multicomp on C4 board

multicomp on the C4 board.

jtag setup

cable dirtyjtag
bsdl path /home/tingo/doc/Altera/docs/fpga/bsdl/
svf ./whatever/file.svf

back to C4 board, main multicomp page.


nealcrook/multicomp6809, Grant Searle's Multicomp, more links: OUP-M - CP/M like operating system for 6502,

local links

c1, e1,


2018-10-10: e1 - multicomp - z80 - change to internal 16K RAM:

ram1: entity work.InternalRam16K
port map
 address => cpuAddress(13 downto 0),
 clock => clk,
 data => cpuDataOut,
 wren => not(n_memWR or n_internalRam1CS),
 q => internalRam1DataOut

and chip select

n_internalRam1CS <= '0' when cpuAddress(15 downto 13) = "001" or cpuAddress(15 downto 13) = "010" else '1';

compile - ok fitter summary

Fitter Status : Successful - Wed Oct 10 16:34:52 2018
Quartus II 32-bit Version : 13.1.4 Build 182 03/12/2014 SJ Web Edition
Revision Name : Microcomputer
Top-level Entity Name : Microcomputer
Family : Cyclone IV E
Device : EP4CE6E22C8
Timing Models : Final
Total logic elements : 2,856 / 6,272 ( 46 % )
    Total combinational functions : 2,685 / 6,272 ( 43 % )
    Dedicated logic registers : 810 / 6,272 ( 13 % )
Total registers : 810
Total pins : 52 / 92 ( 57 % )
Total virtual pins : 0
Total memory bits : 196,608 / 276,480 ( 71 % )
Embedded Multiplier 9-bit elements : 0 / 30 ( 0 % )
Total PLLs : 0 / 2 ( 0 % )

test - after uploading the .svf file, DS4 (driveLED), DS3 and DS2 is lit but no output on serial console. If I reset the machine by grounding pin 65 a moment, DS4 (driveLED) turns off. So something is working. OK, I figured out that I had switched the txd1 and rts1 lines on my serial adapter board, so user error. Now it works:

Z80 SBC By Grant Searle

Cold or warm start (C or W)? C

Memory top?
Z80 BASIC Ver 4.7b
Copyright (C) 1978 by Microsoft
16051 Bytes free


2018-10-10: e1 - multicomp - z80 - tested with io1 serial, ram1 32K internal - but it doesn't fit into device (requires 40 M9K, device only has 30).

2018-10-10: e1 - multicomp - z80 - pin assignments

pin 88 clk
pin 30 driveLED (DS4)
pin 66 rxd1 (weak pull-up resistor)
pin 68 txd1
pin 70 rts1 (not connected)

pin 65 n_reset (weak pull-up resistor)

microSD adapter

pin 38 sdMISO (weak pull-up resistor)
pin 39 sdSCLK
pin 42 sdMOSI
pin 43 sdCS
