plugin.x86_64 1.9.3-1.fc28                                    
  xfwm4.x86_64 4.12.5-1.fc28                                                                xorg-x11-drv-evdev.x86_64 2.10.6-2.fc28                                           
  xorg-x11-drv-wacom.x86_64 0.36.1-4.fc28                                                   xorg-x11-drv-wacom-serial-support.x86_64 0.36.1-4.fc28                            
  xscreensaver-base.x86_64 1:5.40-1.fc28                                                    xscreensaver-extras.x86_64 1:5.40-1.fc28                                          
  xscreensaver-extras-base.x86_64 1:5.40-1.fc28                                             zbar.x86_64 0.20.1-1.fc28                                                         



2018-08-14: sdb6 - F28 - pip - install stm32loader

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo pip install stm32loader
WARNING: Running pip install with root privileges is generally not a good idea. Try `pip install --user` instead.
Collecting stm32loader
  Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/12/31/4c819c0102abbae8a7b924af3a45ee291ac7bfd1efbf82037e52c024565b/stm32loader-0.3.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Requirement already satisfied: pyserial in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from stm32loader)
Installing collected packages: stm32loader
Successfully installed stm32loader-0.3.3


[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ which stm32loader


2018-08-07: sdb6 - F28 - add my user to the 'adm' group.

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ id tingo
uid=1000(tingo) gid=1000(tingo) groups=1000(tingo),7(lp),10(wheel),18(dialout),1001(bsdusers)
[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo usermod -a -G adm tingo
[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ id tingo
uid=1000(tingo) gid=1000(tingo) groups=1000(tingo),4(adm),7(lp),10(wheel),18(dialout),1001(bsdusers)


2018-08-07: sdb6 - F28 - change permissions and group of /var/log/messages

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo chown :adm /var/log/messages
[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo chmod g+r /var/log/messages
[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ ll /var/log/mess*
-rw-r-----. 1 root adm   693058 Aug  7 11:18 /var/log/messages
-rw-------. 1 root root 1614299 Jul 15 03:05 /var/log/messages-20180715
-rw-------. 1 root root 4375766 Jul 22 03:45 /var/log/messages-20180722
-rw-------. 1 root root 3146883 Jul 29 03:46 /var/log/messages-20180729
-rw-------. 1 root root 1527817 Aug  5 02:54 /var/log/messages-20180805

tomorrow (or later) I will find out if logrotate changes this, or if the setting is persistent.

2018-08-06: sdb6 - F28 - seahorse for F28 doesn't have a GPG section (see bug 1573829). Fix by installing the F27 version instead

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf list installed seahorse
Installed Packages
seahorse.x86_64                                                                      3.20.0-9.fc28                                                                       @fedora

install F27 version

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install --releasever=27 seahorse-3.20.0-6.fc27
Fedora 27 - x86_64 - Updates                                                                                                                    3.2 MB/s |  25 MB     00:07   
RPM Fusion for Fedora 27 - Free - Updates                                                                                                       2.5 MB/s | 432 kB     00:00   
RPM Fusion for Fedora 27 - Nonfree - Updates                                                                                                    1.5 MB/s |  94 kB     00:00   
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:00 ago on Mon 06 Aug 2018 03:59:22 PM CEST.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                   Arch                                    Version                                        Repository                               Size
 seahorse                                  x86_64                                  3.20.0-6.fc27                                  fedora                                  1.2 M

Transaction Summary
Downgrade  1 Package

Total download size: 1.2 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  seahorse.x86_64 3.20.0-6.fc27                                                                                                                                                


and now I can see GPG keys in seahorse.

2018-07-25: sdb6 - F28 - check vuln status

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ grep . /sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/*
/sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/meltdown:Mitigation: PTI
/sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/spec_store_bypass:Mitigation: Speculative Store Bypass disabled via prctl and seccomp
/sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/spectre_v1:Mitigation: __user pointer sanitization
/sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/spectre_v2:Mitigation: Full generic retpoline, IBPB, IBRS_FW


2018-07-25: sdb6 - F28 - Quartus II patch upgrade

[tingo@kg-elitebook v13.1]$ pwd
[tingo@kg-elitebook v13.1]$ ./QuartusSetup-

and give directory as before. The install takes a long time. Afterwards, version is in. Nothing else changed: 32-bit version works, 64-bit version crashes.

2018-07-25: sdb6 - F28 - since I discovered filesystem trouble on the sda1 yesterday, I have decided to try a reinstall of Quartus II today.

[tingo@kg-elitebook qtemp]$ pwd
[tingo@kg-elitebook qtemp]$ ./setup.sh

and the installer starts

home directory: /home/tingo/progs/altera/13.1

required disk space 11412 MB

the installer finishes. Testing - Quartuis II 32-bit works, Quartus II 64-bit fails as before

command lines

32-bit: ~/progs/altera/13.1/quartus/bin/quartus
64-bit: ~/progs/altera/13.1/quartus/bin/quartus --64bit


2018-07-24: sdb6 - F28 - sda1 (the spinning rust hard drive) had errors, so I ran e2fsck on it.

From /var/log/messages before

Jul 24 16:42:27 kg-elitebook kernel: sda: sda1
Jul 24 16:42:33 kg-elitebook kernel: EXT4-fs (sda1): mounting ext2 file system using the ext4 subsystem
Jul 24 16:42:33 kg-elitebook kernel: EXT4-fs (sda1): warning: mounting unchecked fs, running e2fsck is recommended

from /var/log/messages after

Jul 24 20:33:35 kg-elitebook kernel: sda: sda1
Jul 24 20:33:41 kg-elitebook kernel: EXT4-fs (sda1): mounting ext2 file system using the ext4 subsystem
Jul 24 20:33:41 kg-elitebook kernel: EXT4-fs (sda1): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: (null)


2018-07-24: sdb6 - F28 - dnf - install ncurses-compat-libs, for xilinx ISE Webpack installer

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install ncurses-compat-libs
Total download size: 303 k
Installed size: 1.1 M
  ncurses-compat-libs.x86_64 6.1-5.20180224.fc28                                                                                                                               


2018-07-24: sdb6 - F28 - dnf - install ARM toolchain

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install arm-none-eabi-newlib arm-none-eabi-gcc-cs-c++
Install  4 Packages

Total download size: 156 M
Installed size: 1.2 G
  arm-none-eabi-gcc-cs-c++.x86_64 1:7.1.0-5.fc27              arm-none-eabi-newlib.noarch 2.5.0-3.fc27              arm-none-eabi-binutils-cs.x86_64 1:2.30-1.fc28            
  arm-none-eabi-gcc-cs.x86_64 1:7.1.0-5.fc27                



2018-07-24: sdb6 - F28 - dnf - install dfu-util

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install dfu-util
Total download size: 52 k
Installed size: 117 k
  dfu-util.x86_64 0.9-5.fc28                                                                                                                                                   



2018-07-19: sdb6 - F28 - dnf - install urjtag, files

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ rpm -ql urjtag.x86_64


2018-07-19: sdb6 - F28 - dnf - install python2-pyserial, for goodfet.

2018-07-18: sdb6 - F28 - Quartus II, 32-bit, ldd on the binary (for good measure)

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ ldd ~/progs/altera/test/quartus/linux/quartus
    linux-gate.so.1 (0xf7ef9000)
    libsys_ictq.so => not found
    libsys_qgq.so => not found
    libsys_qui.so => not found
    libsld_ice.so => not found
    libdb_vdb.so => not found
    libsld_chi.so => not found
    libmlib_int.so => not found
    libsld_hapi.so => not found
    libjtag_client.so => not found
    libsld_atcio.so => not found
    libsld_sdr.so => not found
    libsld_sci.so => not found
    libmega_ipqx.so => not found
    libccl_mio.so => not found
    libsys_flow.so => not found
    libdb_idu.so => not found
    libddb_dmgr.so => not found
    libddb_dpow.so => not found
    libddb_dtm.so => not found
    libddb_dygr.so => not found
    libddb_dmig.so => not found
    libsys_hcu.so => not found
    libsys_flow_util.so => not found
    libsaui_eui.so => not found
    libtpi_eti.so => not found
    libsys_cloud.so => not found
    libsys_proj.so => not found
    libsys_pjc.so => not found
    libsys_cpt_hdb.so => not found
    libddb_dev.so => not found
    libatm_astr.so => not found
    libdb_wys.so => not found
    libdb_cdb_atom_definition.so => not found
    libccl_dyn.so => not found
    libccl_curl.so => not found
    libccl_ipc.so => not found
    libgcl_gtoq.so => not found
    libgcl_cglq.so => not found
    libgcl_afcq.so => not found
    libgcl_afcq_tb2.so => not found
    libgcl_cfgq.so => not found
    libccl_txml.so => not found
    libdb_rdb.so => not found
    libdb_rstr.so => not found
    libdb_hdb.so => not found
    libdb_qdb.so => not found
    libdb_dbm.so => not found
    libdb_dbmui.so => not found
    libcomp_qexe.so => not found
    libsys_tb2.so => not found
    libsys_cpt.so => not found
    libdb_acf.so => not found
    libddb_dstr.so => not found
    libdb_dbs.so => not found
    libccl_qsym.so => not found
    libccl_ntfq.so => not found
    libccl_bat.so => not found
    libccl_ntf.so => not found
    libccl_msg.so => not found
    libccl_xml.so => not found
    libaxerces-c.so.26 => not found
    libccl_sqlite3.so => not found
    libccl_put.so => not found
    libccl_interface.so => not found
    libccl_big.so => not found
    libdb_pdb.so => not found
    libccl_tst.so => not found
    libccl_clw.so => not found
    libccl_atcl.so => not found
    libccl_fstr.so => not found
    libccl_qtl.so => not found
    libccl_cfg_ini.so => not found
    libccl_zlib.so => not found
    libccl_gen.so => not found
    libccl_fio.so => not found
    libccl_err.so => not found
    libccl_ver.so => not found
    libccl_mem_native.so => not found
    libccl_thr.so => not found
    libtbbmalloc.so.2 => not found
    libtbb.so.2 => not found
    libQtGui.so.4 => not found
    libQtCore.so.4 => not found
    libQtSvg.so.4 => not found
    libQtWebKit.so.4 => not found
    libQtNetwork.so.4 => not found
    libQtXmlPatterns.so.4 => not found
    libdinkum_alt.so => not found
    libtcl8.5.so => not found
    libitcl3.4.so => not found
    libicudata.so.34 => not found
    libicuuc.so.34 => not found
    libnsl.so.1 => /lib/libnsl.so.1 (0xf7ea1000)
    librt.so.1 => /lib/librt.so.1 (0xf7e97000)
    libpthread.so.0 => /lib/libpthread.so.0 (0xf7e78000)
    libdl.so.2 => /lib/libdl.so.2 (0xf7e73000)
    libtbbmalloc_proxy.so.2 => not found
    libstdc++.so.6 => /lib/libstdc++.so.6 (0xf7ce3000)
    libm.so.6 => /lib/libm.so.6 (0xf7be1000)
    libgomp.so.1 => not found
    libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib/libgcc_s.so.1 (0xf7bc3000)
    libc.so.6 => /lib/libc.so.6 (0xf7a1d000)
    /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0xf7efb000)

a shorter list, but still quite a few missing libs.

2018-07-18: sdb6 - F28 - Quartus II, 64-bit, ldd on the binary

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ ldd ~/progs/altera/test/quartus/linux64/quartus
    linux-vdso.so.1 (0x00007fff325bf000)
    libsys_ictq.so => not found
    libsys_qgq.so => not found
    libsys_qui.so => not found
    libsld_ice.so => not found
    libdb_vdb.so => not found
    libsld_chi.so => not found
    libmlib_int.so => not found
    libsld_hapi.so => not found
    libjtag_client.so => not found
    libsld_atcio.so => not found
    libsld_sdr.so => not found
    libsld_sci.so => not found
    libmega_ipqx.so => not found
    libccl_mio.so => not found
    libsys_flow.so => not found
    libdb_idu.so => not found
    libddb_dmgr.so => not found
    libddb_dpow.so => not found
    libddb_dtm.so => not found
    libddb_dygr.so => not found
    libddb_dmig.so => not found
    libsys_hcu.so => not found
    libsys_flow_util.so => not found
    libsaui_eui.so => not found
    libtpi_eti.so => not found
    libsys_cloud.so => not found
    libsys_proj.so => not found
    libsys_pjc.so => not found
    libsys_cpt_hdb.so => not found
    libddb_dev.so => not found
    libatm_astr.so => not found
    libdb_wys.so => not found
    libdb_cdb_atom_definition.so => not found
    libccl_dyn.so => not found
    libccl_curl.so => not found
    libgcl_gtoq.so => not found
    libgcl_cglq.so => not found
    libgcl_afcq.so => not found
    libgcl_afcq_tb2.so => not found
    libgcl_cfgq.so => not found
    libccl_txml.so => not found
    libdb_rdb.so => not found
    libdb_rstr.so => not found
    libdb_hdb.so => not found
    libdb_qdb.so => not found
    libdb_dbm.so => not found
    libdb_dbmui.so => not found
    libcomp_qexe.so => not found
    libsys_tb2.so => not found
    libsys_cpt.so => not found
    libccl_ipc.so => not found
    libdb_acf.so => not found
    libddb_dstr.so => not found
    libdb_dbs.so => not found
    libccl_qsym.so => not found
    libccl_ntfq.so => not found
    libccl_bat.so => not found
    libccl_ntf.so => not found
    libccl_msg.so => not found
    libccl_xml.so => not found
    libaxerces-c.so.26 => not found
    libccl_sqlite3.so => not found
    libccl_put.so => not found
    libccl_interface.so => not found
    libccl_big.so => not found
    libdb_pdb.so => not found
    libccl_tst.so => not found
    libccl_clw.so => not found
    libccl_atcl.so => not found
    libccl_fstr.so => not found
    libccl_qtl.so => not found
    libccl_cfg_ini.so => not found
    libccl_zlib.so => not found
    libccl_gen.so => not found
    libccl_fio.so => not found
    libccl_err.so => not found
    libccl_ver.so => not found
    libccl_mem_native.so => not found
    libccl_thr.so => not found
    libtbbmalloc.so.2 => /lib64/libtbbmalloc.so.2 (0x00007f84778df000)
    libtbb.so.2 => /lib64/libtbb.so.2 (0x00007f84776a1000)
    libQtGui.so.4 => /lib64/libQtGui.so.4 (0x00007f84768f7000)
    libQtCore.so.4 => /lib64/libQtCore.so.4 (0x00007f84763cf000)
    libQtSvg.so.4 => /lib64/libQtSvg.so.4 (0x00007f8476171000)
    libQtWebKit.so.4 => /lib64/libQtWebKit.so.4 (0x00007f8473b5f000)
    libQtNetwork.so.4 => /lib64/libQtNetwork.so.4 (0x00007f84737fb000)
    libQtXmlPatterns.so.4 => /lib64/libQtXmlPatterns.so.4 (0x00007f8473141000)
    libdinkum_alt.so => not found
    libtcl8.5.so => not found
    libitcl3.4.so => not found
    libicudata.so.34 => not found
    libicuuc.so.34 => not found
    libnsl.so.1 => /lib64/libnsl.so.1 (0x00007f8472f29000)
    librt.so.1 => /lib64/librt.so.1 (0x00007f8472d21000)
    libpthread.so.0 => /lib64/libpthread.so.0 (0x00007f8472b02000)
    libdl.so.2 => /lib64/libdl.so.2 (0x00007f84728fe000)
    libtbbmalloc_proxy.so.2 => /lib64/libtbbmalloc_proxy.so.2 (0x00007f84726fa000)
    libstdc++.so.6 => /lib64/libstdc++.so.6 (0x00007f8472368000)
    libm.so.6 => /lib64/libm.so.6 (0x00007f8471fd4000)
    libgomp.so.1 => /lib64/libgomp.so.1 (0x00007f8471da4000)
    libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib64/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x00007f8471b8c000)
    libc.so.6 => /lib64/libc.so.6 (0x00007f84717cd000)
    /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007f8477b10000)
    libgthread-2.0.so.0 => /lib64/libgthread-2.0.so.0 (0x00007f84715cb000)
    libglib-2.0.so.0 => /lib64/libglib-2.0.so.0 (0x00007f84712b3000)
    libpng16.so.16 => /lib64/libpng16.so.16 (0x00007f847107f000)
    libz.so.1 => /lib64/libz.so.1 (0x00007f8470e68000)
    libfreetype.so.6 => /lib64/libfreetype.so.6 (0x00007f8470bb1000)
    libgobject-2.0.so.0 => /lib64/libgobject-2.0.so.0 (0x00007f847095f000)
    libSM.so.6 => /lib64/libSM.so.6 (0x00007f8470756000)
    libICE.so.6 => /lib64/libICE.so.6 (0x00007f847053a000)
    libXi.so.6 => /lib64/libXi.so.6 (0x00007f8470329000)
    libXrender.so.1 => /lib64/libXrender.so.1 (0x00007f847011e000)
    libXrandr.so.2 => /lib64/libXrandr.so.2 (0x00007f846ff13000)
    libXfixes.so.3 => /lib64/libXfixes.so.3 (0x00007f846fd0d000)
    libXcursor.so.1 => /lib64/libXcursor.so.1 (0x00007f846fb02000)
    libXinerama.so.1 => /lib64/libXinerama.so.1 (0x00007f846f8ff000)
    libfontconfig.so.1 => /lib64/libfontconfig.so.1 (0x00007f846f6bb000)
    libXext.so.6 => /lib64/libXext.so.6 (0x00007f846f4a9000)
    libX11.so.6 => /lib64/libX11.so.6 (0x00007f846f168000)
    libjpeg.so.62 => /lib64/libjpeg.so.62 (0x00007f846ef00000)
    libwebp.so.7 => /lib64/libwebp.so.7 (0x00007f846ec93000)
    libQtLocation.so.1 => /lib64/libQtLocation.so.1 (0x00007f846e9b3000)
    libQtSensors.so.1 => /lib64/libQtSensors.so.1 (0x00007f846e77e000)
    libxslt.so.1 => /lib64/libxslt.so.1 (0x00007f846e53e000)
    libxml2.so.2 => /lib64/libxml2.so.2 (0x00007f846e1d6000)
    libgio-2.0.so.0 => /lib64/libgio-2.0.so.0 (0x00007f846de32000)
    libgstapp-1.0.so.0 => /lib64/libgstapp-1.0.so.0 (0x00007f846dc22000)
    libgstpbutils-1.0.so.0 => /lib64/libgstpbutils-1.0.so.0 (0x00007f846d9e9000)
    libgstvideo-1.0.so.0 => /lib64/libgstvideo-1.0.so.0 (0x00007f846d74e000)
    libgstaudio-1.0.so.0 => /lib64/libgstaudio-1.0.so.0 (0x00007f846d4d9000)
    libgstbase-1.0.so.0 => /lib64/libgstbase-1.0.so.0 (0x00007f846d263000)
    libgstreamer-1.0.so.0 => /lib64/libgstreamer-1.0.so.0 (0x00007f846cf25000)
    libsqlite3.so.0 => /lib64/libsqlite3.so.0 (0x00007f846cc23000)
    libQtOpenGL.so.4 => /lib64/libQtOpenGL.so.4 (0x00007f846c914000)
    libGL.so.1 => /lib64/libGL.so.1 (0x00007f846c688000)
    libssl.so.1.1 => /lib64/libssl.so.1.1 (0x00007f846c41b000)
    libcrypto.so.1.1 => /lib64/libcrypto.so.1.1 (0x00007f846bf8f000)
    libpcre.so.1 => /lib64/libpcre.so.1 (0x00007f846bd1e000)
    libbz2.so.1 => /lib64/libbz2.so.1 (0x00007f846bb0d000)
    libffi.so.6 => /lib64/libffi.so.6 (0x00007f846b904000)
    libuuid.so.1 => /lib64/libuuid.so.1 (0x00007f846b6fd000)
    libexpat.so.1 => /lib64/libexpat.so.1 (0x00007f846b4c2000)
    libxcb.so.1 => /lib64/libxcb.so.1 (0x00007f846b299000)
    libproj.so.12 => /lib64/libproj.so.12 (0x00007f846b02f000)
    libQtDeclarative.so.4 => /lib64/libQtDeclarative.so.4 (0x00007f846aa33000)
    libQtScript.so.4 => /lib64/libQtScript.so.4 (0x00007f846a57d000)
    libQtSql.so.4 => /lib64/libQtSql.so.4 (0x00007f846a335000)
    liblzma.so.5 => /lib64/liblzma.so.5 (0x00007f846a10e000)
    libgmodule-2.0.so.0 => /lib64/libgmodule-2.0.so.0 (0x00007f8469f0a000)
    libselinux.so.1 => /lib64/libselinux.so.1 (0x00007f8469ce1000)
    libresolv.so.2 => /lib64/libresolv.so.2 (0x00007f8469aca000)
    libmount.so.1 => /lib64/libmount.so.1 (0x00007f8469870000)
    liborc-0.4.so.0 => /lib64/liborc-0.4.so.0 (0x00007f84695f3000)
    libgsttag-1.0.so.0 => /lib64/libgsttag-1.0.so.0 (0x00007f84693b7000)
    libGLX.so.0 => /lib64/libGLX.so.0 (0x00007f8469185000)
    libGLdispatch.so.0 => /lib64/libGLdispatch.so.0 (0x00007f8468ecf000)
    libXau.so.6 => /lib64/libXau.so.6 (0x00007f8468ccb000)
    libpcre2-8.so.0 => /lib64/libpcre2-8.so.0 (0x00007f8468a4b000)
    libblkid.so.1 => /lib64/libblkid.so.1 (0x00007f84687fa000)

that's a lot of libraries.

2018-07-18: sdb6 - F28 - nope, Quartus II (64-bit) still crashes, the message is updated to reflect the new version

*** Fatal Error: Segment Violation at 0xc0000000d
Module: quartus
Stack Trace:


Quartus II 64-Bit Version 13.1.4 Build 182 03/12/2014 SJ Web Edition

oh well. Adding the patch quartusii-13.1.4-4.26-linux.run didn't help either

*** Fatal Error: Segment Violation at 0xc0000000d
Module: quartus
Stack Trace:


Quartus II 64-Bit Version 13.1.4 Build 182 03/12/2014 SJ Web Edition
Patches Installed:  4.26


2018-07-18: sdb6 - F28 - ok, there is an update to Quartus II (tabbed interfaces - doh!): download QuartusSetup-

[tingo@kg-elitebook v13.1]$ chmod u+x QuartusSetup-

and run it, let's see if that helps.

2018-07-18: sdb6 - F28 - dnf - install inkscape again

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install inkscape
Install  13 Packages

Total download size: 27 M
Installed size: 149 M
  inkscape.x86_64 0.92.3-2.fc28              ImageMagick-c++.x86_64 1:   ImageMagick-libs.x86_64 1:   aspell.x86_64 12:       
  compat-openssl10.x86_64 1:1.0.2o-1.fc28    gamin.x86_64 0.1.10-30.fc28                gnome-vfs2.x86_64 2.24.4-26.fc28            gnome-vfs2-common.noarch 2.24.4-26.fc28 
  gsl.x86_64 2.4-3.fc27                      potrace.x86_64 1.15-2.fc28                 python2-reportlab.x86_64 3.4.0-5.fc28       python2-scour.noarch 0.35-7.fc28        
  uniconvertor.x86_64 2.0-0.15.svn362.fc28 



2018-07-18: sdb6 - F28 - nope, Quartus II (64-bit) still crashes with the same message.

2018-07-18: sdb6 - F28 - dnf - let me try to remove compat-openssl10 and see if that helps:

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf remove compat-openssl10
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                                 Arch                            Version                                        Repository                         Size
 compat-openssl10                                        x86_64                          1:1.0.2o-1.fc28                                @fedora                           3.1 M
Removing dependent packages:
 compat-openssl10-pkcs11-helper                          x86_64                          1.22-4.fc28                                    @fedora                           151 k
 gnome-vfs2                                              x86_64                          2.24.4-26.fc28                                 @fedora                           1.2 M
 gnome-vfs2-common                                       noarch                          2.24.4-26.fc28                                 @fedora                           3.3 M
 inkscape                                                x86_64                          0.92.3-2.fc28                                  @updates                          116 M
 libwvstreams                                            x86_64                          4.6.1-23.fc28                                  @fedora                           2.2 M
 uniconvertor                                            x86_64                          2.0-0.15.svn362.fc28                           @fedora                           4.0 M
 wvdial                                                  x86_64                          1.61-19.fc28                                   @fedora                           265 k
Removing unused dependencies:
 ImageMagick-c++                                         x86_64                          1:                              @fedora                           662 k
 ImageMagick-libs                                        x86_64                          1:                              @fedora                           8.0 M
 aspell                                                  x86_64                          12:                            @fedora                           3.0 M
 gamin                                                   x86_64                          0.1.10-30.fc28                                 @fedora                           441 k
 gsl                                                     x86_64                          2.4-3.fc27                                     @fedora                           2.9 M
 potrace                                                 x86_64                          1.15-2.fc28                                    @fedora                           264 k
 python2-reportlab                                       x86_64                          3.4.0-5.fc28                                   @fedora                           5.9 M
 python2-scour                                           noarch                          0.35-7.fc28                                    @fedora                           288 k

Transaction Summary
Remove  16 Packages

Freed space: 151 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  compat-openssl10.x86_64 1:1.0.2o-1.fc28  compat-openssl10-pkcs11-helper.x86_64 1.22-4.fc28 gnome-vfs2.x86_64 2.24.4-26.fc28         gnome-vfs2-common.noarch 2.24.4-26.fc28
  inkscape.x86_64 0.92.3-2.fc28            libwvstreams.x86_64 4.6.1-23.fc28                 uniconvertor.x86_64 2.0-0.15.svn362.fc28 wvdial.x86_64 1.61-19.fc28            
  ImageMagick-c++.x86_64 1: ImageMagick-libs.x86_64 1:         aspell.x86_64 12:        gamin.x86_64 0.1.10-30.fc28           
  gsl.x86_64 2.4-3.fc27                    potrace.x86_64 1.15-2.fc28                        python2-reportlab.x86_64 3.4.0-5.fc28    python2-scour.noarch 0.35-7.fc28      



2018-07-18: sdb6 - F28 - the 64-bit version of Quartus II still crashes. I start it like so:

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ ~/progs/altera/13.1/quartus/bin/quartus --64bit
it starts up, and I get the message with the title "Quartus II Internal Error"
*** Fatal Error: Segment Violation at 0xc0000000d
Module: quartus
Stack Trace:


Quartus II 64-Bit Version 13.1.0 Build 162 10/23/2013 SJ Web Edition

can I fix it?

2018-07-17: sdb6 - F28 - check vuln status

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ grep . /sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/*
/sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/meltdown:Mitigation: PTI
/sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/spectre_v1:Mitigation: __user pointer sanitization
/sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/spectre_v2:Mitigation: Full generic retpoline, IBPB, IBRS_FW


2018-07-17: sdb6 - F28 - dnf - install libnsl.i686, see if Quartus II (32 bit) starts then

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install libnsl.i686
Total download size: 79 k
Installed size: 118 k
  libnsl.i686 2.27-19.fc28                                                                                                                                                     


no, it also needs libSM.i686 (libICE.i686), and libXrender.i686. But then it starts!

This is how I start it:

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ ~/progs/altera/13.1/quartus/bin/quartus


2018-07-17: sdb6 - F28 - now Fedora 28 is in

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ cat /etc/fedora-release
Fedora release 28 (Twenty Eight)
[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ uname -a
Linux kg-elitebook.kg4.no 4.17.5-200.fc28.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jul 10 13:39:04 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


2018-07-17: sdb6 - F27 - dnf - start the F28 upgrade

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot


2018-07-17: sdb6 - F27 - dnf - download Fedora 28 (F28)

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=28
Install     126 Packages
Upgrade    2120 Packages
Remove        5 Packages
Downgrade     4 Packages

Total download size: 2.5 G
warning: /var/lib/dnf/system-upgrade/fedora-f21308f6293b3270/packages/python2-jinja2-2.10-2.fc28.noarch.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 9db62fb1: NOKEY
Importing GPG key 0x9DB62FB1:
 Userid     : "Fedora 28 (28) <fedora-28@fedoraproject.org>"
 Fingerprint: 128C F232 A937 1991 C8A6 5695 E08E 7E62 9DB6 2FB1
 From       : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-28-x86_64
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Key imported successfully
warning: /var/lib/dnf/system-upgrade/rpmfusion-free-340f27dbf4d9eb4b/packages/compat-ffmpeg28-2.8.14-1.fc28.x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 09eab3f2: NOKEY
Importing GPG key 0x09EAB3F2:
 Userid     : "RPM Fusion free repository for Fedora (28) <rpmfusion-buildsys@lists.rpmfusion.org>"
 Fingerprint: 3424 9D2C B375 8B55 48E2 874F C08D 3269 09EA B3F2
 From       : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-rpmfusion-free-fedora-28
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Key imported successfully
warning: /var/lib/dnf/system-upgrade/rpmfusion-nonfree-fcea624146a658fc/packages/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-28-1.noarch.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 7f858107: NOKEY
Importing GPG key 0x7F858107:
 Userid     : "RPM Fusion nonfree repository for Fedora (28) <rpmfusion-buildsys@lists.rpmfusion.org>"
 Fingerprint: 3DE8 C682 E38E E9BC 0FDF EA47 FCAE 2EA8 7F85 8107
 From       : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-rpmfusion-nonfree-fedora-28
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Key imported successfully
Download complete! Use 'dnf system-upgrade reboot' to start the upgrade.
To remove cached metadata and transaction use 'dnf system-upgrade clean'
The downloaded packages were saved in cache until the next successful transaction.
You can remove cached packages by executing 'dnf clean packages'.


2018-07-17: sdb6 - F27 - dnf - prepare for F28 upgrade, check to see if dnf-plugin-system-upgrade is up to date.

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade
Last metadata expiration check: 0:01:04 ago on Tue 17 Jul 2018 01:04:03 PM CEST.
Package python3-dnf-plugin-system-upgrade-2.0.5-1.fc27.noarch is already installed, skipping.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.

it is.

2018-07-17: sdb6 - F27 - dnf - upgrade

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade
Last metadata expiration check: 1:06:13 ago on Tue 17 Jul 2018 11:47:23 AM CEST.
Dependencies resolved.

 Problem: package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-1.12.4-1.fc27.x86_64 requires libSoundTouch.so.1()(64bit), but none of the providers can be installed
  - cannot install both soundtouch-2.0.0-3.fc27.x86_64 and soundtouch-1.9.2-6.fc27.x86_64
  - cannot install both soundtouch-1.9.2-6.fc27.x86_64 and soundtouch-2.0.0-3.fc27.x86_64
  - cannot install the best update candidate for package soundtouch-1.9.2-6.fc27.x86_64
  - cannot install the best update candidate for package gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-1.12.4-1.fc27.x86_64
Install   5 Packages
Upgrade  12 Packages
Remove    5 Packages
Skip      1 Package

Total download size: 80 M
  kernel.x86_64 4.16.5-200.fc27                    kernel-core.x86_64 4.16.5-200.fc27      kernel-devel.x86_64 4.16.5-200.fc27      kernel-modules.x86_64 4.16.5-200.fc27    
  kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.16.5-200.fc27    

  kernel.x86_64 4.17.5-100.fc27                    kernel-core.x86_64 4.17.5-100.fc27      kernel-devel.x86_64 4.17.5-100.fc27      kernel-modules.x86_64 4.17.5-100.fc27    
  kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.17.5-100.fc27    

  ansible.noarch 2.6.1-1.fc27        babl.x86_64 0.1.52-1.fc27            kernel-headers.x86_64 4.17.5-100.fc27 libzstd.x86_64 1.3.5-1.fc27   libzstd-devel.x86_64 1.3.5-1.fc27
  pcre.x86_64 8.42-2.fc27            pcre-cpp.x86_64 8.42-2.fc27          pcre-devel.x86_64 8.42-2.fc27         pcre-utf16.x86_64 8.42-2.fc27 pcre-utf32.x86_64 8.42-2.fc27   
  python3-bsddb3.x86_64 6.2.6-1.fc27 xapian-core-libs.x86_64 1.4.6-1.fc27


then check if it is possible to fix the problem

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade --best --allowerasing
Last metadata expiration check: 1:10:32 ago on Tue 17 Jul 2018 11:47:23 AM CEST.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                                   Arch                           Version                                   Repository                             Size
 soundtouch                                                x86_64                         2.0.0-3.fc27                              updates                                72 k
Removing dependent packages:
 anaconda                                                  x86_64                         27.20.4-6.fc27                            @updates                                0 
 anaconda-gui                                              x86_64                         27.20.4-6.fc27                            @updates                              1.3 M
 cheese                                                    x86_64                         2:3.26.0-1.fc27                           @fedora                               419 k
 control-center                                            x86_64                         1:3.26.2-2.fc27                           @updates                               18 M
 farstream02                                               x86_64                         0.2.7-6.fc27                              @fedora                               711 k
 florence                                                  x86_64                         0.6.3-6.fc27                              @fedora                               1.4 M
 gnome-online-accounts                                     x86_64                         3.26.2-1.fc27                             @updates                              2.1 M
 gstreamer-plugins-bad-free                                x86_64                         0.10.23-41.fc27                           @fedora                               4.5 M
 gstreamer-plugins-bad-free-extras                         x86_64                         0.10.23-41.fc27                           @fedora                               712 k
 gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free                               x86_64                         1.12.4-1.fc27                             @updates                              5.7 M
 gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-gtk                           x86_64                         1.12.4-1.fc27                             @updates                               48 k
 initial-setup-gui                                         x86_64                         0.3.51-1.fc27                             @fedora                                11 k
 kexec-tools-anaconda-addon                                x86_64                         2.0.15-12.fc27.1                          @updates                              114 k
 libpurple                                                 x86_64                         2.13.0-1.fc27                             @updates                               26 M
 libreoffice                                               x86_64                         1:                          @updates                                0 
 libreoffice-base                                          x86_64                         1:                          @updates                              5.7 M
 libreoffice-calc                                          x86_64                         1:                          @updates                               29 M
 libreoffice-core                                          x86_64                         1:                          @updates                              228 M
 libreoffice-draw                                          x86_64                         1:                          @updates                               64 k
 libreoffice-emailmerge                                    x86_64                         1:                          @updates                               54 k
 libreoffice-graphicfilter                                 x86_64                         1:                          @updates                              1.5 M
 libreoffice-gtk2                                          x86_64                         1:                          @updates                              633 k
 libreoffice-gtk3                                          x86_64                         1:                          @updates                              718 k
 libreoffice-help-en                                       x86_64                         1:                          @updates                               24 M
 libreoffice-help-nb                                       x86_64                         1:                          @updates                               26 M
 libreoffice-impress                                       x86_64                         1:                          @updates                              2.0 M
 libreoffice-langpack-en                                   x86_64                         1:                          @updates                              777 k
 libreoffice-langpack-nb                                   x86_64                         1:                          @updates                              1.8 M
 libreoffice-math                                          x86_64                         1:                          @updates                              1.6 M
 libreoffice-pdfimport                                     x86_64                         1:                          @updates                              546 k
 libreoffice-pyuno                                         x86_64                         1:                          @updates                              1.4 M
 libreoffice-writer                                        x86_64                         1:                          @updates                               14 M
 libreoffice-x11                                           x86_64                         1:                          @updates                              671 k
 midori                                                    x86_64                         0.5.12-0.2.fc26                           @@commandline                         6.2 M
 pidgin                                                    x86_64                         2.13.0-1.fc27                             @updates                              3.3 M
 webkitgtk4                                                x86_64                         2.20.3-1.fc27                             @updates                               45 M
 webkitgtk4-plugin-process-gtk2                            x86_64                         2.20.3-1.fc27                             @updates                               42 M
 yelp                                                      x86_64                         2:3.26.0-1.fc27                           @fedora                               2.2 M
 yelp-libs                                                 x86_64                         2:3.26.0-1.fc27                           @fedora                               310 k

Transaction Summary
Upgrade   1 Package
Remove   39 Packages

Total download size: 72 k
Is this ok [y/N]: n
Operation aborted.

nope, not doing that.

2018-07-16: sdb6 - F27 - fixing Quartus II problems ok, the quartusii-13.1-0.74-linux.run patch installed, but it didn't help. Crap. Now the error message reads

*** Fatal Error: Segment Violation at 0xc0000000d
Module: quartus
Stack Trace:


Quartus II 64-Bit Version 13.1.0 Build 162 10/23/2013 SJ Web Edition
Patches Installed:  0.74

so the patch is installed ok, but it still didn't help.

2018-07-16: sdb6 - F27 - does Quartus II start now? Yes, it starts, but then I get a "Quartus II Internal Error":

*** Fatal Error: Segment Violation at 0xc0000000d
Module: quartus
Stack Trace:


Quartus II 64-Bit Version 13.1.0 Build 162 10/23/2013 SJ Web Edition

this is not going to be easy. Ok, a hint here: I have both openssl-libs and compat-openssl10 installed

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf list installed openssl-libs
Installed Packages
openssl-libs.x86_64                                                                   1:1.1.0h-3.fc27                                                                   @updates
[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf list installed compat-openssl10
Installed Packages
compat-openssl10.x86_64                                                                 1:1.0.2o-1.fc27                                                                 @updates

maybe I can remove the compat* version?

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf remove compat-openssl10
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                               Arch                        Version                                                  Repository                     Size
 compat-openssl10                                      x86_64                      1:1.0.2o-1.fc27                                          @updates                      2.9 M
Removing dependent packages:
 NetworkManager-fortisslvpn                            x86_64                      1.2.8-1.fc27                                             @updates                      287 k
 NetworkManager-fortisslvpn-gnome                      x86_64                      1.2.8-1.fc27                                             @updates                      120 k
 NetworkManager-l2tp                                   x86_64                      1.2.10-1.fc27                                            @updates                      428 k
 NetworkManager-l2tp-gnome                             x86_64                      1.2.10-1.fc27                                            @updates                      237 k
 NetworkManager-ppp                                    x86_64                      1:1.8.8-1.fc27                                           @updates                       62 k
 NetworkManager-pptp                                   x86_64                      1:1.2.4-4.fc27                                           @fedora                       525 k
 NetworkManager-pptp-gnome                             x86_64                      1:1.2.4-4.fc27                                           @fedora                       143 k
 NetworkManager-sstp                                   x86_64                      1:1.2.0-4.fc27                                           @fedora                       509 k
 NetworkManager-sstp-gnome                             x86_64                      1:1.2.0-4.fc27                                           @fedora                       172 k
 OCE-modeling                                          x86_64                      0.18.3-1.fc27                                            @updates                       42 M
 OCE-ocaf                                              x86_64                      0.18.3-1.fc27                                            @updates                      6.6 M
 OCE-visualization                                     x86_64                      0.18.3-1.fc27                                            @updates                      4.8 M
 SIMVoleon                                             x86_64                      2.0.1-27.fc27                                            @fedora                       357 k
 SoQt                                                  x86_64                      1.5.0-23.fc27                                            @fedora                       870 k
 compat-openssl10-pkcs11-helper                        x86_64                      1.22-3.fc27                                              @fedora                       145 k
 dbusmenu-qt                                           x86_64                      0.9.3-0.15.20150604.fc27                                 @fedora                       223 k
 freecad                                               x86_64                      1:0.16-10.fc27                                           @fedora                        82 M
 freecad-data                                          noarch                      1:0.16-10.fc27                                           @fedora                       101 M
 gnome-vfs2                                            x86_64                      2.24.4-25.fc27                                           @fedora                       1.1 M
 gnome-vfs2-common                                     noarch                      2.24.4-25.fc27                                           @fedora                       3.3 M
 inkscape                                              x86_64                      0.92.3-2.fc27                                            @updates                      114 M
 libwvstreams                                          x86_64                      4.6.1-21.fc27                                            @fedora                       2.0 M
 openfortivpn                                          x86_64                      1.5.0-1.fc27                                             @fedora                       112 k
 openscad                                              x86_64                      2015.03.3-15.fc27                                        @updates                      6.2 M
 openscad-MCAD                                         noarch                      2015.03.3-15.fc27                                        @updates                      191 k
 perl-XML-XPath                                        noarch                      1.42-1.fc27                                              @fedora                       201 k
 phonon                                                x86_64                      4.9.1-5.fc27                                             @fedora                       713 k
 phonon-backend-gstreamer                              x86_64                      2:4.9.0-4.fc27                                           @fedora                       459 k
 ppp                                                   x86_64                      2.4.7-14.fc27                                            @updates                      921 k
 pptp                                                  x86_64                      1.9.0-4.fc27                                             @fedora                       144 k
 python-matplotlib-data-fonts                          noarch                      2.0.0-3.fc27                                             @fedora                       7.9 M
 python-pivy                                           x86_64                      0.5.0-17.hg609.fc27                                      @fedora                        19 M
 python-pyside                                         x86_64                      1.2.2-10.fc27                                            @fedora                        21 M
 python2-matplotlib                                    x86_64                      2.0.0-3.fc27                                             @fedora                        14 M
 python2-matplotlib-tk                                 x86_64                      2.0.0-3.fc27                                             @fedora                       115 k
 python2-pillow                                        x86_64                      4.3.0-1.fc27                                             @fedora                       2.0 M
 python2-reportlab                                     x86_64                      3.4.0-3.fc27                                             @fedora                       5.9 M
 qscintilla                                            x86_64                      2.10.1-3.fc27                                            @fedora                       3.8 M
 qt                                                    x86_64                      1:4.8.7-32.fc27                                          @updates                       18 M
 qt-assistant                                          x86_64                      1:4.8.7-32.fc27                                          @updates                      1.0 M
 qt-common                                             noarch                      1:4.8.7-32.fc27                                          @updates                        0 
 qt-mobility-common                                    x86_64                      1.2.2-0.26.20140317git169da60c.fc26                      @fedora                       115 k
 qt-mobility-location                                  x86_64                      1.2.2-0.26.20140317git169da60c.fc26                      @fedora                       1.9 M
 qt-mobility-sensors                                   x86_64                      1.2.2-0.26.20140317git169da60c.fc26                      @fedora                       445 k
 qt-x11                                                x86_64                      1:4.8.7-32.fc27                                          @updates                       35 M
 qtwebkit                                              x86_64                      2.3.4-16.fc27                                            @fedora                        36 M
 rp-pppoe                                              x86_64                      3.12-10.fc27                                             @fedora                       290 k
 smesh                                                 x86_64                      6.7.5-1.fc27                                             @fedora                       3.2 M
 sni-qt                                                x86_64                      0.2.6-10.fc27                                            @fedora                       137 k
 sstp-client                                           x86_64                      1.0.11-8.fc27                                            @fedora                       132 k
 texlive-dvipng                                        noarch                      6:svn40768-36.fc27.5                                     @fedora                        23 k
 texlive-dvipng-bin                                    x86_64                      6:svn40473-36.20160520.fc27.5                            @fedora                       111 k
 texlive-kpathsea                                      noarch                      6:svn41139-36.fc27.5                                     @fedora                       215 k
 texlive-kpathsea-bin                                  x86_64                      6:svn40473-36.20160520.fc27.5                            @fedora                        83 k
 texlive-metafont                                      noarch                      6:svn40793-36.fc27.5                                     @fedora                       352 k
 texlive-metafont-bin                                  x86_64                      6:svn40987-36.20160520.fc27.5                            @fedora                       622 k
 texlive-tetex                                         noarch                      6:svn41059-36.fc27.5                                     @fedora                       314 k
 texlive-tetex-bin                                     noarch                      6:svn36770.0-36.20160520.fc27.5                          @fedora                         0 
 texlive-texlive.infra                                 noarch                      6:svn41280-36.fc27.5                                     @fedora                       486 k
 texlive-texlive.infra-bin                             x86_64                      6:svn40312-36.20160520.fc27.5                            @fedora                         0 
 uniconvertor                                          x86_64                      2.0-0.14.svn362.fc27                                     @fedora                       3.9 M
 wvdial                                                x86_64                      1.61-17.fc27                                             @fedora                       246 k
 xl2tpd                                                x86_64                      1.3.8-7.fc27                                             @updates                      181 k
Removing unused dependencies:
 CGAL                                                  x86_64                      4.11.1-1.fc27                                            @updates                      1.3 M
 Coin3                                                 x86_64                      3.1.3-21.fc27                                            @fedora                       9.0 M
 ImageMagick-c++                                       x86_64                      1:                                        @updates                      625 k
 ImageMagick-libs                                      x86_64                      1:                                        @updates                      7.9 M
 OCE-foundation                                        x86_64                      0.18.3-1.fc27                                            @updates                      8.1 M
 aspell                                                x86_64                      12:                                      @fedora                       3.0 M
 gamin                                                 x86_64                      0.1.10-27.fc27                                           @fedora                       417 k
 gl2ps                                                 x86_64                      1.4.0-3.fc27                                             @fedora                       115 k
 gsl                                                   x86_64                      2.4-3.fc27                                               @fedora                       2.9 M
 libimagequant                                         x86_64                      2.11.10-1.fc27                                           @updates                      126 k
 libqhull                                              x86_64                      2015.2-4.fc27                                            @fedora                       370 k
 libspnav                                              x86_64                      0.2.3-6.fc27                                             @fedora                        17 k
 opencsg                                               x86_64                      1.4.2-5.fc27                                             @fedora                       330 k
 perl-Text-Unidecode                                   noarch                      1.30-4.fc27                                              @fedora                       449 k
 perl-XML-Parser                                       x86_64                      2.44-9.fc27                                              @fedora                       627 k
 polyclipping                                          x86_64                      6.4.2-1.fc27                                             @fedora                       1.8 M
 potrace                                               x86_64                      1.15-1.fc27                                              @fedora                       252 k
 proj                                                  x86_64                      4.9.3-4.fc27                                             @fedora                       583 k
 pyparsing                                             noarch                      2.1.10-4.fc27                                            @fedora                         0 
 python-beautifulsoup4                                 noarch                      4.6.0-2.fc27.1                                           @updates                      756 k
 python-matplotlib-data                                noarch                      2.0.0-3.fc27                                             @fedora                       2.5 M
 python-subprocess32                                   x86_64                      3.2.6-8.fc27                                             @fedora                       205 k
 python2-collada                                       noarch                      0.4-16.fc27                                              @fedora                       1.8 M
 python2-cssselect                                     noarch                      0.9.2-5.fc27                                             @fedora                       158 k
 python2-cycler                                        noarch                      0.10.0-4.fc27                                            @fedora                        36 k
 python2-functools32                                   noarch                                                       @fedora                        71 k
 python2-html5lib                                      noarch                      1:0.999999999-3.fc27                                     @fedora                       1.2 M
 python2-lxml                                          x86_64                      4.1.1-1.fc27                                             @updates                      4.4 M
 python2-olefile                                       noarch                      0.45.1-1.fc27                                            @updates                      3.6 M
 python2-pyparsing                                     noarch                      2.1.10-4.fc27                                            @fedora                       542 k
 python2-scour                                         noarch                      0.35-5.fc27                                              @fedora                       288 k
 python2-tkinter                                       x86_64                      2.7.15-2.fc27                                            @updates                      1.6 M
 shiboken-libs                                         x86_64                      1.2.4-6.fc27                                             @fedora                       222 k
 texlive-base                                          noarch                      6:2016-36.20160520.fc27.5                                @fedora                       8.2 M
 texlive-lib                                           x86_64                      6:2016-36.20160520.fc27.5                                @fedora                       930 k
 tix                                                   x86_64                      1:8.4.3-20.fc27                                          @fedora                       1.0 M
 tk                                                    x86_64                      1:8.6.8-1.fc27                                           @updates                      3.6 M
 zipios++                                              x86_64                                                      @updates                      209 k

Transaction Summary
Remove  102 Packages

Freed space: 618 M
Is this ok [y/N]: n
Operation aborted.

no, not going to do that.

2018-07-16: sdb6 - F27 - dnf - install libpng12

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install libpng12.x86_64 libpng12.i686
Total download size: 321 k
Installed size: 894 k
  libpng12.i686 1.2.57-4.fc27                                                  libpng12.x86_64 1.2.57-4.fc27                                                



2018-07-16: sdb6 - F27 - install Quartus II v13.1:

[tingo@kg-elitebook qtemp]$ ./setup.sh

You must have the 32-bit compatibility libraries installed for the Quartus II installer and software to operate properly.

[tingo@kg-elitebook qtemp]$ tb2_install: error while loading shared libraries: libpng12.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

not sure why it throws an error after the install is finished.

test - it doesn't start

[tingo@kg-elitebook quartus]$ pwd


[tingo@kg-elitebook quartus]$ ./bin/quartus --64bit
quartus: error while loading shared libraries: libpng12.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


[tingo@kg-elitebook quartus]$ ./bin/quartus
quartus: error while loading shared libraries: libpng12.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

hmm, why do Quartus II look for that when we have

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ rpm -ql libpng.i686
[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ rpm -ql libpng.x86_64

oh well. Check what provides libpng12 then

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf provides libpng12
Last metadata expiration check: 1:06:09 ago on Mon 16 Jul 2018 02:26:34 PM CEST.
libpng12-1.2.57-4.fc27.i686 : Old version of libpng, needed to run old binaries
Repo        : fedora
Matched from:
Provide    : libpng12 = 1.2.57-4.fc27

libpng12-1.2.57-4.fc27.x86_64 : Old version of libpng, needed to run old binaries
Repo        : fedora
Matched from:
Provide    : libpng12 = 1.2.57-4.fc27


2018-07-16: sdb6 - F27 - dnf - install 32-bit compatibility libraries required for the Quartus II installer

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install libstdc++.i686 glibc.i686 libX11.i686 libXext.i686 libXau.i686 libXdmcp.i686 freetype.i686 fontconfig.i686 expat.i686
Install  14 Packages

Total download size: 6.9 M
Installed size: 21 M
  expat.i686 2.2.5-1.fc27     fontconfig.i686 2.12.6-4.fc27    freetype.i686 2.8-8.fc27     glibc.i686 2.26-28.fc27        libX11.i686 1.6.5-4.fc27       
  libXau.i686 1.0.8-9.fc27    libXdmcp.i686 1.1.2-8.fc27       libXext.i686 1.3.3-7.fc27    libstdc++.i686 7.3.1-5.fc27    bzip2-libs.i686 1.0.6-24.fc27  
  libgcc.i686 7.3.1-5.fc27    libpng.i686 2:1.6.31-1.fc27      libxcb.i686 1.12-5.fc27      zlib.i686 1.2.11-4.fc27      



2018-07-16: sdb6 - F27 - (try to) install Quartus II v13.1:

[tingo@kg-elitebook qtemp]$ pwd
[tingo@kg-elitebook qtemp]$ ./setup.sh

You must have the 32-bit compatibility libraries installed for the Quartus II installer and software to operate properly.

ok, install those then. From the setup.sh script, it seems to be these

tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf list installed libstdc++ glibc libX11 libXext libXau libXdmcp freetype fontconfig expat
Installed Packages
expat.x86_64                                                                 2.2.5-1.fc27                                                             @updates
fontconfig.x86_64                                                            2.12.6-4.fc27                                                            @updates
freetype.x86_64                                                              2.8-8.fc27                                                               @updates
glibc.x86_64                                                                 2.26-28.fc27                                                             @updates
libX11.x86_64                                                                1.6.5-4.fc27                                                             @fedora
libXau.x86_64                                                                1.0.8-9.fc27                                                             @fedora
libXdmcp.x86_64                                                              1.1.2-8.fc27                                                             @fedora
libXext.x86_64                                                               1.3.3-7.fc27                                                             @fedora
libstdc++.x86_64                                                             7.3.1-5.fc27                                                             @updates

do we have 32-.bit version of those?

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf list libstdc++.i686 glibc.i686 libX11.i686 libXext.i686 libXau.i686 libXdmcp.i686 freetype.i686 fontconfig.i686 expat.i686
Last metadata expiration check: 0:08:10 ago on Mon 16 Jul 2018 02:26:34 PM CEST.
Available Packages
expat.i686                                                                  2.2.5-1.fc27                                                               updates
fontconfig.i686                                                             2.12.6-4.fc27                                                              updates
freetype.i686                                                               2.8-8.fc27                                                                 updates
glibc.i686                                                                  2.26-28.fc27                                                               updates
libX11.i686                                                                 1.6.5-4.fc27                                                               fedora
libXau.i686                                                                 1.0.8-9.fc27                                                               fedora
libXdmcp.i686                                                               1.1.2-8.fc27                                                               fedora
libXext.i686                                                                1.3.3-7.fc27                                                               fedora
libstdc++.i686                                                              7.3.1-5.fc27                                                               updates

we do.

2018-07-13: sdb6 - F27 - reboot, new kernel

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ uname -a
Linux kg-elitebook.kg4.no 4.17.3-100.fc27.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jun 26 14:19:03 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


2018-07-13: sdb6 - F27 - dnf - upgrade

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade
Install    7 Packages
Upgrade  116 Packages
Remove     5 Packages

Total download size: 491 M
  kernel.x86_64 4.15.17-300.fc27                   kernel-core.x86_64 4.15.17-300.fc27     kernel-devel.x86_64 4.15.17-300.fc27     kernel-modules.x86_64 4.15.17-300.fc27   
  kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.15.17-300.fc27   

  kernel.x86_64 4.17.3-100.fc27                    kernel-core.x86_64 4.17.3-100.fc27       kernel-devel.x86_64 4.17.3-100.fc27       kernel-modules.x86_64 4.17.3-100.fc27    
  kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.17.3-100.fc27      openblas-serial.x86_64 0.3.1-1.fc27      vulkan-loader.x86_64    

  NetworkManager.x86_64 1:1.8.8-1.fc27                    NetworkManager-adsl.x86_64 1:1.8.8-1.fc27                NetworkManager-bluetooth.x86_64 1:1.8.8-1.fc27              
  NetworkManager-glib.x86_64 1:1.8.8-1.fc27               NetworkManager-libnm.x86_64 1:1.8.8-1.fc27               NetworkManager-ppp.x86_64 1:1.8.8-1.fc27                    
  NetworkManager-team.x86_64 1:1.8.8-1.fc27               NetworkManager-wifi.x86_64 1:1.8.8-1.fc27                NetworkManager-wwan.x86_64 1:1.8.8-1.fc27                   
  ansible.noarch 2.6.0-1.fc27                             autocorr-en.noarch 1:                      bubblewrap.x86_64 0.2.1-1.fc27                              
  cldr-emoji-annotation.noarch 33.0.0_2-1.fc27            copy-jdk-configs.noarch 3.7-1.fc27                       emacs-filesystem.noarch 1:25.3-4.fc27                       
  ethtool.x86_64 2:4.17-1.fc27                            exo.x86_64 0.12.2-1.fc27                                 file.x86_64 5.31-12.fc27                                    
  file-libs.x86_64 5.31-12.fc27                           firefox.x86_64 61.0-4.fc27                               gnupg.x86_64 1.4.23-1.fc27                                  
  inkscape.x86_64 0.92.3-2.fc27                           java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64 1:         java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless.x86_64 1:   
  kernel-headers.x86_64 4.17.3-100.fc27                   libgxps.x86_64 0.3.0-5.fc27                              libomp.x86_64 5.0.2-1.fc27                                  
  libreoffice.x86_64 1:                     libreoffice-base.x86_64 1:                 libreoffice-calc.x86_64 1:                    
  libreoffice-core.x86_64 1:                libreoffice-data.noarch 1:                 libreoffice-draw.x86_64 1:                    
  libreoffice-emailmerge.x86_64 1:          libreoffice-graphicfilter.x86_64 1:        libreoffice-gtk2.x86_64 1:                    
  libreoffice-gtk3.x86_64 1:                libreoffice-help-en.x86_64 1:              libreoffice-help-nb.x86_64 1:                 
  libreoffice-impress.x86_64 1:             libreoffice-langpack-en.x86_64 1:          libreoffice-langpack-nb.x86_64 1:             
  libreoffice-math.x86_64 1:                libreoffice-opensymbol-fonts.noarch 1:     libreoffice-pdfimport.x86_64 1:               
  libreoffice-pyuno.x86_64 1:               libreoffice-ure.x86_64 1:                  libreoffice-ure-common.noarch 1:              
  libreoffice-writer.x86_64 1:              libreoffice-x11.x86_64 1:                  libsemanage.x86_64 2.7-3.fc27                               
  libsemanage-python3.x86_64 2.7-3.fc27                   libsmbclient.x86_64 2:4.7.8-0.fc27                       libsolv.x86_64 0.6.34-3.fc27                                
  libsoup.x86_64 2.60.3-2.fc27                            libwbclient.x86_64 2:4.7.8-0.fc27                        lightdm.x86_64 1.26.0-1.fc27                                
  lightdm-gobject.x86_64 1.26.0-1.fc27                    mame.x86_64 0.199-1.fc27                                 mame-data.noarch 0.199-1.fc27                               
  mesa-dri-drivers.x86_64 17.3.9-1.fc27                   mesa-filesystem.x86_64 17.3.9-1.fc27                     mesa-libEGL.x86_64 17.3.9-1.fc27                            
  mesa-libEGL-devel.x86_64 17.3.9-1.fc27                  mesa-libGL.x86_64 17.3.9-1.fc27                          mesa-libGLES.x86_64 17.3.9-1.fc27                           
  mesa-libGLES-devel.x86_64 17.3.9-1.fc27                 mesa-libOpenCL.x86_64 17.3.9-1.fc27                      mesa-libgbm.x86_64 17.3.9-1.fc27                            
  mesa-libglapi.x86_64 17.3.9-1.fc27                      mesa-libwayland-egl.x86_64 17.3.9-1.fc27                 mesa-libxatracker.x86_64 17.3.9-1.fc27                      
  mesa-vulkan-drivers.x86_64 17.3.9-1.fc27                nodejs.x86_64 1:8.11.3-1.fc27                            npm.x86_64 1:5.6.0-                          
  openblas.x86_64 0.3.1-1.fc27                            openblas-threads.x86_64 0.3.1-1.fc27                     pcre2.x86_64 10.31-5.fc27                                   
  pcre2-devel.x86_64 10.31-5.fc27                         pcre2-utf16.x86_64 10.31-5.fc27                          pcre2-utf32.x86_64 10.31-5.fc27                             
  perl-File-Temp.noarch 0.230.600-1.fc27                  perl-Time-Local.noarch 1:1.280-1.fc27                    ppp.x86_64 2.4.7-14.fc27                                    
  pulseaudio.x86_64 12.0-3.fc27                           pulseaudio-libs.x86_64 12.0-3.fc27                       pulseaudio-libs-glib2.x86_64 12.0-3.fc27                    
  pulseaudio-module-bluetooth.x86_64 12.0-3.fc27          pulseaudio-module-x11.x86_64 12.0-3.fc27                 pulseaudio-utils.x86_64 12.0-3.fc27                         
  python-srpm-macros.noarch 3-25.fc27                     python2-jinja2.noarch 2.10-3.fc27                        qemu-guest-agent.x86_64 2:2.10.1-4.fc27                     
  qt5-qtbase.x86_64 5.9.6-3.fc27                          qt5-qtbase-common.noarch 5.9.6-3.fc27                    qt5-qtbase-gui.x86_64 5.9.6-3.fc27                          
  rpmfusion-nonfree-release.noarch 27-2                   samba-client.x86_64 2:4.7.8-0.fc27                       samba-client-libs.x86_64 2:4.7.8-0.fc27                     
  samba-common.noarch 2:4.7.8-0.fc27                      samba-common-libs.x86_64 2:4.7.8-0.fc27                  selinux-policy.noarch 3.13.1-283.35.fc27                    
  selinux-policy-targeted.noarch 3.13.1-283.35.fc27       strace.x86_64 4.23-1.fc27                                sudo.x86_64 1.8.23-1.fc27                                   
  vim-X11.x86_64 2:8.1.119-2.fc27                         vim-common.x86_64 2:8.1.119-2.fc27                       vim-filesystem.noarch 2:8.1.119-2.fc27                      
  vim-minimal.x86_64 2:8.1.119-2.fc27                     webkitgtk4.x86_64 2.20.3-1.fc27                          webkitgtk4-jsc.x86_64 2.20.3-1.fc27                         
  webkitgtk4-plugin-process-gtk2.x86_64 2.20.3-1.fc27     xfce4-settings.x86_64 4.12.4-1.fc27                      xscreensaver-base.x86_64 1:5.39-6.fc27                      
  xscreensaver-extras.x86_64 1:5.39-6.fc27                xscreensaver-extras-base.x86_64 1:5.39-6.fc27          



2018-06-29: sdb6 - F27 - dnf - install unrar

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install unrar
warning: /var/cache/dnf/rpmfusion-nonfree-updates-b063a319edd3cfcb/packages/unrar-5.6.3-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID b9c13282: NOKEY
Importing GPG key 0xB9C13282:
 Userid     : "RPM Fusion nonfree repository for Fedora (27) <rpmfusion-buildsys@lists.rpmfusion.org>"
 Fingerprint: C1D5 D345 7F31 7578 802E E337 8704 7784 B9C1 3282
 From       : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-rpmfusion-nonfree-fedora-27
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  unrar.x86_64 5.6.3-1.fc27                                                                                                                                                    



2018-06-29: sdb6 - F27 - dnf - install RPM fusion non-free repository

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install https://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
  rpmfusion-nonfree-release.noarch 27-1                                                                                                                                        



2018-06-29: sdb6 - F27 - dnf - install RPM fusion free repository

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install https://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
Last metadata expiration check: 2:12:18 ago on Fri 29 Jun 2018 01:40:14 PM CEST.
rpmfusion-free-release-27.noarch.rpm                                                                                                             61 kB/s |  20 kB     00:00   
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                              Arch                                 Version                             Repository                                  Size
 rpmfusion-free-release                               noarch                               27-1                                @commandline                                20 k

Transaction Summary
Downgrade  1 Package

Total size: 20 k
Is this ok [y/N]: n
Operation aborted.

not doing that. Which repositories do we have?

tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf repolist
Last metadata expiration check: 2:14:54 ago on Fri 29 Jun 2018 01:40:14 PM CEST.
repo id                                                                     repo name                                                                                     status
*fedora                                                                     Fedora 27 - x86_64                                                                            54,801
*rpmfusion-free                                                             RPM Fusion for Fedora 27 - Free                                                                  574
*rpmfusion-free-updates                                                     RPM Fusion for Fedora 27 - Free - Updates                                                        248
*updates                                                                    Fedora 27 - x86_64 - Updates                                                                  15,317


2018-06-28: sdb6 - F27 - reboot, new kernel

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ uname -a
Linux kg-elitebook.kg4.no 4.16.16-200.fc27.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Jun 17 03:06:00 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


2018-06-28: sdb6 - F27 - dnf - upgrade

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade
Install   21 Packages
Upgrade  283 Packages
Remove     5 Packages

Total download size: 806 M
  kernel.x86_64 4.15.14-300.fc27                   kernel-core.x86_64 4.15.14-300.fc27     kernel-devel.x86_64 4.15.14-300.fc27     kernel-modules.x86_64 4.15.14-300.fc27   
  kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.15.14-300.fc27   

  kernel.x86_64 4.16.16-200.fc27                kernel-core.x86_64 4.16.16-200.fc27   kernel-devel.x86_64 4.16.16-200.fc27  kernel-modules.x86_64 4.16.16-200.fc27             
  kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.16.16-200.fc27  dwz.x86_64 0.12-5.fc27                fedora-rpm-macros.noarch 26-3.fc27    fpc-srpm-macros.noarch 1.1-3.fc27                  
  ghc-srpm-macros.noarch 1.4.2-6.fc27           gnat-srpm-macros.noarch 4-4.fc27      go-srpm-macros.noarch 2-16.fc27       nim-srpm-macros.noarch 1-1.fc27                    
  ocaml-srpm-macros.noarch 5-2.fc27             openblas-srpm-macros.noarch 2-2.fc27  perl-srpm-macros.noarch 1-24.fc27     python-django-bash-completion.noarch 1.11.13-2.fc27
  python-srpm-macros.noarch 3-24.fc27           python2-ldap.x86_64 2.4.25-9.fc27     qt5-srpm-macros.noarch 5.9.6-1.fc27   redhat-rpm-config.noarch 78-1.fc27                 
  rust-srpm-macros.noarch 5-1.fc27            

  GeoIP-GeoLite-data.noarch 2018.06-1.fc27                                                GraphicsMagick.x86_64 1.3.29-1.fc27                                                 
  SDL2.x86_64 2.0.7-3.fc27                                                                SDL2-devel.x86_64 2.0.7-3.fc27                                                      
  accountsservice.x86_64 0.6.49-1.fc27                                                    accountsservice-libs.x86_64 0.6.49-1.fc27                                           
  ansible.noarch 2.5.5-2.fc27                                                             autocorr-en.noarch 1:                                                 
  babl.x86_64 0.1.50-3.fc27                                                               bash.x86_64 4.4.23-1.fc27                                                           
  ca-certificates.noarch 2018.2.24-1.0.fc27                                               catfish.noarch 1.4.5-1.fc27                                                         
  catfish-common.noarch 1.4.5-1.fc27                                                      chromium.x86_64 67.0.3396.79-1.fc27                                                 
  chromium-common.x86_64 67.0.3396.79-1.fc27                                              chromium-libs.x86_64 67.0.3396.79-1.fc27                                            
  chromium-libs-media.x86_64 67.0.3396.79-1.fc27                                          clang.x86_64 5.0.2-1.fc27                                                           
  clang-libs.x86_64 5.0.2-1.fc27                                                          cmake.x86_64 3.11.2-1.fc27                                                          
  cmake-data.noarch 3.11.2-1.fc27                                                         cmake-filesystem.x86_64 3.11.2-1.fc27                                               
  cmake-rpm-macros.noarch 3.11.2-1.fc27                                                   compiler-rt.x86_64 5.0.2-1.fc27                                                     
  copy-jdk-configs.noarch 3.3-9.fc27                                                      cryptsetup.x86_64 1.7.5-4.fc27                                                      
  cryptsetup-libs.x86_64 1.7.5-4.fc27                                                     curl.x86_64 7.55.1-12.fc27                                                          
  dhcp-client.x86_64 12:4.3.6-10.fc27                                                     dhcp-common.noarch 12:4.3.6-10.fc27                                                 
  dhcp-libs.x86_64 12:4.3.6-10.fc27                                                       exiv2.x86_64 0.26-10.fc27                                                           
  exiv2-libs.x86_64 0.26-10.fc27                                                          firefox.x86_64 60.0.2-1.fc27                                                        
  flac.x86_64 1.3.2-7.fc27                                                                flac-libs.x86_64 1.3.2-7.fc27                                                       
  foomatic-db.noarch 4.0-55.20170503.fc27                                                 foomatic-db-filesystem.noarch 4.0-55.20170503.fc27                                  
  foomatic-db-ppds.noarch 4.0-55.20170503.fc27                                            git.x86_64 2.14.4-1.fc27                                                            
  git-core.x86_64 2.14.4-1.fc27                                                           git-core-doc.x86_64 2.14.4-1.fc27                                                   
  glibc.x86_64 2.26-28.fc27                                                               glibc-all-langpacks.x86_64 2.26-28.fc27                                             
  glibc-common.x86_64 2.26-28.fc27                                                        glibc-devel.x86_64 2.26-28.fc27                                                     
  glibc-headers.x86_64 2.26-28.fc27                                                       glibc-langpack-en.x86_64 2.26-28.fc27                                               
  gnumeric.x86_64 1:1.12.41-1.fc27                                                        gnupg2.x86_64 2.2.8-1.fc27                                                          
  gnupg2-smime.x86_64 2.2.8-1.fc27                                                        goffice.x86_64 0.10.41-1.fc27                                                       
  google-noto-emoji-color-fonts.noarch 20180508-1.fc27                                    google-noto-emoji-fonts.noarch 20180508-1.fc27                                      
  gpgme.x86_64 1.10.0-4.fc27.1                                                            gpgmepp.x86_64 1.10.0-4.fc27.1                                                      
  graphviz.x86_64 2.40.1-11.fc27                                                          hplip-common.x86_64 3.18.6-1.fc27                                                   
  hplip-libs.x86_64 3.18.6-1.fc27                                                         hwdata.noarch 0.312-1.fc27                                                          
  ibus-typing-booster.noarch 2.0.0-1.fc27                                                 iptables.x86_64 1.6.2-3.fc27                                                        
  iptables-libs.x86_64 1.6.2-3.fc27                                                       iwl100-firmware.noarch                                          
  iwl1000-firmware.noarch 1:                                           iwl105-firmware.noarch                                         
  iwl135-firmware.noarch                                             iwl2000-firmware.noarch                                        
  iwl2030-firmware.noarch                                            iwl3160-firmware.noarch 1:                                      
  iwl3945-firmware.noarch                                             iwl4965-firmware.noarch                                       
  iwl5000-firmware.noarch                                            iwl5150-firmware.noarch                                          
  iwl6000-firmware.noarch                                             iwl6000g2a-firmware.noarch                                     
  iwl6000g2b-firmware.noarch                                         iwl6050-firmware.noarch                                         
  iwl7260-firmware.noarch 1:                                          jasper-libs.x86_64 2.0.14-5.fc27                                                    
  jline.noarch 2.14.6-1.fc27                                                              kernel-headers.x86_64 4.16.16-200.fc27                                              
  libass.x86_64 0.13.4-6.fc27                                                             libcrypt-nss.x86_64 2.26-28.fc27                                                    
  libertas-usb8388-firmware.noarch 2:20180525-85.git7518922b.fc27                         libgcrypt.x86_64 1.8.3-1.fc27                                                       
  libgpg-error.x86_64 1.31-1.fc27                                                         libgxps.x86_64 0.3.0-4.fc27                                                         
  libidn2.x86_64 2.0.5-1.fc27                                                             libipa_hbac.x86_64 1.16.2-1.fc27                                                    
  libmicrodns.x86_64 0.0.10-1.fc27                                                        libodfgen.x86_64 0.1.7-1.fc27                                                       
  libpcap.x86_64 14:1.8.1-7.fc27                                                          libpsl.x86_64 0.18.0-3.fc27                                                         
  librados2.x86_64 1:12.2.5-1.fc27                                                        libreoffice.x86_64 1:                                                 
  libreoffice-base.x86_64 1:                                                libreoffice-calc.x86_64 1:                                            
  libreoffice-core.x86_64 1:                                                libreoffice-data.noarch 1:                                            
  libreoffice-draw.x86_64 1:                                                libreoffice-emailmerge.x86_64 1:                                      
  libreoffice-graphicfilter.x86_64 1:                                       libreoffice-gtk2.x86_64 1:                                            
  libreoffice-gtk3.x86_64 1:                                                libreoffice-help-en.x86_64 1:                                         
  libreoffice-help-nb.x86_64 1:                                             libreoffice-impress.x86_64 1:                                         
  libreoffice-langpack-en.x86_64 1:                                         libreoffice-langpack-nb.x86_64 1:                                     
  libreoffice-math.x86_64 1:                                                libreoffice-opensymbol-fonts.noarch 1:                                
  libreoffice-pdfimport.x86_64 1:                                           libreoffice-pyuno.x86_64 1:                                           
  libreoffice-ure.x86_64 1:                                                 libreoffice-ure-common.noarch 1:                                      
  libreoffice-writer.x86_64 1:                                              libreoffice-x11.x86_64 1:                                             
  libsane-hpaio.x86_64 3.18.6-1.fc27                                                      libsss_autofs.x86_64 1.16.2-1.fc27                                                  
  libsss_certmap.x86_64 1.16.2-1.fc27                                                     libsss_idmap.x86_64 1.16.2-1.fc27                                                   
  libsss_nss_idmap.x86_64 1.16.2-1.fc27                                                   libsss_sudo.x86_64 1.16.2-1.fc27                                                    
  libtiff.x86_64 4.0.9-10.fc27                                                            libtiff-devel.x86_64 4.0.9-10.fc27                                                  
  libunistring.x86_64 0.9.10-1.fc27                                                       libuv.x86_64 1:1.20.3-1.fc27                                                        
  libwebp.x86_64 1.0.0-1.fc27                                                             libwebp-devel.x86_64 1.0.0-1.fc27                                                   
  lightdm.x86_64 1.25.2-1.fc27                                                            lightdm-gobject.x86_64 1.25.2-1.fc27                                                
  link-grammar.x86_64 5.5.0-1.fc27                                                        linux-firmware.noarch 20180525-85.git7518922b.fc27                                  
  lirc-libs.x86_64 0.10.0-7.fc27                                                          llvm-libs.x86_64 5.0.2-1.fc27                                                       
  mame.x86_64 0.198-1.fc27                                                                mame-data.noarch 0.198-1.fc27                                                       
  mosquitto.x86_64 1.5-3.fc27                                                             ncurses.x86_64 6.0-14.20170722.fc27                                                 
  ncurses-base.noarch 6.0-14.20170722.fc27                                                ncurses-c++-libs.x86_64 6.0-14.20170722.fc27                                        
  ncurses-devel.x86_64 6.0-14.20170722.fc27                                               ncurses-libs.x86_64 6.0-14.20170722.fc27                                            
  netpbm.x86_64 10.82.00-1.fc27                                                           nodejs.x86_64 1:8.11.2-2.fc27                                                       
  npm.x86_64 1:5.6.0-                                                      nss.x86_64 3.37.3-1.0.fc27                                                          
  nss-softokn.x86_64 3.37.3-1.0.fc27                                                      nss-softokn-freebl.x86_64 3.37.3-1.0.fc27                                           
  nss-sysinit.x86_64 3.37.3-1.0.fc27                                                      nss-tools.x86_64 3.37.3-1.0.fc27                                                    
  nss-util.x86_64 3.37.3-1.0.fc27                                                         ntfs-3g.x86_64 2:2017.3.23-6.fc27                                                   
  ntfsprogs.x86_64 2:2017.3.23-6.fc27                                                     open-vm-tools.x86_64 10.2.5-2.fc27                                                  
  open-vm-tools-desktop.x86_64 10.2.5-2.fc27                                              openblas.x86_64 0.3.0-1.fc27                                                        
  openblas-threads.x86_64 0.3.0-1.fc27                                                    osm-gps-map.x86_64 1.1.0-2.fc27                                                     
  osm-gps-map-gobject.x86_64 1.1.0-2.fc27                                                 p11-kit.x86_64 0.23.12-1.fc27                                                       
  p11-kit-trust.x86_64 0.23.12-1.fc27                                                     perl.x86_64 4:5.26.2-406.fc27                                                       
  perl-Archive-Tar.noarch 2.28-1.fc27                                                     perl-Attribute-Handlers.noarch 0.99-406.fc27                                        
  perl-Carp.noarch 1.42-395.fc27                                                          perl-Devel-Peek.x86_64 1.26-406.fc27                                                
  perl-Devel-SelfStubber.noarch 1.06-406.fc27                                             perl-Errno.x86_64 1.28-406.fc27                                                     
  perl-ExtUtils-Embed.noarch 1.34-406.fc27                                                perl-ExtUtils-Miniperl.noarch 1.06-406.fc27                                         
  perl-Git.noarch 2.14.4-1.fc27                                                           perl-HTTP-Message.noarch 6.18-1.fc27                                                
  perl-IO.x86_64 1.38-406.fc27                                                            perl-IO-Zlib.noarch 1:1.10-406.fc27                                                 
  perl-Locale-Codes.noarch 3.57-1.fc27                                                    perl-Locale-Maketext-Simple.noarch 1:0.21-406.fc27                                  
  perl-Math-Complex.noarch 1.59-406.fc27                                                  perl-Memoize.noarch 1.03-406.fc27                                                   
  perl-Module-Loaded.noarch 1:0.08-406.fc27                                               perl-Net-HTTP.noarch 6.18-1.fc27                                                    
  perl-Net-Ping.noarch 2.55-406.fc27                                                      perl-Pod-Html.noarch 1.22.02-406.fc27                                               
  perl-SelfLoader.noarch 1.23-406.fc27                                                    perl-Storable.x86_64 1:3.11-2.fc27                                                  
  perl-Test.noarch 1.30-406.fc27                                                          perl-Time-Piece.x86_64 1.31-406.fc27                                                
  perl-devel.x86_64 4:5.26.2-406.fc27                                                     perl-experimental.noarch 0.020-1.fc27                                               
  perl-interpreter.x86_64 4:5.26.2-406.fc27                                               perl-libnetcfg.noarch 4:5.26.2-406.fc27                                             
  perl-libs.x86_64 4:5.26.2-406.fc27                                                      perl-libwww-perl.noarch 6.34-1.fc27                                                 
  perl-macros.x86_64 4:5.26.2-406.fc27                                                    perl-open.noarch 1.11-406.fc27                                                      
  perl-perlfaq.noarch 5.20180605-1.fc27                                                   perl-utils.noarch 5.26.2-406.fc27                                                   
  poppler.x86_64 0.57.0-9.fc27                                                            poppler-glib.x86_64 0.57.0-9.fc27                                                   
  poppler-utils.x86_64 0.57.0-9.fc27                                                      procps-ng.x86_64 3.3.10-16.fc27                                                     
  publicsuffix-list-dafsa.noarch 20180514-1.fc27                                          python2.x86_64 2.7.15-2.fc27                                                        
  python2-django.noarch 1.11.13-2.fc27                                                    python2-libs.x86_64 2.7.15-2.fc27                                                   
  python2-pip.noarch 9.0.3-2.fc27                                                         python2-sssdconfig.noarch 1.16.2-1.fc27                                             
  python2-tkinter.x86_64 2.7.15-2.fc27                                                    python3-gpg.x86_64 1.10.0-4.fc27.1                                                  
  python3-pip.noarch 9.0.3-2.fc27                                                         python3-sssdconfig.noarch 1.16.2-1.fc27                                             
  python3-urllib3.noarch 1.22-6.fc27                                                      qt5-qtbase.x86_64 5.9.6-1.fc27                                                      
  qt5-qtbase-common.noarch 5.9.6-1.fc27                                                   qt5-qtbase-gui.x86_64 5.9.6-1.fc27                                                  
  qt5-qtdeclarative.x86_64 5.9.6-1.fc27                                                   qt5-qtsvg.x86_64 5.9.6-1.fc27                                                       
  qt5-qtwayland.x86_64 5.9.6-1.fc27                                                       qt5-qtx11extras.x86_64 5.9.6-1.fc27                                                 
  qt5-qtxmlpatterns.x86_64 5.9.6-1.fc27                                                   quota.x86_64 1:4.03-12.fc27                                                         
  quota-nls.noarch 1:4.03-12.fc27                                                         rsyslog.x86_64 8.35.0-2.fc27                                                        
  selinux-policy.noarch 3.13.1-283.34.fc27                                                selinux-policy-targeted.noarch 3.13.1-283.34.fc27                                   
  sos.noarch 3.5.1-1.fc27                                                                 spirv-tools-libs.x86_64 2018.3.0-0.1.20180407.git26a698c.fc27                       
  sqlite.x86_64 3.20.1-3.fc27                                                             sqlite-libs.x86_64 3.20.1-3.fc27                                                    
  sssd.x86_64 1.16.2-1.fc27                                                               sssd-ad.x86_64 1.16.2-1.fc27                                                        
  sssd-client.x86_64 1.16.2-1.fc27                                                        sssd-common.x86_64 1.16.2-1.fc27                                                    
  sssd-common-pac.x86_64 1.16.2-1.fc27                                                    sssd-ipa.x86_64 1.16.2-1.fc27                                                       
  sssd-krb5.x86_64 1.16.2-1.fc27                                                          sssd-krb5-common.x86_64 1.16.2-1.fc27                                               
  sssd-ldap.x86_64 1.16.2-1.fc27                                                          sssd-nfs-idmap.x86_64 1.16.2-1.fc27                                                 
  sssd-proxy.x86_64 1.16.2-1.fc27                                                         strongswan.x86_64 5.6.2-6.fc27                                                      
  strongswan-charon-nm.x86_64 5.6.2-6.fc27                                                systemd.x86_64 234-11.git5f8984e.fc27                                               
  systemd-devel.x86_64 234-11.git5f8984e.fc27                                             systemd-libs.x86_64 234-11.git5f8984e.fc27                                          
  systemd-pam.x86_64 234-11.git5f8984e.fc27                                               systemd-udev.x86_64 234-11.git5f8984e.fc27                                          
  systemtap-sdt-devel.x86_64 3.3-1.fc27                                                   tcpdump.x86_64 14:4.9.1-4.fc27                                                      
  tigervnc-license.noarch 1.8.0-10.fc27                                                   tigervnc-server-minimal.x86_64 1.8.0-10.fc27                                        
  tzdata.noarch 2018e-1.fc27                                                              tzdata-java.noarch 2018e-1.fc27                                                     
  unbound-libs.x86_64 1.7.2-1.fc27                                                        utf8proc.x86_64 2.1.1-2.fc27                                                        
  vim-X11.x86_64 2:8.1.095-1.fc27                                                         vim-common.x86_64 2:8.1.095-1.fc27                                                  
  vim-filesystem.noarch 2:8.1.095-1.fc27                                                  vim-minimal.x86_64 2:8.1.095-1.fc27                                                 
  vino.x86_64 3.22.0-8.fc27                                                               vlc.x86_64 3.0.3-2.fc27                                                             
  vlc-core.x86_64 3.0.3-2.fc27                                                            volume_key-libs.x86_64 0.3.10-1.fc27                                                
  vte.x86_64 0.28.2-24.fc27                                                               vte-profile.x86_64 0.50.4-1.fc27                                                    
  vte291.x86_64 0.50.4-1.fc27                                                             vulkan.x86_64                                                       
  vulkan-filesystem.noarch                                                wavpack.x86_64 5.1.0-8.fc27                                                         
  webkitgtk4.x86_64 2.20.2-1.fc27                                                         webkitgtk4-jsc.x86_64 2.20.2-1.fc27                                                 
  webkitgtk4-plugin-process-gtk2.x86_64 2.20.2-1.fc27                                     wget.x86_64 1.19.5-1.fc27                                                           
  xdg-utils.noarch 1.1.3-2.fc27                                                           xfce4-dict.x86_64 0.8.1-1.fc27                                                      
  xfce4-dict-plugin.x86_64 0.8.1-1.fc27                                                   xfce4-taskmanager.x86_64 1.2.1-1.fc27                                               
  xfce4-terminal.x86_64                                                    xorg-x11-drv-libinput.x86_64 0.27.1-2.fc27                                          
  xscreensaver-base.x86_64 1:5.39-5.fc27                                                  xscreensaver-extras.x86_64 1:5.39-5.fc27                                            
  xscreensaver-extras-base.x86_64 1:5.39-5.fc27                                         



2018-06-18: sdb6 - F27 - dnf - install things required by OpenWRT's Image Builder.

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf install @c-development @development-tools @development-libs zlib-static which
Last metadata expiration check: 0:02:04 ago on Mon 18 Jun 2018 05:27:53 PM CEST.
Package which-2.21-4.fc27.x86_64 is already installed, skipping.
No match for group package "python-devel"
Dependencies resolved.
 Group                                                             Packages                                                                                                  
Marking packages as installed by the group:
 @C Development Tools and Libraries                                valgrind                                      binutils                                      glibc-devel   
                                                                   ltrace                                        elfutils                                      gcc           
                                                                   libtool                                       pkgconf                                       cscope        
                                                                   ctags                                         ccache                                        make          
                                                                   gcc-c++                                       autoconf                                      indent        
                                                                   bison                                         oprofile                                      strace        
                                                                   byacc                                         flex                                          gdb           
                                                                   cmake                                         automake                                                    
 @Development Tools                                                rcs                                           subversion                                    gettext       
                                                                   patch                                         git                                           diffstat      
                                                                   doxygen                                       patchutils                                    systemtap     
 @Development Libraries                                            libuser-devel                                 bzip2-devel                                   gmp-devel     
                                                                   boost-devel                                   glibc-devel                                   lockdev-devel 
                                                                   libselinux-devel                              binutils-devel                                libacl-devel  
                                                                   rpm-devel                                     openldap-devel                                libxml2-devel 
                                                                   zlib-devel                                    expat-devel                                   python-ldap   
                                                                   gdbm-devel                                    cyrus-sasl-devel                              libdb-devel   
                                                                   libusbx-devel                                 libogg-devel                                  slang-devel   
                                                                   pciutils-devel                                hesiod-devel                                  libvorbis-devel
                                                                   pam-devel                                     libattr-devel                                 libcurl-devel 
                                                                   perl-devel                                    pcsc-lite-devel                               readline-devel
                                                                   ncurses-devel                                 krb5-devel                                    openssl-devel 
                                                                   dbus-devel                                    libcap-devel                                                
 Package                                       Arch                          Version                                                       Repository                      Size
 zlib-static                                   x86_64                        1.2.11-4.fc27                                                 fedora                          65 k
 dbus                                          x86_64                        1:1.12.8-1.fc27                                               updates                        268 k
 dbus-libs                                     x86_64                        1:1.12.8-1.fc27                                               updates                        179 k
 dbus-x11                                      x86_64                        1:1.12.8-1.fc27                                               updates                         55 k
 libcurl                                       x86_64                        7.55.1-12.fc27                                                updates                        273 k
Installing group packages:
 binutils-devel                                x86_64                        2.29-13.fc27                                                  updates                        925 k
 boost-devel                                   x86_64                        1.64.0-6.fc27                                                 updates                        9.3 M
 byacc                                         x86_64                        1.9.20170709-3.fc27                                           fedora                          89 k
 ccache                                        x86_64                        3.3.6-1.fc27                                                  updates                        220 k
 cscope                                        x86_64                        15.8b-6.fc27                                                  fedora                         213 k
 ctags                                         x86_64                        5.8-21.fc27                                                   fedora                         168 k
 cyrus-sasl-devel                              x86_64                        2.1.26-34.fc27                                                fedora                         315 k
 dbus-devel                                    x86_64                        1:1.12.8-1.fc27                                               updates                         64 k
 diffstat                                      x86_64                        1.61-5.fc27                                                   fedora                          42 k
 doxygen                                       x86_64                        1:1.8.13-10.fc27                                              fedora                         6.7 M
 gmp-devel                                     x86_64                        1:6.1.2-6.fc27                                                fedora                         187 k
 hesiod-devel                                  x86_64                        3.2.1-9.fc27                                                  fedora                          26 k
 indent                                        x86_64                        2.2.11-23.fc27                                                fedora                         157 k
 krb5-devel                                    x86_64                        1.15.2-9.fc27                                                 updates                        535 k
 libacl-devel                                  x86_64                        2.2.52-18.fc27                                                fedora                          77 k
 libattr-devel                                 x86_64                        2.4.47-21.fc27                                                fedora                          32 k
 libcap-devel                                  x86_64                        2.25-7.fc27                                                   fedora                          31 k
 libcurl-devel                                 x86_64                        7.55.1-12.fc27                                                updates                        749 k
 libdb-devel                                   x86_64                        5.3.28-27.fc27                                                updates                         44 k
 libogg-devel                                  x86_64                        2:1.3.2-8.fc27                                                fedora                          18 k
 libselinux-devel                              x86_64                        2.7-3.fc27                                                    updates                        198 k
 libtool                                       x86_64                        2.4.6-20.fc27                                                 fedora                         706 k
 libuser-devel                                 x86_64                        0.62-9.fc27                                                   fedora                          74 k
 libvorbis-devel                               x86_64                        1:1.3.6-1.fc27                                                updates                         24 k
 libxml2-devel                                 x86_64                        2.9.7-1.fc27                                                  updates                        1.0 M
 lockdev-devel                                 x86_64                        1.0.4-0.25.20111007git.fc27                                   fedora                          19 k
 ltrace                                        x86_64                        0.7.91-24.fc27                                                fedora                         156 k
 openldap-devel                                x86_64                        2.4.45-4.fc27                                                 updates                        806 k
 openssl-devel                                 x86_64                        1:1.1.0h-3.fc27                                               updates                        1.9 M
 oprofile                                      x86_64                        1.2.0-4.fc27                                                  fedora                         2.4 M
 pam-devel                                     x86_64                        1.3.0-6.fc27                                                  fedora                         188 k
 patch                                         x86_64                        2.7.6-4.fc27                                                  updates                        133 k
 patchutils                                    x86_64                        0.3.4-9.fc27                                                  fedora                         113 k
 pciutils-devel                                x86_64                        3.5.5-3.fc27                                                  fedora                          40 k
 python-ldap                                   x86_64                        2.4.25-6.fc27                                                 fedora                         174 k
 rpm-devel                                     x86_64                        4.14.1-1.fc27                                                 updates                        132 k
 slang-devel                                   x86_64                        2.3.1a-5.fc27                                                 fedora                         221 k
 strace                                        x86_64                        4.22-1.fc27                                                   updates                        807 k
 systemtap                                     x86_64                        3.3-1.fc27                                                    updates                        146 k
 valgrind                                      x86_64                        1:3.13.0-13.fc27                                              updates                        7.8 M
Installing dependencies:
 boost                                         x86_64                        1.64.0-6.fc27                                                 updates                         49 k
 boost-container                               x86_64                        1.64.0-6.fc27                                                 updates                         80 k
 boost-coroutine                               x86_64                        1.64.0-6.fc27                                                 updates                         65 k
 boost-fiber                                   x86_64                        1.64.0-6.fc27                                                 updates                         76 k
 boost-graph                                   x86_64                        1.64.0-6.fc27                                                 updates                        144 k
 boost-log                                     x86_64                        1.64.0-6.fc27                                                 updates                        465 k
 boost-math                                    x86_64                        1.64.0-6.fc27                                                 updates                        301 k
 boost-numpy                                   x86_64                        1.64.0-6.fc27                                                 updates                         62 k
 boost-serialization                           x86_64                        1.64.0-6.fc27                                                 updates                        156 k
 boost-test                                    x86_64                        1.64.0-6.fc27                                                 updates                        270 k
 boost-timer                                   x86_64                        1.64.0-6.fc27                                                 updates                         56 k
 boost-type_erasure                            x86_64                        1.64.0-6.fc27                                                 updates                         65 k
 boost-wave                                    x86_64                        1.64.0-6.fc27                                                 updates                        227 k
 cyrus-sasl                                    x86_64                        2.1.26-34.fc27                                                fedora                          92 k
 dyninst                                       x86_64                        9.3.2-7.fc27                                                  updates                        3.5 M
 glib2-devel                                   x86_64                        2.54.3-2.fc27                                                 updates                        453 k
 gmp-c++                                       x86_64                        1:6.1.2-6.fc27                                                fedora                          29 k
 hesiod                                        x86_64                        3.2.1-9.fc27                                                  fedora                          34 k
 keyutils-libs-devel                           x86_64                        1.5.10-3.fc27                                                 fedora                          46 k
 libcom_err-devel                              x86_64                        1.43.5-2.fc27                                                 fedora                          35 k
 libdwarf                                      x86_64                        20170709-3.fc27                                               fedora                         171 k
 libicu-devel                                  x86_64                        57.1-9.fc27                                                   updates                        915 k
 libkadm5                                      x86_64                        1.15.2-9.fc27                                                 updates                        180 k
 libquadmath-devel                             x86_64                        7.3.1-5.fc27                                                  updates                         46 k
 libsepol-devel                                x86_64                        2.7-2.fc27                                                    updates                         83 k
 libverto-devel                                x86_64                        0.2.6-11.fc27                                                 fedora                          16 k
 libzstd-devel                                 x86_64                        1.3.4-1.fc27                                                  updates                         33 k
 pcre-cpp                                      x86_64                        8.42-1.fc27                                                   updates                         42 k
 pcre-devel                                    x86_64                        8.42-1.fc27                                                   updates                        549 k
 pcre-utf32                                    x86_64                        8.42-1.fc27                                                   updates                        182 k
 pcre2-devel                                   x86_64                        10.31-4.fc27                                                  updates                        587 k
 pcre2-utf32                                   x86_64                        10.31-4.fc27                                                  updates                        210 k
 popt-devel                                    x86_64                        1.16-12.fc27                                                  fedora                          28 k
 python2-pyasn1-modules                        noarch                        0.3.7-1.fc27                                                  updates                        108 k
 systemtap-client                              x86_64                        3.3-1.fc27                                                    updates                        3.4 M
 systemtap-devel                               x86_64                        3.3-1.fc27                                                    updates                        2.1 M
 systemtap-runtime                             x86_64                        3.3-1.fc27                                                    updates                        439 k
 xapian-core-libs                              x86_64                        1.4.5-1.fc27                                                  updates                        720 k
 xemacs-filesystem                             noarch                        21.5.34-25.20170628hg97140cfdeca7.fc27                        fedora                          21 k
 xz-devel                                      x86_64                        5.2.3-4.fc27                                                  fedora                          60 k

Transaction Summary
Install  81 Packages
Upgrade   4 Packages

Total download size: 54 M
  zlib-static.x86_64 1.2.11-4.fc27              binutils-devel.x86_64 2.29-13.fc27                                      boost-devel.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27                       
  byacc.x86_64 1.9.20170709-3.fc27              ccache.x86_64 3.3.6-1.fc27                                              cscope.x86_64 15.8b-6.fc27                             
  ctags.x86_64 5.8-21.fc27                      cyrus-sasl-devel.x86_64 2.1.26-34.fc27                                  dbus-devel.x86_64 1:1.12.8-1.fc27                      
  diffstat.x86_64 1.61-5.fc27                   doxygen.x86_64 1:1.8.13-10.fc27                                         gmp-devel.x86_64 1:6.1.2-6.fc27                        
  hesiod-devel.x86_64 3.2.1-9.fc27              indent.x86_64 2.2.11-23.fc27                                            krb5-devel.x86_64 1.15.2-9.fc27                        
  libacl-devel.x86_64 2.2.52-18.fc27            libattr-devel.x86_64 2.4.47-21.fc27                                     libcap-devel.x86_64 2.25-7.fc27                        
  libcurl-devel.x86_64 7.55.1-12.fc27           libdb-devel.x86_64 5.3.28-27.fc27                                       libogg-devel.x86_64 2:1.3.2-8.fc27                     
  libselinux-devel.x86_64 2.7-3.fc27            libtool.x86_64 2.4.6-20.fc27                                            libuser-devel.x86_64 0.62-9.fc27                       
  libvorbis-devel.x86_64 1:1.3.6-1.fc27         libxml2-devel.x86_64 2.9.7-1.fc27                                       lockdev-devel.x86_64 1.0.4-0.25.20111007git.fc27       
  ltrace.x86_64 0.7.91-24.fc27                  openldap-devel.x86_64 2.4.45-4.fc27                                     openssl-devel.x86_64 1:1.1.0h-3.fc27                   
  oprofile.x86_64 1.2.0-4.fc27                  pam-devel.x86_64 1.3.0-6.fc27                                           patch.x86_64 2.7.6-4.fc27                              
  patchutils.x86_64 0.3.4-9.fc27                pciutils-devel.x86_64 3.5.5-3.fc27                                      python-ldap.x86_64 2.4.25-6.fc27                       
  rpm-devel.x86_64 4.14.1-1.fc27                slang-devel.x86_64 2.3.1a-5.fc27                                        strace.x86_64 4.22-1.fc27                              
  systemtap.x86_64 3.3-1.fc27                   valgrind.x86_64 1:3.13.0-13.fc27                                        boost.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27                             
  boost-container.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27          boost-coroutine.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27                                    boost-fiber.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27                       
  boost-graph.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27              boost-log.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27                                          boost-math.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27                        
  boost-numpy.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27              boost-serialization.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27                                boost-test.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27                        
  boost-timer.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27              boost-type_erasure.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27                                 boost-wave.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27                        
  cyrus-sasl.x86_64 2.1.26-34.fc27              dyninst.x86_64 9.3.2-7.fc27                                             glib2-devel.x86_64 2.54.3-2.fc27                       
  gmp-c++.x86_64 1:6.1.2-6.fc27                 hesiod.x86_64 3.2.1-9.fc27                                              keyutils-libs-devel.x86_64 1.5.10-3.fc27               
  libcom_err-devel.x86_64 1.43.5-2.fc27         libdwarf.x86_64 20170709-3.fc27                                         libicu-devel.x86_64 57.1-9.fc27                        
  libkadm5.x86_64 1.15.2-9.fc27                 libquadmath-devel.x86_64 7.3.1-5.fc27                                   libsepol-devel.x86_64 2.7-2.fc27                       
  libverto-devel.x86_64 0.2.6-11.fc27           libzstd-devel.x86_64 1.3.4-1.fc27                                       pcre-cpp.x86_64 8.42-1.fc27                            
  pcre-devel.x86_64 8.42-1.fc27                 pcre-utf32.x86_64 8.42-1.fc27                                           pcre2-devel.x86_64 10.31-4.fc27                        
  pcre2-utf32.x86_64 10.31-4.fc27               popt-devel.x86_64 1.16-12.fc27                                          python2-pyasn1-modules.noarch 0.3.7-1.fc27             
  systemtap-client.x86_64 3.3-1.fc27            systemtap-devel.x86_64 3.3-1.fc27                                       systemtap-runtime.x86_64 3.3-1.fc27                    
  xapian-core-libs.x86_64 1.4.5-1.fc27          xemacs-filesystem.noarch 21.5.34-25.20170628hg97140cfdeca7.fc27         xz-devel.x86_64 5.2.3-4.fc27                           

  dbus.x86_64 1:1.12.8-1.fc27              dbus-libs.x86_64 1:1.12.8-1.fc27              dbus-x11.x86_64 1:1.12.8-1.fc27              libcurl.x86_64 7.55.1-12.fc27            



2018-06-18: sdb6 - F27 - using nmcli (when the gui doesn't work)

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ nmcli c
NAME     UUID                                  TYPE             DEVICE
bitraf   99a0ec1e-2bae-42db-aa8d-91116d4783a6  802-11-wireless  --    
enp0s25  ebafc1c2-ee9d-33fd-9b0a-fb1ef19332ec  802-3-ethernet   --    
kg5 1    8f9552e1-bbff-42ca-b5ef-7df1dd5e1d39  802-11-wireless  --    

and go bitraf

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ nmcli c up bitraf
Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/4)


[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ nmcli c
NAME     UUID                                  TYPE             DEVICE
bitraf   99a0ec1e-2bae-42db-aa8d-91116d4783a6  802-11-wireless  wlo1  
enp0s25  ebafc1c2-ee9d-33fd-9b0a-fb1ef19332ec  802-3-ethernet   --    
kg5 1    8f9552e1-bbff-42ca-b5ef-7df1dd5e1d39  802-11-wireless  --    


2018-06-06: sdb6 - F27 - bios info (after update to F.70) from dmidecode:

# dmidecode 3.1
Getting SMBIOS data from sysfs.
SMBIOS 2.7 present.
34 structures occupying 1631 bytes.
Table at 0xB9C3F000.

Handle 0x0000, DMI type 0, 24 bytes
BIOS Information
    Vendor: Hewlett-Packard
    Version: 68IBD Ver. F.70
    Release Date: 04/12/2018
    Address: 0xF0000
    Runtime Size: 64 kB
    ROM Size: 5120 kB
        PCI is supported
        PC Card (PCMCIA) is supported
        BIOS is upgradeable
        BIOS shadowing is allowed
        Boot from CD is supported
        Selectable boot is supported
        EDD is supported
        Print screen service is supported (int 5h)
        8042 keyboard services are supported (int 9h)
        Serial services are supported (int 14h)
        Printer services are supported (int 17h)
        ACPI is supported
        USB legacy is supported
        Smart battery is supported
        BIOS boot specification is supported
        Function key-initiated network boot is supported
        Targeted content distribution is supported
        UEFI is supported
    BIOS Revision: 15.112
    Firmware Revision: 98.25


2018-06-06: sdb6 - F27 - bios info from dmidecode:

# dmidecode 3.1
Getting SMBIOS data from sysfs.
SMBIOS 2.7 present.
34 structures occupying 1631 bytes.
Table at 0xB9C3F000.

Handle 0x0000, DMI type 0, 24 bytes
BIOS Information
        Vendor: Hewlett-Packard
        Version: 68IBD Ver. F.48
        Release Date: 01/13/2014
        Address: 0xF0000
        Runtime Size: 64 kB
        ROM Size: 5120 kB
                PCI is supported
                PC Card (PCMCIA) is supported
                BIOS is upgradeable
                BIOS shadowing is allowed
                Boot from CD is supported
                Selectable boot is supported
                EDD is supported
                Print screen service is supported (int 5h)
                8042 keyboard services are supported (int 9h)
                Serial services are supported (int 14h)
                Printer services are supported (int 17h)
                ACPI is supported
                USB legacy is supported
                Smart battery is supported
                BIOS boot specification is supported
                Function key-initiated network boot is supported
                Targeted content distribution is supported
                UEFI is supported
        BIOS Revision: 15.72
        Firmware Revision: 98.24


2018-06-06: sdb6 - F27 - dnf - install cabextract

[tingo@kg-elitebook bios]$ sudo dnf install cabextract
Last metadata expiration check: 0:43:54 ago on Wed 06 Jun 2018 02:10:36 PM CEST.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                          Arch                         Version                           Repository                    Size
 cabextract                       x86_64                       1.5-7.fc27                        fedora                        48 k

Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package

Total download size: 48 k
Installed size: 97 k
  cabextract.x86_64 1.5-7.fc27                                                                                                     



2018-05-01: sdb6 - F27 - dnf - upgrade.

Transaction Summary
Install    5 Packages
Upgrade  150 Packages
Remove     5 Packages

Total download size: 321 M
  kernel.x86_64 4.15.10-300.fc27                   kernel-core.x86_64 4.15.10-300.fc27     kernel-devel.x86_64 4.15.10-300.fc27     kernel-modules.x86_64 4.15.10-300.fc27   
  kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.15.10-300.fc27   

  kernel.x86_64 4.16.5-200.fc27                    kernel-core.x86_64 4.16.5-200.fc27      kernel-devel.x86_64 4.16.5-200.fc27      kernel-modules.x86_64 4.16.5-200.fc27    
  kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.16.5-200.fc27    

  asunder.x86_64 2.9.3-1.fc27                                    autocorr-en.noarch 1:                       babl.x86_64 0.1.46-1.fc27                           
  bluez.x86_64 5.49-3.fc27                                       bluez-cups.x86_64 5.49-3.fc27                             bluez-libs.x86_64 5.49-3.fc27                       
  bluez-obexd.x86_64 5.49-3.fc27                                 boost-atomic.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27                         boost-chrono.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27                   
  boost-context.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27                             boost-date-time.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27                      boost-filesystem.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27               
  boost-iostreams.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27                           boost-locale.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27                         boost-program-options.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27          
  boost-python.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27                              boost-random.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27                         boost-regex.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27                    
  boost-signals.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27                             boost-system.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27                         boost-thread.x86_64 1.64.0-6.fc27                   
  coreutils.x86_64 8.27-21.fc27                                  coreutils-common.x86_64 8.27-21.fc27                      cups-filters.x86_64 1.16.1-5.fc27                   
  cups-filters-libs.x86_64 1.16.1-5.fc27                         fftw-libs-double.x86_64 3.3.5-8.fc27                      file.x86_64 5.31-11.fc27                            
  file-libs.x86_64 5.31-11.fc27                                  findutils.x86_64 1:4.6.0-19.fc27                          firewall-config.noarch               
  firewalld.noarch                                firewalld-filesystem.noarch                ghostscript.x86_64 9.22-4.fc27                      
  ghostscript-core.x86_64 9.22-4.fc27                            ghostscript-x11.x86_64 9.22-4.fc27                        gpgme.x86_64 1.10.0-4.fc27                          
  gpgmepp.x86_64 1.10.0-4.fc27                                   hplip-common.x86_64 3.18.4-1.fc27                         hplip-libs.x86_64 3.18.4-1.fc27                     
  ibus-libpinyin.x86_64 1.10.0-1.fc27                            inkscape.x86_64 0.92.3-1.fc27                             java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64 1:    
  java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless.x86_64 1:      kernel-headers.x86_64 4.16.5-200.fc27                     krb5-libs.x86_64 1.15.2-9.fc27                      
  libcgroup.x86_64 0.41-17.fc27                                  libetonyek.x86_64 0.1.8-1.fc27                            libinput.x86_64 1.10.5-3.fc27                       
  libipa_hbac.x86_64 1.16.1-3.fc27                               libmwaw.x86_64 0.3.14-1.fc27                              libpinyin.x86_64 2.2.0-1.fc27                       
  libpinyin-data.x86_64 2.2.0-1.fc27                             libpurple.x86_64 2.13.0-1.fc27                            librados2.x86_64 1:12.2.4-2.fc27                    
  libreoffice.x86_64 1:                            libreoffice-base.x86_64 1:                  libreoffice-calc.x86_64 1:            
  libreoffice-core.x86_64 1:                       libreoffice-data.noarch 1:                  libreoffice-draw.x86_64 1:            
  libreoffice-emailmerge.x86_64 1:                 libreoffice-graphicfilter.x86_64 1:         libreoffice-gtk2.x86_64 1:            
  libreoffice-gtk3.x86_64 1:                       libreoffice-help-en.x86_64 1:               libreoffice-help-nb.x86_64 1:         
  libreoffice-impress.x86_64 1:                    libreoffice-langpack-en.x86_64 1:           libreoffice-langpack-nb.x86_64 1:     
  libreoffice-math.x86_64 1:                       libreoffice-opensymbol-fonts.noarch 1:      libreoffice-pdfimport.x86_64 1:       
  libreoffice-pyuno.x86_64 1:                      libreoffice-ure.x86_64 1:                   libreoffice-ure-common.noarch 1:      
  libreoffice-writer.x86_64 1:                     libreoffice-x11.x86_64 1:                   libsane-hpaio.x86_64 3.18.4-1.fc27                  
  libsmbclient.x86_64 2:4.7.7-0.fc27                             libsss_autofs.x86_64 1.16.1-3.fc27                        libsss_certmap.x86_64 1.16.1-3.fc27                 
  libsss_idmap.x86_64 1.16.1-3.fc27                              libsss_nss_idmap.x86_64 1.16.1-3.fc27                     libsss_sudo.x86_64 1.16.1-3.fc27                    
  libstaroffice.x86_64 0.0.6-1.fc27                              libtiff.x86_64 4.0.9-8.fc27                               libtiff-devel.x86_64 4.0.9-8.fc27                   
  libtirpc.x86_64 1.0.3-2.fc27                                   libupnp.x86_64 1.6.25-1.fc27                              libwbclient.x86_64 2:4.7.7-0.fc27                   
  libwps.x86_64 0.4.9-1.fc27                                     libzhuyin.x86_64 2.2.0-1.fc27                             lua-socket.x86_64 3.0-0.17.rc1.fc27                 
  net-tools.x86_64 2.0-0.47.20160912git.fc27                     nss.x86_64 3.36.1-1.0.fc27                                nss-softokn.x86_64 3.36.1-1.0.fc27                  
  nss-softokn-freebl.x86_64 3.36.1-1.0.fc27                      nss-sysinit.x86_64 3.36.1-1.0.fc27                        nss-tools.x86_64 3.36.1-1.0.fc27                    
  nss-util.x86_64 3.36.1-1.0.fc27                                openscad.x86_64 2015.03.3-15.fc27                         openscad-MCAD.noarch 2015.03.3-15.fc27              
  openvpn.x86_64 2.4.6-1.fc27                                    perl-Digest-SHA.x86_64 1:6.02-1.fc27                      perl-Math-BigRat.noarch 0.2614-1.fc27               
  perl-Storable.x86_64 1:3.09-1.fc27                             pidgin.x86_64 2.13.0-1.fc27                               python2-sssdconfig.noarch 1.16.1-3.fc27             
  python3-firewall.noarch                         python3-gpg.x86_64 1.10.0-4.fc27                          python3-requests.noarch 2.18.4-2.fc27               
  python3-sssdconfig.noarch 1.16.1-3.fc27                        python3-urllib3.noarch 1.22-5.fc27                        qpdf-libs.x86_64 7.1.1-5.fc27                       
  qt5-qtdeclarative.x86_64 5.9.4-3.fc27                          samba-client.x86_64 2:4.7.7-0.fc27                        samba-client-libs.x86_64 2:4.7.7-0.fc27             
  samba-common.noarch 2:4.7.7-0.fc27                             samba-common-libs.x86_64 2:4.7.7-0.fc27                   sane-backends.x86_64 1.0.27-17.fc27                 
  sane-backends-drivers-cameras.x86_64 1.0.27-17.fc27            sane-backends-drivers-scanners.x86_64 1.0.27-17.fc27      sane-backends-libs.x86_64 1.0.27-17.fc27            
  selinux-policy.noarch 3.13.1-283.32.fc27                       selinux-policy-targeted.noarch 3.13.1-283.32.fc27         sssd.x86_64 1.16.1-3.fc27                           
  sssd-ad.x86_64 1.16.1-3.fc27                                   sssd-client.x86_64 1.16.1-3.fc27                          sssd-common.x86_64 1.16.1-3.fc27                    
  sssd-common-pac.x86_64 1.16.1-3.fc27                           sssd-ipa.x86_64 1.16.1-3.fc27                             sssd-krb5.x86_64 1.16.1-3.fc27                      
  sssd-krb5-common.x86_64 1.16.1-3.fc27                          sssd-ldap.x86_64 1.16.1-3.fc27                            sssd-nfs-idmap.x86_64 1.16.1-3.fc27                 
  sssd-proxy.x86_64 1.16.1-3.fc27                                systemtap-sdt-devel.x86_64 3.2-11.fc27                    thai-scalable-fonts-common.noarch 0.6.5-1.fc27      
  thai-scalable-waree-fonts.noarch 0.6.5-1.fc27                  vim-X11.x86_64 2:8.0.1763-1.fc27                          vim-common.x86_64 2:8.0.1763-1.fc27                 
  vim-filesystem.noarch 2:8.0.1763-1.fc27                        vim-minimal.x86_64 2:8.0.1763-1.fc27                      vlc.x86_64 3.0.2-1.fc27                             
  vlc-core.x86_64 3.0.2-1.fc27                                   xfce4-verve-plugin.x86_64 1.1.1-1.fc27                    xscreensaver-base.x86_64 1:5.39-3.fc27              
  xscreensaver-extras.x86_64 1:5.39-3.fc27                       xscreensaver-extras-base.x86_64 1:5.39-3.fc27             zipios++.x86_64                     



2018-04-22: sdb6 - F27 - dnf - upgrade.

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade
Install   5 Packages
Upgrade  99 Packages
Remove    5 Packages

Total download size: 160 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  kernel.x86_64 4.15.8-300.fc27                    kernel-core.x86_64 4.15.8-300.fc27      kernel-devel.x86_64 4.15.8-300.fc27      kernel-modules.x86_64 4.15.8-300.fc27    
  kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.15.8-300.fc27    

  kernel.x86_64 4.15.17-300.fc27                   kernel-core.x86_64 4.15.17-300.fc27     kernel-devel.x86_64 4.15.17-300.fc27     kernel-modules.x86_64 4.15.17-300.fc27   
  kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.15.17-300.fc27   

  NetworkManager-l2tp.x86_64 1.2.10-1.fc27                   NetworkManager-l2tp-gnome.x86_64 1.2.10-1.fc27              Thunar.x86_64 1.6.15-1.fc27                          
  ansible.noarch 2.5.1-1.fc27                                avahi.x86_64 0.7-11.fc27                                    avahi-glib.x86_64 0.7-11.fc27                        
  avahi-libs.x86_64 0.7-11.fc27                              avahi-tools.x86_64 0.7-11.fc27                              cifs-utils.x86_64 6.8-1.fc27                         
  cldr-emoji-annotation.noarch 33.0.0_1-1.fc27               cups.x86_64 1:2.2.4-10.fc27                                 cups-client.x86_64 1:2.2.4-10.fc27                   
  cups-filesystem.noarch 1:2.2.4-10.fc27                     cups-libs.x86_64 1:2.2.4-10.fc27                            desktop-file-utils.x86_64 0.23-8.fc27                
  ethtool.x86_64 2:4.16-1.fc27                               evince.x86_64 3.26.0-2.fc27                                 evince-djvu.x86_64 3.26.0-2.fc27                     
  evince-libs.x86_64 3.26.0-2.fc27                           exo.x86_64 0.12.0-3.fc27                                    faad2-libs.x86_64 1:2.8.8-1.fc27                     
  ffmpeg-libs.x86_64 3.3.7-1.fc27                            gnupg2.x86_64 2.2.6-1.fc27                                  gnupg2-smime.x86_64 2.2.6-1.fc27                     
  google-noto-fonts-common.noarch 20161022-7.fc27            google-noto-sans-lisu-fonts.noarch 20161022-7.fc27          google-noto-sans-mandaic-fonts.noarch 20161022-7.fc27
  google-noto-sans-meetei-mayek-fonts.noarch 20161022-7.fc27 google-noto-sans-tagalog-fonts.noarch 20161022-7.fc27       google-noto-sans-tai-tham-fonts.noarch 20161022-7.fc27
  google-noto-sans-tai-viet-fonts.noarch 20161022-7.fc27     ibus-libzhuyin.x86_64 1.8.92-1.fc27                         ibus-typing-booster.noarch 1.5.36-1.fc27             
  kernel-headers.x86_64 4.15.17-300.fc27                     libnghttp2.x86_64 1.31.1-1.fc27                             libtalloc.x86_64 2.1.13-1.fc27                       
  lua-expat.x86_64 1.3.0-12.fc27                             passwd.x86_64 0.80-2.fc27                                   perl.x86_64 4:5.26.2-404.fc27                        
  perl-Attribute-Handlers.noarch 0.99-404.fc27               perl-DB_File.x86_64 1.841-1.fc27                            perl-Devel-Peek.x86_64 1.26-404.fc27                 
  perl-Devel-SelfStubber.noarch 1.06-404.fc27                perl-Errno.x86_64 1.28-404.fc27                             perl-ExtUtils-Embed.noarch 1.34-404.fc27             
  perl-ExtUtils-Miniperl.noarch 1.06-404.fc27                perl-IO.x86_64 1.38-404.fc27                                perl-IO-Zlib.noarch 1:1.10-404.fc27                  
  perl-Locale-Maketext-Simple.noarch 1:0.21-404.fc27         perl-Math-Complex.noarch 1.59-404.fc27                      perl-Memoize.noarch 1.03-404.fc27                    
  perl-Module-CoreList.noarch 1:5.20180414-1.fc27            perl-Module-CoreList-tools.noarch 1:5.20180414-1.fc27       perl-Module-Loaded.noarch 1:0.08-404.fc27            
  perl-Net-Ping.noarch 2.55-404.fc27                         perl-Pod-Html.noarch 1.22.02-404.fc27                       perl-SelfLoader.noarch 1.23-404.fc27                 
  perl-Test.noarch 1.30-404.fc27                             perl-Time-Piece.x86_64 1.31-404.fc27                        perl-devel.x86_64 4:5.26.2-404.fc27                  
  perl-interpreter.x86_64 4:5.26.2-404.fc27                  perl-libnetcfg.noarch 4:5.26.2-404.fc27                     perl-libs.x86_64 4:5.26.2-404.fc27                   
  perl-macros.x86_64 4:5.26.2-404.fc27                       perl-open.noarch 1.11-404.fc27                              perl-utils.noarch 5.26.2-404.fc27                    
  python-beautifulsoup4.noarch 4.6.0-2.fc27.1                python3-beautifulsoup4.noarch 4.6.0-2.fc27.1                rpmfusion-free-release.noarch 27-2                   
  rsyslog.x86_64 8.34.0-1.fc27                               tumbler.x86_64 0.2.1-1.fc27                                 unbound-libs.x86_64 1.7.0-4.fc27                     
  urw-base35-bookman-fonts.noarch 20170801-6.fc27            urw-base35-c059-fonts.noarch 20170801-6.fc27                urw-base35-d050000l-fonts.noarch 20170801-6.fc27     
  urw-base35-fonts.noarch 20170801-6.fc27                    urw-base35-fonts-common.noarch 20170801-6.fc27              urw-base35-gothic-fonts.noarch 20170801-6.fc27       
  urw-base35-nimbus-mono-ps-fonts.noarch 20170801-6.fc27     urw-base35-nimbus-roman-fonts.noarch 20170801-6.fc27        urw-base35-nimbus-sans-fonts.noarch 20170801-6.fc27  
  urw-base35-p052-fonts.noarch 20170801-6.fc27               urw-base35-standard-symbols-ps-fonts.noarch 20170801-6.fc27 urw-base35-z003-fonts.noarch 20170801-6.fc27         
  vim-X11.x86_64 2:8.0.1704-1.fc27                           vim-common.x86_64 2:8.0.1704-1.fc27                         vim-filesystem.noarch 2:8.0.1704-1.fc27              
  vim-minimal.x86_64 2:8.0.1704-1.fc27                       vte-profile.x86_64 0.50.3-1.fc27                            vte291.x86_64 0.50.3-1.fc27                          
  webkitgtk4.x86_64 2.20.1-1.fc27                            webkitgtk4-jsc.x86_64 2.20.1-1.fc27                         webkitgtk4-plugin-process-gtk2.x86_64 2.20.1-1.fc27  
  xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin.x86_64 0.4.0-1.fc27                xfce4-screenshooter.x86_64 1.9.1-1.fc27                     xfce4-screenshooter-plugin.x86_64 1.9.1-1.fc27       
  xl2tpd.x86_64 1.3.8-7.fc27                                 xorg-x11-server-Xorg.x86_64 1.19.6-7.fc27                   xorg-x11-server-common.x86_64 1.19.6-7.fc27          



2018-04-10: sdb6 - F27 - after upgrade, a new kernel:

[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ uname -a
Linux kg-elitebook.kg4.no 4.15.14-300.fc27.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Mar 29 16:13:44 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
also new version of Chrome, Firefox.
2018-04-10: sdb6 - F27 - dnf - upgrade.
[tingo@kg-elitebook ~]$ sudo dnf upgrade
  kernel.x86_64 4.15.6-300.fc27                    kernel-core.x86_64 4.15.6-300.fc27      kernel-devel.x86_64 4.15.6-300.fc27      kernel-modules.x86_64 4.15.6-300.fc27    
  kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.15.6-300.fc27    

  kernel.x86_64 4.15.14-300.fc27                   kernel-core.x86_64 4.15.14-300.fc27     kernel-devel.x86_64 4.15.14-300.fc27     kernel-modules.x86_64 4.15.14-300.fc27   
  kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 4.15.14-300.fc27     pugixml.x86_64 1.8-3.fc27             

  GeoIP-GeoLite-data.noarch 2018.04-1.fc27                ansible.noarch 2.5.0-2.fc27                                   babl.x86_64 0.1.44-1.fc27                              
  bind-libs.x86_64 32:9.11.3-4.fc27                       bind-libs-lite.x86_64 32:9.11.3-4.fc27                        bind-license.noarch 32:9.11.3-4.fc27                   
  bind-utils.x86_64 32:9.11.3-4.fc27                      bluez.x86_64 5.49-1.fc27                                      bluez-cups.x86_64 5.49-1.fc27                          
  bluez-libs.x86_64 5.49-1.fc27                           bluez-obexd.x86_64 5.49-1.fc27                                chromium.x86_64 65.0.3325.181-1.fc27                   
  chromium-common.x86_64 65.0.3325.181-1.fc27             chromium-libs.x86_64 65.0.3325.181-1.fc27                     chromium-libs-media.x86_64 65.0.3325.181-1.fc27        
  chrony.x86_64 3.3-1.fc27                                clang.x86_64 5.0.1-5.fc27                                     clang-libs.x86_64 5.0.1-5.fc27                         
  cmake.x86_64 3.11.0-1.fc27                              cmake-data.noarch 3.11.0-1.fc27                               cmake-filesystem.x86_64 3.11.0-1.fc27                  
  cmake-rpm-macros.noarch 3.11.0-1.fc27                   compat-openssl10.x86_64 1:1.0.2o-1.fc27                       copy-jdk-configs.noarch 3.3-5.fc27                     
  cups.x86_64 1:2.2.4-9.fc27                              cups-client.x86_64 1:2.2.4-9.fc27                             cups-filesystem.noarch 1:2.2.4-9.fc27                  
  cups-libs.x86_64 1:2.2.4-9.fc27                         dnsmasq.x86_64 2.79-1.fc27                                    firefox.x86_64 59.0.2-1.fc27                           
  gd.x86_64 2.2.5-3.fc27                                  gd-devel.x86_64 2.2.5-3.fc27                                  gnumeric.x86_64 1:1.12.39-1.fc27                       
  goffice.x86_64 0.10.39-1.fc27                           gparted.x86_64 0.31.0-1.fc27                                  greybird-gtk2-theme.noarch 3.22.8-1.fc27               
  greybird-gtk3-theme.noarch 3.22.8-1.fc27                greybird-xfce4-notifyd-theme.noarch 3.22.8-1.fc27             greybird-xfwm4-theme.noarch 3.22.8-1.fc27              
  grubby.x86_64 8.40-8.fc27                               gsm.x86_64 1.0.17-4.fc27                                      hwdata.noarch 0.311-1.fc27                             
  ibus-libpinyin.x86_64 1.9.91-1.fc27                     ibus-libzhuyin.x86_64 1.8.91-1.fc27                           icedtea-web.noarch 1.7.1-5.fc27                        
  java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64 1:        java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless.x86_64 1:     kernel-headers.x86_64 4.15.14-300.fc27                 
  krb5-libs.x86_64 1.15.2-8.fc27                          libblkid.x86_64 2.30.2-3.fc27                                 libdrm.x86_64 2.4.91-1.fc27                            
  libdrm-devel.x86_64 2.4.91-1.fc27                       libfdisk.x86_64 2.30.2-3.fc27                                 libgweather.x86_64 3.26.2-1.fc27                       
  libidn.x86_64 1.34-1.fc27                               libidn2.x86_64 2.0.4-4.fc27                                   libipa_hbac.x86_64 1.16.1-2.fc27                       
  libmount.x86_64 2.30.2-3.fc27                           libreport.x86_64 2.9.3-3.fc27                                 libreport-anaconda.x86_64 2.9.3-3.fc27                 
  libreport-cli.x86_64 2.9.3-3.fc27                       libreport-fedora.x86_64 2.9.3-3.fc27                          libreport-filesystem.x86_64 2.9.3-3.fc27               
  libreport-gtk.x86_64 2.9.3-3.fc27                       libreport-plugin-bugzilla.x86_64 2.9.3-3.fc27                 libreport-plugin-kerneloops.x86_64 2.9.3-3.fc27        
  libreport-plugin-logger.x86_64 2.9.3-3.fc27             libreport-plugin-reportuploader.x86_64 2.9.3-3.fc27           libreport-plugin-systemd-journal.x86_64 2.9.3-3.fc27   
  libreport-plugin-ureport.x86_64 2.9.3-3.fc27            libreport-web.x86_64 2.9.3-3.fc27                             libsmartcols.x86_64 2.30.2-3.fc27                      
  libsolv.x86_64 0.6.34-1.fc27                            libsss_autofs.x86_64 1.16.1-2.fc27                            libsss_certmap.x86_64 1.16.1-2.fc27                    
  libsss_idmap.x86_64 1.16.1-2.fc27                       libsss_nss_idmap.x86_64 1.16.1-2.fc27                         libsss_sudo.x86_64 1.16.1-2.fc27                       
  libtiff.x86_64 4.0.9-7.fc27                             libtiff-devel.x86_64 4.0.9-7.fc27                             libtirpc.x86_64 1.0.3-1.fc27                           
  libuuid.x86_64 2.30.2-3.fc27                            libuv.x86_64 1:1.19.2-1.fc27                                  libvncserver.x86_64 0.9.11-5.fc27                      
  libzstd.x86_64 1.3.4-1.fc27                             lightdm-gtk.x86_64 2.0.5-1.fc27                               llvm-libs.x86_64 5.0.1-6.fc27                          
  lyx-fonts.noarch 2.3.0-1.fc27                           mame.x86_64 0.196-1.fc27                                      mame-data.noarch 0.196-1.fc27                          
  mosquitto.x86_64 1.4.15-1.fc27                          nmap-ncat.x86_64 2:7.60-8.fc27                                nodejs.x86_64 1:8.11.0-1.fc27                          
  npm.x86_64 1:5.6.0-                      nspr.x86_64 4.19.0-1.fc27                                     nss.x86_64 3.36.0-1.0.fc27                             
  nss-mdns.x86_64 0.14.1-1.fc27                           nss-softokn.x86_64 3.36.0-1.0.fc27                            nss-softokn-freebl.x86_64 3.36.0-1.0.fc27              
  nss-sysinit.x86_64 3.36.0-1.0.fc27                      nss-tools.x86_64 3.36.0-1.0.fc27                              nss-util.x86_64 3.36.0-1.0.fc27                        
  ntp.x86_64 4.2.8p11-1.fc27                              ntpdate.x86_64 4.2.8p11-1.fc27                                ocl-icd.x86_64 2.2.12-1.fc27                           
  openblas.x86_64 0.2.20-10.fc27                          openblas-threads.x86_64 0.2.20-10.fc27                        openssl.x86_64 1:1.1.0h-3.fc27                         
  openssl-libs.x86_64 1:1.1.0h-3.fc27                     passwd.x86_64 0.80-1.fc27                                     pcre.x86_64 8.42-1.fc27                                
  pcre-utf16.x86_64 8.42-1.fc27                           pcre2.x86_64 10.31-4.fc27                                     pcre2-utf16.x86_64 10.31-4.fc27                        
  perl-HTTP-Message.noarch 6.16-1.fc27                    perl-Test-Harness.noarch 1:3.42-1.fc27                        policycoreutils.x86_64 2.7-6.fc27                      
  policycoreutils-python-utils.x86_64 2.7-6.fc27          policycoreutils-python3.x86_64 2.7-6.fc27                     publicsuffix-list-dafsa.noarch 20180328-1.fc27         
  python2-olefile.noarch 0.45.1-1.fc27                    python2-paramiko.noarch 2.3.2-1.fc27                          python2-pip.noarch 9.0.3-1.fc27                        
  python2-sssdconfig.noarch 1.16.1-2.fc27                 python3.x86_64 3.6.5-1.fc27                                   python3-bind.noarch 32:9.11.3-4.fc27                   
  python3-libreport.x86_64 2.9.3-3.fc27                   python3-libs.x86_64 3.6.5-1.fc27                              python3-pip.noarch 9.0.3-1.fc27                        
  python3-sssdconfig.noarch 1.16.1-2.fc27                 qemu-guest-agent.x86_64 2:2.10.1-3.fc27                       qt5-qtdeclarative.x86_64 5.9.4-2.fc27                  
  satyr.x86_64 0.25-2.fc27                                selinux-policy.noarch 3.13.1-283.30.fc27                      selinux-policy-targeted.noarch 3.13.1-283.30.fc27      
  sqlite.x86_64 3.20.1-2.fc27                             sqlite-libs.x86_64 3.20.1-2.fc27                              sssd.x86_64 1.16.1-2.fc27                              
  sssd-ad.x86_64 1.16.1-2.fc27                            sssd-client.x86_64 1.16.1-2.fc27                              sssd-common.x86_64 1.16.1-2.fc27                       
  sssd-common-pac.x86_64 1.16.1-2.fc27                    sssd-ipa.x86_64 1.16.1-2.fc27                                 sssd-krb5.x86_64 1.16.1-2.fc27                         
  sssd-krb5-common.x86_64 1.16.1-2.fc27                   sssd-ldap.x86_64 1.16.1-2.fc27                                sssd-nfs-idmap.x86_64 1.16.1-2.fc27                    
  sssd-proxy.x86_64 1.16.1-2.fc27                         tcl.x86_64 1:8.6.8-1.fc27                                     tcl-devel.x86_64 1:8.6.8-1.fc27                        
  tk.x86_64 1:8.6.8-1.fc27                                tzdata.noarch 2018d-1.fc27                                    tzdata-java.noarch 2018d-1.fc27                        
  util-linux.x86_64 2.30.2-3.fc27                         webkitgtk4.x86_64 2.20.0-1.fc27                               webkitgtk4-jsc.x86_64 2.20.0-1.fc27                    
  webkitgtk4-plugin-process-gtk2.x86_64 2.20.0-1.fc27     xfce4-settings.x86_64 4.12.3-1.fc27                           xfce4-terminal.x86_64                   
  xorg-x11-server-Xorg.x86_64 1.19.6-6.fc27               xorg-x11-server-common.x86_64 1.19.6-6.fc27                 

