Asus M5A78L-M / USB3 - NetBSD

Hardware info on main page.

The first sata drive (ad4) is sliced up like this:

 slice 1 (ad4s1) - 120 GB - a FreeBSD install (RELENG_7)
 slice 2 (ad4s2) - 120 GB - a NetBSD install
 slice 3 (ad4s3) - 111 GB - a FreeBSD install (RELENG_6)
 slice 4 (ad4s4) - 111 GB - a FreeBSD install (RELENG_8)

Linux is installed on the second sata drive (ad6 aka sdb)

 partition 1 - sdb1 - 72 GB (yaVDR)
 partition 2 - sdb2 - extended
               sdb5 - swap - 9 GB
 partition 3 - sdb3 - 72 GB (Xubuntu 10.10  - i386)
 partition 4 -

work log

2015-02-22: when I press F2 on the FreeBSD boot menu, it writes:

NetBSD/i386 ffsv1 Primary Bootstrap

and then just a blinking underline cursor, nothing more.

2012-10-12: NetBSD doesn't boot.